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Show DAILY 4 UTAH STATE JOURNAL OGDEN, UTAH. FRANK J. CANNON, EDITOR. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET ALTON For President B. PARKER of For New York. Vice-Preside- nt HENRY G. DAVIS of West Virginia. DEFOE ON CHINA. UTAH STATE JOURNAL. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1904. wli-- what value is this teaching, to the soul made dark by man's injustice? to the heart stricken with grievous anxiety for children denied their rights of sustenance? to the spirit which feels that, if man's generosity is any criterion, there is nothing but misery here- o I PERSONAL POINTERS: I Political Gossip j Jf4t4444444444444444"f-f4-f4- Hun. Lorln after? The burden of such a wrong is on the Neither public official, whole community. ' nor nor preacher, private individual, can escape the responsibility; nor in the end the consequences. It is a denial of all our boast that the world grows better when a woman uii is Farr left thia morning SENTIMENT FOR WELLS; a visit to Mexico. Lester Funge, formerly of thia city, back In town and may locate here again. W. Francis, L'nlon Pacific dining-c- ar Og-de- n inspector, ia a pending the day in on business. J. F. Lobdell. hotel Inspector for the l'nlon Pacific, la In the city In confer- . The offli-iu- i ii i &lllj call r..i state conventiun Chalrmuna Frank retary P. J. Daly. ( uni J. Jt "'Slir-- l g;' , W ' ' tionment of ddeg.-urr SMOOT IS CRITICISED counties and ann.iui,, rate has been sec-fo- uivil on that a to the Herald-say- s v half. A Provo dispatch delegates. taht "Postmaster Clove has returned Want the news? Re-- d from his present trip through southern the Utah. He states that the crop of Cutler aupportera in the aouth is rath er small and that the great majority Lyceum of the Republlcana are for Governor J. H. TOUNQ. Proprietor and Wells, while the sentiment is generally in favor of George Sutherland for Week of August 8 United Statea senator. The people in the south do not take kindly to the efforts Senator Smoot in putting forth in behalf of Mr. Cutler, and do not IN THE GREAT FARCE think his great Influence aa senator should be used in behalf of one candiTO RAISE date against other candidates in the tried to convert the party. Mr. Clove RENT people in the theory that this course was on the part of Senator Smoot hut the InSee Knoth's Drug Store Window perfectly proper. surgents were stubborn and wouldnt presents to bo given sway listen to reason. Even the third-ternight, August 14th. argument against Governor Wells fall ed to frighten his supporterrs In the ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. south, and Mr. Clove came away with the Impression that the inhabitants of the land southward are a and perverse generation." , , and her children, honest, laborious, can go ence with Superintendent Lewis. S. J. Kelley, the local real estate downward into the living death of starvation, man, has gone east to Join hla family, Old Daniel Defoe was a prophet in his own while all around is plenty. The very stones and will return with them next week. of institutions in L. . Bucher leaves next week for way. About the close of the seventeenth cen cry out against the barbarity Nev., to do the tile work on two Elko, fol- - which such fate can befall the innocent! which Joe Bauacher la tury he wrote of the Chinese empire as buildings large lows: erecting there. old feeling of the United States toThe I say, in a word, were not its distance ward Russia is best shown by the verses FROM COAST TO COAST. Chinas distance inconceivably great from written be to Holmes Wendell Oliver sung by Muscovy Russia, and was not the Muscovite when in Boston the Across County in a Franklin Automo-bil- a the at great meeting empire almost as rude, impotent, and From Friaco to Ogdon in a crowd of slaves as they,the czar of Grand Duke Alexis visited that city some Tan Days. Muscovy might with much ease drive them all years ago. In the poem occurred the following L. L. Whlttman and C. S. Carria, out of their country, and conquer them in verses: thrilling I with dust, entered the city who covered one campaign; and had the czar, Deof blasts the with shores our Bleak are to since hear is a growing prince, and begins yesterday afternoon on an automobile, this in having made the trip from San Franthe world, fallen cember, appear formidable in ten days. cisco way, instead of attacking the warlike Swedes, Throbbing and warm the hearts that reWhen they started out It waa not of in which attempt none of the powers Europe member with the Intention of making a recwould have envied or interrupted him; he MACHINE was our ord run, but merely to teat the efworld friend the when our was Who might by this time have been emperor of WANTS HIS SCALP Their des machine. of their ficiency foe; China, instead of being beaten by the King tinatlon la New York City. The Soucommuof the North in eternal Fires was of Sweden at Narva, when the latter Salt Lake Herald: Jeesse M. Smith thern Pacific tracks were followed as was not one to six in number." nion, not come to the Republican state will as In from coming possible closely as a delegate from the on convention Francisco their flashes with and broad Blend San Journey evening's your After two centuries the czar of Muscovy east they will follow the ITnlon Pa- town of Layton, Davis county, if the bright star; is trying not to conquer the Chinese empire men who are running