Show Infa V ipm1PFWf1V-1- vw:w 1r vw 1 - or! clpy 7 to' - - Ti - Ipt117"WqrMPPloinvimommorpPW"rIP 1411poLlipty 44100MWSWPA:- tit I hd040 AP010441 ' I ( Thi Ian Lake TsZmao Wetbsoday Accost 4 - - It lf ' : ' 4 t - : 004kq11-äte::K0ii000t- 4 r 4 - " torreneuet:stfrIttle IntirksTroVitiivitti lake' than 5000 people on the payroll direct and 3500 'additional job' provided as a result the supplies Purchalled in the local market runs Into the rnlWona nd the contribution to the state county and local tax structures represents a very important part of ' the state income 'These are but a few of the Items contributed to the 'economy by a great citizen In add- rZ--4t- 1011t olp41 1 I 4P" sott Copper Corp bigan its op orations at BMgham Canyon e 4 have coincided with an outatando ' of progress fit int I 0 this state brhe economic effects and benefits of the operation of this huge Amerman enterpriae have extended into every corner 4 of this 'tat and in one way or e another to every individual "We are fortunate here in hay-ba diversified industry so that g is not our economic tied solely to one segment of our industrial life Even so it is well recognized that the bellwether of our industry is Kennecott Copper The fact that this cor1 Bracken te7-IAadhas been cognizant of Its- - important role in this state many in prides of Kennecottanti hu managed its affairs cc eordingly has meant much to that hil board of directors would our progress be 'able to hold a formal meeting °The basic reason for the re take City in August Inarkable progress that has been 417111i will add fipeciat signifimade by Industry not only here but throughout the nation can canc to the celebration of the be attributed to the freedoms we founding of the Utah Copper enjoy under this form of gov- Division emment There has been no re "To us in Salt Lake City the atriction on an individual or a achievements by the company in group of individuals who in et- are trenien-- fedi Could build a better filouse Ithe -- Bingham more attract customers Jt was there trap and to their door This incentive to that Mr Jackling and his assond Improve upon what we have-aiciatei "proved that they could build for the future has assured meet and solve the Issue of effithe progress the high standard ciently handling low grade copof living and the heritage that per ore How brilliantly they term' have dons this is now history Met us hope that in the next "This accomplishment will BO years the same opportunities long inspire our youth as an exthe sarne incentives and the same ample of how 'difficulties can be freedoms that we have known dettrmination will be wallah to stiiieedini guided by vision "How appmpriaterit therefore generations long as these fundamental of this way of fife Is that the 50th anniversary of continue to nourish there dm the founding of this 'great combe other success stories such as pany should be celebrated in Salt Kennecott 'Copper's greater Lake Oty- by the dedication of progress and a finer America the Kennecott Copper Research lomotrow1' Center' at the University of Utah Earl J Glade mayor of Salt the unVelling of the Jackling Lake City—"It was indeed a sculpture as well as by also holdpleasure to receive the letter of ing the annual directors' meet17 C R Cox president of the Ken lin our city" ' moat Copper Corp assuring us Gus P PselousA executive sec- - ' ' half-centu- ry $ are iUm equal contributions Made to the cultural educational and civic life of our state by the wonderful eupport always given both financially and through the active participation of the fine personnel representing Kennecott là this area Me are fortunate to have such &great citizen within our state" Miles IN Itonmeyi eiecutive secretary Utah Mining Assn— 'The Utah' Mining Assn joins other Utahns in congratulating Kennecott Copper Corp and her predecessor Utah Companies on this 50th anniversary of progressive constructive growth "Eighty-fiv- e per cent of the copper produced in the United States in 1953 was mined by methods pioneered fifty years :ago inEingham Canyon by men gUtad with viaion and courage Convinced that the extensive low grade copper deposits at Bingham could be profitably mined by large volume open pit methods a group of men headed by D C Tackling organized a company in 1903 Laohof efficient equipment for such mining and skepticism of other mining men failed to discourage their invest'ment vf tnonerand effort in-th- e ut 1 well-bein- ' ) 1 a e - r - o - ) -- douttlY--hnportan- r ' mtwhcbeis ' i ' i i " k' ' - i — - popu that extent we know what Utah Copper has done for our stated n addMoni there are inTo discovering factual Information ' George W flareock subd117 which should point the way for trict director United Steelworktangible benefits B3t!stahPah tr an even more successful opera- 1 ers Of America 0110--"T- he Seldom does historl record"' tion in the half century ling a