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Show BY EVENING NEWS. Jfi , 0119 ('-- with POitag monlha. Bis THE D SERET TV SEMI-WEEKL- .... tlOUBO 6. Ms "m1,ca 4 Al'MDBT BLUE, LIQUID LEXfOX RUCAB,JAQIEV i AT. TBB. AD DAIST ATWOODS WA t TV'-slat- O DESERET cn:ty, ouo year, NEWS Postage r-lt- h it mouths, three mouths, Durant, Jaques & Atwood, : Nils The I. u. Bum w. 1 i:ucuj, 4 sm and jTfr Vhr, Hy- - torea, boa Curt. oraats, t.to. Middle-towOodii. Braocti Warebouaos; K and 87 A I VAICCE. n, jJohn187St., New York aod Lake St.. Chi- - crgo, Jm Pbiiiik Qffict BUenor ttcilitw fnr the execution s Of All KiuUs of Book and Job Works I1L etl medal awarded them by the Universal Vpwittlon at Parte. France, In J867; jVlenna, !n .Ifl la 1879; also at Farij lu 1K8. "Uadelpbia Chas. Emmerich SS.V2S7 Near Bridge, Z! . tfllCagO. ... ur tSf-Oroods are kept by ail Leading- Bouaea id Ittf Territory. diy ' - JAiVlH TRADE, & Token Myers MAHCrACTURRRS Co, OF THE lu seh, Cqumebce. Giro, Sua u. jASD OTHER BBAKD6 OF tTO DAOQ O. Cm tale -- ?ag ty g.C.M. I. and Brattch Store, dly KEITH BARSTOW & VVHITELAW, Norti fecool ST. LOUIS, MO., Street, . 1 WIS. CUUH3 1 PMIt EAYAL BROTHERS, MAWrFACTURnW AKD JOBBERS OF Hats, Caps, PUBS, i 617 Co., H. m , T EC 33 rV.'.aL. Madlooa 8U. IP 33 ; felt. & Wboiesaie Dealer Exclusively in i Printing. PAPEK HDLIH6 noOK-tllXDIX- .ST, AJTD STRAW GOODS, :BAYT. GB8CS STEBES. a LASS. Manufiutinrs of Vftrnlxhrf. GOODS, ETC Sadlsoa Street, GOODS, 2S9, T, M.RTJMSEY & CO., and JoLlcrs of M.ii:i.;ictm-or- . FIRE ENGINES, I I ! ml Ixtul. flmn Pipe. lml , 1'lnwlMn' iind Klram I'lttrn' Ktt Itelt I iMj. !! 1'iU'k Inc.nf. YOI11X TBADE.! 21X217 'Fence Wpe, Larked Wire, Fc?ic- -' f'tff Fit:, FAc. & CO BENEDICT, HALL BOOOTS AGRICULTURAL" IMPLEMENT " Koa. &s ad Comer 134 138 ' j 10 i Senate went into committee on ' the J4siss f the sterm. river and harbor bill 15 to 29. 'has been ralniner heavily and It Pendleton, Anthony and Bayard the water is evaded. . The were made a committee on maugu streets are Infamine a lamentable and dis ratio.). graceful condition.. Sidewalks are The legislative appropriation bill flooded the whole width, water was rei errea. rrorn accumulated snow in Some private pension bills were racKing the road ways, and all erodings are or water. A back-watuown The postal appropriation bill was ponas town flooded cellars and basements. laaen up. Tne aggregate appropria- Many leaden pipes are bursting on tion made is $42,500,000 or $128,000 roofs, ' rendering pedestrianism un under the estimates, and $2,000,000 comfortable. Pilots could not see aDove toe last fiscal year. half a boat's length.,. The streets Wallace said the department was near the ferries were hopelessly becoming blocked rapidly vehicles, waiting to since 1877, when the deficiency was cross. ". : by ". .. to A dense $7,000,000 short. It had fallen fog and heavy ice oti the ' : - - Sound. With difllcultr large boats $100,000 this year. Puah moved an amendment for reach the city. There is some dan $1,000,000 to establish lines of Amer ger to the pier at Long Branch, lt ican iron steamers. Kuled out. The storm extended over i the Maxey appealed, but without ac- ' greater portion of the State. Freshtion the Senate adjourned. ets carried away bridges In Duchess County. The culvert on the Pongh-keepiHOUSE. Hartford and .Boston Railroad was earried away and travel Int10. The morning Washington, , hour was dispensed with and the errupted.