the cific trades to Omaha. God the empire that loves the great bless been have Defoe indicated as machine have the votes to prevent It is very probable that upon their might readily Union, will it. York New have arrival in They have sworn vengeance on they done but to make his way. through that man new who la openly fighting their the a tranacontinental established life to the empire to the sea. Greater than all statesman-.shi- p Strength to her people! Long combine. They claim that they have automobiles. for record czar! and diplomatic skill, greater than all The present record from San Fran defeated hla aspirations to be chairthe military prowess of the Russia of his cisco to New York is sixty-on- e days man of the Republican state commade Is who held Tom mittee; they have blasted his scheme by Fitch, The Vernal, Uintah county. Express and day, was the splendid foresight of this Engwith machine. a Packard the for party harmony In the state, and trip lish writer. Defoe. There is no doubt that ought to tell the public more concerning the now they purpose to carry the war Rheumatism. his estimate was correct. The czar could interesting subject to which it alludes in the Into his own home town and defeat When pains or irritation exist on him In the have absorbed China at that time, making a following paragraph: primary that is to select i of the body, the application any part to the state convention. If delegates vast victory instead of his vain assault upon "That the government is 'moving in Ihe of Ballards Snow Liniment gives the to the Davis coun la carried fight a small European porter. dark' in the opening of the reservation within prompt relief. EL W. Sullivan, proconvention they declare they will the next few weeks is not at all probable, and prietor Sullivan House, EH Reno, O. T Jy follow him and defeat him there. Mr. THE CRY OF THE INNOCENT. yet the people of this part of the country are writesIn June (, 1902: T take pleas Smith la still to he heard from on. this m a mood to believe the government can and ure t recommending Ballards Snow proposition. r will do almost almost anything 'since it per- Liniment to all who are afflicted with A woman collapsed, speechless and help-a- t mitted a few favorites (some say broken down rheumatism. It Is the only remedy CUTLER IS CONFIDENT. found that gives Immediate rehave loto the C. Cutler tells the Herald that and reservation enter John the door of her adobe hut in politicians) lief." 35c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by George he la sure to claims before mineral the cate get the Republican nomiopening." Salt Lake Thursday afternoon. Three F. Cave. He made this nation for governor. Who are the broken down politicians? By small children stood around her frail form as his return statement upon positive PORTLAND EXCURSION. she fell; and the oldest, a boy, ran out to the what means are they permitted to get the best a visit to Logan. He says that from August 16th to 19th 'Inclusive. street and found a policeman to whom he ap- of it? Let the public have all the facts and Round trip, via Oregon Short Line nine year are enough for any man governor;" in other words, he belet the department at Washington be ad- railway, from Ogden, $30:. Tickets for. pealed for help. lieves that Governor Wella and Secgood for sixty days. The woman had been divorced from her vised of the injustice. retary of State Hammond should be retired. Mr. Cutler also declares that EXCURSION NORTH husband; she had taken her three children to he is not, as is generally believed, the squalid quarters in & noisome yard off one of The newspapers of New York announce Saturday, August 13. personal preference and candidate of the great streets of the city; and in her hat David Bennett Hill dropped into the The Oregon Short Line will run the Senator Smoot any more than he la wretched abode she had sought by taking in Hoffman House last week. If Mr. Hill is as last excursion this summer to north- the candidate of a great many other ern points on above date. Ask agents men, and says aa to the charge that washing and other heavy, work to provide vicious an associate as the for particulars! he is the candidate of the Mormon sustenancefor herself and her three youngsters. would have us believe, it was in order for all the over-worThe over-strai.the physical guests to call for their bills and baggage and of toil and the the mental agony agony of the depart; and yet it is a safe guess that no man responsibility, were too much for her, and she within the halls of the Hoffman House was fell in an almost dying swoon. rested with more reverential respect than There arc some necessary human sufferings was David B. Hill. He is a great man, even IS STILL ON from our mortal lot. There is he is an iceberg. He is almost a statesinseparable The final aelling of 8ummer Goods in all departments at greatly resuch a thing as the blessedness of requisite' man, even if he is a politician. duced prices. We are going to make thia tha biggest bargain week of this great sale. toil not accursed, but the greatest gift bestowed on humanity. With these, interferLadies' and Children's Oxfords must go; Look at those prices doesn't absolutely prove anything and It ence is as hurtful as it is useless. But for yet it is interesting to note that George Clinton Ladies' Shirt-WaiChildrens Suits the despair and the horror of a case like that of Ulster county. New York, became Oxfords Blue and and Slippers