pattern of putting 015 flat' I such a mendous growth' of the Utah Cop- and throng nrntAlrenour4117i4L0(Ai'119eb' sii41'174'1114:vehiarina'a ertute44re41Ael4 Copper inspired other ventures in the last half century at Bingham Utah Msaufactipers Assn— Corp can be attributed not only oil gas and a host of minerals man-magrand canyon "Throughout the life of the Utah to the foresightof a few Indus- From a ellhterstmithrtg raw materials Manufacturers Assn founded in trialists who 50 years Igo wet heibeen extracted s'ris"Thilmpteer — - — -— —' - 1905 the Utah Copper Mine and confident enougb in their underimineuur131 that the road to ProoPeritY the our to From wellbeing related operations have been a taking to Invest their capital but for Utah and her people lies in ably associat- - vital force in expanding the in- to the many thousands of laborand profits expenditures the fullest development of our ed with the extraction and proc- - dustry of our state These opera- ing men who have toiled and natural re iournai 's - -easing operations whole commu-- tions now include a railway sys- sweated these many years recov- Joe ores from DloPenney emoYor of Ding- - rake of people have had tem7 ore ' concentrating Emilia ering the ham Canyon—in behalf of the their standards of living imthe earth of bowels the and Sowned smelter power plant ---city cortunipsion and the citizens proved 'Both icapital and labor must by American Smelting of I take great pleasure n is fitting therefore that ws operated Chemical therefore share In commemorat and Refining Co) In 'congratulating the Kelmemtt sue-$ho have benefited during the plant copper refine'' and final- ing the 50th anniversary of out- !Copper Corp its officials and The endeavor& cessful is tolden This research a joint to center this only ly leadibg up ellIPI°Yea"-- f°: the Pmgrees that period Jubilee of Kennecott's Utah Cop the direct line of economic xpan- standing success achieved in this' has been made during the past as fur--: per Division not only commend sion Thousands of other Utah great undertaldng serves accom50 years of ePeratinn" can be what of and ther IndustriEd those proof but thank ' capable persons enterprises large ' ' and free ttf enterprise who have directed its activities small hays been operated wholly plished by Dr A Ray Olp in' pres ye have for their vision courage faith or In substantial part to provide fret labor under our great demo: trniversity of Utah--- Ill Materials products or services cratic form of tovernmentr faith ye shall uy unto this and effort : low-gra- -- ' "Their effort! 'viers rewarded only in a successful operation but in -- seeing many other low gradowestern copper do posits brought into production through' use of the mining methNevada ods they introduced Arizona New Mexico enct Utah now producing 85 per cent of the nation's newly mined copper from such deposits contribute greatly to the economy of the ) 146 - — S1 ' ' low-gra- de - 1 :- ""Ineliommumplosoo"- — -- -- Alommoillinilimmoill- ""MIMI4111111111 0 ' 1 e 0 1 - i - 0 4 I ' 1 ' 't t ' 1 s - - f - -- - t - 0 - - f - e t - - - - ( I t ) ' t - 1 et e - - - d :— ' - 1 ' zt t Vs ': :tr 1 Z 4 a did Granadma lot of reading—but mostly light reading I r i a what Here's i ' more u ONE BEST This SELLER: '- - 4 A - ) Nevol leer Clemzenki iby Marie honorees limelo -- -- ' - Copper pennies can grow to dollars or thousands 11 I I e V I 1 — Our J s t : '': ' " ' vaoope"'''El ' — ? i t tva - 1 tirrrit ef lk IA tli'lL6 k - I ' lc-- Die-Fe- I l i Vet:a- - t k 114utpt ' - li I V 40 t fir IP) ti)- I - go ' ' " 14 t ' f44 ve we-ser- - i i ' "1"f 1 ' ' wooer - 4""111111111"111111122311Pal"1"1""1"M"WrieraelMale!lt 1 - 0144i4 dA I 1 IV t AC1 ' ' - - — Plitvey 'rd” :: imAktQllo 1 1 lj e I 4 t I ' p IrP4'i"'""444411'0"41-tAtdOklyiarterrq-ifi't1Pr- 1i! 1-- i:c 4" tt - 111i k ' - - ' i O-11 ) J - - 44 445 I II Irim 4D Banking Offices in Idaho Utah Wyorn'ing Federal Deposit Insurance C9rporaIion ' 14'&tj'it'1e :'N44-- - '44010 - - - 0 164r L 0 "ht-rta- --14In - r "40144401 - - I I - S' T SECURITYtha - - - - 4 -'1 Bank - ' 'for - - 0 - ' IIII k$111 i - 04 --- - - 1 o1-- - 11 '' - - - 2'4nr11 1 ' I Member - --7:s — 7 - I - tilJ2 ' is - ' - This bank proud to serve Kennecott Copper Corporation and many Kennecott employees at Bingham Canyon Magna Salt Lake City and elsewhere service and facilities are designed to meet the banking needs of business 9 indUstry and individuals throughout the intermountain area — i ' 1111111i - i It k‘ 1 Low - k at Bingham has proved that 1 I I - 1 dollars can grow to hundreds A man's dream of taking copper from a mountain in spite of unpromising n ton production Kennecott's operation percentages can grow to a 4 t own haws written so well of the Inspect of W41r on the lives As did se many couples during World of people sought in Wee It litemorque's hero end heroine crowd Into the dwindling