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Show NEWS 10GbEN-VICINIT- t' oersted SAWA be reported to Oddest Carrier Depa,- moat. TeL Se. Tim Deseret Sews. bait Ladle City. or Stamford Sid- Tweatl-thirISIS d Street. Osdea. Tel. 425. Aldred Wadies 11. 1I kart Skaserseat deed Delia. i nrestlaTit,ftst - , 1 Police 3 'ett Mita. Jr. Reporter. drCarrier Delivery humid ,Ito reported to Lodes Carrier dikepartabeht. The Des. ore hearth Salt Lake- City. or Dennis hitatal,,t,hiea- E. Third South, Itofath Tel. 131. "J. .;.' Firemen ,-- , f .1fl.t-eO- GIVES AWAY CITY S n, - Po-ar- examination. lb polit.e oand three ltrmen ,A'ere 614,7 tf mporarEy Py the (L) Alonday Afternoon for ay JAILBREAK FLA!tlkiLeersuppn recommendations of Chief Jones and Ciller George A. 'iraves. The MOT', have been employed or . footnoted in tnetrAlepat tmenta amee IS, MS, when the eivti eeryOGDEN. Nov. the ta-- i- g March rt7 ite law went int0 effect, but they a trick. a ;ail break was hot rased the required mr.1 ad at the city jail Monday tildnt nave (laminations. The falltric brlck was heard by ttrat!co Pol.temen named ars W. F. Meyer, L 33 as, h. M. le. Alexander Faddls., C. Hilton, on toe side south passing the jail A. Elwin. James W. Cottam and J of Lake street. The officer watch- - Peter 4 a moment and en UV patrolmen' '.11aT W. tne Stoi.e ;erten. desk sitgrant. C K. Keeler. face of a man at a large hole that E. Brow rt jatior; C. K. t,ad ,toren tta1 b t1 rttmt.aI 4t t pea:feta; ov,hs. t tTf.tliN. Ttlt! tten who have several bricks romoird wlrho it examinat,on Motile gave the alarm and itrne- - :.re W. Pack, and let:Atoll the jail was virriyunded. by I George Clitri. th prittoners cutY offittre and one 1)- detectives and Moore, showed An 'jai investi.tat.on escaped. The Dre thief recommeeds the an. thil bricks had been removed ty Utile, L. Hadlock, James McDonald. 24. who - was ar- - 10"tintinentE of Mitchell and WIllard George trested Monday afternoon- civereed Drant y. Mr. Mitchell is a World with stealing a bicycle, v. and has that 11.. star teran asked in tow. the McDonald, wait plated in the Mist Of firemen CI. tier of the south side of the be Included does whoae not require had seniority a bar discovered that and jail theta to take examinations. He been slam; off at the ifq:0 out the he novas entered that armyd t He time pritcl ego. ably son, war from the - fire dd,ed.,,theduish., tka.4Ik during tau'and that, blush- Ilia re-- gatned entrance to the 3ea I damntett, there sas no vacancy, but that corridor. By the aid of two bars. turn. be rezurned to the department as oas large and the other small, and soon es a vacancy occdrre& in succeeded a spoon, he removing a hola a number of britics. makIngman PAY TO ELECTION JCOGES NOV. to a large large enough for AS. crawl through. that is the opinionfAt offlt;ers were OGDEN. Nov. lg.Checks will be all trimmers in the jail agents and - reeei ed b y for their wok during erateming their orportun;ty to es- Itiectim J uugesregistration nn i, cape. the recent general maDossid was arreate.d. b VV. D, iTaurselav. Nov IS. it la announced bY A Coun-teedive P. J. Naylin and an. n7;erk L. A. Van Dyke., his address --44,1 At first he sa:d tind RECOVERING FROM OPERATION had lived in Ogden nine yearsLater OGDEN. Nov lil Wait e r N Bad purchased the bicycle v Le 0 t the Ogden State bank amt-ateto Capt. Robert Burke ', cashier is at the Dee hassistant bad stolen the tiike. . os-pita' recovering from. a major cip' ration performed Saturday. U., I. C. Sale Is Now Up, , . By D"" ' I I 0 I.. : .. .... I it I y i); ,..-- f,i-n- I. ii ' TO U. S. District Court OGDEN. Nov. 16.In the United cotat here Monday &Alegi district northern divon. Judge for the-- D. Johnson received the TilitrILII receiver report of P. 11, I'picahy. Idaho Central rait- th Utah tor who recently- sold the railroad to a company of bondholders. The court is expected to take action Upon the matter during th weekThe report statee that the prop- to Joerty was gold for 21.150.1o0S. Eccles. aph Scowcroft. 