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Show Ay i . s , i, "C - r' ' '.tp - i VISKW&' . i , ' ' M EWS MONDAY, JANUARY THE DESERET. mow- - f owfc T taImnW nMt4 Ditirtaml. Lsk. Cttr. Pf"T?.S?I PrT. Cjrtkr Urtl" JUlss uDlC. BMUh rrtT. Ml M-- GETTING TOO FAT? TRY THIS REDUCE wba 4e't Tw tM fM M ths Fteopl fortmi woraiM. Bat If W fl4 tht MiG AN t Utss (M LofiA New Thrift bank. my moot. , 67 from Yerdeil Ho also stated that tbo county mu at tfot gnmtli North, fww, rates $se, II to pay for tho proaoat contract for tbo guporstructurs of tho and that an addicourthouse, county OFUTftH EARLY SETTLER - tional $100 099 waa needed for Its completion. Ho maintained that tbo road work and- tho courthouse could not bo arcompUabod without A bond laeue. Mayor John ft. Boyer, Jr of 8prfng-villANSWERS CALL OF DEATH direct taxation spoke a gain n method and In favor of the bond Others speaking In favor of tho bond eloctlos were George W La Baron TJiom.s of Santaquln. William Asher of Leht, Gofe PROVO,. Jan. hia horns In the Seymour Mendenhall of SpringvUle, Peaf died Sunday atfrom Hltf.ss Inci- Preston G Peterson. George Swan. Pro.o Second ward born In Alex Hedquiat and Prof, John C. Swanws dent to old tee. Mr! 1.I'.sy 1SI7. In IMS he son of Provo. Hull, Englana. Jai with came to I tah. crossing the plain t eptaln Feramores Little's ox team b JL Deseret mad pi LOG AM, Jan. Mr. and Mr.L.9-Elkstrom- STAfiDInE COUMIHEES UWAN Jan. S The local Klwanfana held their flret4ltljr luncheon of the year Thursday night and President R O Porter named the - committee, for ISM a follow- - Program, M, C. Merrill. Allen Jacobe. A. it Durham. A,N. Sorenson. eJeeph R. Jenaon; member hip, SI C. Chrtateasen, George Dunbar, Joseph OdslU P E, fetersen. Thomas G, Rowland, E Taft Benson; attendance, A. H Chambers Joseph M. first lived froTo, later ThUmlly KimViwr Anderson. SJ. BW. Benson. L. M. Howell. Pa Fitwin U tah S I Rtverdale, to moving IVlinDerrseeption, Hayward, Welter M JoBea- - Moaes Thatcher. M. C Harris. S. thoy returned to Provo where Mr. Feay serrlces I. has al nee lived. He waa an Indian war house. N, J. Needham; Sawla.-Klwb- e Who-wacejd.ot- -, D. uSrLfrf f tKyy &.id hi -" Hen- Co1'; ,W' day, were held In Rerirs six sona George T. RtiUlam W. Daniel mortuary j of with 5JihopL. . ay A. tld Parity P. Peajrnine i Ki Jw Edsrln Halmroee. , of heleoa the Provo Second werd preL. Peay. Idaho; Provo; Dott Mrs. Merrill. John f- - Pnteyaen, W--. L. J aiding. Tho apeak era were Preeident daughters. Ross AMrs. Tavlor and Biahep A. L. Oullt- - iT111. Inter-rit- y relation, Rey B. TaJC A. GeorgeLou n A rrockett. Joseph Quin- re McDaniel and Mrs. Har- . more of Lindon Appropriate muaicj Mrs. Ath-f'nlderwood waa education. N A Mrs wardlBY fnrniahod the Second Agnes by riet Carter of Itoto. Gertrude Realise, of choir. There waa a large congress-- I Pcdreen. F. L. Weet H A. Merkley, B erly. Faust, Mrs. Emtha D E, Robinson, and tlon nf Thatcher, Jacobsen .relative and publicity, aympathia'ng Vineyard. Mrs. i P. Cardont public alfrlende In attendance Interment waa F- R-- Arnold. Mrs. Ettt Jxcobcca, Randolph: i M Howell R j. Evans ia the Provo city cemeterv. William and 29 fair, " mm grandchildren e w P B Parkinson, T H. Hnnfphefys, H. Mltcholl: buaineag methods, M. H. Fun era! earvicee will be held fn the Woman Smith! William Petersen, Second ward mevtlnrhonac Thursday jHarrta