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Show 5ERET . ftitT EVENING NEWS. ATiO X,CCA1 - - Mplenikrll, nit can I dust Received! JUST OPENED SUCs.Ul. u wnpist wilting ntre ' nY. IMS. taaen for publication are 01 noujuiuuscom. AT ' TJEU, attractive bill, lnclcd ' lety to salt almost all tastes, la an noun e The beautiful little i tutarJaj evening. Call" Morulas Svk opens the perforin Mr. Graham as Mrs. and luce Ml with afAr.f ton una Mr Edward. Then follows the f Faubourg." with Miss Jnce In the n!t tile with Meters. McKenzie. Lindsay, f::;,,m; HarUle, Miss Adams, Air. Claw son, In the cast, A new Sri irnjc. and other A Browns," conclude, so ;.rAere.MMmltbs their fat everybody will have enough oe to spare. vnrT Ql iKRisror staoi Robbers. From the J2o(e the 5th Inst., we learn of the arrest frWJITH( several persons charged with robberies of Co's stsges. on the northern W'elis Kais' ult , two roeo. named iiU-vu- ! JthJohn ,ine Yn tneand Hillings, were arrested ,i WnJU vi'siia. 1'rom Walla Walla the officers In (JrdnH. ln.m,A (trimrvn Aiua arresiea vr. i.o i;urr, J lai ,n i ua.m tfuceier. a man named Ale Fay, and two brokers named Johnson. Procuring h requisition or Oregon they proceeded to nia tae Governorand aided by Martha! Alrard B't City Idaho, vvl LPty Alarsfcal Itobolns. arrested J. T. u. M. Marshal of wueilr.a "'"""urpuiy wenl thence to ttlvr Oty that and Ternary- f our Char- 'Mt.U.lt.i,vlt.(iorelaUon ana T.M. tieveianu lioodmau, tne deputy l. H. ;;t utfwd ,,;J'lu J1? vr been makiue for .loum .ni'fiiifiiU bad arrests, which have ben mad 1 iKiH jrrni says: itiM ail Classes. "rjCU fur a lr .T.;insd baud has been l:i operation "r tntf la Idaho, and extending their opera-M- i mm Utah. Montana and Oregon, stage ud The robing, murdertog and have lookout, 't'witve have been on the to a successful viUst worked np thecae tnt arrests at lest. fhiel AHKtvrD. JIo. t. I. WiUon, arrival hy iiitio oflTtAb, ijgrw thr L-,V- mMt fr iiir ..if,-- tcrml-,i,t!oii,- M PEPPEU, - I CUrail.' A Alfto Opened. lOOO Pieces of ears old. nlout SON, t'OFFEK, NlfiAK, SPICES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 'At tireatly Kednced i i " The t boor o til Wrlfrn rnlon Xel srrnti Office, late "Ulxle Btore.'J UTAH s MANUFACTURE! 4244 11. TRI PITS Old fttsnd, tint door north it.or lilmbnll A lawrfnff'n Htnn, Kat Temple Wtreet, S. Surgeon lm JX. Where you will fine a first class Stock of And It 11 ivinrax cf "Dpseret Evening News." ! wrrn 300 Teams. CMSII IAII FOB clveu Ui Pnrticulnr attcution BOOTS or of the manufacture and the finest quality of French German Cairand nipI NRins. c?u A Ciooil Fit ami lie nest oi work Rttaranteoil. Central Pacific Railroad, WEST or THE PROMONTORY, .o:- - BARLEY, BRAX, 810 BEWARB! OR STOLEN, from City Creek SfllAYKD one of dapple gray llOlirtKn, Is as enrl a rr ..m.aa If Span ufi 14. Is branded a (within left side of neck;.s the Mare . s a circle on tenA. anouiuer. T. PAKSON8, Bait Lake City. one of gray left one branded LO on left shoulder, L Is branded with a cross on left thigh: the other shoulder and II on left thigh. Rait Lake T. AVE in my Span possession HORSKH, supposed to have been driven ofrl O on Purchasing "W. EC. Xo. GATES. PrcKitlonl. W. Oftlee, Ko. 4S Canal Street . HALT LAKE CITY. Manufacture Portable nnd Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, SUGAR t'AXE 3IILLM. I I t Rock Tireakers, Stamp t5 CONSTANT OPERATION srvaperators. Mills, Mining; Machinery. Gard'a Patent Brick Machine, Lathes. Planers, Drills," Screw Cutters, Hay and Cotton Presses, Saw Mills, Flour Mills, Mill d!16tf .r Furnishing:. THE TIME?" -- Commission, MIXES, inVJolm St., XEW TOBK, ? PEOPLE'S EMPORIUM 1 ! i Thos Chalmers, Superintendent, D. R. Fraser, Assistant Supt. and Draughtsman, Ralph Qatea, Secretary and Treasurer. , W. L. Chase. Gen. Agent. New York City. , a Bro., Agents, Lake superior. aiasDs L Thou shalt not make use of any kind of d2iSAs611y are AuerbaohA at unless they bought foods,Store. 