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Show 4 DKSKHKT 0 mrn KVKNINO , i:VS FRIDAY FKimDARY 20 1020 Fashions For Americans ahapa w id Inaiet uyaa ad hats mad Hraw hat mUrtl tf fiowai and fell early la January. Mgardlr af clunata r weather, and a certain percentage of lh faminina public will tweiuhiy buy lima pat U ha b la blla f baailgcar. he America Ik f Rtvoljilen, RICHARD HH (LAlDE guih an Uitaalmanl really t fooltah, indefinitely baiauaa ty lh lima aeaaunabl wealhOf.h.u th. r arrltaa lhaaa woman Iliad el f No. I, Ordr Th Muph maw aag flower and aaakiag aoma-thin- g Ok Eastern 8tr, will ninaia whlih, unlorlunalaiy. I not sDr aaauablrlaa until k children's srijr omr about July, th noon it 1 o'clock in th Nuunie aalvel hala that racily belong lmplla cold west her pul tn tbur appear, a nr. Tha amartcal hat for vary early Th ladle auxiliary in lh O R 1 on made of anma raoaonably will t lh IimImwi 1 daaring aprlng fabric. talval may b light weight lh Nwhau Ihl ventag 4iarded then, if on Is tired of lb rarty I we Th hat atiowa In tho sketch a a a are Mr, Yyeling announce lha mar and eareltrnt modalh for aariy aprlng made at ham cither might rlaa pf hi daughter, Jouk), I John without aaitooa difficulty. Th upparj Hida Harlow, non of Mr. and Mr on a aofily draped crown nnd John II. Jiarlow, Jr. of Bountiful Tha brim haa mad of a heavy corded allk. In caramon? wa prfirtn4 I lh hall any preferred color, and U I Irimmed Mr. and Mr lakh tempi In aintply wuh a cord Iwlelad about tha mak Ihttr horn Harlow will y(rdar. crown and with long laaaa) and Lha I UounllfaL fall oer lh edge of lha brim. Tha lower hat akeithad may b Tomorrow vnlng luan and Mr A narrow wood will anicrialn mad of aaim or taffeta. William W. fabrpJ adgaa lh upal a lhenmbr of lh Halurdar Ntghl ruffle of lh Vadnaaday afternoon on Rouflaejrlub at their homo on anal $ Iral Houih turned brim and a bow of velvet ribluncheon a I her horn bon net al lha bark auppllea th only avanua In honor of Mra John O. MeLtf4t. a a a J'.r of Idaho Kalla who la a gueat at trimming. Mlaa Naomi Hoffman, daughlrr cf Metal or allk tar 1 a millinery lha How home, and Mlaa Lucille Mr. and Mra II. C, Hoffman, haa r material of value Ind charm. It may American 'Beauty Wrhatar. war affectively uaad aa a cenlerpiaca turned from New York, where aha fa uard for elihar brim or rreen d haa bean studying music and dancing bo! h. if really dcaired. 1 smart d inan th luncheon labia and In Kltt waa called hom becauae of lha ner hat recently seen bid crown of deaigna on tha plac card lllneea of her inolhar. who la now Im black Jet and wld upturned brim of II guana fever war laida for a proving. Mlaa Hoffman will laaaa gold and black laea wired In points oontinu her aiudlc In Lo Tha "Pep" club dancing part. I001 ) a to glva an egreptlonally pretty Ihlrh win be glam al lh Angale. Cal. framing la lh far. A good cord a a a clubhouk thl with laaael and IJlerery evening.! Mrc formed th only Rehacl K'. Hpangler haa gone trimming. ' pram te to ha on of lh moat Im-- 1 all email, really floral crowns, Idaho, whar aha will com-cla- l Hm. portent event of lha high arhool ao-fea- flower Klowrr era hat veiled In lull tn ha hats much la h aaaaon. Th club mambera ar plt arrangamanla with lha Ida tured for spring and a usual they are color U much In evidence. lh tommltlaa of for calrbralion atudanta of Iba Waal Thah commute In charge of arrangements! Horn Conaumer' Week, consists of Melvin Krot hi, president of I lh club, EmeraJ Thomaa and Illaln I Mr Thomaa Rsmsg and children, Anna Margaret and Thomaa era a (aria.peotnt home tomorrow from a , , , Mrm Th celebration In honor of Wash-- 1 t Clarkaburg. Want Alrgtms. Ington'a blrthdar which waa to havmoth,r WHAT THE STORW H AFRAID OF. ' bean given tomorrow b th Daugh-- I I ! Mr. and Mra Ro'merrtt-Rchnyl- rr By John Barton. and Mra Philip R Jo, of New York, who have bean vlaltlng with