Show - 'irbe 5alt akt i'reibunt Early Pioneer 115 Friday Morning March Of Provo AAA Leader Denies Threat Diés at 82 of Póstwar Food Surplus' Mary Arthur 71Utah Student Dies 2 - -- 10f Crash Injuries Schools contesting in current can collection drive sponsored tin CHICAGO March 1 CT) Utah Minute Women already Charles Tyndale 23 son of Dr by NV R Tyndale and M rs Lor- have collected impressive totals figures colina led late Thursday raine' Musser Tyndale 61 T Salt Lake City chemiAry student show Ernest M Hanson assistant at the University of Chicago died rea of skull fracture Thursday ceived when struck by a truck Tuesday as he stepped off a safety island TOOELE—Memorial services for Jerome Zajdzinski Chicago the Pfc Patsy Vario Jr son of Mr truck driver has been charged and Mrs Patsy Tarifa 2193 S with reckless driving Hearing on State killed in the Philippines Dec the case was set for March 29 20 will be conducted Saturday at 1 p in in Tooele First L D S ward Dr and Mrs Tyndale are in chapel with Carver W Bryan Chicago local relatives reported bishop officiating - PROVO — Culmer Sim-ioB Simmons wife of 532 W 2rd South 'pioneer Provo resident died of n! LOGAN—Warning against undue alarm over the: possibility that food surpluses may be created by an early end of the Eurocauses incident to age Wednespean war Orville L Lee chairman of the Utah state A A A comat the day night mittee Thursday urged farmers of Utah to strive to reach 1945 horne of a daugh- ter Mrs George crop goals as set up by the war food administration H Taylor Provo AS It is especially important Mr She was born Lee said that goals for commodi- Jan 21 lS63 in ties which have been put in the London Eng a "critical" class such as dairy of daughter' products and sugar beets be and Fredrick reached 11 a r y Kennett r This advice was given by Mr tlCulmer She! Lee to prevent any misundercame to the Unit standing that might be caused by ed States with the 'prediction made Tuesday in her parents at BOISE (121—The unpredictable by Chairman Cannon the age of 6 Mrs Simmons Washington of the house appropriations com- Idaho house of representatives the making W Olmstead members of which have run themmittee and crossing on the vessel Hudson vice presidentRalph Commodity Credit selves ragged in discussion of liThe 'trip required 58 days Corp as reported by Associated' quor by the drink and slot maThe family crossed the plains Press that war's end will drop chines this sessio n Thursday In by covered wagon train on American farmers the greatest passed with only an occasional horse shudder the bill under the direction of Capt S S glut of surplus food in history" In reporting this story from racing under the legalizing sysLoveland arriving in Salt Lake Washington the Associated Press tem of betting ' City in August of that year The explained that the "demand for The vote on the measure was 9 old Culmer home stood at the tree food in liberated Europe has in comparison a far short of expectations to other landslide house votes on bills of corner of 5th ave and 7th East been and that liberated areas beat On June 24 1885oshe was mar- American estimates of how long similar character Eight members stood behind the red to Mr Simmons in the Logan it would take to restore farm pro- curtains during the roll call to L D S temple In 1893 she watched duction avoid going on record to"In committee the laying of the capstone of the testimony In a day charged with partisan account continues heat LDS teMple in Salt Lake Oty day" the houses the vote on W Olmstead said 'The the in both An ardent "Ralph and its dedication was odd in that It bill racing church member Mrs Simmons areas of Europe liberated so Tar did not split along either party —France Poland Belgium Italy worked in the various church orgeographical lines Romania and other places — did or Gov ganizations and served as assistant Gossett cracked his whip require any such quantities of in both chambers on other matters chairman of the genealogical com- not as estifood been had previously of and the Daughhistorian mittee mated—in fact the