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Show said Harold at last. "The Walkers INVENTIONS BY WOMEN. have not come out yet. I" think that it would be well If you were to give me that cheque, mother, and I were to re- XSrarythingr 'rom Rarrel Attachments to Baby Carriages. J turn It in person." The patent office at Washington wat "Certainly, Harold. I think It would be very nice." established in 1790, and the first patent He went In through the garden. Clara issued to a .woman was in 1809, to Mary and the Doctor were sitting together in for a method or weaving straw the dtning-rooShe sprang to her Kies, with silk or thread. Six years later feet at the sight of him. "Oh, Harold, I have been waiting for one was issued to Mary Brush for a you so Impatiently," she cried; "I saw corset. It was not until 1828 that more you pass the; front windows half an than one patent a year was issued to hour ago.' I would have come in if I women. In 1862 only fourteen patents dared. Do tell us what has happened." were issued to women, tnat being the "I have come, in to thank you both. largest in any year up to that time. How can I repay you for your kind- The1 war, however, developed the inness? Here is your cheque, Doctor. I have not needed It. I find that I can ventive genius of women and the anlay my hands on enough to pay my nual number of patents issued to them increased rapidly. Many of them were creditors.". for inventions for either fighting or "Thank God!" said Clara fervently. "The sum Is less than I thought, and nursing devices. The annual issue inour resources considerably more. We creased steadily year by year. In 1870 have been able to do it with ease." 1880 over 92, in 1890 over it was 60, in "With ease!" The Doctor's brow 200, 1893 over 300. ' From 1809 in and clouded and his manner grew cold. "I' to 1888 women's inventions averaged think; Harold," that you would do better 30 a year, from 1888 to 1892, 230 a year, to take .this money of mine, than to use that which seems to you to be gained and since 1892, 280 a year. A recently with ease." published pamphlet gives a classifica- "Thank you, sir.; If I borrowed from tion of women's inventions. This shows any one it. would be from you. But my that wearing aparel leads the list with father has this very sum, five thousand 160 different patents in thirty months.! pounds, and,; as I tell him, I owe him so much that I have ' no compunction Then come cooking utensils with 100 Inventions, furniture with 85, heating about owing him more." "No compunction! Surely there are or washing or cleaning apparatus with some sacrifices which a son should not each, sewing, and spinning de- allow his parents to make.". vices and building apparatus with; "Sacrifices! What do you mean?" about 30 each, educational and medical "Is it possible that you do not know apparatus, toys and trunks, about 20 how this money has been obtained?" each. Other ' articles in which women "I give you my word. Doctor Walker, have tried their Inventive faculties are that I have no idea. I asked my father, baby carriages, barrel and bicycle atbut he refused to tell me." "I thought not," said the Doctor, the tachments, printing and bottling apgloom clearing from his brow. "I was paratus, boxes and baskets, clocks, sure that you were not a man who, to flowers, horseshoes, motors, musical inclear yourself from a little money diff- struments, plumbing and preserving deiculty, would sacrifice the happiness of screens stationery, theatrical apyour mother and the health of your vices, paratus, toilet articles, and typewriter father." "Good gracious! what do you mean?" attachments. Few of the patents is"It Is only right that you should sued to women were for entirely new know. That money represents the com- creations. Excluding those especially mutation of your father's pension. He concerning women's work, nearly all has reduced himself to poverty, and In- the other patents were for attachments tends to go to sea again to earn a liv- to some previously existing device. . r ing." "To sea again! ' Impossible!' A Kiss in the Dark. ;"It is the truth. Charles Westmacott Some vulgar women have a disgusthas told Ida. He was with him in the City when he took his poor pension ing way of making remarks upon peoabout from dealer to dealer trying to ple they meet in public places and con-- ! sell it. He succeeded at last, and hence veyances. Often, too, they take very ' the money." , their comlittle trouble to "He has sold his pension!" cried Har- ments from being prevent heard; or sometimes old, with his hands to his face.1. "My views their without words,; dear old dad has "sold his pension!" they express means of a conHe rushed from the room, and burst yet , unmistakably, by wildly into the presence of his parents temptuous sniff, or a toss of the head.j once mar, "I can not take it, father," A great many seem to think it hardly he cried, "Better bankruptcy than worth while to consider the feelings of that. Oh, If I had only known your strangers , and deserve to be taught plan! We must have back the pension. such a lesson as Vernet, the great: Oh, mother, mother, how could you French painter, once administered to think me capable of such selfishness? two ladies who traveled with him in a Give me the check, dad, and I will see this man for I would sooner railway car from Versailles to Paris.; die like a dog in the ditch than to touch They evidently knew who Vernet was; a penny of this money." so they stared at him freely, and exchanged all sorts of remarks about him. