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Show ta MONDAY vvessnes sseessessien MARCH 18, 1882. BAILEY & PARSONS, DAILY The Difference Between Gold and Silver (Successors to T. C. Bailey,) The gold miner is the pet of the Treasury. Let a gold- miner and-a silver miner stép into the United Land Agents and Attorneys Land Agents for $10,000 (Se door and select such coin as he likes. ’ The silver miner offers his hard earn- so he goes down town and sells his bullion for about $8,600, and the next month the Retail Prices Current. MAIN Inferior. sOAP--Kirk's Savon cape 12%c Poh D, SALT—Table, 5c per en HAMS =—Sugar Cured and Extra Uncanwaved,3 BACON—Dreaktast, 22@%c; Dry Salt, CHEESE—..ommon, 25c; Prime Eastern, LARD— ¥FLOUR— ee and XXXX, $5 50. MEAL—Corn, 8c; as 12% to 15 for extra; tra; CrackedW hea Oc. BUT TER Choice Table, 50c; fair to good GS —35.@3%e extra, 18c; PRIED ‘uiTs— Apples, Plums, 18@20; Peachers, pealed, GRA IN—Uats, 3%@44C; Chopped Barley, Wheat, 34@4. PoTaTOES—24@3c. Rescued from Death. "William J. Genahie of Somerville, Mass. gays: Inthe fall of 18761 was taken with RUKEDING oF THE Lunas followed by a severe cough. The doctors. seid (had a hole in my langs as bigasahalfadollar. At one time a report went around that Iwas dead I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. HALL’S * BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, | commenced to feel better, and to-day I feel better than for three years past, and quite recovered, When All-wool xyou-Want- underclothing, a nobby Cassi What's tlthe Use Of writing so many letters to your friends: they will get more local news in one MINER ban a dozen letters contain. Sent to any month for MAAOCOW fe |) al. Fey gm 1 <[PE I Ea 5 3222 U2 Fag ‘ oot Oo te oy ee miteei [ry‘ EO CO si tS EQ YY) Fo 47S? ax oObst l EEee cl shoul 3 rm O}e3 gree GEE 43 U2 BR 4 ee 5 Baga yl © te EE [co a Bios < He Sy > ec \S mie pt * 8 ems. - = SILVER M. 4 From Silver Reef From Silver Reef From Silver Reef From Silver Reef From Silver Reef Candelaria, E RSE ATES HEHEHE SEE EH EET ORE i OEESESE Seedneseis FARE: to €edar City...........$ 6 to Milford............6. 12 to peaveta xSUE to Pioche.. : to Eureka... JOHN H. RICE, Agent & Tri- Weekly, --.-CONTAINS. , 4 BUSH & CRANT GENERAL | THE..... The Live Representative ps Of a Live Community. . AND DEALERS IN Wool, Hides, & Farming Implements FASHION BARBER SHOP MILFORD, The True Exponent UTAH. eee aeae : GS" All freight shipped promptly. ’ Huston & Wes The Mining Industries a -..OF THB.... door north of Quirk’s Saloon. ALA TUNG S Cikuks Lysstaercteeleunacsteres SILVER REEF HIS TONSORIAL’ PARLOR IS FIRSTclass in all its appointments, and all work is done with care and expedition. The latest style in haircutting, and the smoothest shaves. Call and be convinced. MARTIN: KELLAR, Proprietor. Peter Riahnken, & Repairing A. LEMMON, STREET General Dealers Sandstone Deposits GROCERIES THE ONLY NEWSPAPER TOBACCOS, Published in Southern Utah. CIGARS, Wines and Liquors A Bold, Fearless Exponent JUST RECEIVED Builder. WALL PAPER f=: OF THE PEOPLE. ea of Postoffice. The Largest Circulation House; Sign and Ornamental Best Advertising Medium Repairing and all kinds of work done to order. St., South Great in .-1.A full line of assorted .... (CUINDIEIRITIAIKIE|R,) and MAIN REEF......-..-..000- UTAH PROVISIONS LL KINDS OF WoopD- WORK DONE f on. short notice, by experienced workmen. Agent for Fish Bros.’ Wagons, wagon attachments and sundries. §68™Horseshoeing a specialty, PETER MAHNKIN. . Carpenter LOWER Sc De we's Bonanza Flat Blacksmithing . SILVER Paper Hanging R Kalsomining A SPECIALTY. FARMS FREE TO ALL. Oregon and Washington, “the land. of never-failing crops.” where grass- happets; chinch-bugs, drought or hard winters are unknown, offers free homesteads to atl, on fertile goverment lands. Railroad Jands in desirable locations can be purchased on ten years’ time, in easy payments. Every industrious man can become ‘independently . wealthy inavery short time, by settling in the Pacific Northwest. Address a postal card to Pau. Scaunze, PoRTLAND, eet and ask him to send you a copy of The West Shore, a handsomely illustrated journal, containing x full information. Send for a Specimen Copy Y (EI): sly woleslesle2)} business now before the public. Yoa can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not'needed, We willstart you. $12 ay and upwards made at home by the in‘qustrous. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to werk for us. Rows is the time. ou can work'1in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. can live at home and do the work. business will pay tee nearly as one can fail to make enormous aging at i Costly Outfitand wohey made fast, easily, and .--- General Dealer CROCERIES SAND ee Replete wii: Local Happenings ana Se, Matters ¢? Gcneral Interest. fn.... Advertising Rates on Application ( \ PROVISIONS You No other well. No pay by enterms3 tree’ honorably. eg Address True & Co, Augusta, Maine,: F: M. BLOMQUIST, K. of T. B. J. A. Turril Hay Lower and ' Grain, Main Street, BUU 20.) OU 100 25.00 50 -- 12-6 ayley GB, Truatee jayley Jayley sayley sayley G B, G B, G B, G B, “Terms of Subseription: On@7Y COU ieee cos recerccnees of eet ae 00 Six sMOnthae. ccc ee ce ena eas Gores G10 Three Montha..... Uancnieaseelntaes ages UO Silver Reef [one RE Sigw Ns stages sheet ad sa yley G OO Am’t, $2500 1250 100. 25 Ww 50 30 «128 Bw. «1280 qeeatees ics 355 «100 Trustee.......3505.... 100... Trastee 3507-100 Trustee.......3508 100 85 00 25.00 25 00 25 00 jayley G B, Trustee B, Trustée v'G, ‘ Wo 51 Trustee . 5012 0 100 25 00 ? suyley G B, Trustee.......3511 Bayley GQ a Trustee...... 98559 Ye. Co.) FORWARDERS Shs. 100 50 ] Jarrett.& Walker trusteés, 8332 srigham Henry P....--..--2855 ayley G B, trustee. 77 jayley GB, Trustee... .. 3460 sayley B, Truste 73 Latest Dispatches ecoek® (Successors to McCorkindale & THE.... - Names. Cert. Amazeen, R Alden........3453 Bradshaw GH, trustee....1402 ayley G B, Trustee....«. 3342 bayley G B Trustee.......3466 co. Company. CURED. An old physician, retired from active practice having had placed in his hands by an East India Miesionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, afterhaving thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his daty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The receipt with full particulars, directions for preparation and use, and all necessary advice and instructions for successful treatment at your own’ home, will be received by you by return mail, freeof charge, by addressing, ‘Dr. M. BE: RELL, 161 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Main een oe eet ee HINER eee iqotakictexescstti tec isventeeabavarertoreayiet SOUTHERN FORWARDING Jornick’s Bank, s Notary Public in Office. First and SALISBURY Proprietors. CILMER, REEF. KEAIGHN CONSUMPTION to Morey, ewe —— Heres Zz a55g e=tP> lie 443 Ee UTAH, Attorney at Law, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Orrice: No. 81, Main Street, next te