2. Thou shalt not use gloves, hose, handkerTHE chiefs and fancy goods, unless they come from Auerbach A Bro's Store. 3. Thou shalt not allow thy wife or daughter to buy dress goods or domestics, unless tney are at Anerbach A Bro'p Store bought "4. Thou shalt not walk the streets, unless SEWEVO MACBEVE! thy boots and shoes are bought at Anerbach A Bro's STANDS at the present perfectly Unrivalled Store. for it l and equallj-weldurability 5. Thou shalt not be allowed to visit ladles Great Rangre of Work, stitching on the thickest or finest material. unless thy clothing comes from Anerbach A Bro's Store. Being NEW, It combines all the desirable with G. Thou shalt have no covering for thy head points of the OLD Lock Stlch Machines, valuable improvement not on any unless thy hats are bought at Anerbach A Bro's many ether. Store. of Work may be seen at thl&f oJHee. Samples 7. Thou shalt not walk into thy house, unless Sold Chlcaeo prices by at are at and bought mattings thy carpets, rugs ROBERT CJ. SLILVTEK, Anerbach A Bro's Store. (Agent for Utah. 8. Thou shalt not allow thy female household ALDEX, THOMAS A Co.. i to go walking, unless their shawls, cloth or silkal General Northwestern Agent i fans, C1IICAGO. ILLS. cloaks, sacks, basques, furs, andparasols, all sorts of trimd237 lm:sS9 3m ii skirts, embroidery mings are purchased at Anerbach A Bro's Store. 9. Thou shalt not go to bed at night, unless walls are covered wltn fine wall thy bedroom and border, and thy bed covered with paper Co., lyiAHTTTiTi'sr, fine California blankets, purchased at Anerbach A Bro's Store. 10. Thou shalt not make thy toilet In the Importers and Jobbers of soap, perluniery, tooth and thy morning, unless hair brushes are bought at 'Anerbach A Bro's. Store. 1L Thou shalt not buy goods of any that Imis tates Anerbach A Bro's. ; ; WEW WEED CORX w. west, & 51 Eakc St., CHICAGO. DRO'S, Opposite Wells, Fargo A Go's Bank and Express Office, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. P.S. Particular attention paid to the Whole- Ogden, Wcher County. CIIAIJXCEY ccmicjLGhoj I THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS! F. AUERDACH NIIOBTH, sale Trade, at the lowest figures. Come and see dlSl-3for yourself. ve Toolme u. x atoca 01 jiiiiins;aui othersteep in this Market, adapted to havlnsr for the wants of the Territories, them largely, ami year supplied past belnsr familiar with their wants. I d2ZF6m SMITH BRO'S. Choice Apples. &c. MEIimilKEiEfiyEit r.Y GEORGE GODDARD. CARPENTERS dllily Manufacturers of Plain, Stamped and Japanned aim PLANISHED TINWARE, T. & W.TAYLOR Wr.i. SLOAN & CO.. Just received an excellent Assortment or H AVE JATBXFir GOODS, Consisting of AT THE PION OF THF Dry. BEAJY-IAIE.CEOTIII- N hand a Large Stock of Leather HAVING onown and from late weTannins; are prepared to importations, , JHI ..... i ie. i Wbleb we will sell Very Low FOR CAGH OR GRAIN. ; Boots & SSaoes, - . 8ELB. ' t OF OUR OWX MAKE, And in any quantity, at very Low Rates. ( . 5' We keep constantly on hand and Make to or- der, at thBnortest27oUc,TXORSv8ASH, - - ; 3. J' .' TERMS to SUIT CUSTOMERS. Cholera, Blnrrhcea, and Hnx. Dysentery - j : M & JBTollow-war- e! i ,. 