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Not unnaturally, the artist was vexedj and the temptation seized him to tkei THE RETORT DISCOURTEOUS. a truly French revenge upon these veryj women. Therefore, when A Brigrbt Little Newsboy Answers a Lady unladylike the train passed through the St. Cloud! In a Smart and Caustic Manner. he kissed his own hand twice tunnel, A small and dirty newsboy worked a very loudly and violently. Of coursej paying game for a week or so down in when the traii3shot out of the darkness the shopping districts, says Chicago ho found that the two ladies had left Tribune. He would don a most pa- off 'staring at him, and were eying one thetic expression, go up to a woman and another instead. He amused himself say, "Missis, won't $ou buy a paper? with studying the expressions ofj Dis is my birf day and I aint sold amazement, contempt, and indignation hardly any." Of course he would sell that passed over their features, though1 one in nine cases out of ten and would they uttered not a word; then, when generally get a nickel and be told to the train stopped at the Paris station,5 keep the change. He must havjB kept he got up to leave, making them a very this tip fully a week and reaped a low bow. "Ladies," said he, "I shall be bountiful harvest. At last one young puzzled all my life ' by the inquiry, woman who had tired of the samfc story 'which of you two ladies was it that and who became rather skeptical on the kissed me?' " And he departed, weil-- j subject of the "birf days," stopped the pleased,, leaving them speechless with; young genius and remarked in tones wrath.' clear, enough to be heard som0 little distance, "See here, little boy, what FASHION'S FANCIES. did yon say about your birthday?" Some of the prettiest ribbons for trim--! "Lady, please buy a paper; dis! is my birf day, and I ain't sold but one paper mlng summer gowns have Insertions of! lace in narrow rows between equally whined the young rascal. , "Now, little boy, to my certain narrow bands of satin. Odd little made a bonnets, have had entirely of knowledge you birthday chine taffeta, shirred, puffed, and every day ; this week. Aren't you a coquettish capote shape,1 into drawn ashamed to tell such stories?" He was cornered for a minute and are intended to be worn with gowns of stood with head cast down and every a plain color. . Open-loopnows, with waving ends; appearance of remorse. At last he looked up with a most innocent expres- are made of lace insertions, and applied sion and said: "Well, you seel lady, to many fancy dresses in some cases you en me we're different 'I ainjt very being all over the gown, and in others old, en I thought I'd have a lot of birf-day- s only on the sleeves and skirt. An immense "bow at the tfack of the to oncet, en den I, could quit neck has replaced rosettes, and consists havln' 'em, like; you. See?" ot four or six loop3, some of them exShe concluded he was past reforming and, slipping a dime In liis hand, moved tending quite far out on the sides. A trimming that Is only becoming to on sighing over the wickedness of the generation, while the young sinner exe- slender women, are the full ruches of cuted a pas seul of his own invention. lace or mousseline de sole on the necks of summer dresses. A grayish shade of blue, darker than! Thinks He Is an Engine. most gray-blue- s, is called Napoleon 11 at ' There Is now In the county Ann Arbor, .Mich., awaiting a vacancy blue, andasis aemployed by French dress-- ; thin white lining under in the Pontiac asylum, a young man makers gowns.!:!' who imagines he is a; train of cars. White piques, dotted with colored! He spends nearly all his time in imitaton attendant noises the starting up silks, make exceedingly dainty gowns ing a railroad train. and stopping, Every for summer." They, have a jacket and sound and movement he produces with skirt, and are worn with a blouse front startling' fidelity and detail. When of chiffon or mull the color of the dots, the officer found him he was on the Fichus of white - batiste, organdie,! and from his actions lawn, or mousseline de sole are worn; railroad track, was Just getting up steam. Soon he over very 'simple gowns of