effective re- and the reaction was immediate ters of Utah Pioneers In a message to the house he quirements were much below the Surviving besides her husband initial introduction of bills to raise urged estimates'" !are three sons and three daughthe $3000000 needed by the state Cannon "Committee Chairman ters E W Simmons Orem Bruce (D) Missouri observed 'That during the first three postwar Simmons and Marcellus Simmons the American troops return- years for highway matching funds New York City Mrs Regina Chris- withhome and the army's demand and proposals to tax trucks and ing tensen and Mrs George H Taylor for supplies slackening to a cor- raise the gasoline tax came out Provo and Mrs Harvey Franck afterward degree and the lack of shortly Portland Ore: 20 grandchildren responding In a message to the senate the market which has been European and eight counted on to American chief executive vetoed the bill setFive grandsons are serving in the production for asupport of years ting up a legislative counsel and couple armed forces Two children pre the decline of the demand on the upper house sustained his veto ceded her in death account of the release of domestic despite stiff Republican opposition Funeral services will be conduct labor in war plants and the vast Rep Robert H Mills (R) Boise ed Wednesday at 1:30 p in in the surplus on hand in the army ware- officially carried the ball for the !Provo L D S Second ward church houses and pipelines and in Com- racing- measure describing it as :under the direction of J Earl modity Credit Corp is going to a boon to postwar business Lewis bishop Interment will be drop on the American farmer the The state would receive 5 of in the Provo city burial park greatest surplus of food and fibers the 'gross income of the Friends may call at the Claudin ever known in the history of the machines and Mills said funeral home Monday and Tues- world Would you concur in that this would bring $1714000 into Idaho's coffers annually in addiday evening and until time of statement?' " 'Entirely' replied Olmstead" tion to providing! new jobs Wednesday — ii Rep N B Pettibone (D) Idaho Commenting directly on this re- Mr Lee advised Utah farm- added that'legalizing horse racing port ! ers and livestock men that pro- - woul I encourage raising of better : duction goals have a double pur- horses and I furfish 0a form of t pose: To provide enough 'ood for amusement whibh Most of our t our civilian and war needs and ) people enjoy" i prevent surpluses of any items Opposition on the grounds of i developing at the- expense of "horse sense" was brought up by i others SPECIAL Erwin t Schwiebert (R) CanRep "While I Is entirely possible yon who T s TUB WEEK ONLY caustically remarked i that g in developments that "horse sense is that peculiar 'L i Potted could change somewhat i Europe which keeps horses from quality 4 the picture from time to time betting on men" BABY t the W F A Is in constant touch He pointed out that the measure t with the situation" he continued carries an emergency ironically : "We have heard PRIMROSES no of ot changes so it would become clause law i c:op goals as originally set up upon signature of Gov Gossett 14 I on as our two "So the items far e t i I 16 t'i 'critical list' which includes dairy despite the new wartime ban on 7 1 each 's 1 i4produtts dit' and sugar beets I am racing' The bill now goes to the senate t sure that nothing may occur in 't which is still floored by For better flowent more lovely i Europe or anywhere else in tht however r the house t or artistic floral arbloNsorn bill ! world a can cause of surplus sent over last week Ls call or visit any of t ranCr'z : these products For one thing it Leon The liquor bill Is still a state 0takes several years to increase affairs committee untouchable and 3 BUSY FLORAL STORES our producing herds of dairy 'i cows and the destruction of herds both senators and 'representatives 11 Located Town Co—seniently Stores freely say off the record that a i in countries 11 already liberated plus combination I of illegal liquor oper214 East 2nd Se losses