1- - xiNois. HOXIE COMPORT STOVES, d2371nus59 6m j CHASE, IIANFORD '6c Co.." f !'r Headquarters for 'x 1 23 Cents. Adults. CO Cents, for CnUdren, of nine year ah ha OILS', . PAINTS, WINDOW CLASS, With an experlsnee a cur with this Medicine, nsver failed te effect White Lead and Axle Grease,' ' ' ' . .1 -In fl hours. . Medicine sent to all parts of Ui Territory, 179 Sostth " Water Street, CHICAGO, 'Ills. : , - 1 : ArenU for the Celebrated dlOfcly' Hidwife and XXedJcal We are determined oar oods shall TTRJ. VINCE7TT, TKNTII WARD, SALT LAKE satisfaction bothr , In PRICE and Knm, give f:CITY, can furnish a cure for te abore, for QUALITY. UOE BENTS FRENCH CALF ROOTS and . JUADIES FJJfE SHOES to JXeasure. - Made dl22-l- y : j.i Stoves , cazcAGo, I ; 1 Wholesale Dealers In No. 95 Michigan Avenuel BLINDS, MOULDINGS, EteEtc : ; ; (With ! SUPERIOR ARTICLE - TO-DA- T. Patent Ennternfi. Westlaktys Loose Globe & Detachable Guards,) OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. FURNISH CITY AXD COtflTRY DEALERS A. CALL AND , BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER, GROCERIES, : State Road, Etair Bless; North af Kml s; ration Square, RE prepared to Contract for BUILDING and guarantee the work equal to the beat and cheap as the cheapest. Having Wholesale and Retail Manufaclurers and Dealers In , O-ooiiO- a BOOTS, BOOT! IBS City. orofr it? If you want your VATClIKi REPAIRED, bring them on. Railroad Men, Haperintcndents or workmen, can sena oy wens, Fargo at co s N thaTUMrrwut P-.- 1 EOREV FABR. JAS. L. BUNTING. HOW WAGS ORKN Hardware nnd. Cutlery, EZRA T. BEXSON, Eogan, Cache County. EZRA T. BENSON will be on the ground to let Contracts on and after the lOtb Inst. Men must be prepared to go to work forthwith if wish Contracts. they U242AsC2 tf PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. PAR30N, YV iixxirxra the NORTH SIDE OF SALT UKK. Ogden, Weber County. :p; d21S2G31 CEMI RY. bal-mor- ! ly " ; To WOHK on tiieGRADIXO of the fan bave Partleo wlablna; ContraeJa of trie Best Qaality. 37 Cent per them at trie rate of S3 toto tbe nstnre of eeordtna; at the Lowest Cash Price), suitable to rnbtnyard, to be meaanred and Worst the dlgjrtnar. to be made Monthly, ten per road nml Jianyou nann. payments to rent, onlyla be reserved until the entire Contract fully accepted. Applications must be madcto U2l;l I rOUXDED OYER A QUARTER OF A EAGLE ; BOOTS & SHOES and Forward with Prompt. all kinds or Maebln there is no "liriLLrurchase 1 vhlch and nets Dlspatcn bXn Mecbanlea will Tools, Merchandise. llo thVr ery. bring Ntoek and Material. - . . roiPny. rwunj into the city. to all who will lie will guarantee satisfaction with their orders. entrust blm A small commission only will be charged. NEW Ite erenees to Geo. Q. Caancoif and JesxrH oha 7J Leavltt, Farmlnxton. Lake J Bcxx, Esq., Pes ret News Offlce, bait ' 0217 Bm IctlDeixtJttry-JAa.- M CltyTu.T. Barlow. . Ono Door East IMMEDIATELY! 1,000 On E 1J!W0 ln hls raIn for -- Mechanical Dentist. fc d222;2m n of llonr, twelve hundred -Jhcro was one death in the train, on little that of an old lady, nameil Mary ,.J "riU ' years or age. W. H, H. SHARP, S.D., . CUSTOM-MAD- - dXl&(jm ! TEETH inserted in GOI.l), SILVER, nnd Rl'DRER PLATES, at Prleow from 8IOO down to RIO, per SET. Office AT 'amaoieauaiuou to any norary. I hk Immioratiok. By letter Trom Express; they will be returned safely packed. WORK WARRANTED. to President Young, with J. JIEEKS' Gillespie apin PIONEER JEWELRT STORE, which we havo been courteously favored. East we learn that his train Street, Salt Lake City. Temple passed Fort Uridger d6-k' me lh. AH the company were well. Heept a few wha liad diamvha slightly, although tliere Avere no serious cases. The To the IXIIABITAXTS of TJTAR rtp has teen a very pnsperous one, and no cattle havo TEBBITOBY! gained in fleh by tho way. .'Jt had left for Captain Mumford'a train lairty-on- o on Hacks F0RtDTURE ImL cfty WarrnntHl to give satisfaction. CITY KAHN BRO BOOTS AND SHOES Inap-prouchin- op-P.i- TIE Mm - yu ; ttading Slervhants of Salt , E1ST TEMPLE STREET, s, pa-Pr,a- ad " EAST TEMPEE STREET, TEETH Extracted with Nitrons Oxide-iins- y withont pain. Also Electricity, Chloroform nnd Etherial Spray, or Freezing Process used. Rnt I recomLOWEST IN THE CITY! mend Nitrons Oxide an tho most Exaant and surest way of bavins: Teethplea tracted WITHOUT PAIN! sud invite! -- 1 MANUFACTURING CO., Retail Trade to Rive its n call. i lly mitl .Country Meretiauta re to call examine our Stork. It Social attention ffiven to Order from UlaJi ana sufjaeew Zrritorie, ;. AM-AI.