days of furieugh the eg'AIMWIOnt Saiety end domesticity welly extended over many years of maniocs end they de it in the 'tido of total war 'marque again nauseate his belief hi thealsility ef ctho hornets spirit to deny defeat his faith that soldiers con ogeM o mess S3111 : ! tfi 1111 - J -' ' A e - t t A Time to Love and a ' ) oil I I ki Oneet on the Western Prose wino' by the sulker ' I — 3 it 4 1 )IL i I: - 1 1 Ill 111411 grw ' i - ($ 4 1 significant thelycodeendcloth -- griets ()r I --- 4 multi-millio- A decode I - ' 1-VN44( 1 A i' ot-- - novol is tho work of the formor Russian who figurod so promiaontly in exposing dal soy embassy in Canada Groot Iritain and the United States tiny operating Obviously Mrs °wreak writes with pontroting insight into this devious thinking of thio Soviet mind More than that howirithet lio Is Imo mils in Me greet tradition of Tolstoi Dostoevski and Gorki As fornod book roviowor Clifton Padimon stasis its " work of notable energy end power with e swoop that often recoils the olassical mentors of Russian fiction" This will undoubtedly bo ono of Ow most widely rood end critically acclaimed novels of thiS - 44't it ' Ilsinrtsen Thompson The Fall of a Titan 1 ' e -7-' Ip-- The eight for life throunis the radios of snodkine becomes the sole desire anoint Marsh All else must he socandery—even his devoted wife Kristina With this es his am& mung Dr Moth finds hintsnif e stronger in the world At specialised human being dill haunted and frustrated by mange childhood still shaken by the cett flirt that raged between his parents tau Luke Marsh after prs found experimee emerges from these may 'motional uphosvols to bosoms d end mature individual makes this novel dynamic god forever impressionoble $47$ s ) ' H ow bl g can small things grow? L 4 :fit is ' - --- SIR A As today-STIL- L Not as a Stranger i America serious-minde- d THE NUMBER e - - - NOT E novels- 4 - IV04- r : A tot 4 061110 p tom ' l' 1 - on their 50th Birthday Y crit7:5:11P t:' t ft c 1 - '- not (Tt-- i ' contributed KENNECOTT COPPER - — - " de 1 - - - de 1111100'''' the newest and best in books salutes ' 50-ye- ' ' - — - ' -- 9 t 1 ' DESERET'BOOK headquarters for - '' being celebrated now by the company ' In a broader liens this la a celebration for all the people of Utah first the "By taking daring step that opened up the field of mining low grade or Utah Copper blazed a trail in the development ' of our - vast low grade natural resources It is difficult to measure the exact effect of 50 years of copper production in Utah But in general terms we do know it has resulted in a higher standard of living for all our people' ''Utah Copper tuts been responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars circulated throughout our state as a result of payroll! Ls -- Copper DI There is added cause for us to for Kermecott's Utah of Its 50 the years during congratulate the officials of this peat concern at this lime for 'We congratulate this good In their wisdom they' have con' friend and neighbor of ours on atructed 'a research laboratory its 50th anniversary and extend dedicated to the purpose of ex- - our good wishes to the great' family Kay con plotting our natural resources Utab Copper reward those who success timed is of Utah The University proud of Utsh in this serve keystone located that this laborator3P is DiviUtah Copper the on its campus and will be happy industry with its 'stet in sion of Kennecott Copper Corp' to - mountain °Remove hence to yonder place' and it shall remove: Today we salute and congratulate Mr Daniel C Jaclding for having had such faith and the officers and employes of the Utah Copper Division of Kennecott for having confirmed over at ar the revolutionary period -Idea that mountains can be pmfitably removed with large scale production equipment if copper they contain project — -- every segment those mining pioneers" Clark L Wilson' caairman Natural Resources Cominittai 11tak Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives — "The 50th anniversary of Utah Copper 7 :6 - ute to the vision and courage made by the Utah Copper bivigon of Kennecott Copper Corp to the economy of the Inttermountain Area is almost beyond comprehension The payroll provides the livelihood directly Pr1641111111 Lee governor of ttah--"rh- e 50 years since the Utah Copper Division of Kenne- NotAKIJo and to the Industrial might supply ptuvlases and tax payMary Salt lAk Chamber of West of nation the A fitting trib- ments These dollars have benecontribution Commerce n"he of fited of our messages to Yr Corp on the 50th studversary of Um founding t of the original Utah Copper Co" :are coming frotn industrial ixsooty's olVic and educational leaders and governmental t are tyylcal: tires The e Congratulatory Keimeoott-Copp- - ' ' Jueauerb - i 'NfIENMIMMEMMOOMEMPIIIMONIMINWOMMORMEEM1111MOMEdi In F ' 11 11134:- - - - I Evorybodyl 'Art t ' |