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Show BUDGET OF tUROPEAN NEWS. S'snlrlxaaea of tha Labor t;aacrau Tht llaruaaallaa Incident Two Waildlag-.. London-, Sept. 12 Although th now unionists held an overwhelming majority iu tiio Trades Union Congress, Con-gress, they used the power with mods eration and discretion in marked con trast with last year's meeting. Social-istio Social-istio to the lasl, the donunci ations of capital were not per; milted to occupy tho attention of the congress, the delegates applying themselves to discussions of an immediately imme-diately practical nature. The democratic character of the con, gross was never more pronounced, though the socialistic views were ob-' trusive. The Durvadiucr ten. of the speeches ahowed an abso lute conviction that labjr will dominate parliament and xoakn the country's laws. The old uniouists displayed the same consciousness of ax mastery of the position as the nevy unionists, though tamer in vindicating their laoor claims and in their predictions predic-tions of victory. The moderates could not prevent the ulti a-democratic sec lion lrom paeting some emtio resoiu tions. 'The proceedings culminated yesterday in a contest between, tho old and new uuion'its over tho election of a parlauioa-tary parlauioa-tary committee. The existing com-i mitteo has a large element of old union-iiU union-iiU and rao,d.Bit8iijitm rstWm ,"x in the constituti ju. Tho cucgress gavd;" tho ultras less power. 'The rumor that the Dardanelles qtig tijn was subsided is untrue. Lord Sal' isltiry is actively taking diplomatic steps. Tho Torto embassador here was summoned to Constantino' pie yesterday to give ai accou'tl of t'-e position. Fx-Graud YUieC Kiamil Pasha centimes a prisoner lit his own house. Tbe Jiritisb minister att, ( onst.tutiuopie, Sir William White, and? the German embassador, Herr Von, Radowit., have made representation to the sultan with a view to the protect tion of liiamil I'asha. The sultan, who. gave au audiouca to Herr Von l'.ado-wit., l'.ado-wit., denied that his designs were, inimical to any European power aud stated, referring to Kiamil, that) there was uo serious; charge against him. A dispatch today frtm Constant tinople suys Kiamil will probably b) -appointed governor of Smyrna. The prrsonel of the Chilean legation, hero will act iu coajttnetion with Acg ustin Ross, the Chilean junta's a gout.' Aug. Matte of Paris, and Cluadio Matta oi Herlm, acting for the junta, have take a temporary charge of the legation in those cities. Senor Godoy, Malmaceda'si late agent, has ceased to act. Ths cruiser Presidente Pinto last nighk ' passed up the river toward Hamburg. Tne pending legal question appears tr). retard the surrender of the vessels to the junta. The prince of Wales is shout the risil S;r Frederick Johnson at Dumfries and Lord Louadale at Lowthur castlo. Roth the latter are noted sportsmen, fond 06 shooting by day and baccarat by ntfcht. In view of this fact, the wr.tchful suspicious sus-picious of the religious classes arax keenly fixed on the prince. The Prince and Princess of Wales and t.fie Duke of Clarence promise to ba present at the wedding of the Karl oR Dudley and Miss Gucinei, which will be a most notable event, attracting that entlte attention of society. The faruousr Dudley diamonds, reset, consisting ot i s.x tiaras aud paruros, will be'dis-' ! p.ayod. I J j S tie marriage of Mr. Tennant, , toother ot .Mrs. Henry M. -jtiuley, to .Miss Bizie Tiitou. a VVashington belle, ,s lixed for December. l'ba queen's health i'"- weak, and the physicians regulate her diet more strict-ly strict-ly than ever. Visitors liud a notable increase iu the queen's aspect of age. |