almost have the that great 'T 24S South State resulted in countries like ators and dry forces has been re41certainly '1 West Side Store and Greenhouses for the delay on the I I Denmark and Holland along with sponsible d lOth West end 5th So measure increased domestic consumption a assure will continued market dairy products for FLoRAL I for American time after the European war Ex-- S L: Alends" he said - ft' A Horse Racing Bill Passes Idaho House v Salt Laltf! City superintendent schools reported that six leading schools in Salt Lahe City have collected It total of 108700 cans or On average of more than ISOu0 per school Leading schools listed in order were Uintah Garfield Whit moo i IT:-- 9 liti-F- Keep Your RED CROSS o i1 1 I 10:i tifTh 177Zr )1 ON SALE r' I — I 7 1 1 1 1 ' k L- - --'- ' 's 1 j i I I f - i I h I 1 t 1 1 I :fre I LAIN 1 ? ' "7 i 41 1 (- I -I i i --- - - 1 - l 'I" 0 111 i l'T74 47) -1- iLlt 1 4 ' '' i 1 k4240 - :: i10:filtz-N-- I Ir""T'sf17 1 L! ' F CAKE XZIK-14- I 43 ati R o 1 11 CREAM JAR r 1 $100 fast-movin- OM aa 7 k- L o 4 MONIZED YEAST "ft c When you bring y6ur Ds Hontl It I 0112' -3 Of Tired Kidneys! S i I I J3ntgomery at Ward Main First South Phone 85 4 Ic MUNK'S I If backache and leg pains are mairing you miserable don't just complain and do nothing about them Nature maybe warning yotithat your kidneys need attention The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood They help moat people peen about a ' pints si day it the 14 milts of kidney tubes and flhere don't work well poisonous waste metier stays in the idood Those poisons may start nagging backaches rheumatic pains leg pains I res of pep and energy getting up inglitsi swelling puffinev under the eyes headaches end disal nese Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning somet inies shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doane Pills used successfully by millions for over 40 years They give happy relief arid will help the 15 snilee of kidney tubeis tliish out poisonous waste trent the idleed Let Doen's AlAdv1 SCHICK ItAZ311 BLADES Pound Jar SHAVE KREEtt rQ data)N) - 37: yd I I LEG Pi 13 BE DANGER SIMI woven and sturdy! Depend upon it to give you excellent wear! 40" wide! r I BACKACHE Closer) aim" ottopt Cahn Limiteti Time Only a fl "" Your Choice rAtti 6111" ItAmsm Quick Action 49° BUG A -- 49 YEAST & IRON PINTOF —so y mineral oir FITCH'S SHAMPOO ame me sucRErs c Bo ad ad '4V-1c-11- ILO -- Antiseptic for 1 Saponified AMAMI TABLETS Al —Kw Relieve pain Bottle so PAISLAY Shave Bowl A Wooden Scented soap Brush less 47c POMO - Shave Cream ot jar for 41 elnc z 9-o- —10A 1":::- I :7''::':411pH170::TEIJC:Y::4111744-litiLit''-':::'--::::-'-- REGULAR 690 SiZE '')4 PERFECTION CEIELIN I 11t:4ii g v I Pint Bottie 40c Size Elagnesia COLGATE TOOTH mr") C - POW 20 911 1114 $358 4 fi Value ABDG CAPS 1110 tzte)11111 Mit of "A'''' T: AY-TO- L oz VLeid mu : A Save 20c on' this 9-jar Smooths and sottens your hands gouk tki f i - 1 79 el bottles of 100 Ian fan POTENT BI TABLETS Olalsen's 5 mg too's LIEAD'S Percomorphurn Oleum socc At only LEDERLE B Complex Capsules Diet aid too's ROCHE Drops 6occ FoeABCDG COO LIVER OIL Olafsen's A and D Pint 25c Size Carter's Pills Stimulant - Aro 035 073 nog Vt) 60c Size BROMON SELTZER Alkatizer IC r- 2" VI-PEN- - P wmms 6 Vitamins 3 Minerals 96 tab- - I GO Brush less Jar let 50c pHe MENNEN SHAVING CREAM i FEDERAL EXCISE TAX ON TOILETRIES AND LUGGAGE r I P I 0 Mnk t 1 40-4- vh LIINOYL Extra-heav- Quick Relief Quart size pound size Tablets Bottle of So PIZEN - 'I— 0"40 CREAH 1 Cleansing ttttt tams & 1 RAMSDELL CREAMS Cold or -- Pkg of 20 I L- Uses Only! t" t I Installation of a lamp by Utah Power and Light Co at 23rd East and 17th South Was approved Thursday by the Salt Lake City commission : 87" Wide 1rqmRvoloomewompow:morsmonov 4000-1ume- n land Food Processing $1 DAGGETT MEAN nattOt TCDc 75c Comptes Toiletries Liao jar Junto' 131 175 Items ht 0 S 6 LEON LARAINE Foe alsoz'014nc 454mil Absorbine °kelt Lamp Installation for Agricultural I - L a UU t) R U I c All $1 Items c 4 Cold Cream U Size 2r36c