Mra. Hen fCnpy right, 1K6. by Th Associated Newspaper ) nar X. Hmlth al lh Hotel I'lah, have beau- EH. said th HINNY." gon to bant Barbara. California THE N 1 M h.l.. Hh4 rhptr Ml M, ' F Juvenile Apparel nn hy pj Special Reductions Today in The largest store in the city devoted to Childrens Wear 1 rul Sweaters Slightly New Flt ' Soiled Through Shipment Girls Handling Dresses Price Xk hand-painte- - hlgh-achoo- l. - lo Rmg' I a a Mr. and Mra. Hugh D. Malheaon hav la ft for a trip to Maw York and other .aaatern point a a Mr. Joaeph Inroy Hall will enter-- I tain In honor of her little daughter. Catharln Itomona, who will yeara old tomorrow. b aU Order of Moose Plans Election of Officers , ,r Cl, WC use r t bchllling ror .... 1 Only thC young iClCS, rich r Ill nnc rou like tea 6trong in tcs-nnv- or. tannin, buy the common If you want fine tea, without the puckery taste, for Schill ask yuui JJiuvu kind. Flection of official or Halt lake lodge No. Ill, Loyal Order of Mooae, rill b held Thuraday night, March 4. I according to announcement mad laat night following tho regular mealing. I At tha meeting th following reconi-- I mandatlon of tho nominating comwar announced for th alec-I- t mit! torn Llotalor, W. J. Gardner and K. 18. Hlatar; vie dictator, H. P. Ilooen; I prelate, Richard Beynon; treaaurer. A. J. Gammill; trustees. John K. Tobin. I David Hhort, ll. J. Wahlqulnt; auprama I lodge rrprraentative, A. J. Weber. Announcement wtk aim made of lh next frolic of Mooaehaart Legion of th World, No. Ilf, to ba held next gat urdaynlght In, tha local Mooae club-roobeginning at Tilt o'clock. Large delagatlona are acheduled to attend from OgdeA, Park City, Eureka and Tooele. Th Ogden Legionnaires wilt hav and dramatic Ichrfof thf' th burleaqu program and a banquet will part be aerved by tha Women of Woodcraft. Judge Frank B. Hcott will ba toastmaster and the additional entertain-mn- t of th evening will b In th handa of a committee comprising A. J Weber, John F. Tobin and Thomaa W. Pender. The apeakera at th banquet North Mooea Frank will Include Matthewe of Ogden. Joseph Rees and Judges Weber. O.O, Armstrong and John F. Tobin of Salt Lake. . fPl In aviation and paving tha way for Mr. Nelson h hrrn in eorrrponU act It future, will ha formulated at A nh eeteral eaalern aero luta and he The Barton Redtime Stories Pond Just after ha had aald good by a terrible "Theratn the quail. torm coming, and It's roming mighty fast.'" He turned back his shining green head to ft tha little cilrly feather that quirked up over hi tall. Below hi white collar h wor a veal of tha rich red which all rabbits peclnlly admire, and Nibble wa quit awed by hi elegance. Tom along." he called to th other ducks who were paddling about In th ahallow water and feeding among th It time root of tha water llllea. in order for a you put your wing long trtp." And he act the eiempt and by spreading hla own feather laying them very cleverly with hla wld beak. Nibble noticed a lady duck who am re tho same color a hlmaalf. 8h stood on her head with Junt her tnll and her yellow leg showing out of water, until ha wa really afraid When aha did ah was drowning. com up straight again h paddled ashore as fast ss she could. 'The fish now." she told her mate. 'There's not a fln'atirrlng. and that big pickerel I was afraid of ha burled himself in the mud. When the fish know about a storm It's-- high time w were gone." And she began preening her feathers In a great hurry. Are you afraid of a fish?" Nibble wa Surprised. Sometimes." eald she. "If Its big enough to catch us by th leg and We take pull us under the water. turns watching while we hnve our is afraid of heads down. Everythin But I'm much more something. afraid of that big black cloud and the thing that's driving It." And she went back to preening harder than ' ever. You see. Bunny," said her mate, "this Is really no ordinary storm. We aaw It grow.' We