2.1arriner Idarriner A. Browning and LeRoyVerde. representing holders Of II.An 1,17.1,e0 film and Mortgage gold bonds. s a. i d 4 UTAH BRIEFS I -- social WaS 114,1 the tater:loci. Friday evening for members of the stage presidency d and all stake boards nod their won.' A program. games and danc401 W4,46, isatures, --- RICHMCiND.J. Lewis Idertirrer. son of Bishop J. L. McCarrey Jr. who leaves Monday. Nov. 22 for the German mission, was guest of honor at a number of functions the past A farewell dance will be week. held In connectioa with the South refunding ward carnival dance Saturday Pre- . tong, 'Nov. 20 and a testimonial has been arranged for Sunday evening. Ole South ward chapel, of Nov'.2I-IRICIIMC-ND.- ii. part-rea- First Step in Opening Grant Avenue Is Taken OGDEN. Nov teThs first step nk opening up Grant avenue through - ' -- - . t Musical BINGHAM., Nov. U o feot from tho of ft,tit foot )ovol t the I un A;,.t sittoormon trot min MonSlity .) Itiiit4 Rept LormitstJm. ;.1. Val.. SurirtviT fr Aro hts virldow I J fstrior ani; thr ,amalt ethittron. Lake sIbters res,4 tri fill aid litterauseeo. ' ,I -- Music Neiessa' ry In I 3 EXCHANGE Temporarily Named Home,Rotanans Told STOCK ' Nov, LOGAN, peel l) Pending Examination Prof. S. E. Clark spoke at the n nr Till - OGDEN. on A .,, nuirr lunchto-iItondaY, FALLING BRICK It no. ttio-au- J Education and ,'LliChit Means." "timid homes stablue nadistions while poor tiOrneb bred Content.' saki Prof. Clark. -- ToiOle a good horn. there must be Music in it and of the right kind. A sg0;eti home Is one that is hard to ieaSS , and easy ta go back to. Good rrt.s.g, ic in the home always improst, the chi d and as !t grows older tlic r. t , ties for the home become tinting-s- r II utiltr IL Mrs. Leah Day DIApril, 7!:1 Mrs L.4 II) 111r..vi I Fitzgerald: NG . 16 ..t.tiptX.411 I f !,r, r ,f,, 1,..f, I ;'zsg, ar.,3 i.... , I eeds a c r t ,,, EJLiF1 S F IJ uREI,..c,. v ,;, Ir. Is 4.4. ;,,. ',2,... C,,e,IstA ,2,1v v v. ,I ia.1 ar t. tv. Al Qt 44-, tr.,-..- , ,f Within the General Motors line there - is "a car for every purse 4,141 2.,,,,tr,,,r r..- - r g vr, !3., ; iv t, a, 4, t I,. 1,14;.,: r pa .. ' ., ..cc,It. ..'..t r L I.,: ,.. r....e, vhv 1 et v vvv It :,.,-.,.,.cr.t wtar,,v fl.,'y , se..ts Y. te-rr tr,e, 1::t A. rk; Nov. PROVO. 11 k .1 ea.t,...,,, ,,,,,,,,,,.:,';. of the !,,,,et sh traE h,o, ai-1-1., Prtn. E. IL . 'N c ' ' "e l'ork'Stock Exehar.ge atte a e:,,,10,'", Pa) tam, ' 4 'y of .8314 Lake mining mon end f.net,"."D. L,'k t ..1A 6 C. -' ttsotess.o Rt..!. eters. the (Loner guests of the dren: Walter raloo-roA. I.,,o4 idb;4.,-- , , mernbehl of the coantter of lit''4; H: 1J, M'' (or .rne ?, e at ti,1 Ho t, I Ro berts M ,,m It" l'''' lm Pe A" M9re than , bus ne.,,i J,:..sen, .:.t.r., :,.,.r..ey A . f 1 , day evens.ng. A,Ail ,C4 --PrOieffr NN't'rtt pre-,-..- -'"un'i fdtee'ro--- - Viffitt'-'"-'4---.A instA .ss as toestruas,e,. I d 1,,,!,;,, a' Mal C. K. Ifan,eett . v e:,011,: offl,ta;ly M r. ,,,, All an Drowr:ed iin Creek --1 Mr SImmons deelar, 1 he I ft,und ft, most womletful hosepitshtv I U. l", !ri I ied - 1 v a V AS . Clark stated. music makes its deepest impressions when the child is young. Early training is therefore very necessary. Although ears do not begs beautitul music becamse they were not trained in their ch!ldhood ami did not learn- to aTtPrere-goomusic. An acc,oint of the of the stringed instrumenis was gten by Piot. Clark. Ti.., first stringed instrument was in use by vn!e 1114 1,,,, at "7'pri ngville' Dia t, the Chinese 20 I. C. It was narveous Ito Clangs accumplistlr l hYI known as tha kav,and was com- Me, Nair. Ix machines and nature. 11, :S.PRINtMLLE, of So silk strings strung dnir. I a posed f r ,,h ri t a ere he.d across a box. The various stringed Errtion andglurloar future I. rs an: in t the the kurrt wish frumiav thzt expressed matruments as they were Invente4. could- come and assist in the (l.ear Al.drrx ,:n. ;li,tictwho f,r from that time to the beaui.lti. the mary natural; te citownel at his ranch in liel,ole of velopment present day piano and the descrip- source! presenting thenmeivex ill! cret k ,arr3,on Iturtirlay. tion of materials used were de- Utah. B,shop J. Emmett a Wird Wrill !n scribed, by, the ipeaker-- Tities..ptanite :1::'' in IX ft:se whilst he etpl:throt,,'-ChgrA., nt tiro erenthrier-PrOeultreere:ii of today Ii a wonderful creation, the tubction of the New Turk J E.. Po, ter ai,,I E,..