FHende clock. o A 12 I H Jan al Theurer; grUixacex afternoon, Bureau Officer for Year hia BuIIen. The first name in Aa may view- the body at the home ofwear each instance is chairman. dawghtwn- Mrr Ocorgy The News) Center, from 11 to 1J.J0 a clock on the XBHI.V (Special to --The annual ' Jan. election day or the funeral, of officers of the Lehf omens Farm Pioneer of 1852 Die bureau was bold Thorsday-aftemooti - At Hi Home hi school the high auditorium. The new APPBOVAL ISBfilEN TO -- eleo-lio- aia hitchT J.M.xnlTntnntl .Jo. ' xhapel-balord- ?rrBIT I - 'r laki Ia Lopn 11. Jan. Approval of calling of An election "to authortxe th fwr floating of a f I99,bW bond-tavhard surfacing the state highway from paysoa to the Utah county line and eompletloa of the new eourthbuae was voted at a. meeting of representatives of the vartou city govemmenta and commercial dabs of thatawnant the county at a meeting In the central echoof Saturday night, presided over by Judge James B Tucker, president of the Provo Chamber of Commerce Lee R. Taylor, cashier of the State Bank of Payaon offered a motion providing for the raising of funds by direct taxation It was defeated, State Senator J , William Knight a motion for a bond election carrying W. O. Creer of Provo explained that the federal road board had offered to Bay 99 per cent of the coot ef the proposed rood construct ion end urged that the county accept the offer t County Comnjlsaioner James T Gard-he- f aaid the stats road commission had not only refused to pay any more money for etete rood purposes in thiscounty, but had also refused to recommend to the federal road bureau a $6- 21 basis for aid on the proposed road. . j - fTba ning of bronchitis. bora last September. Infant son of died last eveTho child waa ; ( - COMfUMEXT OGDEf HOW. Jan 9 J V. and IX O. Thourer of Providence, well known cattlemen of ihir section recurned-tod- ay fronm Ogdon where they attended the held cattle show. recently They brought with them some blooded stock purchased for the purpose of buildup their herds.' assert the ing show was the beat oneThey of the kind yet held in Utah. ThisButter For Your Table V-- . There is no known plan or process by which it id possible to make butter purer, sweeter, fresher or more palatable than is i Impressive Services Are Held for Mrs. D. C CornU . f Special to The News) BRIGHAM CITY 1 Jan V ImprC-ly- e funeral services for Mrs D. C Comia were held in thoKccond-wa- rd chapel Sunday afternoon. Bishop Kish burn of the Fifth ward presidency A great many relatives and friends came Yrom Idaho and other parts of JA this state to attend the funeral and the ward chapel was filled. The speakers included Lewis 8. rond. Peter H Sorensen. Agnes Burt. 4 Bishop T H Barkburn. John Ramp-toof Bountiful, Frank W Fiehburn Victor L Madiejv X. FrasJt- - Merreil and Bishop Fish bum. Music was furnished by the ward choir by Victor R Madsens v duetwith by Daisy and Sevena Madsen a duet bv Caille L. Kofoed and Morilla L. Kofoed and a duet by R M. Wright and Doris Boothe. The jmrrers were E- - M Tsnn offered by and Leo HansesBshop dediand (he grave cated by S. C. Putnam of Saltvis Lake n y, oe standing ed bv President L. K Whitmore of the ICiWsnis dub of Price. Program L. E Whitmore chairman;; Alva L. Wodvirdd. J. Reeves, Dr j R. M. Jones, Henry RuggerJ, H. L. I Pratt. Attendance Lynn n. Athmerman. chairman, Walter