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Show -- v made-l- a id e U-hi-o H) vs: 'for; t ! it- -' t w e I coin c v T educa- -- for-t- he Mi Willard .was imveiluL C church, md j&tfevas. cla-sse- and s urn--aftef-- jj.v so-call- M 1 ? Frederick Charles of Prussia, the Queeii Regent Sophia Queeii xVilhelmina of the Netherlands, the Duchess' of the ..Duchess of Pdinburg and Queen Mctoria.. r. In Massachu setts, "lh ree of the brightest ... opponents of woman suffrage have been women intensely interested and active in 'politics: one a member of the State Board of Charities, who is, supposed to have de- feated Governor Butler's one an expert and successful lobbyist, and one who is the "author of a very 'popular political handbook. ; They think it womanly to ' hold office" and instruct men how to vote, but tinTVinaTily .to ; Vote in person: Alas for human inconsisttncy! lix. ' " Con-naugh- t, ' . v. . We all ttihs her," but my'deepest sympathy rests 1 with her bereaved husband,, they .were so devoted ' fcrt to each other and so ' f " - yea r s r5: . e u r e Sjwas d e e d t "His home she entered there to be a light, 'Shining within when ah without was night, A guardian angel o'er his life presiding Doubling his pleasure, ant j hislearernviciihg'-Winnin- g him .back when mingling in the throng, From a vain "wond, "we love alas too long, To fireside "happiness and hours of ease. Blessed with that charm the Certainty to please How tft her. eves read his, her gentle? inind To all his wishes, ali his Stii'l subject ever on the 'watch' to borrow xMirth from his mirth and sorrov from ids sor' row ' ' Emilv G. CLUfr. ; . Provo CitiV coii-rciiia- l 1 1 i Inr.-o- ' ver n t , 1 1 ... Iv 1. Hi if 1 ft inula!!! in '.tio.Mi.A v V R rAUTnTI.AlW,COMlfM,ATE Zo. IS Mi in IN - St, , stu: imh. I'EioN OP. BY J ETTEIU Salt Lake City mi " '. Km off-Han- ' d DRESS GOODS AND TftlMMINGS. FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, EQUI- -' ...... POISE. WAISTS, ETC. I)re ?rnklnir ;r all its brandies-- .UlUfnerj, )at 9, sy!-s- , Jlnt aid ItonnfU tc;'i:eJ and 'nrinmcil Feiitlirr cur!e,l, nc.- - MaiujilncdorC loordrr. Iiut' - -- . s , 'bat 1UARV. t ns ciAvn d Died at Draper Sen. 5th, 184, Catharine. S:nith wife ol ' Absaiom W. Smith, deceased was" bom at Carston, Lincoinsaire, England, ati. 29th, She leaves four cniidren, two sons, ami two daughters to rnuurn" her loss. Siie was chosen President ..of. .'the Primary Association when iu was first oranizrd in Draper over fifteen years ago which otlice she held until her 1S21. Ilnrlnl white you wait. S11I (m s "Mn n Sprlallj ii:i:i r ; I '. j f i : " death. j . d j 0 1 ,, She has also been, associated wiih the Relief of my Dear Sister, Society since its first organ'iz ition and held oflice Eliza C. Hinder who departed tks Hie at her as teacher and counselur, urtil she was'chosen home Salt Lake City, March 26th, iSq aged j President of the l'iraperVVardyikM 61 years 2 months and days.) 'a. 