-.hil his iiie war g:iven hy combining the best experience- of exchange as a protection to irtvez,tmore than 3,000 years in the im- lore. He raid greater precaution murt ii;rhcp ii.rd She ,here wt, Day. I provement of designs and materials. be made today tu safeguard, Intest- - 1.xv,u ,,t zzpa,,,,,h Professor Clark demonstrated the rnents Weaza there are more peoble Loyer and T. E. Greener. E, II. different kinds of music on a play- :of small earnings inverting than lk:rsic WAS Ly the ward er plan-and explained how the ever before. He varned the Investors :ad quartet, w.th a vocal solo by tones were trade. not to g n blilndly into any invest-- I rank B;arntibn.. AT,Z, Fulltntr Waldo Hatch had charge of the ment deal. !dedicated ths grave in Evers-leeyou invest lel cezrtter y 1,rogram. 'Investigate before good rt.totto,'' said Mr. Simmons. la He 1 dec.ared his visit to Utah had Cat on him a much clearer v.sion e,f ,Original St. George Canyon Cabin Owners the rnagt..tude of tlie we ,t and itel Told How to Kill Rats ne4ds cioneer Dies in Bluffdale Vice Pres t. L F. Rains of thP coI ELUPFDALE. Nov. lunibia Steel Corporation. said col iper toti )! LOGAN. Nov. to Mari; And !I't,:,,ry. i,;. Akdd),:, i5 needed in order opetation the benefit of Logan canyon home '12tah 1.,,Alb 11 Iiloos.e. oed yor,,,aay ' Be own. Ltto her expressed owners County Agriculture Agent thi tatnilv 11.le here of old a; pre, iatcall for the IL L Wrigley gave the followiilg 3,1:3-- MousieY was born in Center- the Columbia Steel co:-- i advice for killing tbe mountain or tended toand to., 1,4, a vti.o. be said Aprii I. Isl.'. ar,4 cr may it Lack rats that are giving mi ,1),,,,at, ed trie plane ir, 1, ,,, tA.:t:A.4 in ,It until the capacity of the Lake trouble and making therrise.ve4 un- short cline ser.ere Fhe v"-- octc t, Ch :, d se,.ii be enlarged. desirable. iShe was a riotther et tho - The Le,ieretary Heber C. Hicks of the istoric, pack rat is hard to kill a r unoieer 03::mr,i3 $V,n. thy...as:I iteit e' ndrr't caard Imte it carries food to iti tiyst '!state scihrities Of years. Atter mov.ng F can tot Mr. Simmons kflorZA where It Is stored some time the firet ioht f ti.- - Rei,-.- .! reviewed the histary of :tah it is eaten. The bait then Fp13S And h,r Y';',t'a:--:5 iifor tiociety. state th.s I.., in -i l enough is eaten for the in the f:,t Partil of; pionekia to et. that the or ;N..:IrS and prodicted to take effect. Sometinies bezome the haeuti olet ,i,i Of her 11 children but one s a pork cracklings cut abrqit one tro h iNeiiiiiaatis cd' til,; Av3t:-,rrf the pa: il!iFSt WI S., square and sprinkled with rtry, a ilika t at, hilnlit Iriltan, iitates 2. the-theA ba,2kbine rine will be taten iy the roerent, .tainS ta. MolSity, Wi..if.f ,i.i, Mrs. tarch Iiiiiat. the to been have this will take effect immediately, ta5'. He .,st Mrs. and Cantsen. Utah willidale; Josephine ptected that eays :Mr. Wrigley. also six grandcnildren. Le grcazir to the west than Strychnine can be secured inaternell t and east. the to been has the esivania purpose quantities for this thot PrOVO Wi:I be a second Pitts- - Former Cache Junction county agents office. I burgh. Aniong,the Salt Lake nnen present Woman Buried Logan SCOtati Wage Campaign , be.,dt, Idr, Itains and Mr. Hicks, HeY- Prof.- many-peopl- l'" - ,' oo , l -i -- ' rt,r - i..:i.' and purpose." And those Who wish to buy General Motors cars out of income are offered a sound credit service at low cost. This is known as the GMAC Plan, operated by a member of the General Motors family and available through General Motors '''',' they-hav- ; Y ,4., ar: 3 111 a 6vel-4- a ',1 tl ii, V.. V. , k , ,, :,..,1.. 41,;,,::,,.1',; fl ,It: r,!,";i $1;riday. T1,,, f ,t,,rz,1 ,,tV.