Mo- auit, Strauss overalls, Stetson hats, fresh groceries, the best brands of tobacco and choice cigars, ladies’, gent’s and children’s aboes, firstclass stationery, prime’ wine and liquors, don’t forgét that you can find-all these lines of af goois at SAGER’S. address in the United States one $1, or three months for $2. - MAURICE TEAS—Japan. in %-b pkge,5(@60c per S: Gonpowder, +1 0@l1 COFFEE —Rio, 33@40¢c; Whole Browned, a in 1pkgs, 338@40c. aoa Granulated, 20c; Pulverized, mi: Cu eC: Coffee, 17@18ce SYRUP Xn cans, $1 TH@z per gal; 5-gal kegs, $7@7 CKACKERS—Soda and. Butter, 20c; Le Qrande, 25c; Ginger, 25c; Jumbles, 25@30e. eee Layers, 35¢; Muscatels 2c; ST., lines Belmont, And half-daily lines to OrricE—Next door to Halpin's store. (Corrected weekly kly by W. B. Sager.) Groceries. : Carolina, REEF, tri-weekly POS “NOTICE—There are delinquent upon the : following described stock, on account of as sessment (No. 5), levied on the ifth day of June, 1881, the several amounts set oppo iste the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: No. No. Hamilton, Cherry Creek and Eureka. Physician and Surgeon, EB with Grantsville CLARKE, SILVER people for $10,000. —Choice Connecting Hot Creek, Tybo, __C, MANTOR, Government buys it for $9,000, turns itinto coin and sells it back to the Baise Milford and Pioche Public in the office. Attorney at Law -and Notary Publie, not coining silver for the people free. Silver Reef Notary Giese ed bullion to the Treasury clerk, and is informed that the Government is free; ttt ooe4 setesesnessrsesticess and Attorneys Salt Lake City, Utah gold coin, and invited to step in next It_ only coins gold COM PANY--LOC. place of business, 100 00 2 00 50-12 a 5 00 5 0 2 5D. Shistolm D B, Trustee Ds 180 230 Coffin Jas, Trustee.......--2814 . WO 2400 Coffin Jas, Trustee......... 625 100 2500 Cottin Jas, Trustee...,...-.262%8 2% 6 2B Coftin Jas, Trustee........- 2641 % 6 & Cottin Jas, Trustee......... 26435 6 Coffin Jas, Trustee.........2644 25 6 2% Coffin Jas, Trustee......... 2649 «= 6 2% Coffin Jas, Trustee......... 2651 25 6 @ Coflin Jas, Trustee........ 2659 «= «25 6 26 Coftin Jas, Trustee......-.. 2734. 100 2500 Coffin Jas, Trustee......... 2335 50 122300 Coftin Jas, Trustee.. --8172. 100 ~ 25°00 Eppstein 0, Trustecs.. 8091 100 = 00 GrantE ] trattes. Seesaw ceeOUe 10 2 8. Grant E ] " trustee :....... 2071 0 250 Grant E R, trustee........2872 10 250 Grant ,trustee.........2873 10 2 50 Grant t, trustee 10 2 60 | Grant t, trustee......... 8099 10 2 50 1 Grant E R, trustee.. ps 5 1% wrant , trustee 100 =—-25 00 Grant ., tructee.. 100 =: 00 Grant , trustee 100 =. 00 Grant , trustee. 100 §=625 00 Grant {, trustee..: 100 = 25 00 Grant E RK, trustee.........35382 100 25 00 Grant E UPUStEG Lic cecees 3533. 100 25 00 Grant PAETHBLEG@’ ccc once 3534 100 825 00 Grant . trustee...... .+.3535 100. 25 00 Grant Cs trustees... ss: 23036 00 25 00 Grant E Kk, trustee....,.... 353% I05 2500 Grant t, trustee...........8588 100 25 00 Grant ts UFURLEEs.. 20008. 3589 =100 25 Ou Grant E R, trustee......... 38440 100 25 00 Grant E KR, truetee.........8541 100 25 00 Grant t, trustee... .....8542 100 25 OO Grant HPUBLEG ons oee 3553" 100 =. 25 00 Grant E R, trustee......... 3554. «100 =. 25 UU Grant E KR, trustee......... 3555 8100 = 00 Grant zt, trustee 100 = 25 «00 Grant E R, trustee 100. 