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Show THE PROVO HERALD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1924. PRINCESS ' rf - Ode of the most lnterestinB uaucea oi me xaaniMgivlng season . 4 Kj Utj Sixth ward amusement hall by me Tirana meaner girls. the extra ladles. . Prices 25c, 40c, 5k Western Vaudeville fersr Assn. Presents ' EjA-JParn- ' er 90 30 it r T ' Q Qaramaunt fictwe y Something" brand newlff screen entertainment. An exciting ; thriller-roman- ce based on the modern radio. This Pictures Rons Again romorrow Regular Prices in I 8 Four Shows Daily 2:30, 4:00, 7:30, 9:00 Mrs. Peter Gronemnn and Mrs. Will Leavitt will entertain the members of Camp No. 3" of theIaugh-ter- s of the Utah Pioneers, at the new home of Mrs. Gronemnn, 330 South Third West, Thursday afternoon" Bt 2 :30.7- The Tegular program will be given after which needlework and luncheon will be enjoyed. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnmwmwtt Monday and Tuesday- - WARNER BROS. present ... Ber-niec- John on loctuirrea T barrymore in Beau Brummef Astor.Carmel Myers. Irene Rich .Alec Francis. Wary Willdrd Louis. Richard Tucker Andre 0c6aangcr Directed by HARRY" mat oay. "".PKV' . ' ....... ..... .... CLYDE l" Ml! nl,f Ul i U.T'Hte! 1UI " 36-in- ch and 9-- CHILDREN'S DRESSES . $1.00 . . BRUSH WOOL SWEATERS . ... RQ1 WM mi We are"closing our stock at 50" jvtAnnnjru-u-tnjv- 8 DISCOUiNT v for 4 CHILDREN'S 42x36 good quality Pillow Case, 4 for. ...... Kalburnie --.Dress Glttghanis''' . .;. ;y. . : .' .;. fine French . . . . .TTTTTTTn Ginghams fine quality Dress Percales, 5 yards for. ; . heavy quality Dress Ginghams, 6 yards for..... $1.00 Novelty plaids and checks. Priced -- 27-in- ch Corded 32-in- ,.25c yard " . . . . . $1.00 WOMEN'S SILK HOSE . . Cinderella 29c heima Girl m Blanket Specials printed Krinkle 30-in- Krepe Good Size Cotton ... 30c patterns SHEET BLANKETS , i Gray and Heavy Wool Nap PLAID BLANKET yard Size 66x80; Extra Special 36-in- I ............. extra heavy fancy ... . . Cretonnes ... printed Madras $4.45 Heavy outing' flannel night gowns; extra value. 25c . . 36-in- 16!c Drapery ; $1.06 - guaranteed. lar 85c value. , Regu- 59 c ; PROVO BENCH - . land-southe- " Ike and mottled colors; service , BEAUTY $3.95 . Plain FLEISHER'S PLAID COTON BLANKET In tan, blue, gray and rose. VINEYARD 481-R-- 4. Mc-Brl- st : - 6 amusement hall Friday evening, for all the Democrats and Republicans' of that district. Good music was, furnished and refreshments were served to the large crowd present. The children and grandtliildren Clogg entertained at YARN All colors. Balls, $1.00 CANNONS GONE FROM CHATEAU of Mrs. W. J. a delightful partySnturday evening in honor of .her 64th birthday anniversary which occurred on that day.. Games, music and social chat By MIXOTT SAUNDERS. were" the main features of the en- (United Press Staff Correspondent) tertainment after which luncheon CHATEAU THIERRY, Nv. 10. was served. "So this is Chateau Thierry," the tourists exclaim nd they lok" about ' The members of the. Vineyard somewhat, bewildered ward glee club will entertain at a They see a sleepy little city with dance in their ward amusement ancient building's and spreading hall Wednesday .evening, during trees. .The traffic is intermittent, which time a prize will be awarded the- - natives are typical French to the person selecting the best country folks, and the first impulse name for the glee club. is to ask, "Where do. we go from THIERRY NOW . HEAD InCOLDS spoon; Inhale vapors; freely op nostrils. V lie ess Oot 1 T Million Jrrt tW IWfcr length: Wi and 16. Sfl $1.00 j RUBBER APRONS GOWNS 36-in- I Underwear, $1.25 Suit and up. Best values offered anywhere in Men's and Women s cotton; wool and silk and wool Garments in both new and nlr? sfvWo. ..... .... $1.00 OUTING 14 Up? A very complete line of Ladies' Cotton and Wool See our Bargain Coun ter of Silk Hose, values up to $2.25. Pair . . . --.