-- 1, likritey at' ).!oled i y L., t It : .,.y Y ,.. of the yarls N e' S 'P't The spez0,er) ) , I Jr, ,4So Z L4 P, C,, " . -- t . of 200 Feet In Bingham Mine Fatal 1 Carrier Delivery Irregular be reported to , the Provo Carrier Departmrat 'Ube Deoeret ewe dolt Elk. CUL,. or t lo7d Betlik. CiliktUia ,, 192i; ilFall should , lc) OBITUARY a "- readied . L NOVE'SIBEri OOP Lo GAN PROVO Y - Erred's law ' In AH AND TUZSDAY NEWS pESERET dealers . . -t The Plan CArt be comfortably fitted to the individual circumstances of those with assured income; and the standard price of a General Motors car bought on the GMAC Plan is the cash de. , it i 1.3.-- -i ex-t- . livered price, plus only the low GMAC financing charge. Any GeneralMotors dealer will gladly IS I I pit 4, - we , t'', t ni:n-IV- F i St-- Itot-Ity- ti,,,d-Ke- -- 31 . GMAC -i V, , explain the GMAC Plan. i i --4.------- ....---.... i to Against Tobacco in Cache I s.jno:rh.ti3tHav,:karr.lkyx,,,r.It,,orlsepIR,,h,irlishatinainteEavTnerr4lea,:Jutolurhezr - i tAY. at were W. H. Childs, Malcolm A. Iwin,ar.duachmarapeEl tunttelaajnv,aufrtnernaotoonrmcorri Y'Nov; Sirecit 1 W. I. Snycloic; resident of Cache JnItelt,',1- SPANISH' FORKThe ' Spanish rum district of the Cache Valiey Ili:Nicol numbers were by Prof, J. F. &quires conducted the set-- I club program in the Council Boy Scout of America niet noir Rotary vituc4ebtly. ,I.z.tpke,aihk,.eir ras wKeot.illtsstiltf,43,1w. 1 1.s:pe'istadon7instHaa'.ini,1:Tuttle tea-rooMonday was a co- Sunday at Hyrum and etlected two )1.'FIliZr..enearrg'julle17'ileter 6 ham E. Griffin. Mar., was by the, tinuation of that of last week un- members from anLogan to represent camof Loran Anderson the district in alsoplaYed Ohs 0I hla tYP1- valid choir. Mrs. Wil:iam Evans. Jr, was taken Monday ars" der the direction fit city aril Frank Baugh Waiter. the Rotary Educational commit-Pit- y paign being conducted throughlutof cal piano zelectIons. , Miner-e- a P. Shaw . deeded to the of . ton and A. J. ilansen offered the! tee. who spoke of Rotary Edura- the council under the direction A. without cost a strip of land tional The gra,e was dedicate.it works. An open discussioni of Prof. Henry Peterson of the E. Board Prayers. School Utween Twelfth and Thirteent4 the Seek i 'Three oy Eicharat reater. topic by the members follos-ertreett on the avenue. The City paid B. Adams was selected a mom-he- r ill to validate the transaction.. in Fifth Ward!, LARSON FUNERAL, WEDNESDAV., the nominating committee of GUNNISONA wedding at No- the ofcouncil. A petition is in circulation for were Five members Phi on Sept. 27 in which President Nov If a committee to nom!npresertation to the city commission MURRAY, PROVO. Nov. Childs of the Gunnison val. appointed as for for the opening up of the avenue- Newell the annual district applicatif,na of three 4: and;datts for Filt,rat ate officers and school student body LAO ley the clear through the city.. ,The peti- Mist in Al 19. Nov Decelection mur:,..y F.:, board Lchciol ofManti meeting Wanda Westemakow tion Is favored by many business tor, alt.,Ecnii A council court er honor Fifth municlpal- favard have beavi tarard ciaperar 4 grrincipals. caused a ensation willThebe next in filed with the clerk of the board NyFrcri. Larson. The bogy.: may i third the on ?mn and property owncrs in th dise were Sunday held and hero school in Pio high Friday CRY viewed at the hom- - of Woods too Wet. of the Provo ofUcation high- January. pupils went to the Mantimatricueffff.,,,,,,. The appileants are O. W. I4'-;- 4 south First Wet! prior to f schools. school where the bride la operating the GMAC Plan for the purchase of ,!I be In Murservices. Intrment fruit known grower well as-, lin. And(' lated and brought her here to Cache Has 215 More Couple File Second Suit and former instructor at the Young ray City Cernetery. Fist her shusband In receiving at a, Amos N, Coal Dust Damages . burlesque in, School university:of Dr. Children STATE OBITUARIES. education at the Young professor Jesse Ellertson, and . Nov. Mrs university. LOGAN. OGDEN Nov. Dmriping ofl 3t0NROE. Nov. 16.Mr. and Abstract JSrIcs the of OiFla TieraLlif't OTOR110, MM. an manager have Coat company, nti j Peter Gorr announce the birth of Cache county echools 226-thigoal by the Union -s' ' Mrs. tDTQt year; Heasly avenue between C: I Vttd a- son. " Mrt. Gurrwas- formerly creasad enrollment'of --to , held ine Sunday afternoon V. Larsen. their 5tiss Theltna Baker. Lincoln avenues, has den. reports Supt. R.shows PROVO RABE DIES. 