'true and consistent jjaffpiith'r"TMj5r'i.S!:e Latter-da- y Saint m works as we'd as words, bewi frh '' XntT many hearts loved by all and always van tnt for the truth, and moiirntd her loss for 'she was well and very favor known all the of Utah. vales .through The has now parsed to the great beyond, to mingle ably with the loved ones, and enjoy trie; reward of the have house for years at con"family kept gpe.n - : '; ference links, and oihtr public occasionsscores righteous. rind in their 'hospitable home a hearty welcome . Through all her 'life she scattered flowers, awa!tinr them. Of love and .mi:es around ; I have vishedthe i Shes dwelling nom heavenly bowers, me same Kinn-spi- nt Where only iovead joy are found. pervades it, though her room looks deserted, and her fhair at the table is Kate Sanders, Ass't. Sec. vacant. "I feel that her sweet spirit like the of.'loiiK faded flowers', still broods over her Tiome. with 'its love giving powers.'' Sister Binder was a second. mother-t- o merher he;irt overflowed with nvaiernal love.the sorrow of Died Sep. 24th, 1894 win- of TnoniasRv her lite was she never hdach'M of hr U'eTCTi, Sister Hrtrfiet-a- sn rji rrerTvofuT w en he ther h ?cd bv G. Welch, :aLtheage of theAfaTtenn noti; Deceased . Ti r oane or ine a thPiII; was born at Horstedkairns, Sussex, England, grown man, always-broug- ht ' to tier heart .and a trar to her eye. April 17th, S3 1. She embraced the Gospel in She never missed an opportunity of testifying' Brighton, where she "was baptized by Elder to the truths of the Gospel, it was her delight to Jatnes Pitman, Oct. ist, 1853. converse upon and, study its principles. She In August she 1S35, as married (poked anxiously forward to the evening when to Thomas R. G. We.ch, lo whom she bore nine the day's duty ended and the family could gather children, sixjjf them, one daughter and live sons , in her room-- and .talk upurf the principles n grand-cliir"su f vi ve her: ATsort w reri She was the pink of neatness.and ever JIoLhopes were centered on. Zion, and she' with . studied to make her room and person attractive; her husband and babe, sailed .Trom Liverpool, Sheiwiis swift to rebuke wrong and equally so to March 2Sth, 1S57; arrived in Sfalt Lake City approve the rightshe received celestial marriage i2th,the!same Huston year, September coming by " and did in that principle what few wreri could Iowa City. Florencr, and over the dreary desert have done. . She possessed great charity and car-- ; "plains. Went South on the advent of lohn'stpn's ried a heavenly influeneevtth her, her svmpathv 'army,: and returned to Salt Lake in the City for the needy was substantial and she ever exerted of IS'K). Brother and Sister Welch; re Spring ' herself to relieve distress. moved. ioj Morgan County in the fall . winter of lier life she undertook to In 1S79 Sister Welch was called, Thejat Sister E. R raise money to assist in paying the taxes of a Snow Smith, to preside over the by Associaworthy, sister .who is alone in the vvorkl, though"' tion of South Morgan Ward. Prhnary She Was then a - she met :mapy rebuffs and discouragements she teacher in the Relief Society, but did not rest , - succeeded in raising the I he ttfe trust necessary, amount year she was called' to Hef journey across the plains in the "Hand preside over thefollowing Primanes'throuiihout thkL-.cart company of 1856' full of touching incidents :ivhicriffice Mucir.,-&iHa4M4k- M'lI.L Of'K.V HV.ii -- . TRinUTIvOF LOVE. To the memory . R SHIPP, DR ELLIS r ;.-.- . : n, A. ;' - . - " . 1 - Lord." Dr. Ma a a ierC. Shipp Will eonmitiiiee lier nect elass Iuriri in Ol3s;tc?tries eiiitl on weanesuay, i f 1 ' , H Telephone 383. - . j CJct. ID -- " ; - 26,28,30and32 East sw-ecte- -- - . -- per--fum- -r A SALT LAKE CITY. The Leading y hlojajiXii w 2 1 . rir" srxty-Thre- Retail I 1 7 - -- . 