-":"'-1. Fears are entertained of a disascall of States begun. A number of trous ice at the Delaware waprivate bills were disposed of. was ter gap. gorge Houses in the suburbs of bill harbor The river and : . - Klmira are much- damaged by tlie taken up. of ereeks.i- - At FrederReagan instanced France, which, overflowing are fears of a great there icksburg smallwith a territory considerably r i ; er than Texasrgave $10,000,000 a freshet. Small Tox.:" year to improve her rivers and har-- '.j. t s bors. Here was a country retch A map has been prepared, dotted In sr from ocean to ocean, with 50,- - to show the places in which cases of 000,000 of population, with larger re- small-po- x have been discovered lie- sources springing from fields, forests tween January 1st and Feb. 5th. and mines, than any other country l'.iglity-sl- x cases are reported in that under the sun; yet the American time; 27 were concentrated upon a Congress was haggling over $10,000,- - fewj acres of ground enclosed by 000 1 )T tlie improvement of water l ean, Park, Chatham and Canal transportation, while the owners of Streets, and the Boweryi built up railroads, as a matter of private en- wnn tan, wretcnea tenements, and terprise, were giving $100,000,000 including the whole of old Five Points. The other 59 cases are dis simply for repairs. The and ungenerous flings at the com tributed over Manhattan Inland. In mittee on commerce for aiscnargmg two houses in a block betweenUrand. its duty to the country, were be- Crosby, Elm and Broome Streets, neath contempt. Cox had meant there were five cases. In a house in to make a fling at himpersonally.He East Forty-sixt- h Street, three; and could generally afford to let the gen as many in a tonement in (East Six tleman's darts fall harmless from ty sixth St. Two cases were found the shield which . he could never in the annexed district, and one in penetrate, because of that sense of Spuyten Duyvil. The whole num rectitude which came from duty. ber or cases of small-po- x in this city The gentleman from New York, last since Jan. 1st is 107. year, appealed to the committee for Newspaper Purchase. $7,000,000 for the improvement of The Post says the interest of Jas. tne Harlem Kiver. lie (Heaganj appealed to the committee of the Wilton Brooks, in the evening Ex bill without preay is sold to an unknown person. whole to adopt-th- e bilTwas sub It is rumored that Jay Gould is pur- for. if the amendment; to amendment it would, in the cnaser, in accordance wuu nis ap ject ena. appropriate Slo,ouu,uou or ib parent policy or attempting to obi ... tain control of the New York asso 000.000. i i x ' Cox said itTiad never been charg ciated press. A bill which has been Introduced ed against him, even by implication, that he had pursued his private In- to tlie legislature gives incorporators terest at the expense of the general the right to form a company with a interest.' capital of $15,000,000 for the purpose drinking water to the Reagan Does the gentleman in- of supplying tend to assume, by implication, that city, xt is unuersioou mat juaKe have done so? I demand an an- Qeorge will be the source of the- sup'J :t ;: swer. The answer not being satisf- ply Embenler Arrested. actory-," Reagan said Cox was as slanderer as he had ever seen, Chicago, 10. Some days ago and a man capable of making false government detectives discovered statements within parliamentary of mall matter were thefts that rulea.-ii- committed on mail cars bebeing Cox (in aa irritated manner) tween Rochester and Huron, on the When the gentleman left the House Lake Shore and Michigan Southern a year ago,!he left Jfc with a parting trains, and several arrests were stood shot at (me becauift I by the made. Last night the police made rjrtjnTu', (Applause and hisses, in the what they consider the most imrnidstTotcvviiicli . Reagan made some portant arrest for five years, in the angry remarks about the gentleman person of John P. Leist, a young from New York being a "demagogue man of good appearance, who has . of that type.") ; been assistant weigher at the " Cox made a humorous apology to found were On his person rethe House, for "his documents and money to a large : . , torts. and under his lead the offiConsideration of the bill was then amount, cers discovered, in a house of ill . rt-resumed..