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Show NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Daniel fcullivan, your heirs or assi ns You are hereby noticed that I have expended for you in labor and improvements upon the Seneca mining claim the tollowing amount. ioo.si fur the years ins and ltv. This amount has been expended by me in order tu hold said premises under the provisions of Seetion 23x4 Statutes ot the United State, being the amount required to hold the same ftr t e years above mentioned. And within ninety days after this notice by publication, you tail or refuse to pay the above amount togother with the cost of in said claim will beadvertising, your interest come tne property of the subscriber undor said section 2,31.4. JOHN H. DRISCOLL. MARVELOUS MEMORY. Tha Wonderful Gift Possessed by Daniel McCartney. Q seven wit) Jan to remove meir nat 10 a elevator when a lady enters, r when eight will forget to shot a they go in or out, nine will risk their lives to catch s train wheu they cculd just as well wait for tho next 01:0, and the whole ten will growl all their lives at public nuisances Without doing any thing to abate them. down-tow- car-doo- Could Remember Every Thing That Had Passed Before Ills Mind for Forjy Years His Astonishing Mathematical Powers. n JCDUE J0IIN LYNCH. Tli First Popularized Swift Retribution. Man Who When I say Curs I do not mean merely to Daniel McCartney was born in Weststop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 mean a RADICAL CU1U2. moreland County, Fa., September 10, 1817. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. I have made the disease of To Bow th. Service. Which lie Rendered To Jery tiauley, bis heirs or His father, says the Scientific American, was assigns. You are hereby notified that i. Mat. of Irish descent and his mother German. tile Proud Dominion of Virginia Aro Newman, have performed one hundred! 100) dolI first met him in Delaware, O., in 1871. Appreciated by the Present lars worth oi labor for each ot the following min- Notice of his coming and what he would do Generation. ing locations. The Mamie and Nonio, situated and A recorded in Tinue Mining District. Juab County, was given in the papers several days before study. I warrant my remedy to Curs the worst cases. Because others have Utah Territory, to hold the same for the year he arrived. failed is no reason (Va.1 the for not now receiving a cure. Says December correspondent Send 3Lst, lbed, and if you retuse or ending The meeting was in a public hall. The of the Inter Lynchburg at once for a treatise and a Fkek Hotit.b Ocean.fail to contribute your proportion ot said expendWhile chatting with an 1NFA1.UULB of and several and my Remedy. Uive Kxpioss many old antiquarian in his cool profossors itures within ninety days alter the date of the president library this and Post Office. It costa you nothing lor a first publication of this notice your interests in students of tho Ohio Wesleyan University I this casually inquired how trial, and it will cure you. Address said mining locutions will become the property and also a few citizen s were present. Mr. afternoon, town came of the undersigned under the act of Congress O. C. by its pecuaur suggestiv-name.H. C. ROOT, M ,C., 83 Pearl St.. New York Brown, of Carctington, O., stated what of May loth, lb72. Did the original judgo of dreadful he could do, and introduced hitn and con- fame overlive herol Mat Newman. I asked. Dated at Eureka Juab County Utah this nine- ducted the examination. Yes, he did," replied tho old gentleman, teenth day of January A. D. 189 J 25 A 26 Mr. S. Moore, of the First National Bank, with was prepared With calendars and other in thobrightening eyes that revealed delight PUBLIC NOTICE. topic. Judge Lynch might fairly Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an or- documents to test his claims. Other gentlebe called tho founder ot the city, and it der ot the County Court of Juab County, Utah men were also prepared in various ways to makes mo angry to see ali these newspaper Territory, dated December 2S)th, 1838, and alter decide tho truth of Mr. Browns statement. stories, not only locating him in other due notice was given according to law, an r Mr. fifty-fouwas then McCartney years Blates, but condemning his mode of proheld at the County Court llouse in Nephi in said County and territory on Monday the 11th old, medium height, rather heavy set, with cedure as infamous and brutal." A- D de1889 of