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Show SPIRITED BUYING IN WALL STREET Buying Orders Lerce, but Prices Do Not fliseiri butchers, $5.0Og6.fCH: rood heavy, $5.151 IX); rough hesvy, J5.0yj5.10; light, $5.(Ky (22; Pigs, R70&5.10; bulk of sales, J&.IO14? 6.26. Sheep Receipts, 20.000; market weak to 10c lower; sheep, H 06.75; lambs, H7S C7.85. . . . . Chicago Produce. CHICAGO, Jan. ' 1 Commission-houses and local shorts were fairly active bidders for wheat here today, and the market was firm. The demand was mainly due to an advance In the price of wheat In Liverpool Liver-pool Offerings were light. May opened hk to Kfr higher at & to 882c, sold up to M&c, and . then declined to HSQ SSa Minneapolis, Duluth Chicago reported re-ported receipts of 839 cars, against 406 a year ago. fWet weather had a bullish effect on the corn market. May opened unchanged to He higher at 44S44Vic, and sold at 4 Oats were steady In sympathy with other grains. Trading was quiet. May was up a shade at t2e. Heavy shipments of lard had a steadying steady-ing effect on the provision market and offset off-set a So decline In the price of live hogs. Local bulls were fair purchasers. May pork was unchanged at ILS.77H: lard waa up 2tt at $7.50, and ribs were up lhi at $7.. Kansas City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. Jan. t-CatUe Receipts, Re-ceipts, 9U00; market steady; native steers, $3.754.00; native cows and heifers. J2.00 t.00: stockers and feeders, $2.6034.60; bulls, J2.54.00; calves, $3.00.7&; Western fed steers, ti.254M.90; Western cows, I160.60. Hogs Receipts, 11.000; steady to (c lower; bulk of sales. 15.004.10: heavy. $6.006.15; packers, !6.006.1tH; pigs and light, $4. 6.06. Sheep Receipts, 4000; market strong; muttons, $4.60.00; lambs, t&007.0; range wethers. &.60h4.60; fed ewes, R 605.50. ' Omaha lira Stock. OMAHA. Jar. l-Cattle Receipts, 4X0; market steady to easier; native steers, 3. 6045.60; cows and heifers, - Jt404J0; canners, tt.504rJ.60; stockers and feeders, 2.60&4.00; calves, SS.006S.00; bulls and sags, SL753.60. Hogs Receipts, 7600; market mar-ket 6c lower: heavy, So.Oo4r5.16; mixed. t3.02WSo.07Vi; light, 5.006.10; pigs, 4.4u 4.70; bulk of sales. $S.0285.07Vi. Sheep-Receipts. Sheep-Receipts. 7000: market 10016c lower; yearlings. year-lings. IS.00iS4.2O; wethers, 16.60(35.86; ewes, S4.754f5.50; lambs, S7.0067.60. Response. NEW YORK, Jan. S. Opening prices in the stock market today moved Irregularly, the losses predominating. The strength and weakness were distributed along about the same lines as prevailed In yesterday's yes-terday's market Reading' rose 1. B. & O. , and Chicago & Eastern Illinois certificates cer-tificates sold at an advance of 9 points. American Ice rose 1. and International Pump a point. Among the losses Anaconda Ana-conda fell points, American Smelting Ha, New York Central, and Northern Pacific a point, and Union Pacific a large fraction. The Indecision manifested at the outset was not continued long, spirited buying of Reading and some of the Westerns grain carriers making rapid and full recoveries In all directions. Smelting, which had been forced off X rallied to 24, and Anaconda Ana-conda also rebounded 4 points. Profit-taking In Reading commenced on a large scale, after It crossed 144, and It fell back lhi. Other stocks yielded fractionally, but the entire list showed decided strength again at 11 o'clock, when Reading was again at the top. The rise in Reading reached IVfc. St. Paul gained 24. and Norfolk Nor-folk at Western, Atchison and North America 1GV4. Delaware at Hudson fell 1H. and Atlantic Coast Line 14- The strength of the special stocks held the market firm In sympathy, but the general level did not rise much above yesterday's yes-terday's closing. Reading's ZV point rise csrried it to a record price at 144. L. at N., Union Pacific, Iowa Central. Mlnne-s Mlnne-s polls, St. Paul and Sault 8te. Marie stocks. Corn Products, United Railway Investment preferred and National Biscuit Bis-cuit gained 1 to 1H. New Tork Central IVi. Locomotive . Steel Spring 2, and Sugar Bonds were Irregular at noon. Orders for stocks Increased and a large variety was represented in the demand. Consistent favorites, such as Sugar. Union Pacific, Pennsylvania and Reading all sold well above their midday prices, but a number of obscure stocks kept pace with them at times In point of speculative- Interest. In-terest. Sugar spurted up 4 points, Kansas Kan-sas City Southern preferred ZVi. the common com-mon l. Corn Products preferred PA, Lackawanna 2, C. C. C. & St. Louis lVfc Northwestern, Iowa Central preferred, Pennsylvania, Hocking Valley, General Electric. Colorado Fuel, Allle-Chalmers stocks As Reading reached 145 the advance in the general market ceased and It became quiet. Consolidated Oas fell off 2, and Oreat Northern pfd. 1. New York Sugar. NEW TORK. Jan. $. Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, Sc: centrifugal, .96-test. .96-test. SHc; molasses sugar, 7vc. Refined, steady; crushed, $5.40; powdered. pow-dered. $4.80; granulated, S4.70. Coffee Steady. No. 7 Rio, S 1-Hc St. Louis Wool. ST. LOUIS," Jan. S. Wool Steady. Territory Ter-ritory and Western mediums, 2&g30c; fine medium, 22ftg6c; fine. 194y21c Chicago Live Stoek. CHICAGO. Jan. S. Cattle Receipts, 19.-000; 19.-000; market steady; beeves. $3.656.10; cows and heifers, S1.6054.75; stockers and feeders. feed-ers. S2.604.25; Texans. S130tj4.25. Hogs-Receipts. Hogs-Receipts. 35.000; market weak to 6c lower: estlmsted tomorrow. 3n.0i0; mixed and |