-fame, a large amount of ' valuables, Coast had some of them Original envelopes. i'age been most unfairly treated, and if it The total amount recovered Is $12,-00- 0 his- fortune to participate in to $15,000. His method was to the organization of another House cut a slit in the mail and and in the election of a presiding of- abstract the letters. Hispouch arrest was one who, not ma le until about ficer, he would vote for the and in " his judgment; - would recognize the officials, both of midnight, and the city there was country west of tho toMis- po3tofflce, obstinately refused, for be ought some unknown reason, to give any sissippi River, whichHouse. considered by the (Ap- information about him. These facts I- .. rl are obtained from sources outside, plause.) 'p. After eulogies on the bill by Its but are reliable. When . captured advocates, Reagan moved to rise and Leist attempted to bluff the officers, and report the trtll, but Cox demand- but was taken to the ed the reading of the bill: for when examined made astation, full confes-- and susthe Speaker amendment sion. He is - recognized i as an old ' tained crook. ..... appealed and . the chair Reagan BshSM't Intentions. was sustained 152 to 6 am Ids t the utmost confusion. Journal'' Washington: A leading Robeson proceeded to oppose the Virginia democrat claims that he $1,000,000 appropriation for W e im- has positive information that Senathe "Mississippi tor Ma hone ha decided to vote to provement some democratic officer of River, ironically reminding the depose southern members that the na the -- enate and put republicans in tional government had, according to their place. He is quoted as saying their often asserted principle, no republicans shall have the secretary of and executive clerks, if his vote will right to interfere with the rights citi- serve them. - There is tremendous States la the protection of its - zens. excitement among clerks in the Chalmers made a reply wnlch was Senate. by the republi- 'The charger having been I publicly regarded derisively : .v"r'": cans.- v made that the Washington gas com, pany was spending money to influAdjourned. orence Congress, the Hotwe, dered an investigation into the: af 4 Gbasd Strxxt, Crosby, C , & CO., ' UAMVW AOtVBBS JOT- ' O Xj O' T 33C X TO" e, " . . s : eU - , po-lit- - ea '. , ; O ; X' I I Broadway, JNO. K.towixs, ' NEW YORK. 330 . . post-office- . . . BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO., ! Duaoa Street, New Tork, Mamiftvcturera or and Dealers In,- COT 109 TON Druid SAILDtCU. " WooObcrryand other fovnrit "Palhema,'1 and aQ mtmbers WUs, brands, Jlarxiylledium II TIE SEAT COTTON CANVASS of all numbers 14 to 150 loclies wide, for Deck Car Trunk and Wajroo Covering. Machine Aprons aod otoer purposes, constantly la store aod made to order. Agents tor i V. S. Bunting Co., V. S. Standard" 4 "KagW ly U Com or Urn quantity. aly V These Goods can be obtained at Z. C.M.I DHCK FOB Of EBALLS. BLBE.BHQXI.OH i i Mi leapt! T HADS ONLY MVG IXCELSIOR 3 IV CO., ; tjsk j; XiOTJXO, METALS,! STAMPED WARE, TIXNKUS. STOCKATOOM SALS - - :.- him. ' , of ; I! to to-da- y IllCAX . A M-- , IT fairs of that company. r- 1 bole to-da- eutatiox. 1 - s ReH-ab- le c, m . SR-JJfflgLs- t I -- m 1 " EAETn-STON- Ki . & , ! - ' - Mc-V- ai - Fatal ExpUsie. Cleveland. O., 10. A frightful . -- -r f . ' - 0';HISSIKO VESSELS, O- f A. CLARK, GEORGE 10. None "of .the New Sta ipaia ta SALT LAHI CITT. Yokk, !: ja-imrTmlssJns Btearoers have been heard and some are undoubtedfrom y fUe BEST stsMl MOST POPUIAB ly lost. The two which attract greatStwlat ThNMl ef M est attention are the DalavUi, of the PHILADELPHIA TRADE. Cunard line; and the Brtttgi City. a large passenger nriTFARE r The Batavia-hslist, -l- argelyCiNew Yorkers. The & C01IPLETE ASS02THEST company's agents are unwilling to lslievo Delias gone down ;It was rOR SALS T SAPOrjI-FjlEthought. thAj steamers ; Bothnia would have some news, but that tho Concentrated and I KViuar, Maker. Precuous Lye aceotn-rmi- v rMVirlA that aha did not see a vhuiaI Family Branches and Dealetf; Evarywhaxs. ch can Rr tnakluar UrL, Nrt and sill the time of feavi>tffesais frtm Toilet Soap It Is fuU weirbt and qiicklr. elT Fire Island. The town until CSmi bo oUAlned at 1. C. M. L aad trpnth. are names of the passengers lu ru ruch Store ship's . 