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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, MAItRIKD IN .LOGAN TEMPLE FOURTEEN ELK IS KILLED DURING HUNT The marriage of Mr Earl Chase of to Miss Loretta Thorpe of Logan, Utah took place last Wednesday in the Logan Temple. The groom is the son of Mr. S. C. Chase and is a highly respected young man of the community. The bride is one of Logan's accomplished young ladies, who lias a large circle of friends in The young the Cache valley towin. couple are visiting here for a few days this week and will leave for Los Angeles where they will make their home, Mr. Chase being engaged in business there. 1 this city, The committee appointed at the meeting of the stockmen and lacal sports have been on the job the greater part of this week. The hunt resulted In the killing of 14 bull elk. Authority to kill off 50 of these the animals were given them by State Fish and Game Commissioner, but the hunters did not find them as easy to get as was anticipated. Some fine specimens of elk were killed which were in fair condition in to flesh. It is expected that Earl Greenhalgh, Owen Gibson, hunting will be carried on until the and Glenn Cole, who are attending been have number required the Agricultural College received an A credit in the recent examination at the above school in chemistry, This Mrs. W. J. Allen was hostess to is an excellent rating in vjew of the the members of the Woodbine club fact that it is their first year in at her home 'Wednesday evening, The time was spent in sewing and soeial We have just received a large chat, after which dainty refreshments Those present were: shipment of Art Goods and Stamped were served. The Fashion Mrs. I.eop.ard Tiwton, Mrs. Clarence Embroidery pieces. Ingram, Mrs. J. R. Stanley, Mrs. E. F. Shop heme of 1000 gdfts. Kendall, Mrs, Stanley Jarrett, Miss Alicia Read, Mrs. Harry Black, Mrs. Champion Cyclist Is Here Ed. Chase, Mrs. Special guests: George Belllsion. Mrs. W. H Bellis-toMrs. Russell Latimer and the hostess Mrs. W. J. Allen. rece-h- t Has been a real Bargain Carnival and has been such a big success that we have decided to extend it until Thansgiving and more and better bargains. Don't miss the greatest money saving opportunity of the season. Men's Overcoats up to $35.00 choice .... $12.50 100 Pairs Men's Dress Shoes up to $12.50 . . $3.98 100 Pairs Women's Shoes up to" $12.50 .... $2.98 Men's Heavy Wool Shirts up to $5.00 .... $3.98 15 Women's Sweaters and Sweater Jackets . . 1- -4 off Thansgiving opeciaj j SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY Cotton Bag Granulated Sugar New Crop Currants 2 pkgs Regular 40c lb Candy New Crop Pine Nuts 95c 45c f 33c lb. j 10 lb 45c lb. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Belliston, and Mrs. Lester Belliston, visited for J a few days in Salt Lake City this 4 week, returning home last night. t Cnas. Foote & Sons i County Clerk Earl Gadd, issued a marriage license Wednesday to Tinus Mortensen of Provo, and Vivian' Hansen of Moroni. Bishop Thomas Bailey , performed the ceremolny. . One way coughing and sneezing with a rattle in your throat and pills rattling in your pocket The other way is the Nephi Mercantile way that lets you laugh as you pass a Drug Store. Every man needs warmer things in November, and the fallowing items are suggested to take the place of a mustard foot bath Stocked to the ceiling with warm goods at prices you can see are below sea level i f Good warm Union Suits Shirts and Drawers Heavy Woolen Shirts Woolen Hose for dress Woolen Hose for work Lined Gloves and Mitts I TTl itv m i) wwm wM, 0 A to $4.50 $1.00 to $1.50 $2.00 to $4.00 55c to $1.00 45c to 85c $1.25 $1.00 to Peter' Moeskops, bicycle champion of the world, who has arrived in this country, Is taking an active part In the races held at the Newark velodrome. ' Moeskops won the world' championship 4n Paris August 8. Moeskops is one of the largest bicycle riders in the world, standing six feet one Inch and weighing 223 pounds. Nephi Merc. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE 3j IS CHEAPER 22 jji NATIOS-wio- b 571 DEPARTMENT STORES Savings On Needs for CLOTHCRAFT Tailored Clothes must give you absolute satisfaction the guarantee means every word it says. You be the judge! FOR THE TABLE 6c 8c 58 Inch Table Dama-s7l Inch Table DaniHsk 6 inch All Pure Iini-- n J CLOTHCHAfT CLPTHCPirT CUOTHCWArT CHlThCRAfT CLOTMCWAT. CkQTHCWAf T CLOT WCH AFT - CLOT HQ RAFT $1.79 FAST COLOR lA'N't'H i;ON' SKTS with Six Napkins to Match. Colors: Ulue, Gold anil Rose Prices $4.50 STUDENTS' - SPORT $4.98 SUITS In Newest Stylish Colors Our display of students' suits will appeal to young are particular about their dress. men who WFT - ClOTH The Model Illustrated craft is single breasted, has notch collar, patch pockets with box plait aud flap to button. The back U finished with yoke with box and knife Mo. Serge Blno Brown Gray S plait. Three quarter loose belt. Unli'Miod Worsted SfjIMi roliiri Neal Stripe Urokt-Check n OrerplaW $19.75 Other $16.50 to $24.75 Bp Pile "SI $2.00 We still have a few of those GORDON OVERCOATS at $18.50 to $25.00 at the 3 eT?T-- i I There are 2 ways of walking up Main Street n, Mrs. E M. Greenwood entertained the members of the Social Neighbors club at 'her home Friday afternoon. Sewing occupied the time and at 6 p. m. a dainty luncheon was served to the following: Mrs. Gilbert Bailey, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. P. B. Cowan, O. Mrs. J. E. Ostler, Mrs. George . Ostler, Mrs. George D, Haymond, Mrg-TW AUred, Mrs. T. D. Rees of Salt Lake City. Special guests, Mrs. Russ Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Dentils Wood, June Kendall, Mrs. J. W. Ellison. Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. T, D. Davis. The hostess was assisted in serving by her daughter Miss Afton Greenwood. V , og gery l3Ej ' |