'nth ward chapel. a tth Henry --..- .. that of the The census property in the vicinity a ,.,. .,..z, ..a! Mack of the conductios Ltanrophtc of Do-fat- 5.650 of school age. 6.267 are atNov. yard. it is alleged in ,.;,,aint SALEMThe Daughters 1.s(5pec!al)-- - MUNI, was PROVO, P.'Ferne'' 25 guests at a tending school. Of those in school. in the Second dtatrict court Maurine Mitchell. five rm.inth cid and .tti s. RubyJoseph ,, nears ,ontertainedevening A ndesson. Tne 2.585 are boys and 2.671 are girls. ward tho in 'William "1"daY by U. E en. t " ar'd his wue Mrs. an of FrIday N. A. Tanner. Trent, banquet were daughter Christ-Moor. speakers in those of number Martha actual Tha P. Batti M. Owen. against Frank chapel. President died Sunday tught Mitchell E. R. Newton. R.' Watkins. Frank representing the company. ensen acted as toastmaster. The school has increased by 216, while proumonia. Surviving besides the Bishop James 14, Riley and E. A. 'rho plaintiffs who seek $500 dam- - program included: Invocation. Bieh- the number of those of school age parents are two brothers tied two Larkin. The rrave In remeagee filed a similar suit POUT? quartet, Ray has Increased by 77. the number be, sisters. Funeral services will he tery was dedicated by tigdsn op B. Allem-mix- ed H. M. Mark. Cash Aline the and year. Priscilla 6,462 last Ogden ins Sabin. Saturday, against Myrie, rowers. Mrs. EOM" held Wednesday, Nov. IL at 1:7.te puny. Christenson; address of welcome, RETURNED MISSIONARY SPEAKS. Pita! in the Pioneer ward chapel. services tor Mrs. Emily M. FowVice Prest. Chloe 3ergensen: pianoInterment will be in Provo City ere 'were held r4unday afternoon in I soEdman; accordeon-- Tribute I SEEK FREEDOM. I GETS IT. logue, Prank LOGAN, Nov. 16.(Speclal.)John cernete-Y- . the Taylor chapel, with B!hop J. returned Mrs. who H. H. Anderson lectionr. Ferreday; Vocal soiosi recently J. Otbson offictattette. ri ;DEN, Nov. ',Matte Our Pioneers," Preto. Ed- from a Swedish mission, was the PAYSON WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE. stvere by Lititan Hadley. Howard! Cahill filed suit for divorce in the ward toRowe FOurzh in Grace the Cheer. Mrs W. speaker talk, and Manning. principal George Shupe. becond court. Slouday. district I ) I Utah Central camp; re- ward Sunday evening's services. His Nov. of were er the Wthiam PROVO, The H. Cahill. William .ikpecia speakers alleging conagainst of life and economic audiSuit for divorce bas been field hi Hunter. Joseph Wile, y W. Stem-for- d picture In the defendant is a habitual drunkard marks, rettring officers. Sweden made his ditions from Louis H Rain and 13.snop Utbson. The frave and has failed to provide for her. in the Nellie B. Barn lived thaalkful ence they failure to provide. They in the Hooper cemetery was dediin married Ogden. May charging They1921etre Is Home Drive S. U. A. were married at Farmington March cated by N. Oscar Malan. Earl Highland IS. by Fur-;egCruelty is charged os She aPkIt 4l inonthlY P. Yurgeson againist Wilma A. IL . A ---- --Damaged $2000 by Fire Kolob Relief Society Of berseiteed mony for s liasteensIiires, ,Sisittile -R-emus-Um They warp marred in Ogden a S. - Judge George w'fa "Dr 1 I Kittle Erntiba flaeo'en, March IS- - 1916child minor. al - HOLLIDAY. Nom, nr.--4 Special). tie- d attother ir, talk ce:IramAndtibr le ' fol Feb. "W lo an Hold-Annud ed 'Synth-idivorce Peirl Martin linnsen. Barber Convention Adnday ; IS DIOWn enphasised 'the responwbflitlee of I, an llinC K. borenven from 'Vernal J. Soreu- The Le. Christopher residence on R. S. Turner. Hold !Ogden hosritalfoIlowing almoner. of thc 1 Diekeison.' and the eanctitY rtparenthood Nov. Drive-Jus- t son ou charge of c.ruelly and MarseamoritLa north of. " recorder: II.' 31...- - Hines; treasurer' raY 4.1, wercs y .t 10-- - e b ex ,Tià CA, Issx T4-- borne W"-"'-11 Ko lob Staka Relief soPlaintiff was givers custody Highland H. W. Davits. master of ceremonies, am Grottgut Phlos lmne was damaged late Satin Spanish Fork i' Joseloi Josep h A- ef three childrenis at 1:5 neventetuth sti-esOgden. F convention was held in the ciety Jones. tturoccopilulaerrays.. 