colored! said it was time to start, ordered the lawns or crepons, and they are com-- ! fireman to fill the tank with water and pleted by kniferplaited frills of the mathe tender with coal, imitating every terial or by yellow Valenciennes lace. act perfectly. Then he pulled out the Cuffs of embroidered grass linen are' lever and started the train, running made to match the large collarettes, so fast that it was necessary to head are Iso while there straight collar-- ! him off with: a horse. His whistle for bands of this embroidery, and . many "down breaks can be heard a mile. smaller meant to turn over on a pieces He is about 17 years old. collar-ban- d of ribbon. Stylish skirts still continue plain and The Very First. without any trimming, flat in front and Briggs The first fight on record waj at the sides, with three, five, or seven between Cain and Abel, wasn't it? g godets at the back,- - and without The first Nan! whe occurred RIggs the fall skirts all gracefully. the serpent took a. fall out of Adam. Some elegant blouse bodices are, cut rather low around the throat, either Well Situated. round or square, and bordered with emThere Is In North Carolina a post, broidery in silk and beads, and this is a oflice called "Troublesome," not so verj fashion that will doubtless be fully apfar from "Matrimony."" preciated 'during the warm weather. . m. Latest UVS. Gov't Hepcit Highest of all in Leavening Power. nr 1 1 1 , try '. ; ,- f ; , j . His pension was gone. He had nothing Save what he oniiM e o,, the stoat old heart never quailed. He waited eaererlv fnr o from the Saint Lawrence.hipplng Com- tne meanwhlle gave his it' landlord a quarter's notice.he Hundred pound a year houses would in future be a. luxury, which he could not aspire to. small lodging In some Inexpensive of London must be the substitute part ror Wa breezy, Norwood villa. So be it, a hat v,Better than name should thousandfold, inat nis be associated with failure and disgrace. , On that morning Harold Denver was to meet the creditors of the firm, and to explain the 'situation to them. It was a . hateful task, a degrading task, but he sethlmself to do it with quiet resolution. At home they waited In Intense anxiety to learn the result of the meeting, it was late before he returned, haggard and pale, like a man who has done and suffered, much. p r "What's this board in front of the house?" he asked. "We are going to a little change of scene," said the try Admiral. "This place Is neither town or country. But never mind that, boy. Tell us what happened: in the city." "God help me! My wretched business is driving you out of house and home!" cried Harold, broken down by this fresh evidence of the effects of his misfortunes "It is easier for; me to meet my creditors than to see you two' suffering- so patiently for my sake." "; "Tut, tut!" cried. the Admiral. "There's; no suffering in the matter. Mother would rather be near the theaters. That's the bottom of it, isn't it, mother? : You come and sit down here between us and tell us all about It." Harold sal down with a loving hand in each of his. : ."It's, not so bad as we thought," said he, "and yet it Is bad enough! have about ten days to find the money, but I don't know which way to turn for it. Pearson, however, lied, as usual, when he spoke of 13,000. The amount is not iat. - Umwi PMSfosocmrm. continued.) towards the river-a cleansing whiff, of Prled d K stagnant or the of Abe docLrs, began tore-iSoand fustian of the In trie "0Detected with the blue jersey jn ys nautical instru-- , w nSws, rope and paint Siods long rows iSJrfth ie , hooks, all iVom Neighborhood of the gf quickened his pace Smlral .'?JSS e SS until more nautical, two high caught a glimpse of ,rs of the Thames, broad bosom. 10 .. wm Its . -oot with many dther side, and wire ?J?ii ; The Ad-rsSwlydo- wn IttU'Jhe Shipping He crossed the road, Sntt'e'door. and found nce Mm-'Kw-ceilin- ? ( :4 at one ged office, wltn a end and a great wooden sections of ships boards and plastered all in?" asked the Admiral. -- Henry . i . j , - ; j an elderly man I can man-vo- u Ttoto town may wish seen to.' 'fcn't happen to have a. first or seer's place5 vacant, do you 7 a dubious "lnr. iuuibw inntPd with quite- 7,000.", iii singular applicant. The Admiral clapped his hands. "I '"r bold certificates'" he- asked every nautical certificate knew we should weather it, after all! Hurrah, my ' boy! Hip, hip, hip, hur. us .. ".