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Show Thursday, April 20, 1995 e, Messenger-Enterpris- Page 9 NOTICE The following notice of intent to construct, submitted in accordance with Section 3.1, Utah Air Conservation Rules, has been received for consideration by the Executive Secretary, Utah Air Quality Board: David McCoy Ephraim City Ephraim City Power 5 South Main Ephraim City, UT 84627 45 West 50 South Two Internal Combustion Engines DISCUAIME endoraaromota orancouraga purchaa'6aalaj;anJjjroduc The Net Increase in Approved Emissions will be (A negative sign indicates a decrease in emission rates.): PM SO, NOv CO ... VOC WSS SAIIE engtMl MSftps, T eerylcaktyartlaedlnthlanawapapa Adyartlaamantafa aponslbllitVb(2thi1advertls kaMUifalLl.l3Ll1H.UIIIktf. damaqa suffered jqi Ihareault ofanv advertisement In thienewepapeWc 3.2tonsyear . 3.0 tonsyear 80.0 tonsyear 80.0 tonsyear ...3.7 tonsyear aranotraaponalblafoT' . yepreaantatlohaTnada bridal, lingerie, westemwear, ladies, FREE 10 DAY EXAMINATION! Holy Bible Last Supper, King James (Catholic) edition. No obligation. No down payment. Only $64.95 plus men's large sizes, infantpreteen, shipping. OWN YOUR OWN APPAREL or shoe store, choose: jeansportswear, petite, dancewearaerobic maternity, or accessories store. Over 2000 name brands. $25,900 to $37,900: The engineering evaluation and air quality impact analysis have been completed and no adverse air quality impacts are expected. It is the intent of the Executive Secretary to approve the construction project. inventory, training, fixtures, grand opening, etc. Can open 15 days. Mr. Loughlin (612) 888 6555. The construction proposal and estimates of the effect on local air quality are available for public inspection and comment at the Division of Air Quality, Utah State Department of Environmental Quality, 150 Written comments North 950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84 received by the Division, at the same address on or before May 19, HORSE PASTURE with safe fences. 995, w ill be considered in making the final decision on the approval Palisade Lake area. Adjacent to public disapproval of the proposed construction. lands. MAKE MONEY with easy, proven 1 1 1 coupon exchange system. For free information call or write: Box 65 005, SLC, UT 84165. 1 (ucan) lofl If anyone so requests to the Executive Secretary in writing, within 15 FOR SALE: 66 acres of good days of publication of the Notice, a hearing will be held to explain the meadow with live water. West of HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. project and technical rationale for proposed action. A hearing will be scheduled as close as practicable to the proposed project location. Manti. Comments obtained during a hearing will be evaluated and considered MANTI 0.44 acre building lot. by the Executive Secretary before making a final decision on the Pressurized irrigation. Southern approvaldisapproval of the project. location. $11,500. Good exposure. 835-849- 1. $35,000 potential. Details. Call (1) Ext. (ucan) 4of4 Ext.T-639- ACRE LOTS TO 8,000 acre parcels. Heber Valley, Ogden Valley, Cedar Valley, Hurricane Valley. Ranch Do you feel the O.J. Siipson Trial is the worth ext:416 $2.00 per YES: Avg tin T.T. Tiae spent on Arg call 1 it? tin cost $2.00Haxiui cost $10.00 ext: 417 $2.00 per iin Avg call 1 tin Avg cost $2.00Kazitui cost $10.00 ext:418 $2.00 per tin Avg call 1 tin Results: Avg cost $2.00Xaxiim cost $10.00 Touch tone phone req. Under 18 get parents penission. Cust.,Serv., Strauss Com., Cartel, CA (408) Results will be sent to local reception area television stations. Realty, 635-775- (ucan) lofl 5. NO: 625-19- 10 J 50 . Corrals, Qte. Other Popular Sizes Avallablo 4 PALMER'S METALMART 1200 e. 100 s. Lhi Hour: Mon Frl 830 to 5:30 Sat 1 (800) 2 9-1- 947-024- ut 9 m'mwm Find Oat nil's l Yr Fitinl LV CALL TODAYI OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY -- $33 5 