1st SouthSt.. e 1 e. . 1 . - -- -- . . on. en'ty-sev- e - IE.K. THOMAS .. r '. d .. - SALT LAKE SCHOOL OF OBSTETRICS,' - - - . f ; . .-,- adi-iit.-- '. . I - -v- u , -- : Mie - . ed 1 HI S, as .gteat. and , ' ireat-''enthi3iasm.- . '. w i . raptor :Tu . JaU: . ntjs-sorroi- - . U tcr;-ro- 4 - hts, against .v woman ' frage t h i nk' i t wpn Id m ; u n worn a nly ' for women to vote.- Tlicv. have ajl'idea3hat: ' suffragists, wish ,toplaee womeu in tin-- . natnr.il positions.. But the fact is the' cohservaJLiies are far less sensitivV than the liberals on this, point. In German)', for instance, where the emperor claims to rule by - divine -- right, and ' wire re womeu are esjecially subordinate to mem soci a 1 ly intl ustriall y a u d ol i 1 ca IJy t here ;ire ei ght; wome a.: :oloiiels( all Of wb om d nn; their pay; regularly, namely, the empress of the Germany, Ithe dowjev enij)ress, , . thiMakirted 4 : II.'IIK-- - di.d, but her faith 'MiilVrvd a g j eat, I . t.ii- her-.but tpeciahv da '1 syit'pdhy witn 'Brother' r.indt'r.'ami hft. uiniir.:ompanioir To the huier'aJ." whih took" A.u o Urn. 27 thy. "of who ha e ever done all "u tht ir powt p to naM liie'- sweef to: her, especially through the -- nuny in s hUe.:to follow no, remorse is the- ltiii'ui.t of tntir beloved Pifs TJbi)clilv Stltferin; The 1 live s vi?auu deceased's 'flit hall was throt Kt:!. (hear in. firm keep IHilent city, .uln'cfi Ihey. Vy h;, wvi- "Ho .;kw4&ittl&iM$& u as very-..- : h freshly cud.e.d Uotttt'-.KaifMhtkrt&W'U .'0:nf. tender to thcstiiierinirs of odicrs, bqt courageous of JmlSOTfttriV r lOIbe (' H or ir ,in hervOWn4 rhe 'Obituary Notes in the AVri-- andrnnj Npoke dfihr"ji'(jVd worlcan'd integrity ' time-wehut re rnuch r.ppreciatcd feiald, at the 0f j;o departed. The Trriinary x:IJJilrt.ji anK,vJ it would tnke; a book to tell;' of her j;otduess and .,r(;.,tj,rf- - th nriiUo the fold;' and sonowin' ' kindness.--often vvish;ihat rich as she .could ue '.; relatHts, friends and' neighbors h once more- ent to.tms eartti as rainierinjaiei-j- to coiniori .6ll.t,t. remains of.our Sisier who has be- ' ' but we fore us. v. those who are iassih through -- ordea-rs; ' y : have the hie of our Savior, oefure us and u e v k. c. 1: . f. , should be satisfied with' this, an i the consciousi S91": Oct. 'ist; .Morgan, ..; we feel ' ness, 'that we are .stnvinir for the sure she has received. "Weil done tlibtr good and fdthful servant, enter thou 'into the joy uf thy - therojnmijtmy, distinguished men and .women faf different nssociation-s:''- . "Anne tVlit d I it in ?mer lerrt'at' :te rallied f,r the 'living an(Llh t'ta. II;r luvtr.and. die w the children arou,na sympathize '; '4Ster.Bindejwak ' Utiiveritv .Xprtjiwestern " '(),d.l:o!ks Convrniu.vy ftrr years and it waa gred '' p i ea tire" tuj her to. wp'ik. for the cuur.'ort ot rub . and do nr President Rogers,; yf the U-- i j com-- ! mence Oct. 9th, 1894, and- will continue fbr twenty weeks. The instruction' will embrace a. thorough cause in Midwifery and nursing iu which The student will be )re paredTbr practical work Tuition ten dollars thenfessary book six dolhrr . - ' ;" A "uress'Mrs. Lizzie H, Sllipp, S. 7th desired. - j ! of-iS6- , ; -- - Thk winter term of this school will I ' - " 1 -- T1 |