Show the greatest and best line of shoes ever eve shown in eastern E astern utah is what we arc are now displaying at the same old prices notwithstanding the advance in leather we have them thein in all styles sies and shapes f for or misses women men and the boys DRESS GOODS well yes and the patterns arc ace profuse and in in the large stock something to ever everyone vone and at correct prices too for the men they must see the stock of hats spring styles and shapes to appreciate them in furnishings of kinds we head the procession JL lowen lowenstein stein the leader of low prices 15 H OTEL rates and boo 5 0 0 I 1 C LARKE PER DAY MRS R M CAREY table supplied with the very best the market affords the house thoroughly renovated ted refurnished and re arranged the best in eastern utah 3 4 we handle everything that the farmer requires es 4 A 4 ARTHUR J LEE t t manager i branch house george georte A lowe headquarters tor lor 4 the old reliable 4 4 wagon t and vehicles t deering binders mowers and 11 hay rakes t agricultural implements t OF ALL KINDS our boods are the best the low prices sell them 4 4 THE M NATEl Ex AIM SAI SALOON adon NICHOLS EGAN proprietors FINEST LARGEST AIU AND ular LINE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars LN L N espedal attention gi kit en to the gallou ind fisa gallon trade on which we buiak corn come ina in ami nd ret get price which are ur guars a teed to be right price and vernal stage and express line laha 1 1 atlen 12 tr t r 01 42 ind D ERN il IV 1 I 1 r ce to t t t iw noway w X niia how roul um AMPS trip 1100 11 OU cereto 0 a us n wy way aang the ib hie lite loot 10 ants per mile ratio k orly lound of lil at are free of c b rim lopres rule rates 34 cent cents per pound oua to 4 mo 4 to 6 uk 4 to 1 13 poun 1 is S ac per juul pound d tf 3 to owr gmt u truit rua irate ki to I L 1 iucker uw nl eral ernal lee V datu two t 10 wo 1 at tort duchesne 11 0 clock ott N e 71 1 6 au P ni et 0 30 9 orah es ki 1 lilU u W 0 a tn ave arrive price 6 0 0 ekkeb p ni 01 B R yc DONALD AGENT dirice utah SN S N proprietor at rooney rooneys s place t r 1 ace HELPER UTAH will be found the beat bet in to ton 11 to drink and binok fine old kentucky whiskies El eastern Stern and salt lake city beers bottled goods good in fact cery everything thing desirable in the 1 refreshment line VW plent of kinle 11 hile the train stops get a good bottle for your trip 1 I II 11 nix 1 patt tt maker and rel ft titer salt ut L lake a a city all ork 0 money Y relue ltd 0 31 1 1 onh orill price agent leave your and jewelry for at 1 aith oi 01 th wr r hii OF CHARGE any a lull nit cir ang fruta a void gel get tied oil tbt me breatt breast bronchitis bron chiti throat or inua es 41 nay nature who will LU lall at the tile price trailing trading co 30 9 will be he I 1 ie nt l aita 1 a ml Is bott bottle leor of boa mm achl arap rt bot charge out one buttle given laoue to cue aud none done to D without order from no I 1 h ro I 1 t or I 1 u ug fremed ever baj had a title sale ei ai e i boochee Due Bo chee achee i arulan syrup arup iu fu ail 11 II parts 11 of III alii civil led 24 worl I 1 I 1 arl fur ago uit lloud 1 of verv re livni atway I 1 will t ti 11 yui ltd its duj j arcelous ar novt loue its 1 the afir at pul lung endors endorsed emio rafil td ly by ibia I 1 tiana ills ai clet 1 tie lie will ill car cure or its it t alae sold by th d filers in all f l there waa wan it big trow ru I 1 oat out today Ta finy beair Be aiu t to 0 heir tho gral hol houe and ohp moving pictures it wis wu t atie he b big ig t fake to coula loog along tor tills way 1 in 11 1 a long time aoa iu in working a portion of abu oving loving i 1 to a lurk dark brown fiala tb the performance perlor mance put up waa was biml ain ly rotten artt 1 f fur fr iia ii a nil 1 jr 1 f fir 1000 1900 a raabs aud awl M 01 too rt 1 riff I 1 irh ih t 4 4 t 4 ON CLOSE CL OSE MARGINS 4 4 never in our many years business experience in price have we sold all lines of goods at such close margins leaving 44 qualities out of the question for instance we arc are offering 4 hoys boys and youths youth suit suits splendid value 2 50 to sa s1 2 50 t 1 mens suits stylish and mell A ell made up 5 CO to 20 00 oo new line of shoes let lct others boast and I 1 rag as they will v uc have the block stock the and set the pace on prices look at these ladies atra good tans all sizes and shapes 75 to other grades and kinds 6 4 aioo 1 00 to 5 00 mens shoes 6 44 of to N boys shoes the kind that stand wear and tear too 1100 to hats all kinds the tiniest and nob biest from a good straw or linen at so 50 aerts Ls to