Show i THURSDAY EVENING JULY 24 1947 enApparently becoming overly grossed in Ogden's spectacular C Steens Jr July 24 parade Cleo 16 son of Mr and Mrs Cleo Steens suffered conof 111 Twenty-sixt- h when he forehead tusions of the front of in slipped off the curbing building He was the taken to the Dee Hospital Of special interest to Centennial Goodyear visitors is the MilesonW the Tabersituated cabin log hall of Pioneer east nacle square This cabin said to be the first built permanent home in Utaha was of native W Goodyear by Miles 1848 Connecticut prior to th eyear at about The cabin was first located the intersection of what is now iOLITE The Modern Mower SMOOTH street and the Twenty-sevent- h ber river CLOSE CUTTING We- - possessions of Along with other was cabin Goodyear the Brnwn ofpurchased the Mor Tampc mon battalion in January 1848 Ijrl this year the Weber river overflowed its banks and the cabin of a was moved about mile southeast of what was then known as Brown's fort Used As Shop In 1857 it was purchased by Amos P Stone pioneer father of Minerva P Stone and used as a blacksmith shop Mr Stone moved the cabin to Mill creek on what is now the 1400 block at Washington EASY TO PUSH one-four- th boulevard There it remained until the year 1890 when Mr Stone died The cabin then came into possession of Mr Stone's widow Sarah Stone On April 3 1896 Minerva Stone Shaw bought the cabin from her mother Sarah Stone and had it moved to 1265 Washington Mrs Shaw prized the cabin as a relic and wished that the Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Weber county might possess and preserve it As a result of this wish she presented it to them on Nov 8 1926 Words On Plaque During the 1934 Pioneer days celebration a plaque was erected next to the cabin bearing the following inscription: "Marker No 41 "Erected by Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association July 24 1934 Cabin erected by Miles GoodAs far as year about known the first permanent house - Priced ot Only $2475 ANDERSON Seed and Feed Store 371 -- Dial 7364 23rd St 1841-184- 5) Closeout of Odds and Ends! RECORD SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Irene Hanson looks over a monument at the oldest home In Utah the Miles W Goodyear cabin In left background erected about the year 1845 The cabin is located on Tabernacle square east of Pioneer built in Utah It stood near the junction of the Ogden and Weber rivers In 1848 (1847) it was sold to Capt James Brown of the Mormon battalion with a Spanish land grant governing all of Weber county It was preserved by Minerva S Shaw and by her presented to the Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Weber county who placed it on its Police today continued present site" tion of the reported burglary and theft of $721 in cash from the office of Dr George G Moyes physician Wednesday afternoon Dr Moyes told officers he was absent from his office in the Eccles building a short time On his reU S civil service commission turn he found someone had cut a has issued open competitive exam- hole in the back of his deck inations for the positions of pack- resched through and removed the er processor and supervisor auto- $721 from the cash drawer which motive branch These positions are was locked in the war department establishBurglars who entered the Village mart 903 Thirty-sixt- h ments in the Ogden area by way of Packer and processor positions an open window vanished with two have beginning salaries of from 87 boxes of cigars three cartons of cents to $137 per hour depending cigarets four cases of beer two upon the duties of the position boxes of ice cream a carton of Maximum salaries range from $107 gum and several boxes of candy bars investigating officers reper hour The position of supervisor auto- ported motive branch has an entrance pay Heme Burglarized rate of $155 per hour with a maxMrs L S Ruth 2401 Tyler reimum salary of $189 per hour The someone entered her home ported is located arserfal at Ogden position and involves supervising the in- which she had left unlocked and spection repair and processing for departed with goods valued at apstorage or shipment of all types of proximately $100 including nylon automotive vehicles used by the hosiery lingerie and jewelry The war department These include burglar made his exit through the combat vehicles with mounted ar- rear door as Mrs Ruth entered the tillery pieces ranging from 37 to front she said 105 millimeter In addition the su0 Ken Turner Victory road pervisor is responsible for the post Washington Terrace told police a vehicle repair shop which performs spotlight a sideview mirror and a maintenance and repair of approx- doctor's prescription were stolen from his automobile while it was imately 400 motor vehicles The closing date of these exam- parked at the 2000 block of Lininations is August 11 Additional coln information can be had from the Robert Bothwell 2767 Jackson Board of U S Civil Service Exam- told officers a sports jacket iners 220 Postoffice Building Og- stolen from his car while it was was den parked in Ogden canyon Scotty Stanford 795 Twenty-fourt- h reported theft of a portable radio and a camera from his unlocked automobile while it was parked at the rear of his home Wallet Said Stolen While Willard E Bellamy 461 Twenty-sevent- h was watching the Wednesday afternoon parade at ' each Commission Will Fill U S Jobs B-5- STANDARD ELECTRIC 2245 Washington Blvd DSof 5445 er Police Investigate Theit of $721 From Physician's Office investiga-Twenty-fift- h to local taxation The approval of such a resolu tion came unanimously at the end of the 11th annual convention of the National Association of County Uificiais Former U S Sen Abe Murdock of Utah set the convention on the path toward approval of the resolution at the opening session of the conference He told the dele gates that federally-owne- d land which constitutes a majority nf eome western states must Drnvido some means of revenue to th counties within which it lies Advocates Donations Murdock advocated outrieht "do nations" by the federal government to the counties in