$1.00 ... . ankle 2r Extra special, each, 36-in- Limited two pairs to a purchaser. p Heavy $1.50 Pair ..25c 36-in- $1.95 tan. sizes-11- col-or- s. fine plain Lingerie Crepe, all colors, also white. fine quality Lingerie Crepe; colors: apricot, canary, OQp . . . . . . w3 blue, pink . ... Marwhite 'cross-barre- d OCn quisette, for curtains; extra -- uu eood value fancy Cretonnes, 161c 30-in- .....$1.95 Venetian Girl Extra strong thread fibre and silk hose; black and 12k ..... ..... seves i mm Misses' white, heavv fleeced underwear, long pure thread silk hose, in black and colors. Pair Outing heavy Amoskeag Flannel, light and dark ..... ... Pair l....... 36-in- Full fash- ioned, pure' thread silk, black and all shades. dark and light Outing rashes good paffirwTTrrrrri Swiss Outing Flannel WASH CLOTHS Each, 5c Hinimmmnrc" THREE OUTSTANDING VALUES IN 27-in- ch KNITTED nimiiiii $1.00 Ging....... $1.00 ...... .r. . m Less than regula tfvilue 35c . yards for heavy Romper. Cloth, 32-in- 25 Dress 8 hams, ii SALESMEN'S SAMPLES WOOL DRESSES , for $1.00 331 $1.00 36-in- HEAVY TURKISH BATH TOWELS . 1o percent discount 37c 32-in- $1.00 M. 81x90 good quality Seamed r. TURKISH FACE TOWELS For chUdren's school wear; all wool and part wool; 44 and 36 inches wide. . V" Pillow Tubing, 32-in- t8nHii8:tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitnmma 48c ...44c ............... Sheet s DRESS .GOODS . yard iM 25 21c . Brown Sheeting, 42-in- Fancy stitching and embroidery trim. Sizes. 7 ' to 12. WOMEN'S 4 yard $1.00 .... . r. . .... If 15c 9-- Sheeting ''''i'''iiiiiiiiiiiinifniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimirmT DRESSES 121c 36-in- ch "MINA TAYLOR" iiiiiiiiiiii?iimii SALESMEN'S SAMPLES .121c Alnafp nnrt.ramM were enioved. after which a delicious luncheon was served. v A pretty birthday cake bearing seven .lighted candles formed the centerpiece of the table and covers were laid for the following' little guests;. Eudora Swan, Ida. Fechser, Doro- A splendid musical and literary and black colors predominating. three years. A splendid program was given unthy Clayton, Edith , Russell, Louise program has been arranged for and One of the main features of the enGilbert: Leona Knudsen, Donna alLmenibers are urged to be present tertainment was a fish pond from der the direction of Dean Buckner, : , which the young men fished many Knudseh,, Ardella Anderson, Kath-- j L consisting or the following numuseful gifts to take on their mission. bers ryn Romney, Genevieve Romney,1 : prayer, Earl Foote ; solos, all included Vesta Taylor, Nellie Taylor, Mau-- 1 The guest list nearly Bessie Davies-- j cornet solos, Willis rine Hare. Evelyn Hare, Irene ' miissionaries. returned Itobinsoh ; reading, "My Sister's Merrill, Martell Bird, Albert HickReporter, Mrs. Frank Woffinden Beau," Belva Hill ; original reading FieldDavid a teach-erAshton S90-J. Fieldingi man, An interesting parents and Telephone "Missionaries and Their Mothers,': RobBerniece the and hostess, ing, meeting was held at the Lincoln Verl Johnson ; quartet, Melda Farinson. "; , ' Orlando Jolley and Alton Kartch. , Profesgor Morris flf tne Brlgham ley, Myrtle Johnson and Elsie Asted Taylor, representing Dean; of the No. Daughters ner who will ieave Tuesday for the Young university talked on Camp the bishopric, gave a talk ; speeches Pioneers will hold their next meetstates and Canada mission . scape gardnlng after which music from each of the missionaries ana home the at Miss were numbers ing Thursday afternoon Luby Wright, given Miss fields respectively, and closing prayer, Ashted Taylor. of Mrs. Kate Pyne, 225 East Fifth cille who has Just re- Miss Crockett and the members of At the conclusion of the program, North. The" assisting hostess will be turnedHoldaway and