the ery cry best five dollar kinds of interest to the ladies oar shelves and counters arc are literally loaded down with all the new things for summer and spring wear time for which we cannot find to enumerate here are a few items only with prices 4 taffeta silk waists ts 16 6 00 oo to 7 50 shirt waists all of new and lo 10 locay cly patterns 50 to 2 00 oo underskirts undershirts Under skirts new designs and effects i 1 00 oo to 3 00 oo 4 L light ight percales percalee Per cales most excellent values cs 10 to 20 D dress ress orlandies organdies Org andies cs most complete line 15 to 30 D dress ress lawns orth more at 7 70 to 35 fancy parasols to childrens i 1 00 oo to 2 25 childrens swiss bonnets 40 to i iso 50 our large basement is filled to overflowing nith h a large line lineol of staple groceries meats bacon ham canned meats and the like we set the prices on these for all competitors come in and get quotations PRICE TRADING COMPANY 6 WHEN AT S SUN U N N Y S I 1 D DE E BE SURE AND LALL AT jack gentrys saloon sala elegant stock of fine old whisky salt lake city and eastern beers cigars cigarettes etc best goods and courteous treatment R A KIRKER M E examines and R 13 deports on mines and carbon properties lee la in emt east fro ern utah and aud western Colar nilo Add address resi PRICE u urah rall MARR MARK P braffet BRAFFE T ATTORNEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH or oze mm MAIN ST F E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE DALE UTAH district fr ft r the S JD ja lician di brict will practice in all the tho conne courts in ail civil minin arri cation ani and probate matters div edal ecial attention save your teeth I 1 CON I 1 DR NED HEWETT DENTIST wd W r d DOOLY billock SALT CITY UTAH J W WARP WARF littorno At torne tind and counsellor at I 1 av COLLE rion A SPECIAL I 1 Y horary PUBLIC in I 1 n all the coulta we att t of mathis botel UTAH F F FISK hafl D and I 1 HIM 0 office arnary it lot in it the tho br belling I 1 lint now 11 4 united states 1 sergeant arar doore amt ut of poe toP acme cholera syrup ie is the aafedt fest 1 helut ly in tile world for cholera chole ra antUm ch cholera aera luoren luor tn no bilious 1 cot cole c I 1 all tron bin bl of the bowel for sale it at emery county mercantile company i torn tr actus cholera syrup caree colic acene choi Cli olera era barup cirei diarrhea I 1 U flaut THE MEALS ARE t ALWAYS GOOD 4 4 Thet the aluli fa crowded with agreeable les but it ie 18 la in the dining car that one I 1 is most impressed impre sRed with the 4 4 superiority now without bein being too utterly daiely I 1 aw ain exceedingly p bout about my meal weal and a d BI about bouttie the way they are nerved served for breakfast all I 1 want I 1 is egg eggs rolls and nd coffee in a Burli burlington dining lining car I 1 am 4 able to pet get just what I 1 want 3 what I 1 would could have at my own table and for or the email of fifty centa the extin hite of ur hie be Ia liry ry adl e s a cooj boj bucal tato tto all the better interview with 4 denver merchant 4 two trains a at day from froin denver to the East the chicago 4 bp caal at 9 4 a m the flyer at 10 ui in p 4 01 nalla kansas city bt louis lonis throna elee loepere lee pere pers dally daily JA ogden to chicago via denver aal the burlington route 4 tickets at offices of connecting lines 4 ticket office S W V temple st salt lake city 1 U B II 11 WATSON general agent il it F travle passar and breight agent 4 J C WEETER W LUMBER CO Who esile te and retail lumber yard with a full line oi of sash doors screen doors I 1 Moul dings casings blocks redwood and pine building finish build pape ers hardware glass wire wirt cloth aroi roofing nails barl bart ware combination lath fence also a complete line of buggies spring wagun bagun and will handle all kinds of farm implements we WC rc represent present the coap wagon and machine co of salt lake if in need of an thing tiling in line to 3 our interest te to do 10 so our call and see us or write it will bt b J C WEETER LUMBER CO THE OASIS SALOON S HERBERT al MILLBURN proprietor FINEST LINEUP LINE OF good whiskies liquors beers and ag cigars r castle valley JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A SPECIALLY every ever pool boty body tables made welcome and all ap appointments POInt 7 ments of a first class house sc GO oo WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors vines wines beer cigars L t and alcohol U seven en cearold year WALL 1 j 95 S PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL lat large 90 to select c from special caal attention af to mail edn PRIOR UTAH |