- - answered aeat in the ' i corner. "He has to-da- y. " - i - pa won't do for 3 ; 50t?' T - izs. sir." j roa my word that I can see as iever, and am as good a man -- vt doubt IV my age be .. a bar, then?" If a man age, holding certificates, has ast a second officer's berth, r.3t be a black mark against him ;j. I don'fc know what it is. r temper, or want of judgment, zi'ling were tmust be." re you thef-- 13 nothing, but I :;alf stranded, and so have to out It ulainly. must ' i Z -- rah!" j Harold gazed at him In surprise, while the old seaman waved his arm above his head and bellowed out three stentorian cheers. "Where ' am I to get seven thousand pounds from, 'dad?" he asked. "Never mind. You spin your yarn." "Well, they were very; good and very kind, but of course fhey must: 'have their money or their; bioney's worth. They passed a vote, of spmpathy for beme, and; agreed to wait ten fore they took any proceedings;days Three of them, whose claim' came to 3,500, told me that if I would give them my personal I. O. U., any pay interest at the;rate of five per cent, their amounts might stand over as long as I wished; That would be I a charge of 175 upon my income, but with economy. I could meet it, and It diminishes the debt by e ;e old business, 'again." it," said the manager, vicioa In his eye. "How long 3 in your last billet?" aaf -- , years. ; s:, one-afifty same employ?": nd ; ; j . j . one-hal- f.' i ; ..-- j . " years. Again the Admiral burst out cheer,: i"'''f:"';-;.- ' , ing. : "There remains, therefore, about which has to be found within 'ten days. No man shall lose by me. I gave them my word in the !room that if I worked my soul put of my body every one of them should be paid. I shall not spend a penny upon myself until it is done. But some of them can't wait. They" are poor men themselves, and must have their money. They, have issued a warrant for Pearson's arrest. But they think that he has got away "'. to the states." "These; men shall have heir money,' said tne Aamirai. ; "Dad!" "Yes, my boy, you don't know the resources of the family, One never does know until one tries., What have you yourself now?" "I have about a thousand pounds in vested." "All right. And I have about' as much more. ' There's a good start. Now, mother, it is your turi What is that little bit of paper of yours?" Mrs.. Denver unfolded It, and placed It upon Harold's knee.j "Five thousand pounds!", he gasped. "Ah, but mother is not the only rich one. Look at this!" And the Admiral unfolded his cheque, arid placed it upon j' -' the other knee.. Harold gazed from one to the other 'Ten thousand in bewilderment. ' ; . . 3,-2- 00, you 7, as must have begun twelve when I joined.' be a strangely V said the manager, "which s to leave t who have J rt ana uears, did you serve?" !', HeaVen bless her!" Thorn f :eeiL la the Royal navy. were joa managed al served who are stiu as gooa did you hoIdT Airiral of the Fleet." "-- 2g --ag- started, er "3 his high ;stool. izi la Admiral ' j and sprang . Hay Denver. C7 card. And here are the cy service. I don't, you un- waut to push ' another man 3 :cdet; but If you should chance i erth open, I should be very - I know the navigation from right up to Montreal a I know the streets nk3 tetter than laued - papers manager glanced over which his visitor had t you take a chair, - iia."on lie, vf" :tJoni But I should be obliged -i drop my title now.! I told you asked me, but I've left ; s ana am plain Mr. Hay sai the mana&er, "are 2eck, i .i ," I;rre Denver who 6 a the North , .('. ; ; . v- j.- commanded pounds!" he cried. If 'Good heavens! American sta- - where did these come from?" "You will not worry any longer, dear," murmured his mother, slipping her arm w you! who got one of our round him. the wmua. off the rocks1 in the But his quick eye had caught'Doc-tchecks. one of the ',; directors voted signature upon - snared The "This Walker!" he cried, flushing.. cannot as salvage. guineas we sta t&em." " idad, Oh, is Clara's doing. T goffer which should not have take this money. It would not be right eald the Admiral nor honorable." . steVnly. :i,tV i13 credlt npon you that "No, boy, I am glad you think so. It Mrm' proved - :iaithat ltbe - Henry were Is something, however,! to havefriend he - -r would arrange one's friend, for a real good yoa at once. As It is, I is. It was he who brought it in, though :Y,... A the directors Clara sent him. .But this other money that they will be proud will be enough to coverj everything, and CU i"E emP1oyment,1 and, I It is all my own.", -s more suitable "Your own? Where did you get lt. you suggest." position 'dad?" a obliged to you, sir." "Tut.tut! See what it Is to have and own, ' is my Parted off with. It man to deal .;rituoa his again, homeward Jour- - city and fairly earned, and that Is enough. his "Dear old dad!" Harold squeezed You you, mother! gnarled hand. "And from my, heart. trouble the have lifted You have saved SHOALS. I feel another man. name, everything. honor, my good EXT day brought my I owe you for more, owe not you can I t a Admiral everything already.", for 5,000 t, cheque So while the autumn sunset shone from Mr. McAdam, window through the broad and In a stamped ruddlly hand hand, these three sat together ul1 to, agreement by which with hearts which were t of made over his the soft thudding West-maco- tt EenElon papers to speak. Suddenly Mrs. and heard.! was the speculative in- tennis balls bounded into view upon the ventor. It was not lawn with brandished racket and short ) until he had elgned skirts breeze. The fluttering in the strained a"i sent it off that sight came their as a relief to the full significance into a three all and burst; 1 done broke upon nerves, fit of they laughter. ':?d everything. hearty "She is playing with her nephew. r or j j ,e to-da- --- y, .e , , i - ! j . . I . j : ; - C-'Y-.;- ."