proportion to the amount of land which was government owned George W Morgan chairman of Salt Lake county commission was elected president oi tne national association Jacksonville Fla was selected as the site for next year's meetings Josepn a Hammond of Jacksonville was elected first dent and George F Simmons of was renamed secretary-treasurOgden Simmons is also executive director of the organization Chairman of Board G Claiborn Blanton Selma Ala retiring president was elected chairman of the board of directors Others named to the board were-Gene Meredith Kimball Neb Walter H Wickens Rochester N Y Sid J Call a vat Orange Tex W D Ralston Middleton O Andy Matson Flagstaff Ariz Van A James Axial Colo John C Vance Ashville N C Christian H Kahl vice-pers- i- Photo by Dorothy Cardon) halL 1rl5l Popular Western Classical Temple of the Most High SALT LAKE CITY July 24 (UP) Some 1200 county officials from 35 states today were on record as supporting legislation which would make federally-owne- d land subject Ogden's Founding city-coun- ty '4ffi County Chiefs Back Bill to Tax US Lands Cabin Preserved As Memento of Youth Injured UGHT MODERN Attraction Days' Pioneer Genuine rw STANDARD-EXAMINE- R THE OGDEN (UTAH) ifi and Washington he related someone stole a wallet con taining personal papers and Union Pacific railroad passes from his pocket Mrs Eda Watters 1212 Oak told police she lost her wallet contain ing personal papers and $7 or $8 in currency in the business district Mrs Goldie Littlefield 220 West Twenty-secon- d reported loss of her wallet while she was at a cold storage plant Arrests Follow Seat Quarrel A disturbance Wednesday night in the north grandstands of the municipal stadium resulted in the arrest of an Ogden man and his wife while hundreds of spectators stood on tip toe to witness the de tails Booked at police headquarters for disturbing the peace by fighting ana resisting arrest was Wart C Ellis 43 1717 Lincoln Mrs Ellis 36 was booked for interfering with a police officer in making an ar rest Both were released on recog nizance pending appearance tomor row in city court R F Carver police officer said he intervened when two men were jjjj pvs J S Ben Lomond The Temple of the Most High an entry of the L stake was one of dozens t floats that portrayed an outstanding in cident in the history of the Mormon churefc Depot Installs F M Radios ft - In Patrol Cars The army's Utah general depot West Second street has equipped five of its patrol cars with the latest in two-wa- y F M radios it was announced today by Henry Jensen director of the depot's Towson Md George F Brietbach maintenance division Milwaukee Wis Harry Bartell cars are on roving The Oakland Calif Dean Z Haddick duty 24patrol a day and are in hours Moline HI G A Treakle Norfolk touch central radio stathe with Va Francis Prichard Connecticut not less than once an hour and William Miners Pendleton tion Ore Each guard has been trained in opE Woman Suffers Minor Injuries Mrs Helen Cottrell 23 wife of 8 Victory road Washington Terrace was released from Dee hospital this morning following treatment for shock and minor back injuries It was understood Mrs Cottrell had been injured in an accident However no report of an accident in which she was involved had been Jay H Cottrell K-1- made at the police department or sheriff's office erating the radios which are so constructed it is not necessary for the car's engine to be running to send or receive The radios are tuned so the guard in any car can hear the guard in any other car and can talk direct with him a time saver in event of an emergency ' The car of the commanding offiy cer ill also equipped with a radio At all times when the commanding officer is in his car the radio is turned on making it easy to contact him from as far as 15 miles from the depot The central radio station is located in the main fire station which makes an immediate report to the fire department possible if a fire should be discovered at any hour of day or night a statement Don't UpohI Noises unny that That 1 yon hoar in funny noise your motor may sound like the fan and belt it hitting something maybe it i It might be that yo or it need a new fan belt MIGHT BE that your generator is about ready to fall apart You never can tell about a mavbe a tooth is missine on a and if let go it mtgnt wrecs your transmission When clicking sounds noise and things occur to your car that you are not familiar with ifs time for you to drive your car into our shop let our meace chanics who KNOW CARS what the trouble is A little thing may be the cause of neglected a big repair bill And cause you no end of trouble while you are on a your arc always more than welcome to drire in or any inspection or auto repairs Open from 8 am until 6 pan two-wa- pushing each other back and forth in an apparent argument over staAs he entered the dium seats scene he said Ellis struck the officer in the face and knocked his glasses off As Ellis was being led from the stadium Mrs Ellis intervened said BROWNING CHEVROLET COMPANY OGDEN BUICK SALES CO MP A NT i 26th and Washington mm WE OFFER m LOW-COS- T AUTOMATIC H EAT FOR YOUR HOME CLEARFIELD PLANT QUALITY FRUITS and See Atl-ELECTR- Hi L iC KITCHENS ertiel other elecrriroi exhibits at rite UTAH CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION IV IHi Q 1 If V i tv p2 k i a i iiawi j jm NWMM T w W POPULARITY Of Electric Water Heating SOARS Automatic EUctric water heating installation have to wear out Water is never dangerously hot -K- omaticaiiv and accurate wr Houxs a day year in and vear inawed m U A fc nrw- -- witho COAL STOKERS DOMESTIC HEAVY DUTY BIN FEED ' OIL HEAT Air Conditioners Conversion Burners STEEL FURNACES Forced Air Units Domestic and Industrial Gravity Furnaces AIR-FL- O HEATING out Anil BUY FROM YOUR DEALER OR PLUM © AMI " SN " VEGETABLES mem hjs: 111 IffT "1 am mm 3 COMPANY (tuci £4 FOR OVER 55 YEARS UTAH CAPITAL UTAH PRODUCTS UTAH LABOR - x AT YOUR GROCERS Woods Cross Camuit Air-Conditioni- ng WINNERS OF THE "A" AWARD noM441tM4 27 Ay Lincoln Factories at: Clearfield— Hber— Woods ly At the Browning Corner i 4 |