Show The mousse Burn St Peter ISThe official lit of the missing ard dead furnichi by hospital officers 3 S Pruden probably burned J C Br nnan miin believed to be safe Columbus McMillan probably buried Win CMlopIre probably burned James E Clinch probibly burned Charles K Barber mising Amos C Alley missing Carl Rave heimer sick probable burned Jacob E Egfiler mising Wm Imz misiinir thought to have PJC pro and elopei T Larsen Ross mooing Pat irk B Fahey missing Jim Stoppa musing Marcello Gogn d me Ud probably burned Jo atban P Abraham rescued from thu building but died soon after John K Tboroildton rescued from the building anddied today Henry Dickmore probably 1 prob-ably burned han resided in the hospital nurteen yetrs J hn Dill rescued ant died anon after from exhaustion Junes McKay missing Ephrem D Gordon missing demented i Andrew Allison da mented Lonore hobo man epileptic probably burned Edward Mahoney I probably burned Peter Petarion epileptic epi-leptic missing Dan OBrien missing Patrick Clancy admitted list week probably burned Ualbauen ilohnan missing but probably safe Those I burned were demented and sick patients incapable of msking an effort to save hcmEeTes |