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Show Messenger-Enterpris- To Non-Subscrib- Thursday, April 20, 1995 e, Page 10 ers was ho cHeap lo suHscriHe io His Hometown newspaper sent His little Hoy to orrow His neiyHHor's copy. Jn His Haste tHe Hoy ran over an $80. 00 Hive of ees and in 10 minutes He fooHecf fiHe a warty syuasH TitsfatHer ran to His assistance , andfailiny 71 man wHo Horded wire fence) ran into (Hat cuttiny a Hole in His anatomy as well as ruininy a pair of $30. 00 trousers. He of(fcow tooH aJuaniaye oftHe yap in tHe fence and Hilfecf Herself eatinyyreen corn. Jfeariny a racHet tHe wife ran out, upset a four yallon cHurn ofcream into a HasHei ofcHcHs, drowniny tHe entire HatcH 9n Her Haste sHe dropped a $130. 00 set offalse teetH, wHicH tHe ' to notice tHe Hone. 7He HaHyHauiny Heen left alone, crawled (HrouyH tHe spilled cream and into tHe family doy HuriedtHinHiny it was a new type of tHe stray doy HroHe up 11 parlor, ruininy a $500. 00 carpet. Duriny (He excitement (He oldest dauyHter ran away witH (He Hired man , settiny Hens, 1.He calves yot out and cHewed tHe tails offfourfine sHirts on tHe clotHes line, and tHe catHad a HatcH ofHittens. Y 17111 tHis to save 50 cents. 71nd, in (His case, tHe poor yuy never didyet to read(Hat weed's edition. Don let (His Happen to you ! Suscrfe today ! Limited time offer: New subscribers (either in or out of Sanpete County) receive a full year of The Manti Messenger or The Ephraim Enterprise for only $10!!! Foster than a speeding IE IKY IQ IE More accurate and more current than any phone book too. Now you can "Let your fingers do the walking through the Manti Messenger and Ephraim Enterprise Service Directory where its easy to find anything you need. IDidkectkiky E ISSPAC HHSH55HD Service Directory Advertising Rates of weeksmonth) 2 weeksmonth - $12.00 3 w eeksmonth - $ 6.00 4 weeksmonth - $20.00 5 weeksmonth - $25.00 (billed out as 5i North Mm 1 Mmi. 1 ah BSE 1 835-424- jr Salon of Hair and Sail Design' U call Tricia at cMiusisniEi use mpyetisens (ccentrix Medandiy: Sfe Thursday: Perms 00 Hut ( u( S29 00 shun 00 Ion)! ) for your health and gift giving needs. See our great selection books flowers gifts Floral Pharmacy 528-345- '.ml Your home town FULL SERVICE grocery store. 77 South Main J5 00OIT Cok Plus Featuring Custom cut meats - the way you like them! 528-778- 7 5 W Friday: Manti Grocery - SA Sight 35 E. Union, Manti Gunnison S200funi Oient. 835-88-00 Pre-Gran- onty Opening Sale d CPA Satisfying clients for over 1 0 years. Income Tax Planning Small Business Services Call for no obligation appointment 835-835- 0 $34,999 Homes Remodels Service Ncwr Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath Special factory purchase Limited time only auto & TRUCK SUPPLY Everything you need for your car (including JVC car stereos) is here in Manti! EPHRAIM CALL 835-031- 1 MURDOCK MUSIC or receive from anywhere 24 hours Frequently Used Numbers Public Works .. Power BERT M-- F 9a.m.-5p.- 283-423- 283-445- 7 1 Inc. 35 South Main Manti great for business or for Pianos, Organs. Digital Pianos, Music. Band Instrument. Orchestra e, Messenger-Enterpris- 475 S. Main Ephraim with internationally based family members!! communicating Garbage 528-375- 5 911 Emergency Fax U 801-835-14- 283-646- 2 93 NSURANC 13 Carpet & Upholstery 1m WTvtfy Cleaning. nasth I Call 528-786- Rick Bartholomew 74 East 100 North Ephraim, UT 84627 Agriculture Phone: (01)798-394Toll free: I FAX (801) 798-641- 4 (Dfllec brocDcrs 489-728- 283-46- 890 North 200 West Maplcton, Utah 84664 Mon-FSat 8:00-1- 2 00 9:00 - 600 ri Bank of Ephraim celebrating our 90th year Night Depository Service located on north side of our building at 2 North Main Ephraim 283-462- 1 ZIONS FIRST Extended lobby hours INFORMATION Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5 Call Mike CENTRAL UTAH COMPUTERS Commercial Residential Free Estimates 835-746- 1 1 56 East 200 South Manti, Utah 84642 Fully Licensed Subscription special for this month: New subscribers only $10.00 reg. $16.00 your best source for local news and 85 Manti Country Cleaners and Insured . Sprinkler Systems Drip Systems AG Systems Do It Yourself Professional Custom Design Service Affordable Repair & Replacement Parts CSSS'Hluifitan Hunfcri Thriftway - Gunnison Lees Variety - Ephraim 1 South Main, Manti PAWN Buddies Real rib steak sandwiches and other great items! ORDERS TO GO: gardens Shakes 100 W. Main 135-- 1 Loaned on most anything of value Jewelry TV's Guns Diamonds Moroni use Compost Ready to the bag or by the truck by Call Local 436-829- 0 Gold Etc 835-914- sor 2 24 Hour Emergency Road Service v'sunujn raSSnfflMWD VCR SERVICE Expert Repair of VCR's Remote ControlsCamcorders Audio Equipment. Free estimates on VCR's crop land 436-853- 5 "kids" hamburgers only $.59 4 prensen Towing Money rSuTPrHtJLCH Organic Soil Conditioner for flower beds lawns Sandwiches 798-745- PRO mwxrni a OODjTOJGQ 1350 N Main Spanish Fork Local Alterations, Mending 835-419- Pizza INKLERS Rsmmmzs? BUYSELLTRADELOAN 46 N. Main, Manti Also at: 1 3 Dry Cleaning, Laundry, 283-525- BUD KEISEL CONSTRUCTION 84642 ammss? IfjlWAY?? 835-149- SPRIOHLER 4 Division ofllarward WORLD man Irrigation Systems 1 Manti fax: 1 H advertising togctoirthc mmmsm mm 35 S. Main 0 NATIONAL BANK 8 s, 3 Dojou want AUCO ULlReCKfnq 835-424- Inc. e, for all your printing needs... 835-424- Manti Messenger Ephraim Enterprise (801) Decorative Landscape Satisfaction gum antced! Deodorizing FENCING Risk Managers, Inc. (Vinyl fencing) & Dupoat Teflon Proteclor FREEWfiY Orem 981 N. 1200 W. Messenger-Enterpris- business forms, letterhead, envelopes, business cards, brochures, magnetic etc. signs and decals, UM-- i Steve Andersons SUPER Instruments. Repair (801)225-792- 2 231011WEmSB) Buy and Sell used & wrecked cars Custom Welding Metal Fabrication 1 NOW! send to anywhere CITY POWERFUL TRUCK MOUNT STEAM CLEANS DEEPER & DRIES FASTER! 835-252- Call Scott HURRY! DONT MISS OUT! G3 INTINGSERVICES 6 ENCING main MBINGSERVICES LAYTON PLUMBING ACCOUNTING Eric R. Hedelius, kb Tell your local merchants that you saw it in the newspaper! ORA for you next week! bullet... 475 S. Main Ephraim 283-034- 0 398 North 500 West A Provo, Utah 84601 (801)377-349- 4 |