1. n. w .n v.ti in me xjonuon oiuve, uiu I'ENjrA salt jtAwrrna t PHILADELPHIA. Uj puner. the Cunard While agents refuse to within Identify the vessel tihttd Messrs. 200 miles of -- Queenatown. Arkell, of Pearl Street believe they ' WATSON BROS see in the description of the vessel BrUtclCUi out.un-44 the steamship a me iSTONEGUTTEfiS even ana BUILDERS auowing iot the Oays, last usually heavyenweather of, overuue. two montns, MONXTMKnS,! UABBL1 TOMS3TONK?, nays craln. IRON CMtm, hi7ilv lmln withcoal MANTLES, KANTLE?, for and' wasi only with GUATES, a U supplied . , f t i a snort uip, auui wim uro&eu tii.imer of coal oath Side or Soath Tempi Streot, machinery or running out bt ice t&Li ..;!!.. iu. jr s her passage, would weessarily be a little JEoat of Qoto. refuses to beJT5JAB CTAT2CGS. very long oner"-Arkel- l Hatm i lieve the vessel lost, but admits he b 'extremely antio', A.t!:elll ..adds: If we should not Leaf from her in another fortnight I, ehal coacluda OVERLAnD HOUSE, VJEDDI I ' G- CfiHES she has foundered. If she is still feb will be ia no trouble. ;t. he Ucmm Thrm Door Solk (j Wa2r aSoatj ANO KADX ' i has liatyscf spare material and ST, SALT LAZS CITT, stores, and If the latter should , run short, l,; Is "LJcnr forward with s'bC'.sr-TadsT::?-f U Better AooornmnrtaHona at Lea Bxtaa ttea It woiiki tlv' be nettsarv f' forju." House la tbe OXh any other Seoood-Clat tb rrf"T t- ohatchways , Terwa 1.09 to (1.73 per Dar. to sec t J U.ev m?ht need. The crew coc s r 27 c heers and r 'i. 8IN0UC MEAL3 Cpt CZTSi M. I.. one-stor- m 'J Z'. " S. S WSMMi II Parnell soon' ..sails ?' for . this conn , ; ,,.,,.....,.. try.. The Jews in Cincinnati number 4 , at ,P. C. explosion occurred Maur CoV coal mine, at Robbing,-othe Niles and New Lisbon Railway, loss of .life.' -- 4 with an appalling . A. Jfor aid.- - Special says: -- Fifteen men and one boy were in the mine at the time of the accident, and eight escaped at the side aliaft. The boy was entering Uie mine at the time and wa hurled forty feet.? He is shockingly mangled, and will die The mules were hurled thirty-Av- e feet, and killed, Tlie mine was known to contain a deadly gas and its presthe men had been warned of ence In a particullf place,- - but the place of danger being good to pass to-da- y . i the mule teams, tlie miners disregarded the warnto. The killed are ' J ames.jXogan.and son, James Mehan," WUITam Htey, George Henshelwood andi.Smitb. The man who csrused th&expkj&ion was badly mutilated,; aud.; his body burned to a crisp. The grounded are James Crouch, Trobert: Haley, YA. Creiin, Johrr Atken, Peter Vfi n and two brothers. i Nestly all , t re badlr hurt and PCtneWiil die. Mrs. Grllth had gone to tlie door of the mina to call her' ton ftlten the occurred. She sw the mute ahd found her shoot outof the son Jnj ured. George llenshelwood diea a his wife's trms. '1 he scenes ex-plct- - fa C--ae heartrendinJn tbeextreme. a TTiS Thatn. iTzetr wer ! ' .Lh i jj'i t ' ied r' t .. 1 j.,' : i .' New York had a collision on ; tlie elevated railroad on Thursda3r. No one hurt, .'; mI A box forwarded as" poultry from St. Phillips to Montreal, Contained a . i .' , corpse. Ho clue. , At Ilarrisburg. the 22nd ballot re sultedWallace 80, Beaver 63,Baine York. . , . Scathering 21. A memorial' asking Congress to pass the Reagan bill, passed the Ne30 to 3. vada Assembly The destruction to coal property by the flood is not so great as at first reported. It does not exceed $40,000. It is said that the chances for tlie confirmation of Stanley Matthews, from Ohio, are daily decreas. 