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Show r-T- A- t s THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. SPANISH FORK. UTAH T"rKiria?k Set fnntcntl I'tFluH I supposed I was moving with the utmost caution,- every nerv on edgs, feeling way forward with bands and feet One I stepped upon a shell of somo kind which crunched beneath tho weight, and again my groping hand dislodged a kiiiuII block of wood, which fell with a slight clatter. I halted both times, my heart In my mouth, yet nothing happened, and I moved foe ward again eoufldeiit of not being overheard. I could not have told what It was tlmt halted me. I remember I stopped ns though shot, my very breath one foot still uplifted lu a step forward, uiy eyea stnrlng helplessly Into the black void. Tlie alienee wai bat of a tomb. I could feel tha perspiration flow down my face In a stream; It anti an liistunt of torture, Then tin unseen band gr!ped me and an electric flush-ligh- t glurcd Into uiy eyes. L&hgm - Children Cry For Praetor d, 1 u;uiu)L-- a run it.ibU' Prcpafaton&r;V timilatinttttcroodbyltfiSuU' HntMheStomacMiwdUwU(f ct-- Special Care of Baby. pnZEEI That Baby should hire a bed of its own all are agree d. Tet it than to use is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-up- s a mans medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned, neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Babya medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Babys food. A Babys stomach when In good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Dont be deceived. Hake n mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that remember that to function well, the digestive organs of should you your Baby must receive special care. Ho Baby la so abnormal that the desired results may be bad from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-up- TIicrctyiVomoilniDiw- - Cheerfulness neither Otlum,MorpMn MliiCffti NOT NAIICOTIC 11 S' i, . b v; !; AnWiSA An i. n. . r ' m tUM W ejsasisigd:ri iSSSfSK t fT)3 i wMunne ihMtfrwajifrncy . s. MOTHERS fac5iHS'!21ot i't (Zs0fcfoj in Jjit SHOULD SCAO THE SOOKIET GENUINE CtWAD COMP VMS Tima Enough. I right in surmising flint you have something of serious Import to any to my duughterr Oh., no, sir. I'm merely going to propose to her. Ill talk over the serious detnllg with you after the wedding." Detroit Times. MAm ; cine. prescription. is a strengthening medicine. It helpe the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they ahould do. Swamp-Roo- t has stood the test of yeara. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. and start Be rare to get Swamp-Roo- t treatment at once. However, if yon wish first to test thie great preparation send ten cent to Dr.' Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y- -, for a sample bottle. When writing be ran xnd mention thie paper. Adv. t IT The American Forestry association has published the fact that s cliff swallow will eat 1,000 files, mosquitoes, wheat mblgets, or beetles In a day. The crops of four chlckaleos showed 1.028 eggs of the cankerworm. Tske notice, Mr. Fruit Grower. A quail killed In a Texas cotton field hart eaten 127 boll weevils, and a prairie chicken had over 300 of them In Its crop. The boh white has been known to eat 133 different kinds of Insects. It has been estimated that this bird will consume an average of 75,000 Insects and 6.000,000 weed seeds In a year. House mnrtlns, swallows, and swifts eat rose beetles, may beetles, rucumber beetles and house files. The quail eats Texas ticks; the kllldeer and other shore birds feed on the larvae of disease-carryin- g s mosquitoes; a evening meal consists of 500 adult mosquitoes. Sure Relief fever-cnrryln- Bell-an- s Sure Relief Are Healthy Sms 25c, Oabmt 25 aad 50c, Talcaa 25c. MAMMOTH JACKS a Mrftln tor foo, Ml quirk.' I IMUIW' JACK riSM Vtdmr 126 have 1 Cl W. Sha Knew. Ethel bad taken Edith Into her confidence touching the manner of her husband's proposal. Why, I felt so sorry for tins poor fellow," sold Ethel, do you know his voice actually stuck In bis throaty I dont doubt It In the least, said Edith, hut however did you know be (was proposing?" ! "Well, you see, said Ethel, with a course at blush, "I took a 'college." Koplds, lows EC rOCPyi I IILUaLlu fnwnyvtT etMOTea g night-hawk- water Cuticura Soap Complexions . Mr. Graheoln seems to have great deal of confidence In hts private secretary." "The young man Is worth 120,000 a year to Mr. Urubcoln. Yes?" Why, be can send callers away, thinking Hint the only reason why they You can't Inherit have to create It for It makes a woman told 6he resembles doesnt like. brain." VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be causa of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL world's standard ramady for thaae disorders, will ofcan ward off tbass ilia. and atrangthan tha body against furthar stuck. Thraa suss, all druggists. The nm Cold iim iM.pt k mad BO Mda! m toiiutiop avary bon THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horte Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind can ba or Choke-dowreduced with n, ABSORBiHE alio other Bunches or Swellings. No bliater, no hair gone, and horte kept at work. Economical-only afew dropa required at an appli. cation. $2. 