25 00 ‘ 100 25 00 100. =25 00 si 20 5 on Kenney & Dyer,. trustees, .1452--~-50 —- 12 50Kenney & Dyer, trustees. .1536 5 1 Latham & King, trustees. .1833 50 12 50 Latham & King, trustees,.1843 100 25 00 Latham & King, trustees..1848 10 2 50 MCISEWIZ ALiee coe cee ee teeee 1401-100 25 00 Lowe Geo A.... .3013 12 50 Mantel M, trustee. wo 2720 50 12 ON Murphy E P, trustee 2376 «6500.12 50 Murphy E P, trusteo..... 2711 200 50 00 Messer, Bacon & Co, trus..3030 5 1 25 Noble & Co If H. trustees. .2586. 100 25 00 Noble &Co IL H, trustees,.27232 100 25 00 Parsons HB, trustee......38502 100 25.00 -Parsens-I-B, one 400.25 00. Parsons H B. trustce....... 3528 100 2 0 Parsons H B, trustee......... 3529 «100 =. 00 Parsons H B, trustee.....:.3503 100 85- OO Parsons HB, trustee....... 3531 100 25 iv Paterson James, trustee...2368 5 1 28 Randolph, Mackintosh & OOETUSTOCEB rene esses ecce 101 50 12.50 Richardson, Hill & Co, TPUSTCOR oc cece ce scene ve ce 1755 100 2500 Richardson, Hill & Co, a RPUBSUGCS,. ase e'e sds ob cede cl 100 «25 Richardson, Hill & Co, as LLUSCORB A cece soe eeeees 2245 100 25 00 Richardson, Hill & Co, TPUBLEOS coos cteeicv c Soe enes 2304 100 2500 Richardson, Hill & Co, URUSCCEN coo islenic ce eee 2410-30 7 50 Richardson, Hill & Co, TRUELCER. cede sceecete $000 R454 50 . 12 50 Richardson, Hill” & Co, ULU RCOCE A tects ceils ceteris 2536. 20 5 00 Richardson, Hill & Co, CVPURUCER Sek esses cece tees 2346 100 25 00 Richardson, Hill & Co, UENBLACR cece ce enescece 2552 50 3=6:12 50 ee Hill & Co, Rawle’ else cece yn’ 2680 50 3=612 50 Ricmardic, Hill & Co, ° UTNElCCK Goa sens pacee sans 2801 60 1250 Richardson, Hill & Co, LTUSLEER sciress secheieatee earn 2803 10 2 50 Ricbardson, Hill & Co, LrUSTEGR ue k eee cce ste2824 5 1 2 Richardson, Hill & Co, ‘ trustees coc roe ee ves 2826 20 6 OO &F Richardson, Hill & Co, TFUBLCERL celcomies sie ete s.c% 2879 «6500S «12 80 ichardson, Hill & Co, BURUELGCR ccc cenciescocen os eeaual 25 6 25 Richardson, Hill & Co, Thasteess 7. he. osee 3108 4 8©=—. 20 5 00 Richardson, Hill &. Co, TTUBLOCRE Se neste t cess sc: 3164 10 2 50 Richardson, Hill & Co, RENISOGR nee ce nece sce $3189 100 25 00 Richardson, Hill. & Uo, PRtLUMtCDO ccc clenannie stenoses 3198 100 425 00 Richardson, Hilk & Co, CPUSLEEE. TS. Wie coe sere succes 3% 100) = 25 00 Richardson, Hill & Co, STUSOOS or ne clce nase ece «-.9228° 100 26 00 Richardson, Hill & Co, RTUSIPOS civic oess csspareee 100 26 OV rece Hilly -&(Co; CFUBIEOE Ciroccsccucees tee 8230 100 28 00 Andin accaiannes with law, and an order of the Board of Directors, made on the 17°h day of June, 1881, 80 many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary; will be sold. at public auction, at the office oa Parker Crittenden, auctioneer, Room 14, No. 302 Montgomery _ street, Ban Francisco,» Galifornia, on MONDAY, the TWENTY-sECOND (22) day of avueusT: 1881, at the hour of two o'clock P.M. of said day, to pay said delffiquent assegament thereon. together with MH Ri of advertios. ingand expenses of the D. B. CHISHOLM, Secretary, OrriceE—Roome 6 and 7, No, 827 Piheawrewt. San Francieco, California, fe seimpuioiitc” a check MINING en gyre ia presented with FEEDS 4 tion of principe! may Francisco, California. eeeceee BIRD & LOWE, miner is cordially received, his bullion weighed, and he (--—_——_—_) gold BE Notice. Location of works, Silver ‘Reef District + The into ttt $10,000. Delinquent Washington county, Utah Territory. bullion tt with 4 each SILVER REEF rewensesareres Treasury, e Silver Ree LINE 44 Btates hat the Government will make STAGE . o FROM.... Salt Lake City, Utah. Delinquetit Botice. Our Own. Miscellanenus. | _aanacomnegtetth ete Professional, Heel Miner. wee She Silver |