62, tnmcye-aULo- ie 1 . mmi of iuitatiors. i;r"i The genuine are never suj x seal on tbe lid, Each box has a withthsitnprMstoa, McLANEB LIVES FILL-- Eaetk tamper bean the signs tores of C. ACoLass! and Saoa. i ' Insist Vpon psvin the genuine DkTc McLAKIS'S LIVER PILLS, by ? d. . ! . , . funuit IS THE pre-par- ed .,,;:. pronaBoUtioii. i f, Mrs. J. E. Nicliols committed sui. cide at Carthage, Mo., yesterday morning. he threw herself ;m to a well before the family were up. Her father also met. death at his own .. MOTTO OF tUTl B tT S I 2sT I3S S SflIpiRBl!lS rs. pas-senge- ., FBI" "BE VILE red-wa- BEOS Pitbibnrxh, Pw, the market being full of imitations of caused by the name JffsXsssse, spelled diCfertntly, ' bntsssM the fireman ahd injury to four 5 The Irish protective act is to ap-: pjy to loreiguers. ; The Basutos were defeated at Mai. zurn with heavy loss. ' ; A tug goes out from Queens town in search of the steamer BaJlaviai . f Some 18,000 cattle were lost by the floods In the province of Seville. Gen. Garfield has not yet decid ed when he will start for Washing ton. ' .',. The examination in the Whit- taker cate still continues in - New p. S. .DEPOSITORY. OESEBETffillllL BUNK, OPPOSITE THE ' - SALT LAKE CITT. '., hands. ..t i.-!,- if;. j .. UP WPJTIL, $200,000 The supreme encampment of tlie PAID, SUBPLUS ss,ooo. Order of Caucassiabs for the Pacific 'session at Sacramento,yes-terda- y WM. Coast, in ' H. nOOPKIt, President, adopted a resolution urging H. a fXDRKDGK, new Chinese the the ratification of WM. JENN1NG.V ' ' VKKAMOItZ UTILE, DIHBCTOHS. treaties. 'vj ' JOHN SHARP , ' UHOESBECK", At Denison, Texas, yesterday, the NICHOLAS wholesale grocery house of Kuhn A L. & HILLS, Casbior. REMOVED TO No. 139 Co., the dry goods establishment of Louis, GoId8ell fe Co.." and the Jfer- - fEKip jEPiSITSJITlBLE JI IEKI1SII. ald office burned; loss $58,000 insur ItAJN 6TBEET, i ance $34,000. Bays and sella exehange en Hew Waste as wnl tsnSlaMa keep a full Btook Terk. Ham Franeise, C St. In the 'Spanish Cortes, mm Oauka, prtMCt. Xta, Senor Sagas ta, announcing the LtSa, - ' ? Onus, of a new cabinet, stated the pMl Mitlmtel CIUm. AmmuiiUlon, Tackle ifishlns; ministry would follow tlie principl s Hakes Collocttoos, Remluiug Proceeds they supported from the the oppo Promptly; ASS . : POST OFFICE Vioe-Pro- U, . - X !, n for-matio- sition benches. i '.. ' ' r . t m(ls, ; : a tt ' WonBaiofntali, ; 1 . -- Xj yr OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. to-da- y, to-da- rr ' i" . ' ALSO DHALER IN i , CfCARG&TOBACCO 1 US MAIM V " ST., g. L. CUT.. ' - DAVID JAMES, - :.' 1 505,502,829. The Union League has approved the resolution that, candidates for membership to. iJ must be republi-! " cans."" " i ' Mazo will be Spanish ambassador to England tlie Duke of Fernan Nunez to France, and the Marquis of . Bergmar to Chili. ; .l Distress is so great' among the Ural tribes that they are selling the male children for grain and leaving ' the girls to perish. ; The Union, printers have struck against Murat Halstead, for refusing to make the Cincinnati Commercial a Union paper. - :.; u It is reported that all Roman Catholic bishops in Ireland will be convoked by their archbishops to consider a new land bill. y'r Blair's bill regarding the increase of the facilities for settling pension claims contains most of the features of the 60 surgeon's bill. , The Treasury department, purchased 175,000 ounces of fine silver for delivery at the San Francisco and New Orleans mints, t. : J The Southern Oil Works,' Memphis, burned ttls morning; loss about $125,000; Insurance $100,000; Fuller particulars later,,,;, i( ,H if j ' Joseph Burch, colored, was granted a stay of proceedings by the court of appeals, St. Louis, lie 'was to i have been hung The North Qerman Gazette makes a violent attack on Gambetta, ac cusing him of attempting" to drag France into a warlike policy. Henry W7 Oliver,' Jr.j republican caucus nominee for United States senator from Penna., has formally withdrawn from the contest. V. j The bropellojr City of jJudingUmy which has been drifting about in the Ice nearly three weeks on Lake Michigan, has arrived off Milwaukee. : A disastrous Inundation at Cleveland was threatened, but averted by the firing of a shell from a cannon into the ice gorge and breaking it - , A halfwitted girl was inveigled into a saloon at Harrisburg, Claire J i , Uf LICENSED 4, Kiimmvt. ; 1 . Buy aud Sell Sterling- - Exchange. iJuyl and Sen Drafts cwl the Citiea of tke ' t lioitcd States. .v i STE1M AND GAS FITTEB. County, on Monday night, and outraged by seven lumbermen. There is great indignation .because the au- Interest Allowed-o- n Deposits, Sub' thorities have taken no notice of the to Notice of Withdrawal, i ject horrible crime. , kXj: ji .,- WATEE PIPES . LAID ON BH0ET NOTICE. , ' , ( - 1 to-day- , : 1 - w. i . up--; ' sailed from New York for Bristol, England, December 28th, is 26 days overdue. She carried a general cargo or about 2,000 tons and had a crew of 27, men and officers included; no ' passengers. 