of the for rather large, day february puipose head; complexion Then you believe in the summary termining the question whether the proposod Ne- pale. Countenance sober, dignified, benevmethod of dealing with sinful men!" phi City shall become incorporated, and that the olent Eyes defccti ve, not being able to see Kr,i result of said election, as shown by the returns fast young lady, not o fast, thereof tiled in the proper office , was as follows: clearly, and not yet entirely blind. OF PURE COS LIVER OIL said the fine old Virginian, binding, 1 will 174. Eor Incorporation, His speech was oeliberat and confident, tell the as I had it from my you story 87. just Against Incorporation, That the inhabitants of said City being of a using but few words. Uis dress was cheap, grandfather, who was proud of his acless number than five thousand, 1 hereby desig- but decont. with that shrewd ferryman Tho audience was requested to ask any quaintance nate said City to be a City of the third class. Milk. wao wiped the crime of for In witness whereof 1 hereunto set my hand and questions choso. As examination the which the State was growing famous, right tbey 80 dligwlaed that ft can be taken, affix the seal of said County Court at my office in went on wo soon found that every thing out. Why, wero notorious for ilfwitd, and aaaimllated by tha most Nephi, Juab County, Utah Territory, this 21at oil atomach, whan tha that has passed before bis mind for forty the love ofVirginians day of February A- D. 1889. J- TV. othei men s horses, and even aenaitlve cannot bo tolerated 1 and by plain the eon Paxiiax, was remembered. I can only refer taught tho traae of years to ot them thf bination tho oil with the bypopbaa acquiring ( Seal ) Clerk of tho County Court of Juab to a few things that occurred in the two Cherokees 122 m29 and Chickasavvs, much to the phite la much more efficacious. County, Utah lerritory, hours of most varied questioning. Ho could disgust and sbamo of tho better class of a flesh producer. EtmirkalJe NOT CE OF FORFEITURE. tell the day of tho week (by having the year Citizens. Persons or gain rapidly while taking It To D, S. Dana, 'his heirs assigns You: are and day of the month) back for forty years, When was this! queried your correhereby notified that 1 have performed your and tell it instantiy. He could tell ; ho dales SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged bj spondent. proportion of the labor required by law to hold of most important events from his boyhood the following named Mining Claim for the Not long before the revolutionary war, Physicians to be the Finest and Best preparation in the world for the relief and cure of year ending December 31st, A. D. lsss, to wit: Could givo the state of tho weather, fore and at that time there were quite a numbei The lludes, The Styx and Pluto, all of noon and afternoon, for forty years with of that splendid race, tho Scouh Irish, setwhich are lode clamis. adjoining and situated CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, tled here. Shrewd and brave, cautious, CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING in the Tintic Mining District, Juab County out mistake. Ho was concordance conof a the yet daring, dashing, but prudent, honost I tab Territory, and ii you fail or refuse to complete DISEASES, EMACIATION, . tribute your portion of the expenditure as re- New Testament and most of the Old and energetic, every man of them proved a COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. quired by sectiouq324, of the Revised Statues reau Frof. (Hebrew Hoyt professor) to The not iu tbe a the said of the United States, jour interest great blessing settlement, and great remedy for Consumption, and few became famous, such a3 General AnMining claims shall become the property of the a large number of passages from the Bmp in Children. Sold ly all Druggists till tho audience was entirely satisundersigned, tures, drew John CalJackson, James K. MM. ANNA MARKS. El My 3 fied that ho anew where every passage houn, Sam Houston, David Polk, Crockett, Robwas. Cl ert Fulton, Patrick THERE HAS BEEN NO VOixv f.ITURE. aud later, Robc, He could tell what ho was doing ever? ert Bonaer, A. T. Bronte, To Mrs Anna Murks and her Assign.. StewartHorace and owned in pftix 0 Theabove claims formerly from hi3 boyhood. President Merrick Greeley. Theso names come most day 3 as via: l'orteiteu, t oitised readily Mr Dana, adi by you S3 o to mind, but there is still another were si Id havinn prepared himself on several dates, The Hade, the St: x and tho Pluto, era generaP asked him wvt fcQ wa3 doing on a certain tion of them, and deeded to the undersigned, about the loth, Arthur including work day, naming the tun,., aovovai CL H lib. The day ot December. him years before. and James G. bhune." W 0 shortly after his purchase at tho said was commenced by he. eclipse, CO 3 And the Lynches? 