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Show VOL. XXVII, NO; Saturday trade. i PROVO, UTAH, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912. PREPARING TO F.NTF.RTA IN . STATE ENCAMPMENT OF G. A: R. ri 40 AT PROVO NURSERYMAN IS ;nna - : E15 The following is the programme for the song service which will be held Sunday a 2 p, m. in the Stake Tabernacle under the direction of Professor J. R. Boshard. Voluntary, organ, Professor C. W. Banquet .Will be Tendered Visi- Reid. "I Anr Alpha and Omega," Choir. tors. Interesting Program Pre"Andante,1' organ, Miss Ailene Cluff. for Male quartette, "The Lord ts My Notable Event pared Shepherd," members of the chois. Duet, "Glorious Things of Thee Are Extensive preparations are being Spoken," Lizzie Evans and Inger John made by the local veterans of the son. Ten minute talk on above hymn, Grand Army of the Republic, W. T. Professor Osmond. Sherman Post No. -- 6 and the Women's Soprano solo,' "The Lord is My Relief Corp .for the entertainment of Light," Mrs. Ira H. Masters. " the delegates at the Btate encamp"0. Divine " Redeemer." solo and ment to be. held In Provo Saturday, chorus, Miss Ella Ritchie and Choir. Offeratory, organ, Professor C.v W. June 15. Four hundred delegates are Reid. expected to attend the convention in "Great and MarvelouB," Choir. this city and everything possible will be done to keep up the reputation the Garden City has already made as a welcoming hostess. The coining convention will' mean much "for this city. It is the first lilt CONIES BE 0 time an annual state encampment of the G. A. R. has been held in Provo and from three to four hundred dele gates will attend. Among these will be the old veterans of" theG. A. ft. from, all parts of the state. Word has just, been received by the local Corp ladies that the Prov.o encampment will be honored by the presence of Mrs. Cora Davis, national president of the - organization. The encampment of last year was held at Ogden, Utah, and was thoroughly successful. It is planned to serve a banquet to the four hundred delegates at noon of the convention day and the Ladies of the G. A. R. have been busy the past week obtaining funds for this feature of the day's programme;- They have been very successful in their ef forts and almost enough funds have now been secured. The Provo Com mercial Club will furnish transporta tion to carry the delegates from the station to. the convention halls. The committee had planned to have a band greet the visitors at, the station, as every other convention city has done: .The ladies of the G. A. R. have, themselves, obtained the funds by popular subscription for the banquet and. .both' Provo . City... and. the Provo Commercial club have been asked to furnish the $50 .necessary for the band. Up to this time both have stated that they do not see their way clear to- do so, but it Is thought that arrangements will be made in the near future for this feature. 7 - - SON VS. FATHER: VS. A case "was filed in the District court today in which one brother is suing the estate of another brother for the care and keep of the deceased brother during his Illness. Warren S. Ferre Is the plaintiff and Susie Ferre as administratrix of the estate of George Ferre, is the defend- ant ' tiff took George Ferre' In and cared for him during an illness from September, 1911. Ha demands $275 from the estate for this- care and also asks for siu.bu wn en ne claims is tne value of the bedding in which,' the brother laid during his last illness. - ' Son ' Aflalnst Father. f fri. e.. t i uei is aiso a case .iiuw .ou u iai before Judge Booth ,in the court. Here son is against father, George L. uooae is suing tieorge u. uooae, ana asKS ior a restraining oraer enjoining . iiih iflinpr rrnm TrfinnRRinp nn ihhiti- tiff 's land, and he asks for $5 as ' damages which he alleges was sus" tained trespass. '.The case is over a roadway over the son'j. land which the elder Mr, Goode has traveled to reach his own farm. The young Mr. Coode built a fence over the road and the fence was ' cut down by the father. " ."