'A serious encounter has taken lace at a fair held in Killdeeley, F reland, in which the' people stoned the police. An encounter also oc i . . ' . : " most" -- farorobb term. ' targe' amount of Jnumbcr? (rooU kept in &loc, including Iron andAMdrijXf Jlose, Iron Bra Fittings, Marble Ware and Sheet Lead. , rH. Stole Agent fer tTtab Territory for tbe p polar Fire u the Ileartli, Parlor, School Boomt Mid Lecture Hall STOVES alao, Fire on (lis Hearth. Grate Heaters and 11a u tie. and ; "j j PBINCTPAL CORRESPONDENTS! London, London Bank at Utah, (Limited.) . MarUu Co.j. New York, Morton Bliss A Co. NaUoiial Bank. t'hkaiifo, tint j Omaha, Omaha National nana. , ' ban Piauclsoo, Dauk of California. X. ACaTTtV, lUa&rsA - : , ? ; . . . f i 8 I . . BillII . . LUMBER" YARD I TRUST CO., PLANING (MILL! - Fair--commissio- j n OP FOB CALB. NOTB HOOKS AT DESEBST STtTPFNTS ' MONEY to LOAN . AltD . ; : Hi.. I. Zlonldings In Great Variety. : , .. i AU attUsOmos.: 1ASH PAIT) FOIt CLEAN, Itags, delivered Tld srw r .......... . -- Yank-tonias'Cam- Very Cheap f at Oil DEPOSITS, . . EtLMiD. L'.:113f EultS, ETC, 1 LL KINDS Off fTBOONIVRAKTl BVtltXQ , Warons, Can u aod nnrrle bmairbt aod sold,l)y MAXAt&JAsr, i Tebtelns of every kind, repaired. . Sprlns Blending And Horseslioeing' a specialty. j CswMsnerelal. Street, l A 1. , , tTslnr larre quanUtios ourselves, ami iVmiI' In directly with tbe Manufactories. lu CAlt LOAD LOTA, we intewl keefitnr a IJiry ktook On hand, of tbe various inno, for th Publlo to select from at ery r Vv IUtr. fu.tr 'i f.-j- A party of ten cow l)oyr near San Jose,N. M.,had ft tight wlth S8 Indians and left six reds dead: on the field. More than the. troops have Order . tZTTTlUDOV GLASS." ; IliTEREST. - "- - , ..;?; tt p Framtt of all Kindt Made to AND TAKES WOOL The pursuit of Sitting Iiila over. . J FOR . 8 ALB Major llges will endeavor to secure the hostile Sioux lurking In ub k tt paper and march to Fort Ba- - UinvitRsrrT ' t A - re-tum- 'm fOrd. .. Account frfpt on tJu i AT LOWEST RATES. curred at Ballyhaunis, where the police charged the, crowd &t the point These5 Justly celebrated STOVES are ; ;i of the bayonet.-- ; f.: f and highly reoonunended tv t he Faculty of tbe Deeeret University, for ruhlio A mail weigher in a Dubuque School Rooms, aod by tbe Medical fraternity generally, as the beet Uentinr aud Ventilating-postal car is arrested for robbing a Stoves ever luveuled. registered pouch last Tuesday night,For nartkmtart' anA "Price, enquire tit nr of letters containing $12,000 to$!5,Offlee and IVnrJutopt, Wtt TtmpU Street, Op. ouo. lie confessed the crime and fKmUe City HarkU. i P d Box, a OS. V ' handed oVer the packages, some of t wh ich had not been opened. The Senate went into executive 4. LATIMKa, ' CI. KOMKKT, session yesterday - on : motion of a. n. tattjor, r. ArtusncoNU. was who It understood Saulsbury, thereupon verbally reported j the methods employed, and the: negative attained in the .investigation of AND AM- Dthe Chinese treaty publicity, f The marshal of ColUersvilJe.Tenn., a desattempted lastresisted night to arrest' also a him, perado who young man who had gone to the assistance of the marshal, whereupon Beiictioi.ii Prices! the assistant seized a shotgun and n. ;.:. blew off the head t)f the rufllan. A FEW B00R3 The executive committee of the Utah Rod and White Pine of an kltid.MVnat-sr- n ' held a World's : Ktntshlug Lumber, Califrirnia Knxl V(i. i Utah, Hear tUver, White