11,.., i ral.cin fire extend $2.000 of to by are her busnand and four the auditorium urday school Sunday. Surviving high , Reuter:an -6.Jones i SPAYISH FOEK.eNov. I the Saturday s,ss:ons PocATET, LO. Ida . Noy . MISIMIERI FIRM INCORPORATES. starting from a defective flue. children: Clifford, Ralph. Mrs. Hannah Mendenhall. umbrothe pres, . T ol AP.o- -- to iesed to have been swept , Johnson . sentinel. H were W. Swenson Albert So one was at home when the dent was in charge. of the Endeavorers Sarah OGD-. hiltrat- - D. J. Evans- R - W. Crec r, l 4ov a strong u:nd fr om a narrow , ICArticles of Locthe Childs Brown...of the. Mn. is .stkrted And d ,e4., Jer"hk" a'4 "It"i''' In' distant A- ' elation ,tr ere filed with' the county entire upper floor was thought. 'entsellIOMP le "rMilt$1111-dtt- ch Er.' ''Jotter-i- r - ffegiton.-arts. practicany Canyort--------'--the 'prent i9 Proce, Anativilgey, of a solo. 'Snake p Application sang B. L. Price the clerk. Monday by Hanks and ELder Richards,. Fork. Springville, Payson , aneeh she had occacon to otos on demolished before the blaze broke to every dtty life American l'6,1-- I Mercantile company. a Missouri cor- through the roof Just as Mrs. commandments Mid Spanish Fork held a rally here an errand to a neliehbor. Eleanor Esseliga Iles. Mary Begins Soon of a busigiven by Mrs. Julio. A.byChilds .e, A- b4. wife of Edgar A. En- - c reached home from Shit Wall poration, for the operat,on Sunday with a large repreeenta4aughter of Mr. and Bridge Ens,gn Christopher litss "Social p and Problems", The Plant ness in Weber county. sJ in company Lake. E labaugh. north o f ti i, s of from , the avenue. :Psi tion Lincoln each societi.s Sugar Airs. Ognen Henry PALLS, TWIN from the Ida ... Nov II both Sarah McClelland. en pit al atockof ILIOntion of - The vas found drowned. Monday. IAP)-Mate- riale dietrict present. Provo leading eied Monday in en seadsei hospitst. county fire department,were p:anish Its Shortest and equipment are hoard in Salt Lake: address.- tits which $14).004 is allotted to Utah. .11., soon 1.1'4. teeva which time traneral with Oadea. 4, Jan in on l''''''Y born 15 scene a She hav'aa Inattendlint;e. the vat, "Med by ward:Second tranwt in for building of the Twin . L. Hill is the Ogden representative l , e Mrs. Olive Anderson. of andle down-strea-y a s eteir-itte- n from livelii,,Jer,,,tue,,,,,unts,,s;:isope Tho early part of the neighbors had removed all rural-lurtaxi -2.Ner. Mapleton choir. t, gnarter flat-MeSTANTSII-FORK-EnIn a she 'her floor. There wee anthem. met first here from suppoeed-the 2 to at I convened General assembly bridge span Snake river canyon TALtABLE DOG LOST. l strata. i st Blue 'Lakes. three insufficient water in the hydrant p.m. pla.,e of Were by E. 21. Snow deavor leeson, "Interdenominationmiles north one leader-sniPrayers , p under the SurvivingXIAI-are her tufgbard. fol- - reaeed elleing Saturday afternooti4 The h,let had been tient to the , here Active, construction operations OGDEN. Nee. 111,The loss, of a and It ass neeeesary to pump wetel of Kolob stake presidency and al Eellowellip," dance-ter- , Ensictt and the of 3ohn Duffy rt the Spring,foLoWing tiles shortest run ever made, neight,ofs.afont : p...pri. to boatels terrier dog valued at MO ls 11.04 fret from JAW Willow pond Hazel Robertson; vocal Mrs. ill or week neat the beasds,ssethist duet, Tboniao and In OelOterl Itt the history of the lo al plantl a pawbsge. 'file mother icier', The loss is vertically covered by Eva Miller and Mrs. Anna Bird; viiis society. Short talks were giv- lowIng brothers it was announced h4re roported to the pollee by Charles Insurance. days on the lesson topic bY,workers p. J. F. Emmert. Mrs- - R. B. Wilaa, The run lasted only about 24 dins: her d loyest riturr, began Woods. Ida Capital avenue. condition Of Kolob ltak Relief so- en evering by Charles G. ard many of the beets sliced - were' and found rtzf IrldgrA in the ditch Monday from various towns of th district MI.3, t,torgt It. cr.Pnw01. 