were way up north where the wind - good-natur- : . I, goat I feel like the movie. at end But just let my ana the of slow cient enemy, 4ld Soh -- relax, his broad, grin Torhalf fade-awa- y Ill have a comeback window Vvill the rattle that panes and set, coaL And folks shoveling lucky will be tho stocked with folks who are good coal. minute, and whizz! Castle Gate aad Clear Creek Coal give aa evra, la. (eaae heal Chat. I qalrk t warm tk hor, easy t by, depeadable as esergetle la aU ladastrlal all year fael re eeda. Keep well prepared. retag-Cka- t sre filled wltk Ike meslsky yntelai - . rhi , twMBlnd fwel. - fr r- I g'P Sim moists The opening eemlon of the city commission aa a board of estimates and apportionment for the making of the IJJO budget of appropriations was held Thursday afternoon. It became apparent that there will he a general disposition to grant a number of salary schedule Increases. Favorable action. It waa Indicated, will be taken upon proposed blanket Increanes of salary for city patrolmen anj firemen. Inquiry was made by Commissioner T. T. Burton if It would be prosalble tQ reduce Lhe number of men employed In either of these departments Mayor E. A. Bock said that It would not. The board Is beginning Itsdehbera-tlon- s on the theory that the eity tax 8 on th Afraid- - Nibble aat up and wiggled levy this year will be 1 millsover last of mill hla eeuw at the Idea. Arc atorm ctct dollar, an Increase year's rate. Vnlesa departmental reafraid ? quests, however, are reduced materialalnga In tha pines and the Ice cracks ly there exist dinger of even a greater like th shot of a gun. And thl Increase in the tax rate, according to Htorrn woke up. It wasnt very big Mayor Bock. at first, and It cried very softly. Auditor's Requeet Granted. Pretty soon It stood up over the tree The auditor's request for 818.38S, as tope, taller and taller every minute. And then It began to howl. It howled against $14.014. 11 for last year, was also loudly that even tho wolves stop lowed. The increase is charged against new set of books and ped to listen. But we didn't. We the necessity of a the change of came away very quickly, before It other necessary supplies,second books year. A occurringin every could catch us. And we'll keep on the department were few increase going until It stops." What will It do If it catches you? provided for through cutting down of demanded Nibble, opening his eyes the force of one man. no new appointment being made to a vacancy already very wide. "It'll throw snow all over u so existing. d The public library levy of we can't see our way to fly." answered the lady duck. It'll cover up of a mill, required under the law. was all the water with Ice ao we can't fixed, the revenue to result therefrom feed. When It's very had we can't being figured at $61,465. The request even find a hole big enough of the. finance commissioner for $5,760 our feet In. Igh! I hate to fly so was allowed, as was that of the city fast. We ought to have come three treasurer for $21,000. as against 1 da knew what it was the last year. ago. flret day when It snarled at the wind. The commission resumed considerIt wasn't afraid! ation of the budget this afternoon. Afraid?" Nibble eat up and wiggled hla ears .at the idea. "Are storms ever afraid?" Of course." eald she,. though he told you ought to hav known. Is afraid of everything something." Nibble knew this waa true. Here he was afraid of Hlyfoot and SIVfoot waa afraid of Hooter. The ducks were aid cf the storm, and the .a afraid of storm The feature of the regular Klwanis "Afraid of the wind!" finished As long as a club luncheon held yesterday at the Madame Mallard. storm can keep its head nothing can New house' Hotel was the presence of atop it. But it doesnt. Sooner or about 100 boys, ranging In age from later It break Into a rage and begins to thraali around.