White Check, were of this poor woman there is a remedy. In a on the fourth day of March, 1805-j- ust $4.35; now Childrens Oxfords and slip$3.90 foundation was whose established upon city, one hundred years earlier to the day than White and Blue Dots, were pers, were $1.75 and $1.90; the principles of community resposibility for the advent of Alton Brooks Parker, also from now $3.90; now $2X0 $1.50 ,. the individual; in a city whose wealth is so vast Ulster, New York, into the Blue and White Stripes, Patent grey Leather Kid Lace and presidency. It has with red piping, were $3.90; as that a child's cry for bread is a cry for taken Ulster county a long time to rise from Oxfords, were $1.50; now... $1.25 now $2X0 to descend upon the city's God's vengeance Strap Sandals, high, patent to presidency, but the result were $3.50; now ' $2.90 were leather, $1.35; now.... $1.00 sin; in a city where thousands devote more is worth the trouble. Tan and White Stripes, were Children's Slippers, 5 to 9, were of their time to religious teachthan one-ha- lf $3.90; now $2X0 $1.00 to $1.30; now 75o with Pink, white were of Front, is it civilization a that Postmaster Clove has succeeded in ing; wrong woman, $3.00; now $4X5 heriocally battling for her babes, should be making a spicy denial of the statement that he Ladies' overthrown in the unequal struggle. It is no charged Justice McCarty with selling out Mens Clothing Oxfords and Slippers , defense of the community crime to say that Southern Utah to Senator Kearns. It now Good quality kinds, Coat and Pant Suita, regulakid patent her case was unknown. Had she been sinful appears that the postmaster is once more in tion were $10; now . . .$6.90 style, were $1.35; now 98o tips, The $6.50 kinds now instead of unfortunate her case would have the postoffice and .such expressions from him $5X0 Patent Leather kinds, were coat , pants been known. It is no righteous civilization, would be offensive partisanship. ! $1.75; now $1.25 and vest, were $9.00; now ..$5.50 in which innocent misfortune perishes in obi Kid Oxfords, were $1.50 to were $13.50; now $8.75 In Carter county, Kentucky, lives David were $18; now $3.00; now scurity. $12X0 $1.35 We are all our brothers keeper. We are Wade, 117 years of age and still in good Big bargains In other grades. Oxfords, Turns and Welts, Our ' Men's and Boy's department Is were to $3.35 now $3.00; all our sister's keeper. Shall we answer in health. Thus we see that Henry Gassaway $1.95 full of good values. Patent Colt and Kid (no crack) that day when we are called to account that Davis, soon to be of the United and French Cuban heels, our own cares and our own selfishnesses States, has some thirty-fiv- e Children's Suits years of active were $3.50; now $290 were such as that we had not time to know usefulness still awaiting him. BU8TER BROWN, the latest, Julia Marlowe Comfort Oxwere $(.00; now the fate of the least of these? Think of the $5.00 4 $3.35 and fords, $2.75 e Children's suits, of weariness and the nights of growing Kid Lacs Shoes, were $3.35 to days The Nevada State Journal pertinently asks were $4.00 to $6.00; now ....$3.90 now despair, of this poor creature, toiling beyond "If your wife pays $45 fora sewing machine were (5.90 to $7.75; now ....$2X0 Fine Turns were $3.50 to $8.00 Blue Serges now strength to put bread into childrens mouths, and the same article can be and is shipped to $6X0 $4.50; now to clothe and shelter them; while all aroum Europe and sold for $25, how much do Boys Norfolk Suita, $1.90 to. .$5X0 you her was ah extravagance whose smallest frac- admire a tariff system under which such robBIG DISCOUNTS ON LADIES SHIRTWAIST SUITS. tion would have made her lot one of earthly bery is perpetrated?" Cool, Bsautiful Fabrics for those hot summer Soft, days and evanings. comfort and eternal hope! It is well that This lato in tha season makos tho to too small consider. pries such misery should bepointed to a place where There is talk of a great concert to be justice reigns, where every need is supplied, given by Miss Nannie Tout in this city. where reward is giveu for suffering here. Bu "Sweet Nan of Old Ogden!" . n he will combat it 1000 Laughs HOW THE . f m stiff-neck- ed Utahna Park PROGRAM -- SMOOT-CUTLE- R Smoot-Cut-l- anti-Parkerit- n, k, Our Great August Sale vice-prssiden- cy vice-preside- 8 A WREST Acrobats. F. C. SMITH, The Irish Orator. DAVEY A EMERSON, In a Touch of Nature. MISS VESTA MONTROSA, Illustrated Song. KARL A DE ELMER, Trapeze and Bar J. W. Dutch Work. CLIFFORD, Comedian. FERRY, The Human Frog Contortionist GOURLEYS E. R. UTAHNA-SCOP- New E Plctuij. THE PATH OF THE AVER- - AGE PIANO PURCHASER IS BESET WITH THORNS. nt 4 ofttlmes' cheap piano marked at a high price In or- dpr to throw something oft as is A' an Inducement 4 on to throw We put nothing One price, plain figures 4 We sell the bulk of the pianos X in the State. , ( oft. CARSTENSEN& ANSON CO. X 4 4 4 (Incorporated.) Temple of Music. 74 MAIN STREET. ( Formerly Daynes Music Co.) SALT LAKE CITY. X 000000000494MMMMH t Good t Coffee Everyodv likes good coffee, but its hard to get good one time and poor the next. 1 Isn't that your experience? Let us supply you. We know where our coffee1-conie- s from, re and that it is liable. three-piec- W-T- ! I. L. CLARK & SONS CO. 4 X st . nt WREST Pioneer er es vice-preside- Week of August If you like it once, youll like it. all the time, it doesnt vary.. Barrows Grocery Plionettl. Co- - 2456WisM- - |