0a,len; Huber IMEMENIMINIENEEMEMMEIMMENEINIMPI Hannah Mendenhall: C. Fresh poriland president of the Lake. R. ciety, b. shioPed from other districts- a season of short prayers by R. W. Emmett. t4lt late in th,- - afternoon. ' Porrand address-eaMrs.lullChilds and and members-closeBridge company. ono of d The failure of the beet cron ter e 'Emmett, Portland. mre.; Mrs -- -E. .Ethis part-o- f the Tout. of the the Mrs Sarah McClelland: cornet so a the enterprille- promoters New York. win work eonalderable hardship meeting. o Ralph Weight: address on applicaScottish farmers who hav generally Rite The second pert:teas More in the tion. Mrs. Eva Crandall; address on nature on to, e4 beet money ray taxes andl at rally, Rev. The. Lee, Stake Holds , csncel Charge law enforcement, "'rest. G. R. May-coc- k for 25 of Masons in Convention! lUndue many other cash obligations I ; "'Pars pastor of the local Palmyra vocal solo. Elmo Coffman. Wh'le the r;bnelt ""I by the tacle'Y I In $180,000 Estate Fight church. where the ralConference Presbyterian to is large force of Mr,i';). Quarterly POrt.ATELLO. Ha ha!, Noy , mem, and P was oldest the ly held, triade a decided imProvereent in tlttt tripeciaDThe seeou'd reunion oil TWIN: FALLS. Ida.. Nov. 11.! her of the organization in attendSPANISII FORK. Nay- Richmond to Beautify finances .. of the tons heretofare. the Pocatello Aticeltt and Asaepted t'AP).klaurteto ance, was In charge and welcomed Guerricatchebarria 4, of the eonference Feottisa fitte of Ereemasotity la be. wit, ttra -- visitors. Miss, Ellen JailleSCOI Palmyrwetatia-wat- s Public-Squar- e tat held. here Sate ei,... ... -- ...,1 ikT."' hold St Cie Yl,tsoa!!. temple onq bold, bcatamdeci of xeia were solo. Short a talks given UrdAY and Send" in the CIII pavalued At tang property personal h openi-is week, g Monday lptg. Slati3OtO as purported heft of hisi 1I I t"four by workers on various phasee of 'Ilion with- - Pest. Henry A. Gard- - I RICHMOND, Nov. '101.(Specta1) IDAHO a" day !cession with the former employer. Frank Triguerio, At a mass meeting Sunday in the tho work. Mice Lill )ttrig of Salt ner presiding al all sessions. At -. of oisitors and organization of Castieford. -4, lion Idaho. alteepman wit,. lb president of the Utah r. E. the opera house. Richmond citisene de-on Lake, morning swot) music ettalltdates the !loonies! ex.s'et I POCATELLOMarriage Inti21,,'"' made an eloquent ado.ess on Christ- was Sunda,. died here Oct. 7. obtained convey- cided to park the pub:ic square ward choir with by the First been issued to Ciark Davis, P. O. Bellaway and peorge Fah. ances to the ember- - by the Salem have the general plans outlined by Emil ian Endeavor work- - and told, of the I ePeetel propeny through taxer- SoW American Pocatello. L, Pocatello and Alherta rriott, Hallman, landscape gardner of the Wang to send a large delegation to quartet. Speakers wet?. E4, M. fia L. A. Thomas, le D, Jones and else of undue influence wilds Tri- Evana Burt. Falls: a.fitioolt; Jam, waa Ohio, next summer to 'Howe of the stake presidency. Prest V. A. C. eatecaten division, who Cleveland afflicted saw, Wby mental and D.. II. Dart. Clark. ',Wad. IL Mcmt.. and Helen Burlingunie. will uperviee and plan the work. attend the world C. E. convention. ,Lee rt. Taylor of Ititelo stake and Lima. weakness for three year; It. A. physical Edgar Mussell and The vtgattn. H. J. Hollingsworth. before his death. The following were named as an ESV. 'E. F.,. Batchelder of the Con. - Elder Stephen E. Ith-- h ards of the t,ocatelto to she- according ct . Mear"It Idaito Stet;ien J. Palls. Community church, executive committee: Mayor G. O. gregational were Rile. .1 Quorum of -W. Wolff and J. L. Broks. mations .coritainzil in a complaint Preyna (tr. The by In ni str.ot court here Monday, J tiled Hendricks. Prest. L. B. Caine of Provo, Savo a sermonette on WildPalvell. 1,0tti - POCATELLOThe and E. Albert . Ashton. Page Of election by H. A. DeNeal of Buhl. admints- tba Chamber of Commerce. Bishop tight of The World?' Reyof Payson- will he held In titcmber chapter Pose Croix held a epeettilli of Ille Triguerio estate. J. b. hicCarrey. Bishop William An- man Murphy of Payson spoke brief-- 1 'Music was by the Seeond ward directors wil lbe held In December meeting Titeaday foitowed by tbel trator ocooion with directors warranty dee& hilt, or sale ant-- ,' . the afternoon I Instead of Soda hereafter take a It.. acid fermentations In the bow. derson, Priest. 