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Show fh. A Nephi Chamber of Check All the Ads Commerce for Money Saving Merchandising Event Items You Need Our Deadlines , . . Tuesday noon Tuesday noon Photographs News articles, Items . . Tuesday, 3 p.m. We reserve the right to take emergency Items, hospital list, etc. at a later time without affecting deadlines above. Advertising Single Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, July 29, 1971 Volume 62, Number 30 Dates Set for Annual Juab Selective Service Officials Clarify Present Situation County Fair Selective Dates for the 1971 Juab County Fair have been set for September 2 and 3. Judging will be done on August 31, September 1 and 2. At a recent meeting, J. E. WorthingPresident-Manage- r ton was of the Fair. Dale Worwood and Almina Kay were elected vice pesidents, and Marba Stuart is secretary. Directors on the Fair Board are Allan Tolley, Vera M. Christensen, Dona C. Jones, James P. Christensen, Lilly Erickson, Iona Ryan, William C. Stowell, Tolley and Hugh Sperry. Richard Foote is County Commissioner in charge of the fair this year. In addition, there are many department workers who help to make the fair a success. Fair workers in each department urge all residents of the county to plan to exhibit their produce and workmanship at the fair. The fair is for everyone and Partners Enjoy Steak Fry in Canyon Nephi Lions and partners enjoyed a steak fry at Bear Canyon last week, with Don Olsen, president, presidmg at ' the meeting. The committee in charge was headed by Boyd Howarth, vice pres-- j ident. July activity reports included a resume of the Stampede Parade by Jim Cook and Blaine Belliston; the Stampede boklet project by Richard Bean; the breakfast project by Ivol White and C. C. Cowan, and work on the Little League dugout by Duane Seprry. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brough. Mrs. Brough and Norhma Sherwood presented musical selections. NOTICE Because of time and space limitations, it has become necessary to omit several items from this issue. We regret this situation, and all Itmes missed will be carried next Issue. GO Mildred Taylor Olpin Services Friday For Mrs. Olpin Funeral services will be held Friday 1 p.m. at the Pleasant View First Ward, 650 East Stadium Avenue, Provo for Mrs. Mildred Taylor Olpin, 53, wife of Daryl L. Olpin. Mrs. Olpin died at the Utah Valley Hospital at Provo July at 27 of Multiple Myloma. Friends may call at the chapel one hour prior to services. , " Mrs. Olpiii was bom at Levan, daught-e- r of Hugh and Anne' Elizabeth Taylor. She graduated from Juab High School and attended the Brigham Young University. She was married to Daryl L. Olpin August 25, 1937 at the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of litter-day Saints. Mr. and Mrs. Olpin resided at McGill Nevada until 1948 when She served in they moved to Provo. various positions of the Relief Society and Primary, and was an active member of the Provo Ladies of Elks. Survivors are her husband, Provo; one daughter, Mrs. John A. (Sherry Lynne) Thompson Jr., Sait Lake City; two grandsons, Salt Lake City, and her father, Hugh Taylor of Provo. Burial at the Provo City Cemetery will be directed by Anderson Funeral Home of Nephi. Edwin Brown Services Held Q Funeral services were held in Salt Lake City Tuesday for Edwin L. Brown, 84, brother of Mrs. J. L. (Alberta) Belliston of Nephi. Mr. Brown died at a Salt Lake City hospital July 23. Relatives and friends of Nephi attended the services. POO Mother of Nephi Lady Dies Services were conducted Tuesday at Tooele for Mrs. Ila Warner Gibson, 67, former resident of Mona, and mother of Mrs. Eric (Edith) Jarrett of Nephi. Mrs. Gibson was wife of William Gibson. Burial was at Mona Cemetery. Army Private Gary W. Reed Service Men's News FT. LEONARD WOOD, MO. (AHTNC) Army Private Gary W. Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Waldon Reed of Nephi, Utah has recently completed eight weeks of basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. He received instruction In drill and ceremonies, weapons, map readings, com- bat tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and army history and traditions Club has been The Aristrocrats busy with their seven meetings. The club has taken textile painting as a project Officers are: President and reporter Nan S, and Arlene Carter, secretay. Sheryl Belliston is leader. 4-- LL Thomas Earl Andrews recently returned from Cam Ranh Bay In Vietnam where he has been executive officer of communications for the navy for one year. While there he was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. He also taught English to Vietnam children. RMSM Raymond Truscott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Val Truscott, is home on a two-week- s leave. He is stationed with the USS Humbley at South Carolina, and following his leave will be assigned to Guam, Service Local Board No. 12 for Juab County has advised that the current Congressional impasse over extending the induction authority has created great uncertainly among draft-ag- e Jo-A- Nephi Lions 10c Copy.. T men. Selective Service Director Curtis TaiT has recently stressed the importance of men the high explaining to draft-ag- e probability that draft calls will resume in the near future and that the current impasse in the Congress is not likely to affect any registrants chance of being drafted. Local boards have been specifically instructed to continue to register and classify men, and to order for preinduction physical examination those young men who may be needed to fill draft calls in the coming months. Men with lottery numbers through 125 were eligible for induction in June in order to fill draft calls. Since then, the