E. Weist. E. M.' Sumner, Dr. Sanford Bellinger James . E. Alley. Reception Dr. Sanford .Ballinger,, L. Orson T. Brooke, Georgs Stephens, H Ammerman, R J. Turner. Lynn . Finance Oliver P. M. Biemach, chairman; H. 8. Roblnett, L. E. Whitmore. C. N. Orr. F. C Hill. Publicity Harry W.. Cooper, chairman Frd Hartin, George L. Stephens, O. H Wilson H L. Pratt. Inter-Cit- y Relations Oliver K ClayT chairman; George MsDermaid. J. H ' KeG Mr lladeeiv JEH BaiHnger, wood Public Affaire J. R. ftharp. chAlr-- I Kelt M. , man; William Littlejohn, Madsen. Eugene 8antchi. C 8. Price, j Thomas C Harvey W J. El I wood. G. H Stevenson R. M. Mertaw. Business Methods A. W. McKinnon,, chairman: Lake Young T. C. Larson, J. F. Johnson, R. J A TurneK chair-- , j Clasaificatihn L. Hills, man' A E. Horsley, Clarence H 8tev- - '' eneon Jr E, M. Sumner, Charles Averllf. Education 1. J. Reeves, chairman: Tr - George Wedexrvtreen. - J r- - Brice- j Forrester Henrv Rurgert. Fred HarI Ft-- E 7 Estes R M.ke Jones chair- Dr Membership McKinnon-La'A.fK. Young, mA. Thoma-Harvev C N. Orr, J. F, Johnson. H 8, Roblnett A j Houses R. T Braffet chairmen; E Horsier Aim L. Woodward. Jo- -; Rosviter D. Stark, seph Oriennrs Dr. F F. Fiek chairman Charles AverllL A. E. Horsley. J. H Wade Joseph gtark. Maid ) liighestQualily Qover -- TableBufter There is no cream purer than we get for this butter. There' .is no more .. perfect apparatus for testing and pasteurizing the cream than what we employ," There are no- more modem or complete creamery plants than those engaged in making Maid o Clover Butter. These are reasons for Its ' general excellence. . . 4 Coal Bin Fire Does. Not Stop School Sessions1 fcTover Hotter, Eggo, jCheese inst. QoalUy Pnaete - PRICE. Jan. f. A fire hss breiT MUTUAL CREAMERY smoldering In the coal pit of the Price public school building for several days com bus-- ! COMPANY . pi st, caused bv spontaneous tion The fumes were first notced traced source to the coal pit the and officer are follows. In LOGAN. Jsn. I . Georg. Washingthe shirk In located President, Mr T F. JCIrkham; ton S2. dtnd st bis home Satof the building, where about 89 tons Brighams New Power Mr. Robert M. AUred secre-tar- urdayLufkin. coal Is stored each year After of from slack ailmenta Incident to old R Mrs. to Start Operation the greater part of the coal had been Taylor treasurer. Mrs Mr. Lufkin was born In Lincoln. Charlotte Evans, clothing project lead! age. removed and the air admitted, it hard community concert orchestra, taking 12 A.ttrong chorus connUting of 4 In Vt. June 10. ha came to er, Mrs Emma Phillips, health proj- Utah and settled in Salt Lske. fSpeclal to The Neva) , Into flames but was quickly brought in all the best musician of the city, voices has been under intensive trainIn ect leaders. Mrs. 8. J. Taylor Mrs he left Bait Lab for the Dixie mission BRIGHAM rrrr. Jan 9 which would make it pohle for Price ing, for seteral wceka Musi Tor tha unde eonrol Just what step wll BHrham Fred Thomas and Mr George V, e c and returned be , be taken to entirely put out the to have a mueicxl organization In UTS. He moved City view whiih occasion wnl be fumined by the orthere will plant man 59 o rloJt on Tuc - is problematical to Loaan in because of the Lfft would rank well- - wuir simllftr organ- chestra of 12 pieces Me Jfary and bad resided here set In motion at A membership drive wilt bg launched