seventh the eighth grade. from a mission, furnished dancing wag enjoyed ly all those Mrs. Annie Homan of Pleasant Grand-vie-the sacrament meeting In the ', Grove. Mrs. B. Jr Flnlayson wiU JIr.and Mrs. M. E. Kartchner, n present ward Sunday evening. Jolley-wengive a paper on the first ThanksOrlando and Kartchner also have men two The young reto Salt last Wednesday : giving after which delicious AU been guests of honor at a number ot ' affairs. freshments will be served. went through the. temple. and Mis Social members and those eligible for Interesting Melda Farley entertained at a deReporter, Mrs. Gee. T. Wells. membership are invited to attend. and Mrs. M. E. Kartchner lightful party last Saturday night andMr.Alton , .... ;. .,. ..y. Telephone Kartchner will be' honor honor In and their home her at The members of the Columbia a dinner at party guests delightful Miss after meeting evening Sewing club will meet at the home Sunday Maxfleld gave an interest- to be given at the home of Mrs. Rose Mrs. Harry Gammon entertained of Mrs. Ef fie Cutler Monday even- Margaret . the members of the glee club of social for the young men an) Kartchner. ing wiU be time pleasantly ing. The Vineyard, ward Thursday evening their friends. at her home. A general social time silent t with games, music mnd sewA most Interesting farewell pnrt The Misses Evelyn and Laura delicious lunch, a which ing, after were hostesses at, a clevei was held In the Grandview5 ward was enJ6yed, after which a delicAU members eno will be served. weelt with last Friday evening in honor of Or- - ious luncheon was served to all Hallowe'en party-la,L are urged to' be present. .... 7 Mr. Jolley and Mr. Kartchner as lando Jolley, Alton Kartchner ana those present Miss La Vera Hales who will leav honor guests. council The Ladies Municipal An Interesting ratification- dance. TWotuHnno pre carried ont In a eoon'for the John HopkinshospiUl will bold their regular meetlnj,! clever Hallowe'en idea with orange where she will stady for theVipextwaa held at the Vineyard - ward Monday evening In the club room. J " Mil COATS . Al-io- l ' 8c heavy Unbleached ' Muslin, soft finish. . . ? . i fine Bleached . . . . . .... Muslin fine heavy Bleached . Muslin 80x80 count Bleached Muslin, extra special 4 good quality Bleached w A S V i rmrtmttninmtm - t PA I ; 36-in- ch $1.00 . Mrs. Sam Robinson .entertained Thursday afternoon at tier home in f, honor of her little daughter, whose birthday anniversary I rr. taaaaa Unbleached 36-in- ch ! ; The Fourth ward Relief Society meeting will be under the direction of the special activities committee The subject, Tuesday afternoon. "Christmas Suggestions," will be given by Mrs. Florence Righy, afte which special musical numliers will be rendered. All ' are cordially invited to attend. -- Muslin Made of fine ginghams and percales. Mrs. Frances Gronemnn entertained at a delightful dinner party Friday eyening in' honor of Mrs. Sam . Beesley of Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. E. J. Hall. The table was prettily decorated with a bowl of fall flowers and covers were laid for the Immediate family and' guests. ' : ... 36-in- ch ryT Mrs. John A. Vance wns hnstenn TFo the members 'of .the Social Hour club at her home In Orem, Thurs- day afternoon. Fall flowers eere effectively used to decorate the en-- 1 tertaining rooms and the dining table. Needlework and social chat were the main features of the afternoon, following which a delicious hot supper was served to the club members and the following guests: Mrs. E. D. Calder, Mrs. Burlson and Jerlieh Frisby. - JUomesocs -- : - U i-- MlftMawaa Mfaa iTgylor jJJ Kitchenette at- - the ,GttfJto. Justin home of the bride'a grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Saxey. At the conclusion of the reception the young couple left immediately for an extended wedding