Defense Department has asked Selective Service tc draft 16,000 men in July and August. This request is being held by Selective Service headquarters pending final Congressional action on the draft bill which is expeoted within several weeks. Those young men with relatively low lottery numbers who are eligible for induction this year, particularly those with numbers below 175 the current preinduction examination ceiling have a very good chance of being processed after draft calls are restored. Many young men seem to think the Selective Service Act has permanently expired and they will probably never be drafted. Some of them also think the entire system has stopped; it is only the induction authority that has expired. They, therefore, may be unintentionally breaking the law by failing to register Joe Christensen, vice president of the East Juab Little League presents Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bosh and sons Michael and Kelly of Kearns were visitors on July 24 at the home of his mother, Mrs. Hazel Bosh. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Wright and family of Roy, Mr- - and Mrs. Cliff Pay and fam. ily of Woods Cross, and Mrs. Verna Wright spent the July 24th week end on the Sanpete mountains, visiting with Mrs. Wrights brother, Lamar Johnson, at his sheep camp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and daughter Fay spent Friday at Orem visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and family. On Saturday, they visited at Mantl with Mrs. Williams brothers and sisters in law, Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Sorenson and Mr. and Mrs. Vanar Sorensen. Miss Joan Williams of Mills Is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Mrs. Fonda Earl received word Tuesday that her daughter, Donna Hannon of Los Vegas, is now out of the intensive cars division and is improving. The successful area Little League tournament ended Wednesday evening when the Dugway All Stars defeated the Juab All Stars for the championship in a tight game. In Juabs opening game on Tuesday, Steve Newton of Mona pitched shut-oball over the Southeast team from Salt Lake City, Juab winning The game was highlighted by a home-ruby Scott Greenhalgh. Scores were: Dugway, 6, Rosecrest 4; Southeast 7, Fillmore 2; Rosecrest 13, Fillmore 3; Juab 7, Southeast 0; Southeast 4, Rosecrest 2; Dugway 6, Juab 4. 6-- 4 7-- 0, n Kiwanlans pause from labors on one of the dugouts, preparatory for tournament Left to right: Frank Pew, Andy Johnson, Lynn Brough, Eugene 18, Beck, Sheryl Ferre, Kirk Wright at back, Alton S. Gadd. Lions Club Photo by repaired other dugout Daryl Gibson. Little League Football Signup s. Services Held for Local boards are continuing to consider hardship, CO, and student deferments, and to take other classification actions. Young men who had planned to request deferments or exemptions are encouraged to do so. The expiration of the induction authority does not affect Weather Report NEPHI STATION Date July July July July July July July July Geraldine Rosquist Funeral services were Levan ducted Monday at the Levan LDS Ward chapel for Mrs. Geraldine Christensen Rosquist, 47, wife of Peter Dean Rosquist of Levan. Mrs. Rosquist died at the Juab County Hospital July 21 of natural causes. Mrs. Rosquist was bom February 24, 1924 at Chester, to Roy and Evon Starry Christensen. She was married to Peter Deon Rosquist June 14, 1941 at con- the respnsibillty of load boards to classify young men. Young men are encouraged to contact their local board if they have any questions regarding their status. Local Board No. 12 Is located in the Juab County Courthouse. I Juab Hospital Patient List Patients at the Juab County Hospital as of Wednesday morning included: Marvin Brooks Jr., Alta M. Brough, H. C. Crane, Lynn Ingram, Aria McPherson, Louise Ockey and Sarah Ann Reid, all of Nephi; Dulcie Francom, Ephraim. Mrs. Rosquist was an employee of Rays Cafe in Nephi for 15 years. She was a member of the Civ-icett-es Club of Levan, Ethel Jacaway, Springfield, Illinois and Rodney L. Ross, Payson. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley spent Monday in Springville with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowles and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams received word recently that the! son, Leon Williams, was sustained as a counselor in the Bishopric at a Granger ward. Week end visitors atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkey were Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Wilkey of Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luther DeFord of Salt Lake City, and Mr mid Mrs. Ronald Sperry and family of Midvale. Mrs. Eva Tuttle had as her guests for 10 days, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sperry and daughters Sylvia, Debbie and Vickie Lynn of Norwalk, California. They returned to their home on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Von Andreasen and daughter Stephanie f Bountiful also were visitors at the Tuttle home one day during the week. Mrs. Beth Mitchell of Salt Lake City is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Frank Warner. Sharon Aston, returned with them for week's visit Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner spent Pioneer Day in Bountiful visiting with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vaughan. return to hearing aid mond Blackett or phone LOST Ray- 623-005- 7 i ? Low 58 57 55 54 63 56 55 Prec. 83 .02 .05 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 .00 .82 .00 .00 .00 .12 .02 .00 Visitors over Pioneer Day week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorbe were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sorbe, Paul and Karla; Mrs. Clara Ann