Min. 18 or older. Touchtone Phone Required. TeUService USA. Inc. Hegeretown. MD (301) 797-232- OUR PRAYERS BY CALLING. WE ARE AN HONEST, LOVING, Live Psychics Ext. 4308 LEGAL MEDICAL EXPENSES. LESLIE MARC (ucan) 2oG ADOPTION: KAREN AND BRUCE WISH TO BRING YOUR NEWBORN INTO THEIR LIVES. LOTS OF COUSINS, LOVING GRANDPARENTS AND A HOME FILLED WITH OPPORTUNITY. LAUGHTER AND LOVE. CALL (ucan) lof2 AUTOMOBIUES Porsches, Cadillacs. Chevys, BMWs, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4 WDs. Your area. Toll free for current listings, Ext.A-513- 9 TRUCKS & 85-9- 4 13.99 min. dm UDINGS (335 SALE Ext. 6236 12.99 min. Mint b IS yean. 0 Procal Co. WE CAN DO IT FAST! Bad Credit Foreclosure dont outomaficolty turn you down because you have hod credit problems in the past. HAVE YOU HAD: Lett I Slow Payment Bankruptcy DO YOU NEED: Cash Out ot Your Equity Debta Consolidation Home Improvements FOB MOBTGA GEsCA NmHEL CALL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER FOR INFORMATION: NEW STEEL BUILDINGS SALE NEVER ERECTED; 26 GAUGE VALUE MASTER 30x40x10, $4,910; 40x60x14, $8,644; 40x100x16, $11,355; 50x60x14, $10,045; 60x80x14, $14,566; 60x 1 OOx 1 6, $ 8,3 9; Free Brochures, 1 1 (ucan) lofl 0. 0BO0R us 1(800)378-564- 7. (ucan) lofl What would Winter be imm'iss like without a cold? Revitalize your health, loaasiMiaw energy and immunity! Discover how health and wealth connect. Gain energy, lose weight, reduce your risk of disease, become RICH! Receive FREE exciting IBM compatible disk. Call (80 )283-5751 (ucan) lofl 8 No experience necessary! MaleFemale. Age 1 For more information call: (206)545-415- 5 ext.A89633. (ucan) 3of3 0. 125 Head young pregnant cows. 40 head pairs. Your choice you pick 8. GB&ISEjB HOME FOR SALE: MANTI. rock Charming, recently-renovate- d home. 2 bedroom, loft, bath. Out buildings. Sprinkler system on comer lot. $58,000. 1 835-849- 1. You CAN own your own home! No downpayment on Miles materials, attractive construction financing. Call Miles Homes today, ext.l. (ucan) 3of4 (ucan) lof2 LOG HOME SHELL PACKAGE - 2,0 6 feet, two levels, gambrel roof, 1 MISCELLANEOUS four bedrooms, two baths, 7" logs.k quality materials, $3 ,600, 80 door-to-do- or necessary. Choose your own hours, income, rewards. Earn to Work and still raise a family. Independent sales rep. Show. June 3, 1995 at church park. For more information call Marie at 4 or Mary at 528-353- 1. SOFTBALL tournament in with Centerfield conjunction CO-E- D (2866). (ucan) DRIVERS 1 GOVERNMENT FORECLOSED HOMES FROM $1.00 (Repair needed). Delinquent Tax, Repos, REOs, FDIC, RTC, IRS. Your area. MUD BOG. Centerfield Founder's Day. June 3, 1995 at mud park. For more information call Tom at Ext.H-513- 9 Toll free for current listings. Fee. (ucan) lofl 1 WANTED for the Country Attics OFFashioned summer time crafts show in Cedar City, June 22-24. 4. (ucan) lofl Factory which to put mobile home. Cash for reasonable price. 1. SanpctcMilley Manti Two offices to serve you. (801)835-316- 1 Theressa Alder, Equita6k INSURANCE ON EMPLOYEE PROFIT SHARING, PLUS VERY broker 283-662- Realty LITTLE LAYOVER. ALL TRUCKS ARE 1993 AND NEWER, WITH 400 CATS & CUMMINS. CONTACT S.M.P. INC. AT (801)374-076- MANTI 2 bedroom, 1 bath, house, good location $47,500. Call office FINISH NEEDED!! Salt Lake City custom exhibit shop. Looking for someone with a great imagination, drive, and excellent building skills. Must be able to produce high quality museum exhibits and tradeshow displays from renderings and verbal instructions using a wide variety of materials and tools from numerous trades. Good personal relation skills a must to maintain the efficient use of the shop Resume and help. Call references required. We drug test, 835-- 3 1 61. MANTI Nice house with large lot. 4 bedrooms. Great shape inside and out. Was $110,000; reduced to $95,000. Call office 835-316- MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY! 2 SUNQUEST WOLFF TANNING BEDS - New Commercial-Hom- e Tanning Units From $199.00. Lamps - Lotions - Accessories. Payments low as $20.00. Call Today FREE rambler Lovely in super shape. 