-'? j ! ; j 40-o- dd j . - i x to-nig- ht, j . j to-d- ay . i , ed ; of War, Grant's Con-iei"In one respect Grant," said Colonel McFall ?f St Louis, who served with him before. Vicksburg, "was a source of great worriment to' the commanding officers taking part in his councils of war," quotes an exchange. "This came from his reticence during the councils and his prompt individual action afterward. Grant would sit and listen to all the others had to say, smoking his cigar and, occasionally taking a drink as this hospitable refreshment around. Then, when might t be passedover and every one had the talk was all expressed his opinion as to what should be done, Grant would leave the tent and go to Rawlins, his chief of staff, ind begin issuing orders. No one knew to what decision he had arrived and they would have no idea what the nexgt movement was to be until their orders were received." l Japan is a great country for poor The most expensive form of cremationpeople. only costs seven dollars. i We AVant to Buy. " State, County, City and School District BONDS and WARRANTS. Correspondence MORRIS & WHITEHEAD. solicited. Cooper. Buildinjr, Denver, Colorado. Branch: Chamber of Com. Bldg, Portland, Or Dress like a tramp and your friends will overlook you, but a policeman will look you over. '';- - j If the Baby is Cutting: Teeth. .; Be rare and use that old and well-trie- d remedy, Haft. ViKSXOir's SooTHPta Stwtt for Children Teathlnic "This Is no laughing matter," said the author as the editor handed him back his jokes. T It so Easy to Kemove C!crn with Kin-dercor- ns it that we wonder so many will endure Get Hinder corns and see now nicely lt them. INI An able' seaman can do wonderful thing with a rope that Is If It's properly taut. There Is Pleasure and Profit and no small satisfaction in abating troublesome and i painful ill s by using Parker's Ginger Tonio. British Postal Srstem. Three of a kind would have taken the ark held pairs. The report of the postmaster general during the flood,- for develof the record gives an interesting We have several excellent newspapers for opment of the postal telegraph in Great sale at reasonable prices. Western NewsBritain. When the telegraph lines were paper Union, Denver, Colorado. transferred to the government in 1870 The highwayman ought to be a good boxer, the number of telegrams forwarded ; the for it's give and take with him.. - lt-onl- y ) first year was 9,850,000. Last year the number exceeded 71,500,000. There has also been a remarkable development of 3peed in the transmission of telegrams, BOO words a minute having become posMACHINIST Repairs of MINING, PRINTING I! Machinery, etc. Pipe threading and7 cutting, sible, with the Wheatstone system and IIreight ISth st. elevators. Nock A Garsida, as fixed been 100 words a minute has the standard on the main circuits. The AMERICAN HOUSE report, however, shows a deficit of 153,-91'Denver's Ola tollable Kg? to which must be added 98,888 for AVI Female Trait Pills positively restore all Interest on capital. from whatever cause; price sa. irregularities, OaU 717 st. Address OA VI MEDIO AL, Denver Directory. 1416-1- 7, : 6 Platte P. O. box Denver. 831, CO., Keep Your Weather Eye Open. .Fraud loves a shining mark. Occasionally E. E. BURLING AM E'S Bpurlous imitations spring up of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the great American family remedy for chills and fever, dyspepsia, conAnd Chemical Laboratory. neuralgia, stipation, biliousness, nervousness, rheumatism and kidney disorder. These imitations are usually fiery local bitters, full of JEWELERS AND PHOTOORAPHBRfiL high wines. Look out for the firm signature aend your sweeps and waste containing; gold on the genuine label and vignette of St. and silver for treatment. Prompt returns George and the Dragon. and highest cash price paid for gold and ell er bullion. Address 1736 and 1738 Lawis curious ow a woman who screams at rence Street. Denver. Colorado. It a mouse is not startled by a millinery bill that makes a man tremble. EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW to look nice and clean. We use nothing but pure Kite field In Ojnver. soap and water; gives'a finer finish, more plla better and stays Clean Denver, Sept 10. My journey from ble, holds to shape when we wash them. What the Much BurLonger