Cedar and Ked Wowl meeting yesterday. " A letter was sent to Hon. A. 8. Hewitt, request- SOUTH OF THE CO-BUILDIK6, ing him' to attend the meetings or resign, and in reply Hewitt wrote, Red and While Etuttc, Ceiling, Sid--' 1 he could, not resign, a .position he never accepted and did; not hold. ' . HAS ing, Lathf Pickett, Flooring, j . SASH 9 DOORS, D LIN DS , be cranted the Amnesty Spanish journalists being prosecuted or already condemned, and; political emigrants will be permitted to will " RIDE COLLECTIONS iHK jttjst otjtt WOOD TTSNXNa OF ALL LATILiER, TAYLOR KINI. & CO., At' Jersey City , the small-po- x is OCT SLOCK ZAST 07,. DErOT. increasing; 'One 'house has, eight IVrlnl7 " cases, and another, four. .There are rsiast Bsui AAae. I x dixiti fll SHE several cases of small-posea at the beach. . I- ' A ' railroad .accident! near .New York; on Thursday, by which some lEVi.CHEftPJDITIOtl cars were burned, a,, couple of. pas' J. i l.i- ....OS CBS.... W sengers fatally, and others lightly I ; Wl?es and aq BparkHnj j; Cjonated r.u-.injured. ':;'. .fi, ?,.f' v; t r. Lrer&ges It is said that Conkling has been Appiirftts for TTaklnr, ..UettlAsi . ...aNl. PtapeniBtdC. r;., refused one place, he .desired .to be company;.:,,.;., 'Complete tfcsitsv materials M left, at JUs disposal in the. cabinet, BHablmtaod ' " 48 years. liiustrstEd and i rtoed but that any other place ia at his dis- Cataloirue sent ta any address onappUcadoa. EECOSD fiOUTH STEEST, I .. sues TH3 tiuko pea rSend. your or0ersirix4 to posal. BtoeJa Earfof Main Strut, ; !l ' f ONtswis half oiritr ATTTTKTya, sea regarding j Politicians are ,X a, j fwir-SH BOTLD AIL EIZE3 OF Uhdrzsxl AMags, the meaning of Oliver's withdrawal rirsS rs2ay i Ecieols asd w i 4fiS 4c w iaa-'' from the senatorial content in Penn- ' to i:JTraTtl5rmv;car1t3 Ea4 '..irVni ,j:,r'r. u KMl!II)-iiF3IIISraE0f- g i sylvania. i The deadlock ia likely to Iriesiaisu-vcontinue. ; i FuE Warranted for CXB TEAK. The annual test of the coiii?" of t ft XxJtar -J !r.i, jhy I ! mints-inMULl the United Stitea Phila. ('' ,11 .......T; -n.0 del j?iL Ban. Fran c isco and Carson, aVhw pAr.z.; r f ocld know Nev-,wa- s f jicionjs that lndxaite Eepairlngr" ia 'TTocidwork,11 'Black ' corairnjced at the.formerv Ivrnv' oofotaon : ' or presence -- v '''-f a-- : ' ' place ,.., tral.Mrig, --Taiutiiig:, and : Kii if r,n? .f The ways and - m eans wrxi hi It ee ..,." -n' u! r.. t, 1 " : "::, CV of theIIou?e,ix ti four, adopted the Wli'nh 7- 13T73 c:iTAirY, 1.1 K Jtrrs. k i h, j . ... . for the To . McIIiul?y Tin t' .,t u 1 - ' 1 ratlt-'hIike ' -bill on U.e ; Uues" cf iron I cIlsXIxz crrf. ctah. SiTI37ACTI0N:fGUARTEED v:: - , lrr s' n ' "'J maanfactarr.; ! ! faa., ''I .i.. , .1 4 tf tllTT i sI f "tW PKICE3' REASCiNABLET Jli T Izt cLaf: ' t s etat.ito-tt''' 1 - : A ' if ' ' ' -r ' i c . -- . , I ,LJ! H:it i 'isj.'K. itort v. ; i .S"l',,- Tc ! - n I . o imi namrLET , ' - t ': aflttfa ion: - , " '. ! 1 . "t " - f . : !" rstru--:i.w- .. 'r i :m..:..i;:,i.; ::j'mirtiDn-- :,-'- '- v.-.- ! i o"-"fch-- a- e 1 ns-hen- ui-'.:l- d: .' n . ' - . tLe i rx:-:.-r- ei,;T;2in Ycri,, Acr; imbyj s cz ' 'us her c' NeT7:t . - n 1 f t-z- , ... ! 1 J i- J) . . , .... Ji ... .... js ' w ,m. "Kf " '. . , f .... jtii 2 - . f i - : - - roc ! J. VALUER. r.Tcnaacr. . ' : -- to-da- y, i - JAtCCHEUSSER, - ; Wm. S. Booth, of San Francisco, and Miss Flornay, daughter of T. If. Smith, of Chicago, were married last night, and started for San to make that place rranciBco y their future residence. (LW1TEIX) The water lis still risinsr in . the rear of New Orleans In many places. 