3 bedroom, I 34 bath. Full basement. 2 car attached garage. Fully landscaped wauto sprinkler system on 13 acre. Located in one of Ephraim's finest subdivisions. EPHRAIM Building lots available NOW 1. MANTI New MANTI Building lot 14 acre. $7,000 each. Call office 835-316- 1. MANTI 4 bedroom, Near elementary $65,000. Call office arch style buildings 30x40 and 50x120. Call ext.896. (ucan) lofl 6 EPHRAIM 1. (ucan) lofl REALTY 370 N. Main EMPLOYEE AND FAMILY, LIFE 4of4 - Stock Materials Up To Liquidation 40 Off. 25x36, 2- - 30x50, 2- - 4 1 x70, 49x90,55x130,60x200. Brand New Material, Never Been Erected. In (ucan) lofl EXCELLENT HOLIDAYS, MEDICAL INSURANCE ON (ucan) STEEL BUILDINGS- 1 WESTERN STATES MUST BE 25 YEARS OR OVER AND HAVE 2 YEARS FLATBED EXPERIENCE. WE OFFER UP TO 26 CENTS A MILE, PAID VACATIONS, 8 PAID NEW Color Catalog EAU CRAFTERS Attic Country 835-046- 1 in Mayfield, Utah, 12 acre, 2 car garage, auto sprinkler system, covered patio, for ac, $87,500. (801)528-789- 3 No lofl appointment. agents, (ucan) WANTED: 0.25 acre ground on NEEDED: TOP PAY TO RUN EXPERIENCED 12 BATH HOME 1 VON A lofl PROFESSIONAL 2 BDRM, Founder's Day. June 3, 995 at church park. For more information call Kevin at 528-- 7 174. 50. 14-- 1 for CRAFTERS WANTED Centerfield Founder's Day Craft (801)586-261- AVON. No ALEBIALS Spring special price good thru May 15th. Trade?? (801)562-564- 7 or 3 EMPLOYMENT (ucan) lofl LOG HOME KIT, 24 x36' 7" logs, 1300 sq. ft. living area $13,950. (801)489-100- ALASKA Full time opening in our 964-742- We Quality pure bred Salers Bulls for sale. Some red, some black, some polled. For easier calving next time call Paul Herd at (801)563-932- CARPENTERCABINET MAKER Sports Pix SAVE MONEY... (ucan) lofl Transportation! MODELS Will arrange financing even if you have been turned down before. Problem credit okay. Call Lori at (ucan) lofl Festunng Uvs Psychics, Sports Pix and Mors 24 Hours 1 ADOPT A CHILD TO CHERISH & CARS TRYirHSIMEWESHUINBYEr U.S. POSTAL, SOCIAL WORKERS AND COMPUTER TRAINEES $2 PER HOUR PLUS EXCELLENT HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLE WHO WISHES SO MUCH TO FOREVER. QffluSSS 528-383- $3,000-$6,00- 0 to Earn Fishing Industry. up per month. Room & Board! (ucan) lofl 3 (ucan) lofl ADOPTION: PLEASE ANSWER SEIZED CARS FROM $175. 1289 for details, TRAINING TO APPLY CALL LOVE CONFIDENTIAL. For Fences, 1 BENEFITS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ON THE JOB ADOPTION (ucan) lofl 4. 1 HOME TYPISTS NEEDED. Also , PCWord processor users. $40,000 year income potential. Toll free Publish April 20, 1995 I (913)682-579- 7. EMPLOYMENT (ucan) lofl 1 (ucan) lofl 1 835-750- 0. Monthly installments $8.12. Sales representatives needed! ANGELA, 5 1 7 NORTI SEVENTH, LEAVENWORTH, KS 66048 Science is way cool! Bill Nye The Science Guy uses music, special effects, experiments and comedy to teach kids that science rules! Watch it weekdays at 5:30 p.m. on KBYU-T- 1 house. school. 835-316- 835-316- 835-878- 1. MANTI 1. EPHRAIM 0.58 acre building lot near Snow College. $25,000. Call office home in fantastic location, full unfinished basement, double car garage, covered deck. Large lot, $ 89,500. Call John or Barb Two story brick home on 1 2 acre. 4 bedroom, 1 bath. New gas furnace. $69,900. Call John or Barb 835- - 8781. 1. MANTI Three acres residential Roy F. Hitch, Broker Dean D. Hatch, Associate Broker Rick & Julie Christensen '.Vanda Hatton Karen Seely 835-316- 1 835-330- 1 835-239- 1 528-317- 3 462-338- 5 building lot in Manti. Call John or Barb 835-878-1. For all your Real Estate needs Manti Branch Office John and Barb Eliason ..... Morell Snow Bonnie Nielson .... Bob Besscy .......... Charles Alder ..... 835-87- 81 835-64- 51 283-42- 1 835-36- 61 283-66- 26 1 |