(lA- ?f. We request the Wholesale mid PRICES MW W. H. H. SHARP, Dentist s . , . Price. ' . Cordage". &c. TEETH plugged with UOLD, PURE KILTER, and WX. 11. 11. KIIAKPS BOOTS & SHOES, THE LARGEST STOCK - 4 Cigars, Tobacco, MNWOODEY'S preserved wishing their call on Fnll Assortment of Flno IN THE i LIQUORS, ESTABLISHMENT, H DRESS GOODS & NOTIONS, . Staple ana Fancy Groceries, Wooden Ware, m Which we oOer to the Public i Htaud-voiut- AMd TOBACCO, cVc.,:c.,vVc. rep-entin- We have submitted to peru Ixwt Cj use" by A. I'ollard, and "The American Conflict," by Horace Oreely, each of w.th, though. In a very different manner uits upon the same subject the great rebel-- i! iivsliioh caused sack a terrible expenditure t.f MvHjd and means throughout the nation. tUcti work Introduces the same tacts, to a great and par eiUut, DyTiewa them from opposite seems as If the render It and iuu no wistir to arrive at tacts, should both work t be correctly Informed. In study h candid, n. ua to be review, this much requires ! IHihi. Ttie aatlior of The Ixjst Cause" Is aSouthern-tr- , vtU acquainted wlLh Soutnern history, leel-un- s aod desires, ilo was editor of the Rich mouU Lxumtnrr dnrlng tne war. was personally acquainted with the leaders of the rebellion, gaai' m his lot with the Confederacy, and o! cuuxstj beiieved recession was the rltchtofthe loutn. though In his work he admits it to be a "U.--t Cauie." Alter advancing the arguments most popularwlth the UouLh In favor of their right tosecedeand form a separate government, r;e reviewt tne causes which precipitated the iru4;!e, the election of Abraham .Lincoln, the formation oi a Southern government, and the cmous which Induced Beanregard to bombard aau capture Fort Suruter. Then having lalrly opeaeu with the war of the rebellion, he traces course of arms until the cause tor which the Confederacy had organized was lost, with the lurreuatr of the Southern armies. Many points f great Interest connected with the causes vtnuh led to the Inception, aad prosecution of tee rebellion are treated upon from a Southern u tbe John Brown raid, the kllllug Culuuel KUs worth, the Uahlgreen papers. thi AaiWrsoavllle prison, Fortitllow. Ac.; and the i:ie-movements of troops, InQuence of the fiurs pursued by ttoutberu leaders and Kene-"n- k elaborated and dwelt in a muster-- y meaner. The work Is well upon and pre written, astir, m ciear and manner, the auutiiera view of the perspicuous great struggle which con wd tne Bepubllc for over lour years. The 'xj wtiich U beautifully printed, on good Is embellished with steel portraits of iLiruv)8t eminent men, or the Confederacy, is one volume, containing over.W 'HupU'telu c s of read 1 n g rn at te r. P "fn American Conflict presents the oppo- Historical view. wltn the posiuon 'nat slavery has been Htartlug or the cause not merely rebellion, but of previous troubles- and rvjus of secession. In the Republic. Air. tirtf ley goes back as far as the early settlement "t tne colonies and traces slavery through its rnua workings from that time until Houth iroUna passed the ordinance of secession, lie a taacn great pains to amass together a large of documentary matter In support of uiuQt .un jositlon he assumes; and a large orllon of -- it r.r-- t volume contains much valuable lnfor-- a' ion on the growth of the aWolltion parly au iu working;!, and biographical