trip. (lanes (lures U "i iiiiil)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaa i J Mr. and Mrs John Saxev. Mrs. Rose T. Stewart, Miss Dorothy Stewart and Wendell Saxey motored to Salt Lake Friday to attend the wedding reception of Miss Erma Saxey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Saxey, formerly of this ..JC-Jimo- Airur-i- u ; " lRVINCWiiiAT 1 . Fine rains in the valley, heavy snows m the mountains, means prosperity ahead for all of us. We help you realize prosperity now through our low prices on things you want lor your immediate needs. Read each item listed below, carefully for it means "money saving" to you. :.: ! Vl J E The members of the TTtsn Rmmrfi club- - were pleasantly - entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home Of Mrs. J. N. Ellertson. A Knlnn-- I did program was given which consisted of "Explained Characteristics of the Greek Drama and the Greek Btage," Oy Mrs, Sarah Talmadra. after which 'Trojan Women" was given by Mrs. W. T. Easier. The music for the afternoon. which was under the direction of Mrs. Merle Taylor, was elven hv Mrs Robert Patterson, who entertained with piano selections. At the conclusion of the Droeram delicious refreshments were nerved ' to all those present and flntonfo Moreno- rryk7;;r;r;;:r: i r ir - et rsr I ..... 6 Big Acts- -4 V" - ' maa,aaaiia The Third ward Belief Society j choir will meet at the home of Mrs. thia eventwr at 7 :30 $ rompt Jbff practlesy-- Ar good ttenH uance is aesirea ; :. rzJUNIOR: 71 Ll ZJL SO , 'TdNidHifliaE 1 Z The special activities committee will be In the charee of the Relief Society meeting Tuesday afternoon , tee mira ward. Mrs. Richard Condie of the B. T. U. are denart- menc will aire the lesson on Christmas SneeeoHnni aft which thA TtAllaf SLctr, v.i. m render several community eonta. j All members are urged to be pre- - - r Pv fciS Esa t5- -f 'r ml carried oat and delicious refreeh-meat- a wiU be served to all those who attend. An excellent four piece orchestra has also been - ar ranged for. :. The price of admission will be 60 cents a couple and 10 cents for COMEDY Li . t- lilVUUU ji ft. 13'f I 1 nrfll ."SUNSET TRAIL! " r3 tn r3 rn at Sixth WILLIAM DESMOND tmmmjmm lmA -- 12 t--Li Z--A Thanksgiving Dance Ward TONIGHT AND TUESDAY auumnjinnn t PAGE TJIREI . here." Yet it was here that the Germans six years ago last June reached the j'banksybf the Marne and never got across because the Americans, had arrived on the other side. This is one place .that must evermore be niennoHca in American History as lonk as the tale is told The tourists cannot see it today as the Tanks did In 1918, because -- Visit Our REMNANT COUNTER Ginghams, Percales, Shirtings, Crepes, Draperies, Sateens, Cheviots, Outing Flannels, Table Linens,. Sheetings, Pillow Tubings. Wonderful values can Defound every day. ,uc "u 'unitary settii); haa entirely The place is ouiet be disappeared. cause .the guns have been stilled, and, me nurry and bustle of an attack:. the allcrtness nnd activity of thous ands of indomitable young menj are gone. . mats wliy "Chateau Thierry to- - dayls not as.it was. Being normal again, it is rather a tlisapiwlntment lor the romance, the glory, ..the struggle, Jhe .death and the triumph have to be conjured. , t American visitors to the Com- mnnlty House are attracted by the war museum that has been collect ed. They are met at the office by Miss Mary Waller of Chicago, very sweet American girl, and Cliatcau Thierry veterans would be glad to ece her pointing put and explaining their war relics. Battle souvenirs of all kinds, French and Gesman aa well as' American; are carefully preserved. There rests the motor of the airplane In which Quentln Roosevelt fell io his death, , ana on tne wall is a skeleton sec tion Ot the wing surface of hit ninno Ivo visitor should fall to la--1 1 spect thia museum. |