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Show Jv THE DESKJET NE Commander of American Legion Was Soldier As Well As Sailor Trades Auto For Moonshine; Sues For The Whisky u Tha Ns TWIN KAI.1A. Idaho, a ) 14 tx-l- , VS F. W. Galbraith, Jr., Who Won War Honors as Colonel of 147th Infantry, Started Life as Sailor on Por-ta- r Harrison rlaltna lo hava trartad an automobile radtar for ala gallons of aaatarn 'moonshine'1 ahlak). lla aaa ha reraivad hut ona gallon and Inal out on tha other flva. lla eeeka return of hie car. ho Harrlron l a local chauffeur tea bean conalderably under police ecrutlny for aotna time. Ha.ently at the trial of Oliver Jonaa In tha probata court, 'where ha wai lha gtatea he teatlflad ha had traded tha car lo Jonea for ala J.iga of "inoonr1' lua lliiuor. Tha deal aik made In a poolroom and tha car delivered at a place In tha eaatarn part of loan where the atuff wai cached Her-- i .aon admlla hr carried one gallon of the liquor away and dlepoeed of It and Men returned fer tha reel. Tha cache, lie declarer, had been disturbed and the ntln- - five gallon stolen. Ilarrlenn appealed lo (he authorities or aoaletance In receiving the car he had traded. Jonea waa arreeted and tried on h charge of Illegal poeeeealon of contraband liquor. American Sailing Ships. ervke By International News Ohio., uct. 14 Not CINCINNATI, many men in tha American Iegion ran boast of having been Both a sol dier and a sailor, but both of these - wit-o,aa- careen, professions or occupations will, ate written In the recW. Galbraith, Jr., of this national commander of the It waa not, how legion. a gob that Mr. Galbraith adventured on the deep, but aa an what you ord of F. city, now American er. as n apprentice cotasim, third mate and finally second mate aboard Arnerb an ealling ships after his graduation from the Nautical Training school. Huston. ..Mass , In the class of 183 More then a score of years later whom the World War came Mr. Galbraith went into ft from the land angle ami ss colonel of the One Hundred ami Forty seventh Infantry won tha Service Gross, the t'rotx de Guerre G t i a h was ununlMioudv de Guerre and frotx elected e with palm for heroism Ip the hia When tment commander. offensive In which he was drptn conv as elected at the jsst Mirt fMioi' He took part also in the wounded Ge of past department In tho vention the St Mlhlel drive and served Omoha World-Heral- d commander was conferred upon Mr sectors. Baccarat and Yprra-Lytliaf and Galbraith In Watertown Arsenal. Maas.. he should be a il was provided Printers On Strike Ion porn delegate lo all future .Way 8, 1894. Mr. Galbraith attended imerhan of the Legion In school grammar SprlngfeM. conventions "The last year Mr. Mass., before going to the nautical of Ohio. inLuring; illy AfteHociMted I'reas. to h:s duties addition Galbraith, 1898 he In gave up a No served 14. The tMrntha training rchool. (MAMA, Neb., department commander. the sea. to enter business as following execunrfGonai a of the as member World-Heralwan an evening paper, beand on removing to t'incinnati committee from Ohio ami as a came treasurer of the Western Paper tive handicapped today after about 20 Goods member of the publication committee h whu of that city, company, union printer quit work. Liaat.fifat he has held since IJhR, lie of the American legion Wfkl. tion over failure of arbitrators to re- position waa commissioned major In the First t Ohio National Guard In 1918. Work port an agreement on a new wags scale Infantry. same to Engineers Begin and tho year was pending for some time Is said to have (colonel. In January, 191?.promoted he waa as- On Tunnel Connecting taueed tha walkout. The dav mn signed to command the One Hundred h ask an Increase of 91 and the night and Infantry at Cjunp . York and Jersey City New com-In men 11.50. They have been getting 7 Sheridan. Ala., and remained Only Fresh Roasted and Vacuum Packed Coffee in Utah the war. ,eAlnand throughout I Sell by all Btrrktata. of work and day eight hour, StEt. ronventlon of the -- Construction 2. th, NEW YORK. Oct. for night wor. American I.erlon held In Ohio, Mr. of a vehicular tunnel under the e Hudson river between New York and SALT LAKE CITY, I'TAH. Manufacturers and Impsrlers, Jersey City atarts today with the one. of for of the ground breaking tube's big nirshafts. Stale, bounty BOITON Cl'BB. many visitors but as things turned out and municipal officials from both lines there are expected to slow hair. and faultlessly manicured fingerhe wanted to- see none. - She had down the movement of the vehicular nails. to particiShe would have been quite rather state have been Invited R. Harold fimoot A Co. furnish the looked forward to the dally Our Service Department will prove of quotations racolvod ever their pate in the ceremonies in Manhattan queuesmiserable' without these and a few visits for the young doctor, but now followingwire: carof to rid Ventilation the tunnel this r.fternoon. privets real benefit to you in making investigations bon monoxde gases fro mautomohile other aids to nature in tha way of ah. wanted to draw the sheet, over her Engineers expect to complete the exhausts white those almost and ahe hated head four" be eyewill furnished and and by rouge, lipsticks and studying the relative merits of Investpowdor structure by 1924. The coat, estimatlarge shafts and also by an air duet brow pencils, not lavishly laid on but rapped nurse who o firmly and g.n ed at $29,0u0,000 is to be borne equalments. brushed out her hair and washed an exhaust under and the roadway Shore works, ly by the two states. effective-worwith- tly her face each morning. Smoky vehicles circulate tls- - Just enough to do This house has organized a including shafts ar.d approaches, will shove. In closed places but out making themselves