over the was Chicago, Chicago fellow? Oh t Nol His shirts, cuffs and collars. lington & Quincy railroad, one of the Young Fellows, club together;"wesend us tiOO and pay express best managed systems in the country, worth of both laundry at one time .1,009 miles, and within if ways, charges of I should say, judging by the civility wanted you only Denver prices. Agentslists and the employes, the eqmfort I experienc- charge in all outside towns. Write for 1248-5price Curtis St 0 ed, the excellence of its roadbed, and particulars. Queen City Laundry, ASSAY OFFICE ? : i j -- -- 1 the punctuality of arrival. I actually reached Denver ahead of time. The Burlington route is also the best to St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Kansas .City. It Is said that "brains will tell." Sometimes they will and sometimes they will not. Sometimes the more brains a man has the less he will tell. It doesn't always answer for brains to tell. That Joyf ul Feeling: With the exhilarating sense of renewed health land strength and internal cleanliness the use of Syrup (Of Figrs is unknown to the few who 'have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes some times, offered but never accepted by 'which-follow- J HWW s I the well Informed. THE QOMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT new steel horse whim. Will On their oommon-seiiB-a shift. Is just m safe hoist 25 tons of rock 300 feet each and reliable as an engine It can. be packed anywhere w numu v a JOCK vua clutches to Draak. 90 per cent is will bend wrought iron and steel and850 in use. before breaking. Over some running 6 years without one dollar's expense. We make hone. A hoifiwi at prices, 'AMjw A m f I M XT M Bright's. disease seems to have a preference for great statesmen, and others of the J same kidney. Piso's Cure for Consumption hn.s saved me ljji3H!jlH!!!!?jj-;!SlK;many a doctor's bill. S. F. Wardy, Hopkins Place, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2. 1894. A Pittsburg girl whose lover la a white-washnamed Kelsey, always calls him and on up. Send for an illustrated circular to TH S "Kelsey-mine.- " j Oolo. WHIM CO . . 1222 Curtis 'All Fits stopped t reeby Dr. Kllnes Great FITS Nerve Restorer. NoFitsafter the first day's use. Off. GUM'S Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free to IMPROVED Fit cases, bead to Dr. KUne.931 Arch St., Philtu, Fa There1 wouldn't have been any milk in a cocoanut if some dairyman had had the con" , er struction of it. y "Sanson's SXagio Com Salve." Warranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your irnggiat tor it. Price 15 cents. , Rome,' In the days of her pride and power, 0 had a circus that would accommodate a multitude, if a boy people. With such crawled under the canvas It wasn't noticed. 159,-00- One Pill for a Dose. tnoTement of the bowels each jday is necessary for . Kaaia-Fail. i wnx tne xireise puis supply nsaivu. Jacas to make it regular. They cure Headache,system thm briehten K vea. and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. nor sicken. To con Tin oe you. we Thejr.neither arill Tnni umnAripe fr.a n. ti!1 Kv fn ooia erery- PV. wan, mjo, OSANKO MED. CO.. Phuadelphia. - . . I UtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTtt'l'ttt Hosts of go to "worlc in the wrongpeople way to cure a Oil WKilft the St. Jflcnhs nAXAAAXAAAAAAAA4AAX44XAAX4.4AAAA vhen off. " stiff-enin- lLLi i liliiii i-yi STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. Also CABLED POBMRY, GABDKN AHO BABBIT FBNCK. We manufacture a complete line of Smooth Wire Fencing and guarantee every article to be as If you consider quality we can sare you money. Catalogue free. - De Kaib Fence Co., 121 High Street, I DE KALB, ILL. "Cave SPRiNa, Ga May 21, 1894; a living skeleton. The doctors said ho was dying1 of Marasmus, Indigestion, etc. The various foods I tried seemed to keep him alive, but' did not strengthen or fatten him. At thirteen months old he weighed exactly what he did at birth seven pounds. I began using ScOTTs Emulsion," sometimes putting a few drops in his bottle, then again feeding it with a spoon; then again by the absorption method of rubbing it into his body. iiThe effect was marvelous. Baby began to stouten and fatten; and became a beautiful dimpled boy a wonder to all. Scott's Emulsion supplied the one thing heedful. "Mrs. Kennon WnxiAia." My baby was . BOlffl is especially useful for sickly, delicate children when their other food fails to nourish them. It supplies in a concentrated, easily digestible form, just the nourishment they need to build them up and give them Oil. made palatable and easy to health and strength. It is Cod-livassimilate, combined with the Hypophosphites, both of which are most remarkable nutrients. er Scott Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute & Bowne, New York. AI! Drujrcists. 50c. and 51 |