! a 1 1y-sa- id J AGREEMENT of the canal companies and individual water users taking" water from Provo river, both here and in Wasatch'1 county, have held a series of meetings lately to Representatives a method of distributing the high water when the flow is changing from the extreme high period to the low period or decreed determine waters. were following resolutions adopted and it is thought that amicable arrangements will be entered into. A more systematic division of the waters will undoubtedly work to the advantage of all. "Be it the sense of this meeting that the waters of Provo river during the' period when the rlvef begins to fall, between high water and decreed rights, to be distributed among the various users from the Midway dam in Wasatch county to Utah lake in Utah county on a basis of one secacres ond foot "of water' for" fifty-fiv- e of land; and that we use our influence with the various companies and individual users to adopt this arrangement for this present season 1912. "Be it the sense of this meeting that we use our influence with our companies to have the- - county of Summit, Wasatch and Utah counties, appoint a water commissioner for these respective counties, (where one is not already appointed) and ask the District Court to confirm each commissioner so appointed, as court commissioner; the said., three commissioners to regulate and distribute the water during the season of 1912, according to the foregoing resolution. The WITH THE PHOTO PLAY. Manager Ash ton - announces a feature picture for the Ellen Saturday and Monday nights. It is a Vltagraph. "The Old Kent Road" is another life portrayal of the Coster folk of England. Chevalierian character stildtes are introduced in a piquant and characteristic story. There is a Lubin film ;in After Years," in which a clever romance is told and a Selfg drama, "Me and Bill," a dramatic, story of the sweet friendship existing between two old cronies and their children. A Biograph, film "Just Like a Woman" is the headllner at the Princess, and one of those screaming Lubin comedies, "A Gay Time in Jackson ville, Florida" U also featured.' The funny eipeHencea, of Fritz, and Hans, two Germans, will cause much laugh' ter. .i- . mCE-PRESID- TLltion ' of Clarence Boshard, who was injured in a runaway accident the evening of Sunday, May, 15, is said to be much better at the pres ent time than at any time simfe the, accident The physicians Jn attendance Btate that while Boshard has not yet fully regained consciousness, he is ' ' taking more nourishment .'ind his chance for. recovery is good,' r mm mm m .... UUIill . Ul ENr nir rnniT Hf in z PRFn RTFn s fEllCII FIB FDH OFFERED FLIES til nt j - Telegraph News Boiled Down ad - ; h-. ..... m M . - st I -- ; I ' , n . BOSHARD IMPROVING. f LI UUUI The following ' is the program ELECTED Provo Lodge No. 14, Independent Orde--r of Odd Fellows, held their regu- which will be carried out at, the Disclubs lar election of officers at their meet trict Federation of Women's X The tenth annual convention ot the l be" "held fiiLV hf Wednesre whtth t.tr I I ML 07 IU UI IntheXTO. ing "Wednesday night " : day, June 12 Pacific Coast Nurserymen's Associa- i F. hall and the following officers were Convention caTTed a order 9:30 a. tiou was brought to a close last night chosen to serve the ensuing term; . m. election of officers for the en.the by Singing "America," by the audience. past noble grand; . Ralph Archbold, unanimous vote, PortBy year. suing of Address, Mrs, ,William Wille-George M. Strong, noble grand; J. was selected as the place land, Ore., Jce noble grand; T. L. Wat Heber. in 1913. Growers Complain for holding the convention of Scarcity "Solo, Mrs. Ira H. Masters. ter, secretary; Boyd B. Strong, treasPortland of" the Albert Brownell, Repo'rt of officers. urer; Fred Sutherland, J. T. Liddiard of Help and Myst Send to Out-sid- e Company was Election of officers for ensuing Wholesale Nursery and Eph. Homer, trustees. chosen president. Among the four Cities for Pickers The newly elected .officers will be year. vice presidents chosen was B. H. Callaway, Open discussion, Mrs. installed into office the first Wednes, Bower of the Provo Nursery. ' chairman, "How Shall We Teach Our day in July. contenMr. the states that Bower Young People to Cultivate and Pre Last year the first crate of Btraw-berri- es tion was a most interesting and sucserve the Beautiful." of the season grown on Provo cessful oue. "Simplified Dress." Bench was brought in and sold t7. Recess. nomer uavis, aim uim jeai vuo aiuw Afternoon Session. CASK BOUNTY FOR thing has happened again, -toe Mr. ME Music, Lehi Glee Club; Davis made his appearance on tha "Economic and Industrial Conditions streets of" Provo with nice "ripe fctraw of Our Country," Rev. Elmer I. Goshen berries from the fruit belt on Provo IS A