50 per bottle delivered, look 3 R irtl. OBSORBINE, JL, the antiseptic liniment for mankind. reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen 1.25 a bottle at dealers or Veina and Ulcers. delivered. Book Evidence" free. W. P. VOUItfl. Inc HO Toms tt, Sprtngllsld. Mess. Freed From Torture Eatonlc Cleared Hla Up Set Stomach The people who have seen me sufon fer tortures from neuralgia brought by an stomach HOW 84 1,I4 sound and well absolutely due to Eatonlc, writes It. Long. mnt see that great man, who mayProfit by Mr. Longs experience, keep be telling a funny story to another yonr stomach in healthy condition, dummy director, Is liecuuse hes work- fresh and cool, and avoid the ailments ing s'xteen hours a day tc keep the that come from an add cot dition happiness. You country from going tc smash." Eafonic brings relief hy taking up and yourself. carrying out the excess gcldltv mi(j gases does It quickly. Take m, Knti.i.le Food for Pugilists. awful mad when rfter eating and see how womlcifu iy ('one-pondointrigued by steaed somebody bha n;q Ct'ciils" oil h b II of fare Siiys hr It helps you. Big box co.s's eniy g trifle with your druggist's gimnmtei . ou ( v 'o ti!i. Tbi' dls'i f s. I" , W. N. U., Selt Lake City. No I'.'! .I It Is better to fuce thnn un il.e lin-ie.- l "it-v- v Hez Ileck says: have freckles on the 841 Advisor, Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Georgia. Valuabl. . . Medical They regulate the Bowel and prevent Constipation. aD Ml; SwaD Dm; SD Trie. Birds That Should Ba Protected Art Listed by thi American Forestry Association. Really Quite Simple. Hetty wns late for school several days lu succession, and her teacher took her to task for it, saying, Con you give me a good reason for your being lateT Hetty was quiet for a Wo Just moment, and then said, sleeps Is all I know. INDIGESTION tics must bo cast out and the vital fluid enriched before the disfigure menta are cleared up. For this you naturally want an efficient, tested blood remedy like S.S.S the fa mous old herb medicine. Start the young folks with S.S.S. today (your druggist has it), and write us about their eon dition, addressing Chief Take a good dose of Carters Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. A few doses. restore your organs to their proper functions ana the Headache and the causes of it pass away. In the same manner ALLTRUlt GROWERS FRIENDS ' IgE FOR CtTT. IcSrteN? It ie a physician LL-A- NS VO SUffi 1MMCME For many yean druggist have watched with much intereat the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer. Swamp-Root- , the great kidney, liver and bladder medi- Hot NW What to falie for SIMP-ROO- T 6 COMPANY. The mortifying and unsightly skin and facial disfigurements on young people from 14 to 20 years old are seldom due to anything worse than Impure blood. The young bodies are under going important changes, and the blood stream is temporarily disordered often filled with poison ous waste matter. In such cases only In tem&l blood remedies can relievo. The impurl RECOMMEND f CINT.ua t up-s- et A MILLION!" a New York Jewelry c.! time fliilip Severn, I'nlted States a email boa rmoiil.tr eemit, tmlk-rSvr In "Mnyhe; mnhe American, Spanish. difference If she he In our servWhat whiili H'tiuri Mm. He purchuiw ice? know what she Is; tonight They IL Idler tie illxovera In a arc ret she Is Marie (!esler It has the sound romi'iiriiiieiit a writing giving a rlfw lu a mvolutlonsry movement of Switzerland. Beyond lids I care In Itai. country oatenaltily recking nothing." to meriliruw Ilia Chilean governBut you have seen her, perhaps?" ment liu evMently International In cliariictcr Tha writing mentluna a Not a sight ; noqp of the boys linve. remlt'svniia. and Severn decider to She wua to meet Alva at Times square InvrMla ite. rinding Ilia plate menthis noon. I went with him, but no tioned in tlie writing apparently Keern vlalta a saloon In girl Just a messenger boy there with the vicinity. A woman In tha place a note In code. Something had frightla ru'd hy a mun, seemingly by apened the lady, and she made a night a Mr and Severn, pointment. armtaed folloiva them. They appointment over here." Here! How did she know the way go to the designated meeting place, an abandoned Iron foundry. At tha out?" rendezvous Severn la accepted as "She didn't, for the matter of that; one of the conspirators and admitted. lie meets a stranger who apBut she had been piped off on Jans' pears to recognise him. place, and agreed to be there as soon as It was dark. I'm wondering If she showed up; lets gp in and see," III Continued. CHAPTER Tlie three moved off down the pasIn subdued tones, still sage, lie pressed something In the side-wal-l. the sharp conversing accent of the Spaniard most sliding bnek a piuiel, and disapprominent, and I became acutely peared. the roiigli boards returning In- awure of the black alienee In which I I was left alone, stantly Into plaee. stood. There wns no occnslon for me staring at the spot where he lmd to risk my life farther In an effort to doubt entrnnre the Beyond