TOILETRIES AU c T 1177 B !O I P - Released by the W P 1 aI6 Days fsaturing Big Money-Savin- g spocial valuss in Drugs and Every sleYNttds GetigotiLtititty now N A motion picture will be Shown lower division high school A meeting Friday at 2:30 p m in the school auditorium Mrs A H Reiser president an- nounced Thuraday Have new Facial Treat r) at Irving P-- 4 4 I 1 La PRICE REDUCTION VII A Z1 POWDER m SHIPMENT : Y Perfection 25c DUZ A Meets Today N 25 Relieve soreness t DRUGS WITH REPUTATION aw) - Wintergreen Z Nupercaine IR0 LB size GLYCERIN - PLASTERS 4111111g ) - or2 26c oz And Rosewater Lotion CAMPHORATED OIL size A value BLUE-JA- it 40Z C For Washing N 8-0- depend on Walgreen's completely t LA $125 Oil of Corns? Improved t4"'441! A'106 114 doc- tor's directions Good reason why you can 01 combined knowledge and experience plus his personal care and responsibility is con- centrated on your 7 "I 4-- OMMENNINNEEIMMEINIEMM mC6P PLM4NE on doctor's prescription to your Walgreen Pharma- cist he gives it his un- divided attention His z - 40- CASTOR OIL Favorite laxative SENNA LEAVES Herbal laxative Extra- - ele efathc safety cs) 'ZZEZS II 51' booftllg oz IMMO I Harry Harper 70 for er Salt Lake City justice of the died at his home in San Pedropeace Cal of a heart ailment Feb 18 according to word received in Salt Lake City Thursday 'A native of England Mr Harper cameDudley to Salt Lake City as a young man and resided here 35 years lAt one time he was employed by The Salt Lake Tribune-Telegrawas a past master of Argenta lodge No 3 F 8c A M Survivors include his Mrs Caroline S Harper widow a son Arthur iee Harper and a grandson all4of California Cremation was at Pacific Crest cemkery at Torrance Cal te c el I le 2 NAPKINS P - - ASPIRIN TABLETS 54 KOTEX UN DIVIDED ATTENTION L 31a4 r s White fine vellum n I - IT Theeconomybox Size PILLS hOuse-approve- 0- VTI 21ctalue : S rum 4 7 TISSUE Bottle 100 1 P-- T TOILET 4of: ne Wondersoft 01 Irving Full of sal Regular POIYDER J qtk' Letters Random Me TOOTH I : a ENVELOPES 11 :7") - Pinochle bridge Me SHAVE 17 1 tsy i I 40 SHEETS el l ' 1 '1 if ( i I r Issc) - 0? snap -- - 1 Ir! '''- I CARDS s diMMIMMIEEM I -7 "- r—i : CENTAUR ' 'A r 1 Er -1 &ally zieitilTsg - Pi P- i 1 N 4 1 ill r-- ri) — - ii "—nIf U - r i ': GIVE 11017 flu' G --- -7 t I E SALT PRIDAT and SATURDAY 1 re-- -7 r Li a I dc57- Ic 27 t1 11 e i''!11U:':1t-::1t11k!- - fl gu-L- C ) ) At Coast - ormitS money-bac- k great-grandchildr- me '- 4 CC i BRoiNij two-wee- k Iln-E- At His Side 4 - - - 1: Cc1)7: 30-1- liquor-by-the-drin- Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly ki Transcript-Bulleti- n 'pari-mutu- el 5 Lemon Juice Recipe Pt13371C i pari-mutu- Highland Park elementary cho4)Is Jordan high school at Sandy exceeded its quota of 10000 cans by It you utter from rheumatic arthritte et neuritis ptn trY this !simple inexpensive horns more than 500 as its total recipe that thousands are using GP a packsupply Compound reached 60806 containers Spon-- age ot Milx with a quart of water add the todal it soring committee included Robert lutes ot 4 lemon& Its stay No trouble al 3 tanpepooto Cundick Fred Weibel' Genie' Peck all and pleasant & kou need aniswithin 48 haunt fuls two tImea day Often and Howard Turner with faculty — sometimes overnight – splendid results are nog It do obtained the quickly pains C advisors J Casper and 'Mrs and it you do not feel better raturn meet the Wanda Wade s Ida you Potts empty package and to try aa it le sold by your drusipat under Ing In of GranHighlight campaign s an absolute guarantee rae and nocomunendect la tor ite district has been collection of ompounct store true everywhere t adv 4000 cans by Buddy Peck a stu Parry Gillette church member rami 214132nd and Columbus Mr Hanson reported particularly enthusiastic response by the Dr T M Aldous will conduct services under the direction ef the American Legion Tooele post Speakers will include Alex Dunn of editor Tooele and Hawthorne tier Tooele Schedules Memorial Service E1E2:3 dent at Woodrow Wilson' school Can Collections Indicate Stwessful Campaign I |