8 W. Hendricks of lit and offered the closmte prarer. at and the nomination blanks ago now conferr.ng and enmlatinleatitql of t oostompept from Salt Lake were !choir In els and gently urges thie souring the Farm Bureau. Print. J. W. Attending Huth little "Phillips Mak Of Miswrite' or and B. . Boshari conveying title to Hi J. by 1 con-p., sent out. imemt,rr, Holdover be !rt. degrees were waste from the system without Funk of Benson stake and A. L. Prest. Lily King end her mother Stevenson of Provo. The speakers being executed two dit,i, water any Jmo for indigestion Include Harry Petersen. Richert ferred are the fifteenth dexter.; property end tyro brothers. Lay ao4 Ernest wars Wells T. Brockbault of the I wen,. It is far triorsplessant to Harris. pefore Triguerio a death. Considet t sour, acid. gassy stomach. stud relief purging. Jean or the Jourof Bistline. the east (1. sword knight George -Lake thin soda. ..1tattoo named in each instrument t This committee decided work King. will come Instantly. etakx presideney, President A. enson. end George Sloan, or toe eagle. kn.yht Hose 4...vitt pt.;; sto end "Other- good and !rakish ' should begtn Monday morning Nov. E. P'c'wen and Ettt.d I members who have served those whn 0ard"r! Joan D. Pithartiti atilt bn I tonsideratiovaa 2Se Bottle ,1 - Better,Than Soda , tiar,ty ,Try A call for men end teams to IL ire were Mug, ustamod TON' at Haiorson MI the res. In charge!. Ttlf t yesr, on the board and will rot Je destroyed commutti,iit 1 upon "Phillips" Twenty-fiv- e break the ground, tear down no Idence of W. T. Roger en Friday gounellorw Etta 0 Darliiill was )Ion- - i eligible to directorship until n year el wtil be the degree,. ror fifty years genuine "Phillips ' Insist sixteenth. Itrinre of cent and fifty cent bottles. any grendstand and fence was matte. winsuming the furniture. of Mr, and rah!y released as superintendent has eispeedare J. I. King. W. H. JerusAlent,eand seventeenCi, kolgl.tt hltik of Magnesia" has been preFor filling fountain pens a d to the Mr& Cecil ge Stewart which wa.i of the T. M. M. I. A. and Marion p A. scribed by physicians because it drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia" has The women served luncheon x.f the ever and west Valenta., i.ce Imo been invente1 that overcomes three times as touch acid been the U. 8. Registered Trade men In the so,ial ball of the tab- morett Clare. 'rtie blase started Taylor was choseer to rill the va. i Hood. l'illecholat Ifft and Pocatello Council of lindosit u'e i a eritail amatmf of ink from Vraaki Mr. Hansen will submit from on overheated stove. The (tangy. Elder Richards stresaid the ;Brown. A. J. Pier, wag e Mark of The Charles R. Phillips ernacle hi the stroluich as a saturated solutn.r l.'it,r. teloporary, ". I o trito a cup when a l a bo. '. the park in the near fu- loss is $2 5, 00 wlth $1,004 insurance thought of tIteverenee," W rtit the vacancy calmed tion of bicarbonate of soda. leav Chemical Company and its Prede111- - plans for the plunger hr, elMmarie-- : 1,,: Brothers, work on and be will the building but tone on the urging reverence for the Church resignation of E. P, Calph. and is Raerts, first lieutenant comment- - depressed. returning unused Completssreet and fres Igor Charles IL Phillip since ICI. ture tag the stomach 3esidea. ed furniture. - bottle for la the Church Lheworkers It spring., neutral and W. tor building; board S Caton to election the oecond Iron all gases. lieutenant er; 'legible again, - .. GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION Place Pr For CHEVROLET It - PONTIAC 0AKLAND , BUICK FRIGIDAMEThe OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC electric refrigerator DELCO,LIGHTElectric light and plants Itvicla - - , o- , . Districtincleavorers Rally r child , rroml Ditch Biidge; Drowns ad it River Work Fork ,hadti-- - Influence Its 1 - a - FORb ( Run, - BREFS "'" HILLIPS Milk Ilal of Magnesia - qty.,' to ietifi. , , .'tI pu. ' |