learn more. I' had located the secret awaiting me lay straight abend, con- rendezvous of this gang of revolucealed by the banging curtain. I tionary plotters. I was aware of their step) "'I cautiously forward, listening connection with the Chilean Junta at for sonic guiding sound from beyond and It would be a comthat barrier, nfrnbl to draw It aside Washington,easy matter now to capture paratively and take a blind plunge into the un- them red-hmied. I saw therefore no known. I could detect the murmur of reason why I should venture further, voices, several of them speaking Spanor endeavor to learn In detail the naish, yet In such low tones I could dis- ture of this message intrusted to the tinguish only an occasional emphafor delivery. My duty now was sized word. There was no door be- girl tween tm ; only that thick, hanging curtain, and I ventured far enough to draw this aside sufficient to peer through with one eye. Beyond was a reasonably large room, but so dimly lighted as to be scarcely visible from end to end, I could discern men present, a number of them, lounging about on clialrs, their outlines being fairly revealed, but the light was not sufficient to give me any Impression of their faces. It seemed quite possible that I might slip In unobserved, and pass among them unrecognized except through accident But the risk of discovery was too great I must find some other point of entrance. The private doorway through which Wine had disappeared gave me the thought that there might also be others. I dare net follow after him, but If there was another opening to be found I was perfectly willing to explore Into Its mysteries. The search was brief, yet the very nature of the rough board wall made concealment Behind the dangling coats Impossible. I uncovered what I sought, and not a moment too soon. Even as my hand touched the exposed latch, a murmur of voices in the outer entry reached my ears there were new arrivals beSo Tightly Grasped at tha Throat at to ing questioned, and admitted. Bo Nearly Strangled, The panel slid back silently In Its grooves, and I peered through the revealed opening Into absolute darkness. to report what I had discovered, when All I could be sure of, as exhibited by the prompt arrest of Alva, and a few the dint light of the passage, was a others, would end the whole scheme. seemed simple enough, If I could single step downward, and then ap- It find my way out safely. parently a strip of earth floor. I dare only But escape unobserved was far from not wait and meet those entering; there was but one choice of action. I being assured. Any retreat by way of pressed through the orifice, forced the the lighted passage was Impossible; panel back Into place, and stood erect there were guards there ot both ends; In the Intense darkness and silence, the only hope lay In a blind effort forward. listening for the slightest sound. I accepted the only course possible, I was still motionless, my heart and enmen when several began to feel my way to the left, beating fiercely, tered the passage I had just left. skirting the wall of rough boarding, Iresslng my ear against the thin crack until It widened out Into what was apI distinguished words so as to piece parently the larger room beyond. No together scraps of conversation. It sound reached me from any direction, seemed to mo there were three voices the silence and darkness oppressing one speaking Spanish entirely, the me, as though they had weight. Yet one fact became more and more others using English. One of the latclear the deliberate purpose with ter spoke first. TIs a dirty night out, but good for which this deserted Iron factory hart our purpose. You came by motor, been prepared for a secret rendezvous. Alonzo Y Apparently, from without. It stood No. Wine said that was too risky. grim, desolate and deserted, yet the I walked from the car line. Whats Interior arrangements were such that conspirators could meet securely Inup? Do you know. Captain? Tlie fellow addressed exploded In side, protected from observation. In rooms through whose walls no gleam Spanish. Why you call me that? I tell you of light might be visible from either street or alley. Only an accident, or ray name!" "Its safe enough lu here, but Ill be constant vigilance without, could recareful outside. What was this meet- veal the true use to which the building was now being devoted. This knowling called for?" It was a message from Washing- edge rendered the peril of my own poton, orders maybe, that we act soon. sition the more Intense. I could be killed, murdered, and no man would I hope IL" Is Mendez ever be the wiser. I would simply disFrom Washington? appear, vanish, and that would be tha here?" end. Saprista, no! Can he move withAt that moment I bad no thought but out a dozen spies at his heels? He find a messenger no one ever suspect. She to discover some menus of escape. The knowledge of the danger. I was In bring the word." roblted me of all courage. I was like "She? A woman Sure! tba,t was better. No one a child afraid In th dark. I moved knw her; nA one ever see her with forward, inch b,v Inch, feeling in.v way tn ople. It Vus a good trick, and along the rough