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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE. ail Lake Asphalt lompsny Ofltra, Ko. tt Bo. ataia St., tall lka City, tub. NUT1CR It IlKItKIlT OIVRN THAT AT a me.rl.na uf lha hoard ol dirertors of tbe tail Lake Aephall Company, bald on the rd day ol lcembtr, 1". aa aaaeaaaasnl eaild No. S, ib p. a or No. T rcnadad. af enta p.T aba re. waa levied oa tba capital etork t.f the company, pa able en or brftr the Jfiidayer Pehruarr, lv, to w. N. Wiu haeaa, tteaatirer. No, 11-11 Main Htreel. Salt Lake tiy, I tan. Any etock Ufon we ak aaid aaar.amrnt Bhall remain unpaid oa the aaid dav or r ehrnary, taM.aliall be out dinf)uat ami advertiaed fur aaie, and anleee Baytnrutia made ofire, will h aold al .oWic auction ot Marra Jrd. .hi, al 11 e'dora, niN-n, al lh af'ireaaid ufllra, to pay tba deumiuenl aae.a. meat, Ijgeiher with mat or d ertiatng and eipcnaea ot aala. Hy order or tha board of : tiretlora. If I LAN UU PUATT, tee. SUMMONS, la tha Mat h (it Court tn snd for !fc Third Judicial ti'airi"! of l'tab Territory, Catauty of aalt La, Kami tweet, Plain tiff, Archie D. tweet. Defendant Tb people of the Territory of lilftb scad gres'ing to Archie l nwcwl, DefendanL -utf AitR liBiiiiTr"nRgt'iRKi to a p. pear In an ariivn hruuant bkb i nt you hy or tbe 1 bird Judicial luitilct ef lb I erriiory or l tah, an l lo anwer Ui conoiatnt thed thert iti within tea rtar ('lniv of the d ty of arlre after tb servicemen yto ofinta teMt dHtnf tba rountr. hut IB IMa di'iin'ri. witaia twenty daya; utharwiae wilhm f oliy acainat'youaRcordiag tola prayer of id comilalnl. Ibe taid artloa la broaghl to hav a deer of ihle.onrldiaanivingih boou ot matrimony matri-mony ei.atl. g beiWeoap.ataliB and rlefeod. ant. end awardma to plalittilt the cusiody of ihat rValdmBmate if' "sad sat hss freaked plaint i fl -n a cruel manner lo the ea en! of rana ttg brr great bodily irury aad mental diatreaa . and lint for more tn. one year aad a Sail belnra dctnadant .leaerted plaintiff, in-wit, in-wit, in May, iv.n, ha w frilly nts e led tn provide tor ber Ibe cotautua a aeeanee of And you ar hereby notified that if yoe fall shovVrc'tuirad, th aaid piainilft will apply lo the rourt for tti relief demanded literal Witueaa, the Hob. raniui A. Mrritt. Judge. and tne seal of the Hlatrlrt Court of IheTiord Ji.dirial It airirl, in and flkULl forth Territory of I tab the tb day or tie em. .-r. 10 lh year of our Lord one tb'iuaand sight buadrad aud ",intDT,ll' DtrajriAll, Cisrk. py Utn. D. Luiimib, Input Ulert. W. 1. ulNlBK, Atlvrney. |