committee of about ten farmers of Salt Lake City. Bench. The berries were bought by. ."Shall We Not Keep a Broader Cul and residents from Pelican Point went the W. M. Roylance company and. Our Young People," Miss before the county commissioners to ture for were the finest ever Sold on this marAlice Reynolds. day to protest against the closing of ket, inside of a week or ten day tho Real money has been offered the road through the Mendenhall as tho bounty on dead flies, according to a market will be well supplied, LUCY GATES WILL farm. The petitioners claim that: this all o and be ripe statement made yesterday by Dr. T. larger fields will dls-triis the 'old county road and the com around the Beatty, secretary of the stave D.oara the different localities missioners have no right to close the c.rnn. N PffnVn 2 health. mnrkotlnfr ruin their HIVE nnNP.FRT ha Simon Louis and Adplph same. The commissioners maintained UIIL UUliULlll 111 IIIUIW! of Salt Lake have offered $1,000 - as Help is going to be very scarce, ajig that the resolution .as "adopted a few prize money, to be competed for by unless the other towns in this end of, months ago should stand until a new In the state. the state where srawberrles are not ProL J. R. Boshard lias announced anyone survey was made by the county su The full conditions governing the grown so plentiful does not send la pervisor of roads. This did not satis that a concert will be given by the. contest have not. yet been issued by their boys and girls to help pick and fy the committee of farmers and they famous I'tah songbiid, Emma Lucy the state board of 'health, but the market this crop the growers will protested strongly for a change back Gates, the evening of Friday, June 14.; main question to be considered Will cither have to ship in foreign labof to the old road. The commissioners swatted the greatest num- or take a big loss, as there is not "Who over" lie, will investigate the matter and as Miss Gates has been hailed all flies?" of Contestants will de- pickers enough In the community to ber quick as tlie"crop is harvested they Germany as one of Uio very few to the board of health the mortal handle the crop. On every hand yQU i liver ' will probably, reopen the old' road. coniirti; prima donnas who can interremains of tho flies, which will be can h?ar men begging for help and The new road makes the distance pret the difficult part which the great counted by the quart. unless something la don in a general about ,40 rods farther than does the mas;er Mozart wrote for his principal It lias not been decided by Dr. Be- - way tne results are going to oe oaa. old road. This, is Miss Gates' home atty.as to Who shall have the honor . There Is plenty. Qf men, women and, Just last week Mendenhall and singers. be 0f ascertaining the number of filed to children. In the mining camps and town and sho will undoubtedly f admirers her a quart.- It is recorded in a repaaqUajiyoo tow08 of utak that would liko road and the latter went away with sreete(l hy th"ndredd here. her a reappearance contest that one to make this money and have' this. Massachusetts upon p. broken nose from a blow with a o in contest the delivered ninety- - employment if there was juBt aa 6r youth claw hammer. , NEW PROBATION OFFICER. five quarts of flies. ganUed movement to get them hero or to let them know how to proceed o Probaabsence of Chief During the HOMER'S ODESSEY. In touch with' people that have to get The beautiful story of Homer's tion Officer B. F. Roper persons havand other kinds of fruits strawberries Oydessey" will be repeated at the ing complaints to make about dellh-- j to and market There will be pick Provo Opera House tonight and toquent juveniles may communicate three times as much fruits of every; morrow night by special request. The I with J. D. Moffett, assistant probakind thU year In this district as has picture was shown here several weeks ever been grown before and the pickago and was very much appreciated. tion officer, at the county surveyor's MOTORCYCLIST KILLED. ing, packing marketing should all It is the history of the Trojan war and office at the court house, or with.!. Lake City, June. 7. Henry Pot be done "by our own people. Think It Salt Chas. J. Wahlqulat, judge of the juis a very interesting film. The scenter was killed .here laat night at thewer and help get some of your ery used in the film is beautiful and venile court, at his office at 43 East sauair saucer tracK wane