planking with one hand, my limbs actually trembling un t fool the plK- oman? ler me. If I could only find some But who l l Mi Ti e other mured a gruff exclamn qs'nng; see some gleam nf light; break awaj from Ibis it. i.l.lc n of disgust. I toll ? Nui j if I know, yo suppose a auapl-rlmi- Bad Blood Disfigures Young Faces With Unsightly Eruptions Muaic'a Debt to Ancient Egypt The contribution of ancient Egypt ta (bo general history of music, la founil In (lie mechanical excel lc ins ot It. Iii.striiiiicnt-iiihkcrs- , un!er whoso dexterity and skill the Imrp gnlncl sufficient nver to bo able to be played as a solo Instrument. Every other Instrument of theirs bus iierlshed, but the solo Imrp bus remiilncd. Swamp-Roo- C ASTORIA Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. ' IOTTIE 0 f flETCHER'l AROURO EVERY CASTOR I A. ALWAYS kevt YoniCy WHY DRUGGISTS THAT trut much, but I do not know. They Imr Is It not enough? 'TIs my guess tat for to do this." she rume She Is a Chilean then?" J.lr-fectl- y a r sllcin-dark.ios- 1 i CHAPTER IV. n Thief. I Become a The sudden, unanticipated attack, the burst of dazzling light lu my eyes, rendered me for the moment utterly helpless, I was blinded, and so tightly throat as to be nearly graed at the strangled, I only dimly reullzed that my assailant was a limn, Ida grip tha of a giant. Then, to my surprise, tha fellow laughed oddly, snapping out bis light, and releasing Ids grip. "Well, If tills don't lxut h I!," bo said, lu the tone of cheerful disgust. "Come In here and let me leva you over." Ills band closed on the sleeve of my Coat, and before I scarcely found time to catch my breath again I had been dragged through a narrow oenlng and became naare that a door shut silently behind me. Tlie fellow gave me little opportunity to either act, or think. A mutch flared, and was held aloft to a gas Jet which Instantly broke Into a dull flume, sufficient to render visible the full extent of the small room In which we st ' kkI. In gome' way I was aware of Imre walls, of a small table opposite with some writing materials on It, and a short bench covered by a blanket. I suppose I saw these things, yet all that I seemed to perceive was the man fronting me, who stared In my face, a quizzical mnlle ca his lips, as tliojgh still half uncertain of the reality of my presence. lie was tall, a trifle angular, but exceedingly with closely trimmed Iron-grabeard and peculiar eyes deeply set In a rather chalky face. He broke tlie silence, evidently Inclined to look upon this meeting as a Joke. Dout recognize me, I reckon? Well, that aint to be wondered at, for likely enough you never saw me before. Beats the devil though why you should drift In here ; now I suppose It will have to be fifty-fiftIlls words and manner gave me a new lease on life. Whoever the follow might be be was seemingly friendly. I must meet the fellow In that same spirit and endeavor to extract from him some knowledge of whom he supposed nte to be. I do not quite get the drift of all You Imply that you this, I ventured. know me. U 11, yes. Over In Bow Street, on the other side. The Ilartlebury robbery case. Id been hearing about you for years, and when that came on, I took a chance and drifted Into court one day just to see what you looked like. You've shaved your mustache, and look ten yeara younger, but I knew you, alt right. I never forget a face. Say, who put you onto this gnme Waldron?" I nodded, taking a chance. Id have bet my life he was the guy. I might have known he would double-cros- s me some way. Of course a tip's a tip In this game, and I dont blame you for horning In. Naturally you never knew this was my game how could you? Waldron never said a word about me, did her Not once." That Is how I had It sized up, so I dont hold any grudge against you. Now listen, and he bent forward confidentially, lowering his voice, so I could barely distinguish the words. "WeTl talk It all over later, when we're alone. 'Taln't exactly safe here, for these walls are thin, and there Is quite a hunch around tonight. Theres plenty for the two of us. If we play the cards right, and we11 let Waldron hold the bag. What do you say, Daly?" So my name was Daly." Well, that was Interesting at least, although It gave me no new light. However, nothing remained for me to do except agree to his blind proposition. Thats mighty handsome of you. Whats the figure?" A million I enthusiastically. Walt until I get a chance to explain the plan ; It looks like Providence had Just handed us out the moneyJV Why not explain the scheme to Well-Know- J sctnl-eunsclo- well-dresse- y me." Not now; there ain't time." lie glanced at hts watch, and besides, for all I know, some guy might be listening In to what we say. You see there Is a hunch o hell-cat- s In there waiting for me to give them a song and dance. Pm the big end right now, but I've got to sing low until I'm sure what word these guys have got from Washington. After that I'll know how to trim sail. You wait until I come back, Daly, and then we'U plan this thing out. You think Im aiming to play fair, don't your . - - (Tt) BE CONTINUED.) ntivage iiiuy be" largely hut (hut kliiU is valuable, too. |