26 Austin Friars, London,1 On the east side of the city skins and sail boats are coming Into very ins-' yJ--tf-.; ;: general use.! The water' in the Salt Lake City, Vtah. The steamer Vicktibura is report canals is slowly receding. ed wrecked off 8iberia Pass, Gulf of The following estimate Is made of i.. Mexico, during theu storm on Satur the total a r. .... amount of matter passing M day. tn rough the mails during the year ' ! t par value, ST7S,S40. ' The Chinese treaty was not dis 1880: Number of letters 5,129,312,224: cussed by the foreign ' affairs com- postal cards, 163,048,91 2; newspapers, Snbecrlbed Capital, 49,6O0. I as par valne, 241,379. mittee on Thursday, as , was ex-- i 496,706,132. Pieces of all classes: 1,- I .,, ilupe-vill- e, 1 c',I. ;,.,vr- ; F?AXENTS, , . Late Commiuloncr cf.Fatent. - K vene-mentl- y, ii PAINE, CltAFTOM A. LA DP. , ...... i l i not recommended as a remedy for A t and SiMetbr ff A nvrici . ml Ir(un ttaUait. all the ills that flesh is heir to," bat in affection o the Liverand in all Bilious 41 Fim Stkiet. WajBblkov ., r. C. Complaints, fiyspensia, and Sick XleadV In PracUee law ratmit acht. or disosios oi that character, they he Patent Office, and in alltheUs brauolicsanIn fw;nme tana without a rival. Circuit Courts of the United States. rEiur t"t sent free ou receipt of siamp ftr , pitrt).f. AGUE AND FEVER. ' No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking qmlnine. As simple purgative they are anequaled. Colony Railroad the carelessness of.' the engineer, Great danger of a flood at Water which resulted in the death of uap, i'a. "( fere i to-da- Ualbkkt F. Tayhe, LIVERPILLS ...... " . j ?toaT n. BsmT, OaAjnua, the ceuitje; . d beare the Public 4&Xedr , t r . lO.At RjchmokB, Til, Pit tei van I.t- - Counj a .pe; :a convicted of a trill soSbi?e, cJur J the m?'rL"trste llj'r.iz i aonStrat-ed with nc'.V ie" became a. id ar x. is,lL3 whi'ns ear t'- wi iir.rT J. C. t- t ... 31 t c w. 'in' t "O" i The Senate bill to restore the lands Included In the Fort Reading and Fort Crook military reservations, in California, to the pnblkj domain, o : passed the House j ' A crowded meeting was' held in Manchester last night to protest atrainst coercion. Dillon ana a. m. Sullivan. Home Rule members of Parliament, made speeches. Rufus Hatch intends to continue his suit in the telegraph case, not-y Withstanding his ' aereav;.' tie that the reports repudiates, be is lu tlie employe Jay uouai. Eleven rassensrers of the steamer Northern TJght arrived at George town. Prince Edward's Island, from Cape? . Sharpi all hadlyitfrosthitten, having been 28 hours on the ice. , Clarence H. Clark brought suit at Richmond, this mbrniug, against , the Atlantic,"5 Mississippi unjo Raih-pa.in tlie Union Courts for himself and associates for , $865,000. ' There was an accident on the Old - - . . THOS. M. ARGALL In mnaJbitante. 5u,U"ys many places the water is three or y i our reel deep, ana la. low, houses every thing , Is washed out. The water in the lake is loweriwr. and by morning will doubtless be re j ceding at all points..,. . - i NORTH 'SECOND ST., 1ST. LOUIS. KO. THE BEST prooaoiy . ." . SHOES ht ; ; . 1 PUMPS i AND - all-nig- two-third- . MEIi'SRIllSHIIiB 31111 Woolen Soap BUCK litkcrVIanam'aiut a deoai ly Specialty. applies n M- a,avSSO M Hose arrested. They held tkn session,. marching with the prisoner at. the bead, and beating a urum. Twelve men, well armed, secured their arrest and safely lodged them in JaiL, The citizens, with difficulty' prevented lynching. them. ' SJliaallpptf te ' New ORLEANlpJ-T- he damage by Sunday's storm along the Mississippi Sound from Pasoagoul to the Bay of St. Louis, Is $100,000. The portion of the City inundated Covers about five square Wiles and contains ?, go Is covered, prohably, atU selling value. The Bristol has wiwr TBsnttfH tm. no passengers... , Of tlte steamer. Jaa&ahineJ foun FOIJTY-SIXT- II COXGIXES8 dered on Ship Island, it Ja saidor that tne ji noiumg biiouJUi lie saved or cargo, the loss will be about vessel EBIATE. Washington. 10. On motion th -- IK AjfD WISLOW UrMM 1- i 1 11-i- , self-sustaini- ng .... $Xfb .... 1.74 r Hoalh and Crr Temple Streets, oiiu E ' er PumD Chain ami r ,E n 31 H ' . erory ondj Saturday ipyoiio your, with Poftnse, .... $4.00 ni. moiiU, " ' .... thrt-.... LOO uioi.tln, j M Oiio ?!? ?Z?J... Y. 7tiijiic CHiO Flavoring Extracts NEWS: i TELEGRAPH. - f " ..1 : , i)alilihed every evtnfno i except Sunday. One ' Il " |