former Msvbr John W. peter. rtjit- of geHmg verv cloee to the izations of the state To this end a of the draTnattc art departmentWoTVy He married sincet Martha day Ann by has fhe Immediately. Both oW end new ir.em- - Towneend of Salt Lske there fn 18SS 'wording ta an announcement made humrg slack fnmea and' meeting snd rehearsal was hed in .charge of tne stag- - and Mias Lrlila N C. Simoaen her will be solicited for membership Khe died at Logan. Jan 19 11? In the! the L D amusement j Batchelor a .11 be at a'most unbearable be'n tabernacle smoke by Major Tbo t piano There will be a short commurltv, basement They can be detected in the hall last week and about IS musicians foiloaing take The principal tix children survive John T li I Special courses for project workers II part ia be given at the Utah Agrictiltural kin Idaho FeTa, Idsho Mr j the opera Florence service held at the power p ant before ai- - outside the boildtfis for a block , mere prehont wucjb pfan for the new ! an-r anthe 9 No switch are and Los mere is thrown and effects at to the Cal around ; diKused JantM Barron, i occasion Mis college Logan, rioj January Florenco Angeles organization bristle, Clark, George XS i I i caUad for neat rehear RtcHeg Arrhvr Txpdr Miao Hannah nary 21 The local bureau will send'F. Lufkin Btackfoot, Idaho Mrs. A. vill be trade an event of eommurmr tic pated from thw fre a the buildTn and the smoke W M. Taylor and A SchoflebL Miss Mae as delegates, Mrs T F. kirkbafn Mrs S Phippen, end Mrs Jane Hailstone (importance in pivwtt evening Sidwe)lv Roy Ost-moveU99 most and f"me for the Hood TepreaentsThe expenditure of $2fto Hober Lunt, Ionald Chase and Tons part fnd ther Burgener are in charge of the Taylor and Mrs Herbert Taylor. Logu Mre-Frk MrCune. out through the furnace chimney ment for the present. Merrill wtli attend as coun- Piver. Ore A great many grandchil- and is. equipped to generate the wi dren and , Each School is going on uninteruptedlv. also suryear tuc school puts on some ty officer. FreFMFNfe BALL DATE SET. vive. The cause of the fire is given a high class opera and without exception Mr Lufkin wa v member of Lot one cf the remote results of the cloudtbfrv are very successful. This blrth-dy s Jan Richfield PRIGE, Washington 8Trith' army at Echo canyon an4 also Legion Post there will be no importation of year Last Respects Paid burst and Good whbh occurred here peoFa h has been announced by ple an Irtdtan war veteran , At that time a larra quanfall to play the Reading characters. last as ho Elects Price the Fire department been i Officers, for Year tify of slarl?1 coal had already To Parley P. Platts Funeral service will he held Tuts-da- v artheir annua! hall and at t o'clock in RICHFIELD. Jan t stored In the cpal pit of the cbool the date for have afternoon, Jsn WOODVKN ITALU been made for the Colby iths Eleventh ward chapek with Bishop nd vii thoronyblv snaked by Jns,n (Special to The News) thej' rangements use of City haii. Am.rlcan et Lotion 'ted tho mud covered In with J poat. Thomas - BLACKFOGT, Ida,. Jaa, 8. Installaand flood water R, charge. BOUNTIFUL. Jan 9 Funeral servofficers si ii. annnat mooting' Subsequently fso more cars of coat tion of offuers and on add re a by Dlst. A ices were held Friday in.tha West Ham fommindtr. Vndc,rlff were piled fn or top of this and snce Nephi High School raer Peterson, flrrrt ic Bountiful chapel