Paulsen and daughter Cindy, all of Salt Lake Other City; Mrs. Eva Gustin, Ogden. members of the family enjoying the supper at the park Saturday were Mrs. Glenda Wilson and family, and Mrs. Katherine Brazieal and daughter Mimi. Out of town relatives who attended funeral services for Geraldine Rosquist were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Christensen and Ronnie of Ashton, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christensen, Murtaugh, Idaho; Mrs. Evon Stony, Murtaugh, Idaho; Ada Hansen, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Theodora Christensen, Ogden, George Keisel, Ephraim, Melva Anderson, Ephraim, Ruth Beach, Castle Dale. Nephi News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott spent Sunday in Provo where they visited with Mr and Mrs. Keith Aston. They also visited in Salt Lake City with M. and Mrs. David Rice. Their granddaughter, LEVAN STATION Date High 87 July 21 81 22 July 85 July 23 89 July 24 91 25 July 90 July 26 89 July 27 High 87 85 Mrs. Oneta Wade and children of Bountiful visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt Bendixen last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bendixen returned with them to Bountiful for a week end visit and had served as dance and sports director in the Levan Ward MIA. Surviving are her husband of Levan; sons and daughters: Buddy Dean and Von Dee Lee, Levan; Gerald LeRoy, Salina; Dale James, with the U. S. Navy, California; Fred Lynn and Cary Leon, both of Ephraim; LaDaun Olivia Rosquist and Sandra Evon R. Anderson, both of Ephraim; seven grandchildren. Also surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christensen, Murtaugh, Idaho; brothers and sister Wallace Christensen, Murtaugh, Idaho; Ronald Christensen, Ashton, Idaho, Mrs. LaVaun Sherwood, Levan; grandmother, Sona Christensen, Roy, Utah. Also surviving are a half brother and two half sisters: Keith Christensen, Wendell, Idaho, Mary Eula Thomas, California and Carla Jean Campbell, Cummings, Murtaugh, Idaho. Burinal at Levan cemetery was directed by Anderson Funeral Home of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Robinson are parents of a daughter bom July 8, 1971. Grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Teerlink of Mona and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson of Nephi. Prec. 86 92 93 82 93 Low 59 57 .57 55 65 58 57 45 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Levan Area News Levan, Nephi Local, Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chappell (Vera) and children of San Diego are visiting this week with her brother In law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sperry; and also with Mrs. Chappells mother, Ms. Nellie V. Jensen. son and unidentified player following flag ceremony. Photos: Daryl Gibson Tourney Held by not keeping the draft boards informed of their current address, or by failing to report, if ordered, for their preinduction physical examin-tlonat age pins to Rod Pickering and Drew McPherson. Right: Mark Jack- All-Sta- . Keith Bendixen was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt Bendixen last week. Young men in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades are invited to sign up for Little League football. Those desiring to play, whether they played last year or not, must sign up with Frank Pew at Painter Motor Co. prior to August 7 Mona Area News Mrs. Warren Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Summers and family returned to their homes recently after a trip to Arizona where they visited Douglas, with Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Newton. They also visited at Los Angeles with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris, and enjoyed touring Disneyland. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanley Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Milton G. Thackery of Salt Lake City, Mrs A. M. Ross, Mrs. Maurine Helm and daughter Mauree of Midvale; Mrs. John Howard, Daryl Stanley and daughter Barbara of Orem, Mrs. Don Yates and children, Lamar and Kevin Stanley of Mon. The occasion was Mrs. Stanleys birthday anniversary. Visitors at the Stanley home on Pioneer Day were Mr. and Mrs. Thays E. SEtanley and son Jimmy of Santaquin, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Stanley and family of Orem, Neldon Stanley and children of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Stanley of Riverton, Rory and Tyler Nielsen of Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strain (Brenda) and son Bryan of Tooele were week end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Oliver entertained at a dinner Sunday their son David on his fifth honoring anbirthday niversary. Guests were Mr. adn Mrs. Harrison Oliver of Mona, Mr. and Mrs Don Gadd, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, all of Ne phi; Mr. and Mrs. Richard and children Sean and Mathew, Dalby Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson have as their guest this week, hmer sister in law, Mrs. Winslow Cheney of Gillman, New Hampshire. On Tuesday, J. A. Chen-e- y of Bountiful was a dinner guest at the Ellertson home. Bond sales in Juab County amounted to $7,776 for the month of June, bringing the years total sales to $51,486 County Volunteer Chairman Kenneth Nyman said today. This is SOB per cent of the years goal, he reported. "U. S. Savings ' Total sales thus far, statewide, are $14,092,051, or 51.4 per cent of the 1971 quota. Visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren A. Keyte were Mr. and Mra. J. P. Hansen of Salt Lake City, and Mra Lola Ferguson of Central, Ari? Mr. and Mra. Milton Neilsen and fam-D- y enjoyed a weeks vacation trip to Cardston, Canada. While there thev visited with relatives. |