riding in friends and acquaintances here from street. Center is each character faithfully portrayed. a motor cycle race. He was going at the other towns to There are 1000 men and women in the help market this more than a, mile a minute when the crop. O. Mr. Mrs. W. enand means and an film and shows money to ine grower, Beesley production the, j( nnnla und tli . tire Grecian city rebuilt. The cost of family have moved to their country accident, occurred. . He .was 23 years emnlnvmBnt-- . the production of the film was $200,-00- home, where they will spend the sum- of age and was employed as a mem- spending of lots of money fd this disber of the motorcycle police force. trict. mer. His mother and sister watched him go o. I to his death. -OPENING SATURDAY OF THE HANSEN CATERING CO. TO AVERT BOLT. CUlcagJune 7 Fred WJphamJ The Hansen Catering company will will introduce a resolution into the have thlr opening Saturday afternoon, . r..-- t. r.. n I wm republican national convention which una evening iroiu 10 o. wusiu will pledge the delegates to support be furnished by an orchestra from the the candidate nominated. This reso- B. Y. lution will deny any delegate a seat This is undoubtedly one of the f!a-ethat will not agree to this pledge. confectionery and pandy stores la the state. The company" has been to more than 8,000 expense in fixtures JOHNSON SHOOTS HIMSELF. Knit T.flka CMv Tuna 1 Pat at. Tnhn. alone for the Interior. son, 45 years of age, took his life by ' 'Geo. A, Hansen, who is manager o'f .'lrlng two shots into his ram at In. the company, has bad over fifteen home at 515 West Third yesterday af-- vearg experience In this business and ternoon at 5 o'clock. The cause of his ifl thoroughly familiar with all depart action was no work and being unable' ments of this business. Such a placo to work on account of aa explosion) Js a great credit to Provo and will about December last He leaves a, lend a. share toward the boosting of wife and child. our city. The soda fountain alono. cost $3,500. A' number of prominent Announcements are out for a piano business men In this city are Inter- recHal to be given by Miss Rose Dur-ra'- ested in this concern and will see that f at the Sixth Ward Assembly Hall it goes. the evening of Monday, June 10, at 8 p. m'. Miss Durrani Is b4trg present- MRS. ANDERSON DIES. ed by' bor teacher, Professor Fitzroy, Mrs.. Larsiene Anderson aged ,80 and thosaffalr. promises to be an im- - years, a patient of! the State Mental portant musical treat Hospital, died at that institution last ' ' " night of senile demontla. Her home IRON BLOSSOM WILL was at Huntsville .and she was com' " fifteen yeara s . INCREASE PRODUCTION mitted' to the hospital ago. Burial will be in the city ceme" . Not later than next Monday the tery. - . o management of Iron. Blossom expects . . to mine the its to' have up regular UTAH CON. OF TlNTIC heavy shipment sof 35 to 40 carloads INCREASES ITS FORCE a week. ' Since the cave-Iat No. 1 ' President S. S. ' Jones of Utah Coa workings several weeks ago the out eolldated of Tintlc haSJiotifJed II, J.. put immediately fell to nearly half Fitzgerald of Salt Lake that tho for-the usual production. The drift around mer superintendent W. W. Malhews, v n the cave was completed the fore part has gone over to the property and pat of this week and the work of raislne a force of men to work In the southt ' ' ' HAROLDI .' ; ; the ore commenced, tl is said that west drift, whera the iron and cooner The famous roUsh violinist who will appear at the Tabernacle Saturday! many stopes and drifts in the No. 1 ore ..was in evidence.. Mr. Jones is evening, June . ine eminent uonemian pianist, nuaoipn roiaa, wiu atso warnings are congests, with an ac-- still sanguine" that .tho property, will appear with him la an ectarordlnary 'musical program. Tho music lovers cumulation - of ores which may give make good, surrounded as it Is by of Provo cannot afford to miss this wonderful treat JThose who baVe heard jia mlae, some record weekly b,lp- - half a"dOzeaof the big producers of ' him say it is not necessary to be a musician' to appreciate- this program. ments la the pear future. the Tintlc district ' ",, 7 - nr IliiMnrn ,..... hnnn slt m " M FEDERATION DELEGATES TO VISIT, PROVO J FELLOWS FOR ODD STAKE 1885. FIRST STRAWBERRIES OF SEASON PLACED ON MARKET OFFICERS ELECTED ARRA H BE PROGRAM BY SONG SERVICE ESTABLISHED HBM .'", - - v. '. ,' '.-.-- " .. , i y" '"- - -- - . - |