for Parley p Platts, Manager HH. Watkins featured 4h ha comisnder. fire the developed time that 8 W. with Bishop William Wlnegar In charge Andreseon, second vice com-- i combustion. To Present Opera meeting of the local lodge. Woodmen . mender, T D Martin, adjutant and through spontaneous The Invocation and of the World, on Wednesday evening. finance officer, Chester Christen-- I ,post by Isaao Hatch and Andrew Smith resSpecial to Tha News ) Officers kietalled ware as follows Consen, H- - A Christensen end J. A. Musicians of Price Mar pectively Music was furnished by the 9 ICarron. SnPPHL music executive The Jan. committee departwest Bountiful choir and a solo waa sul commander, X. IK Bellamy;'-visor f New cluhrooms for post fasedonar- - Farm Community Orchestra ment of the The rendered by Nephl Hepworth Nephi high school, under lieutenant, L. R Clegg, clerk, have been procured in the ComH F Ted spsskers were Dr. Bryant fttnnghara K. escort, Tolmie. J Bird, Prof of Hsaslng the directtn mercial Bank building and are being to The News) and Joseph C. Wood At the Bountiful ; andiamu E. M. Lucy A Hill against William M fitted rnu4c euprHor, vPl present tho switchman, J E. Kelley; banker.Yonder-wooin a comfortable manner A movement lias PRICE Jan- d. at tho Ketchum managers, H W. cemetery the grave was dedicated by Howell as administrator of the estate Thev up this of Japanese opera "O Hart San musicians with on foot equipped been among reading Holbrook. . Ira E. Harris, C. F. Smith. Charles of Joseph Howell, deceased, were dls- - material and amusement features. Jan. theatre evening. mice Thursday a to months several organist city for n PROVO, -- LOOAN, a, - r ths courf for the past throe days. IWAW DIE. " 1922 Standing Committees . Named by Kiwanians s4 Cbfi4ra Far CSpeclal to The Nvl) Jan. 9 The following Use Fer Over SO Years. PRICE; committees have been select- u4 rL 9 GASTORIA Iaiut C fat eesumutauag or already cambereeme, rteaM y os will bo wtso to follow Ibis atisgaattoa. bKislw Carrier PrMrary which Is oooroe4 by thomead of people Oo bo nyarbd Carrier for Mermoie who know. Aofc your Tbo Brant Nows, laM paraaot PraoartptloB Tabtet sod foiAow direction. I aba f City. Ow. world over. Oso dollar la tbo prio the Vial HarabaB, Reporter. t boa from your owa frufflit or price direct to Marmoi O., Mil Woodward Detroit. Mick By doing this you will Ar. bo mo from Harmful drugs and bo obit to The Deem Sew Thrift burin may missed in district court ftaiurday withreduce steadily end easily. without eterva-(tupon motion of the plainbe wewed J. I4 Jobaaoa, 1ocb out prejudice, flat or ttroooao oaorotoa, Ad oruoo Uoteb tiff, after having occupied tho tima of lTtab. " 4rflt F fer mi Plant 1J fi-- hydro-electri- 1i 1 rs j te 5 Luf-wl- , -- fire-pro- er maxi-cree- ed 9' trs dia-trf- et M .. fT 9 1 t" i , t , i V a.- If 1 iI : it i - t We take this occasion to extend to you our best wishes for the New Year, and thank you for business placed with us in 1921. -- i The Omaha Market by reason of its central location in 8plendiditransportationfacilities---alldirection- s modern yards numerous packing houses as: well as ample feeder ers meikes it the most val uable meirket for Western - ' the Corn belt equippedstock" , and order . buy- - Shippersr . Iowa and Nebraska .with their big corn crops want your feeders fciil to ship to Omaha, their nearest market. Dont i |