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Show OGDEN NORTH WARD BULLETIN JUNE 2 VOLUME NEW CHANGES Passes CONTEMPLATED LETTER 1945 3, Heber Pres. NEWS AND NEWS J. Grant Away NUMBER H. TELLS WOODFIELD HAWAII OF 5 CHAPEL FOR To called by the recent meeting, bishopric, of heads of organizations, side what that probably of The and the the Some where wards, Funds actual soon as are What if if of way ever, a The ward place, of build to then and (if share meeting place the chapel. be, ward the of the the possible, as expense among the seems to remodel soon ever) as when, divided, same second in assist new solution chapel, present to completely or the the wards the logical the be proceed more room. been for both has populations time would use demands practice fair building So wards building To that is the new wards. two community seems destined to residential area to quite a Our become will condition extent. This an re good neighbors main, as long as con locate in this area. Here lies tinue to the good of will turn, the of facts would larger will need the of should and making be meet an assessment ward buildings to now our the a chapel sermons enjoyable. for a as-well-as in Ogden, being own very prepared. building near plans will future. folks home: at I I Heber J. Grant, 88, seventh pres ident of the L. D. S. church who died May 14th, 1945, of causes incident to old age. lead The colorful, white bearded of nearly million fol a Mormon er lowers, chuch and business was a leader for 62 years. He assumed the Nov. 23rd, presidency of the church and in the following 26 1919 years the church through the guided crucial period of its develop most ment in this nation and abroad. Born Nov. 22nd, 1856, his father nine days after his birth, he dying reared by his mother who did was menial work to feed her son. From to this he a humble beginning rose in financial place of prominence civic standing and placed the and basis, church upon a solid material a place of respect and among the religions. world funeral, May 18th, was the public Salt use of the famed since Pearl Har Lake tabernacle bor. and was attended by civic and religious leaders of the west. At in testing the esteem which he was held the beautiful massive dis was play of flowers, the closing of busi for the funeral and the tolling ness of cathedral bells as the funeral cortege passed. His first These faith. S. religious are on in enjoys predomi comfortable A own tabernacle cision desirable being D. members now which other of L. more Ward pur they, and community indicate make plans made the chapel. services new Our distinction nately our character attract purchasers.,, who Choose sell: to those for success property chasers in of secret have the It has been desire to express my sincere thanks and heartfelt grati for tude the home town there news; in is contained pleasure, and news, It is the mem hope for the future. of such experiences and friends ory that the tells about which paper keeps the boys from North Ogden to hold the banner high attempting live the ideals which and up to indelibly in their were stamped character. Such is the case with me at any rate. I have left Oahu, that romantic isle of the and Hawaiian group further south and much faster gone It with west to the Marianas. was regret that left, for while staying had the good fortune of see there ing of from home. the boys many I went to church the post with on Berrett, dined with Delbert Elwood Chatelain, introduced to Ha was waii practically with Marvin Deam talked with Randall Howard er, Johnson, Dale and Rodney saw between cruises, and de Mathie saying practically while parted Ralph Embry. Surprising hello to too the fact that my brother was Elman visited me twice while was Is it the war go by. watching any able Aloha that to wonder am say with emphasis. It was there that also learned little tolerance for other a more if it Imagine peoples. you can how would be if one fifth of the peoples S. in the United States were L. D. In the case of the native Hawaiian, is such the case and the church and is its influence felt for good by hasnt most Who every person. in heard of the L. D. S. tabernacle temple the Oahu or gazed upon peoples. Yes have those among Chinese Japanese also and seen God with fervor and sin worship cerity; and their faith in the mis peoples sion of the Gospel and its is truly amazing. in many cases this island isolated On so we are far as distance and time are con cerned, but here even Mormons heard from and gather to are gether. There arc as many as eight meeting this island on or ten groups held alone, and a conference was with recently about three hundred If in attendance. desires any one cocoanut let a me know as there is enough for all in my back yard, high; the mosquitioes the heat is but the murderous, fundamentals of life change not disappear. nor wastes and liberty Yours till war lives again. I asks: ward. usual the where two ure building while meeting always the reasoning, at larger chapel because needed for Someone divide the) 1945 I as come up each North Ogden to seems chapel a our been drawn are will are point new mentioned. is have amounts Plans construction start materials available. One time buildings new are few cases the a fully subscribed. and be woodwork. making now plans toward construc being raised, and in definite very tion. idea would outside all contemplated, are the done be to of painting out chapel. of a construction solution thee best was least the ward the developed the chapel new with do to appearance discussion May Marianas A discussed 4 for De be Albert Smith, was sus the of the Quorum president of the church Twelve as h, May 201 selecting Ruben A on and David O Clark McKay Ins as counselors. George tained I I Love to all FLOYD by When couples J. shopping look WOODFIELD. together, beligerent and married unhappy. |