- - When a storm 2 lo 20 years, who were the special really loses Its temper the next sen- guests of the club', the occasion being sible wind ran smash It Into bits. "Fathers and Sons Day." It never pays to lose your temper. entertainment was. given Something always happens it you do." theImperial Kiwanlans in addresses delivered ' I two of the Juvenile guests, who folNext story: .Several People I,osc bv lowed Mathonlhah Thomas and OsTheir Tcners. car A. Kirkham. Mr. Thomas, who Is prohibition director for Utah, was the Record of Nevada principal Hfceaker, and he urged the parents Jo make companions of their In War Casualties sons sJthat the chummy relationship last after the boys had grown jfquld . In died service men who tt Nevada Mr. Klrkhm, executive secretary of during the war1 numbered 71. accordthe- - Boy -- Scouts of Utah, .spoke for 10 ing To a rtvlres frerm Washington. 4V Three were taken prisoner, and later minutes and gav some personal exand holding the repatriated and 178 were wounded, periences inofwinning He urged that boys. friendship making Nevada's total casualties 250. the fathers learn to win the confidence War department statisltes shojv that thelp sons, and told how it might three Nevada officers and 29 men were of killed In action, one officer and 14 be dope. . Following the. talks by. Mr. Thomas meiL died of wounds, one officer and 17. men died of disease, foiir died of and Mr. Kirkham the two juvenile w ere , introduced and each accident, and two from causes unde- speakers won the hearty applause of the memOf the wounded termined. of the and 62- men wqro slightly bers. In giving hla opinion a son. wounded, four officers and 77 men duties of a father toward son of Edseverely wounded and 31 Jno wound ward H, Kardley, 'annouhced'-htlFITI- -' undetermined by the tention to degr icdto apply for membership In ecord nb acquired sufficient age to qualify. He a!so recited a poem which was woven Of around the companionship of father and Son In the. turmoil of life. J The Kiwanians were delighted with th entertainment provided In the Plumb, Jr., speakinb. of H. Theron son of H. T- - Plumb' of. the Electric company. The General fest youngster'wound up the speech . with a toast.' which he gave while standing on the table. The applause If ou are going to store ot ship your tested foB miaul.- - . A resolution was passed t the goods it Is of the utmost Importance luncheon; for the. selection of a comto- select a company, having the highmittee of three club member to aft est reputatlonfOT7honestv and fair on the reception committee from the various clubs in the city lo a del-- , . . dealing, r egatton of members of the Cleveland chamber of commerce, visiting gait Lake March 3 and 4. Vocal solos were A. Keyser Fireproof fclcen by Mis Lola Leonatd one-thir- w $20.-770.- jmiIesotut" "This sunny weather sure gets my the meeting to ! held At the Commcrrial hre the tlnir ripe for forming club next Thuraday evening at 1 16 organisation. Ker- aviator ho mu U invited to attrnd tha o'clock according to A. Claron Neleon.jin war one of the initiators of the movement meeting. DELTGIOUS creams, chock-fu- H y of ll peanuts Kcdcys Peanut Balls are a delightful food confection . Theyre fresh only Si 24 hours before g sold Regular 60c a pound; special tomorrow . 40c Make a pound or two contribute to the happiness ready ml rvrrywkrrr by parrel post. Walker's Candy Department and Soda Fountain. adult-maturity- -- two-of-fic- r the-Kiwa- Storage Packing Shipping). cational guidance. Ilis.iQkjdILJielp.a . your boy to find hia lifes calling and prepare for it. 1 I s Household Deseret 1 Goods BookCompany 1 - 44 1 - mt H. E. South Temple 6 Main Street s Salt Lake City, Utah 7 S -- . Storage Company 'las Beef See 4 Math ktreet SttT LAKE CITY, ITAH . era 4 w . era rh Aviators to Organize. a Hubj tf all Plane wha Served tn - - men with-th- e - - the the aviation corps, object of perpet uating Inter- - . wsfim i |