obvious. But that Is one of the things' that require 18 months to construct, after onous gas freely investment department, the aim of must expect when you go to the So Just before ehe went to the hoswhich actual work of boring under chemists working on the tunnelat venyou the tilation system estimate that which is to establish between our clients and Remember that you are the river Is to begin. a little operation she visited hospital. for pital will here highest point of saturation there for but one. purpose, to be made Continued congestion at the ferries he ourselves a helpful relationand dresser Sl-the monox2 hair of parlor. beauty carbon parts between New York and New Jersey,,,ide only well; and you are showing your own to 0'7")of) parts of air in he tut Put you know how It' is in h' jUltals. footlshnesa when you object to any of ship. prompts the belief of tunnel engi-- ! 11 to the 10,000 of gas requires parts neers that 5,600,000 motor and horse- That faultlessly marcelled hair was the regulations that are obviously Present offerings of high grade securirt" h,V toured, to give a for the purpose ot helping you to drawn conveyances will use the tube man parted right through the middle, and made a headache. ties present unequalled opportunities for safe in 1924, with traffic showing a steady better get speedily. Tou can really two straight braids were made on have a rather Interesting time In a hosincrease, reaching an annual figuie investment for both large and small inProtests were In vain. pital aa Intreattng as you could either side. of vehicles' "by 1948. Tolls! 22,000,000 vestors. have when you are 111 If only based on the ferry rates will be levied There was a ruthless disregard of the and cheerefully to for 20 years to pay for the tube, and j you Our counsel and facilities are open to yield and rouge carefully placed powder the rules ofwillingly institution and the dithen it would be free for the use the cold rubbed the when cream advanthey you if you are interested in taking cf alL around the mouth and nose by way of rection of your doctor. Four driveways, two in each ditage of these opportunities.. Call and talk Wiat Render. Ask. for the anaesthetic. preparing Bay Staid Levies rection will be provided. A sidewalk, Ho this young woman who was "Is it had form to use the word over investments with us there will be no two feet In width, also is planned. T Half Cent Assessment usually so amiable and gentle stormed phne for telephone In conversation The tunnel, comprising twin cast-iro- n By Mary" Marshall Deffee obligation whatever. The abbreviation '"phone for teleand protested. How could she possitubes each with an external diof half a sent p? An assessment In hosthat bly spend days and daya phone la not In the best usage. It la ameter of 29 feet, will be six Jteet hat been levied on tho outstandwould be de- less used now by careful people than harestock ahe that HOSPITAL knowing MANNERS. pital of tbo va nia railroad widen than the Pennsj Bay State Mining cora-an- y. ing nied all these little artifices that she it was a few year ago. The eeaeeement Is delinquent tubes under the Hudson East rivers. " g) was a woman never v c 4-- t m e who young to so ,Sha her McClur. much I 4ov. knew aided and sale day baa been set for good (Copyright, 1920, by the Traffic blockades, now common on Nov. It. to receive Newspaper Syndicate) 38 "We Second So nth Street- - Waoatck 4JJ ferries, would be precluded by pro- appeared without perfectly marcelled looks? Hhe had planned each end of the tube viding SALT LAKE CITY equipped trucks to take stalled automobiles in tow. Three driveways in each direction will be furnished on iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiiniiiiiiiiiHv. the approaohos, be clause blight in- Meuse-Aigonn- a it. Prize Winners at State Fair CAPITOL COFFEE Forty-sevent- 17-5- Tea & Coffee Co. Davidson-Lak- YoullLikeThisInvestmentService - well-balanc- ed poo-sib- ly The Right Thing At the Right Time EJDE InSmith & Sons 1 it . derrick-- What Owners Think Comments made by to a prospective customers inquiries: Utilitor-user- s I am glad. to have a chance to tell how I like the Utilitor. It will do anything that one horse can do and go anywhere a man can fol12 discs on my disc harrow carrying land so that once over made it ready to be smoothed with an eight-foweeder,' which it pulled with ease. . .' . There is practically no F. D. Canham, Raynham, limit to the usefulness of the Utilitor. Mass. I have plowed in heavy sod which had not been broken for five years and have used the Usc harrow with very satisfactory results. It uses about two gallons of gas per day .of pix hours and is spendid such crops as cabbageT toinatoes Atrawberries, etc M. W. Hime, Wash-- , After my man began to learn to control the machine over the stones and rocks he had po difficulty in plowing two or three times as much ground in a day as we could do by horses. A. C. Vanderoool. Co., 18 Broadway, New York City. low. It has pulled a two-hor- se ot for-cultivati- ng r Due to such views, shared by thousands of users, the Utilitor is facing a demand that cannot be filled. To increase production at once, the Midwest Engine Com pany has issued new Preferred Stock, which we consider attractive to investors. The common stock offers an opportunity to share in the profits of a great and growing industry. SW. 0f Common Stock! $210 per Block cncvua oi MQnir VAN RIPER, DAY & CO. Palmer Bond & Mortgage Co OB. .. InvMtment Buikert Cooper Btnkfiaf, Denver Tb iafarmati. bare. Hiii v M WIker Bank BollJutf Salt Lake City in gaarsebwg by M, It J r Vn; i, 'v rtf Cumulative Preferred (2 Share of 8 Pncejj smtcm btlw- -t nlitblt - f jr .Ntfif , tI Je C. Olson put. Distributing Co. Chy nl Crwtf sh Lab. & Hemenwaylt tab put. aua Co. Moer ra4 CHt CwMrl . |