sketches of most noted or its leaders, from which, how-v- r, g he modestly excludes himself. the t me when the great "American became actual and national war he of the Kansas-Nebrask- a the ua Brown raid, and other deedsdifficulty, and clrcumos 4riees which marked the spirit of the two parties, sparks which preceded the vat conflagration that blazed with such "nscttve fury. Copious extracts from "Pwbes, documents and letters are Introduced to snow the opinions of leading 7rn- - with the Influence which was thus ver the great parties of the nation. The and events of the war, and the policy parked ofare dwelt upon with the known the author ; and both volumes r04uly profusely Illustrated with steel portraits of aud with leading men on both camber ot scenes of i ha war,sides, while la typogia-kace- a nDUa present a beautiful appear- ir inieresuns woras are ror sale only by and can be got from Mr. 0. 11. 'criptloo, booaseller.ofthUclty. They will make " General Agents for Utah. d211-3- m TO YOUR, TEETH! FtAXNFXS LOOK should Those Teeth i DEAL LARGELY IX WALKER BROTHERS, PI HICKORY, TICKING. TEA. cap-:ur- el urposiTK Sides. 49" Insurance effected on Farm Property. Mills, Merchandise, Risks and Dwellings at Reduced Rates. I HUNT, A. J. RALSTON. i i President Secretary. H DOJIESTICS. large Stock ot t Oen-er- a! DEXIMN, twcntj-on- Called. Wo were very pleased to hao s.mII tbisafterneott from Mr. Hanson, ir tlio lirm of Taylor A: Wright, whulcsaieBrocers, Chicago; and Mr. Kogers; Co., rqresentin tlio tirm of flriswold in teas, coffees and fancy groceries, ai of Chicago. They arrived by sstage hist niht, hiwim; ridden on the 17. 1. It. Jt. for miles tins side of lienton, tho present :eraiinus, and made tho ntago part of tho Mr. llogers tnp m two days anil a half. nsits the city for the first time, Mr. Hanson renews acquaintanceship. Both gentlemen urtj rm business, in wiiich wo wish them and a pleasant sojourn iu our city. All Losses adjusted and paid at the Agency. ) ; 337 JfcZ JES PRINTS, to a gentiemeu x ho resides iJ a fair of mules stolen from .rtv uiiic; thin side of lienton, inuK. SHARP & YOUNG. d20ltf JUST OPEIJEDT INRTTHANCE COMPANY n IT Apply (miuelliitcly at tho Month ol Weber Knnron. FANCY GROCERIES! D. STUART , "a'-tie- And Complete Aasortment of d210 2w 6 & 8 RiTcr Street, CHICAGO. has established, a Qeneral Aarsncy in Salt ike Cltr. for the Territory of Utah. Policies Issued, payable either In Gold or Currency as may be desired. j the hero of tho story. vun? man who Som fittln tinio aj?o William AdJonu, bro-t- r -- Well-know- Quarry-me- j CHOICE TEAS, RICE, Stone Ulnsoim SUGAR, 3IUL.E SHOES, COFFEE, CroHH Cut anil Pit SAlTtf. and Eaborers, HPICES, TO WORK ON RICE, GEiSS. CANDLES, THE PICKS and HANDLES. RAILROAD! i ItLMBER .REETIXCJ. SOAP, None hut iood Men neetl apply. EYE. Cutlery fc Stationery, ELDREDGE & simcs! ADD IIAE1HE f n, I "pluck" in the ij.-cess- Comprising I We heanl a t tn umtuuco in this city, him &Lout Wyoming. iUarteil in pursuit alone ami onaoot, and .iviiii? 111 gone for several day5, those hi knew of the undertaking concluded he killed l y tho savages, and so reported 'a . P it ;tltr snriiA titnn 1niirpp tin inmA1 JIo had iip, tavms the nnuei wltn Jam. !.Uowei tho Indians on loot a hundred mile-although nearly starved, and had e bin Hoi1 ME ) OYSTERS, WBSBSSsi SSSSBSSBsl HIGHEST VACES PAID! " In Ca Ah, Monthly. YEAST 1C l!tlatnisht. i'Li'CK." Of San FranciscOi California. Capital&Aesets, GoU, Sl433,037.81 " horso-stealin- g. h IIVX IVZE D A IiAROE STOCK OF , nftrt'T &TOGHT iHSURancECoriPAnY; TAYLOR . COFFKK, correspondents' names tuicu"' accompany their corarannlca- 'o' publication, but as a t'0 V.":..v -rellabllUr irr CHICAGO TRADE. . : , -- . DooorssjiaPrurxlttSiuppUfd, r d3laa d2455 - : - I ' |