Show TUK HAtVAIIAX IDlUIWGLIO The attacks made upon the President becausfe of his attitude on the Hawaii Ha-waii question are in the opinion of The Herald entirely unjustifiable They are prompted by party motives on the one hand and personal animosities I animosi-ties ort the other In the investigation of this question fair minded people will be careful to avoid anjr7 feeling of spreadeagleism and that buncombe in which so many papers indulge in touching upon it It Is notrthe mission of the United I States todepose monarchies outside of its boundaries nor to promote pretend I od republics which are only such in name The flag of our country is not I to be floated over an Insurrection against friendly foreign power without i with-out reOress and there is nothing wrong In hauling it down when it has been l unlawfully run up i The rights of the Queen of Hawaii a J C en too are not to be gauged by the I color of her skin the degree of her 11 intellectuality or morality determined by the rules we may set up nor the I size of her realm and the number of I its people If she has been unjustly j dealt with the wrong Is the same as if imposed on Queen Victoria The size I of the monarchy whose rights are infringed in-fringed does not add to the weight of the principle involved The evidence goes to show that the dusky Queen was deposed under the apparent connivance of United States naval forces She and her advisers were led to believe that the movement for her deposition was supported by this government When all the facts come out it will be seen that this was very cunningly made to appear that It had been counted on for months that moneyed interests were Involved In the success of the movement and that it was not a genuine revolution of the majority of the people but a scheme of the majority of the whites chiefly Americans located on the Islands Is-lands The great body of the Hawaiians had nothing to do with it or if they had it has not so been made to appear ap-pear On the contrary it seems that the 637 Americans at Honolulu were I the revolutionists out of a total registered regis-tered vote of 13593 Were the white foreigners the people and the colored col-ored natives not the people of the Hawaiian Ha-waiian Islands And have the latter no rights in the premises How much of a republic has been established on the islands Is there any more real liberty and do the great body of the peoplethe natives enjoy any more rights than they did under the limited monarchy which they had little or no hand In overthrowing It does not so appear But it does appear ap-pear that the insurrection was a white mans scheme and that the Queen was unfairly treated and shamefully deceived de-ceived by the connivance of persons representing the United States As we understand it the President simply intends to right a wrong done to a friendly power as far as he can do so consistently The cry that he is using the forces of the United States to establish a monarchy is more claptrap clap-trap So is the assertion that he is casting down a republic Each of these is an appeal to the prejudices and passions of the people and equally without reason or warrant in the facts The question whether a monarchy or a republic is desired by the Inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands should be submitted to the entire people It is not to be determined by those who are dubbed by the supporters of the provisional pro-visional government the most intelligent intel-ligent of the white population Meanwhile the impression mist not be permitted to prevail that the United States have dethroned the Queen and want the provisional government supported sup-ported This government ought to do what is right and fair to the Queen in these circumstances and the size of her realm or the hue of her complexion com-plexion or the extent of her intelligence intelli-gence has nothing to do with the question ques-tion of her rights The objectionable thing cONnected with this matter appears to be the semimystery with which it has been clouded All the facts ought to come out whoever they may affect We cannot believe that after the President and his cabinet have taken several months to get at the bottom of this affair they are attempting to impose upon the people on the islands a government gov-ernment not desired by the inhabitants inhabit-ants or to jeopardize the lives and property of Americans for the sake of a sentiment It is better to wait awhile and see what has really been done The annexation an-nexation scheme was nil the go not long since and now arcely anybody I supports it There was considerable buncombe and false patriotism in I dulged in over that in its time It is quite likely that whenthe present excitement I ex-citement has died down there will be as little desire to blame the administration I adminis-tration over it as there is now to gobble gob-ble up the cannibal islands |