1 ventured. H and uniat. v completed by him before the lirst ot His 4 into table went inn multiplication up Were from the same stalwart stock and possession ot .;auuarv,i889,iii.dhe continued inaasessmnt 3Q work lions. He could ffve tho cube root cf numc settle and working said claims until his a jn William prince County. Thcro He is a bers up to millions aueost instantiy. Onn were was completed for said year ot 3 09 $ rji four boys in tho family, and one of mining clauns with the Saul of the numbers given was joint owner in said his deep, figures cm, on said work John assessment was a " Anna .Marks; ai.d cloven was quick bright, another S3 figures deep. PS claims was freoiy done and completed belore tue .ow an(i remarkably courageous. m err r1 Ho could raiso any n umber undor luny to on "J work required to be done by law , in ropreseritiii? la ramUing abut the head of tha was done by the sixth power instantly. He could ruis -w Y3 Janies the claim of the said Mrs. Marksattested S po and re- tound a gap In the mount-struc- k her or ou hor behalf and is duly number undor 100 to the sixth power in a'nson eftll any of the water, which, it cordod' ten or fifteen minutes. him, Wei 0 Dondnico Pis tot s capital crossing He was given tho number eighty-nme- , C3 Cj point for traveler11 Eureka, Tintie, Juab County, Utah, j! 2 stake' Eeb. 19th, last). Jcrihwith he drove which is a prime number and more difficult, his proprietory but he raised it in a few minutes (493, 081, with a few logs and a scow, YfKtly after, CTO APPLICATION FOR PATENT. a 290. 001). He could instantly give tho minprimitive ferry. The horse thieves Notice No, lim. rssSU United states Land Office,) utes and seconds of periods of timo from among the first to take advantage of the Salt Lako City, Utah, Feb 20th, 189. 'X fccJ Mosaic creation, and could givo tho feet new convenience, and young Lynch, himsolf the HowAl. Charles that herebv Nottice is given H. M scrupulously honest, was disgusted and huis Wyuo, Millard or inches of several distances. Prof. ard, whose post oltieo address miliated at having to talto them across. At has made application for Perkins (professor of astronomy) asked County, I tab Territory for P13 Lode the Key Stone him a question. McCartney said ho had this timo the country was sparsely settled, a United St tea Patent 9? o District, Detroit in Muling a question, bit hi courts were few and jails far apart. The mining claim, situate such been never -of given 0 N Millard County, Utah Toiritory. would see. YVhat was very remarkable wa. evil continued to increase; finally the ferry nd SM O 1300 linear feetof tho lode. S.i-g 41 and described n ho never asked tho 1. means became to the of favorite o for slate (t H00 met wide. beis Hut So escape professor plat of the oihciaj survey on the and John Lynch, thorn1 the field note3 andwith it was most complicated t magnetic variation at isi again, although P file in tb oiftce, to an end came said to out it w oughly aroused, proposed put Commencing 2 minutes east as follows: In about three minute ho dere discove 43 s N thence it." one was y point and running with a fraction mid the fraction atfk fiA. 40 uiin.E7o0ieet to center of north end What could he do In a few minutes more ho told oft 9 me ot claim thence N hi dog. 20 min W 800 feet eighth line of 1 will tell you what he actually P Well, 600 K figures. 20 feet to snelong 49 S min. deg. to post no I; thence CO 0 43 deg 40 min, A gentleman wrote five or six columns of did. He applied to tho Governor of Virginia post No. 2, thence S N " 4; deer. for a commission to act as a justice of the to post No. 3; thence figures, seven or eight deep, on the blackP. min. itS 43 dess , peace. His reputation for honesty and good ettoVo-- t NolU PaC8 of beginning survey board and read them to him. He could imH 'boiirT'11''08 of claim. Containing an mediately repeat them backward or forjudgment was beyond a doubt, and his comp 01 arefofgo fii Tros hereby applied lor: was mission Ho was asked tho next he and if and (Tk qualified granted. being day ward, No 3U.S M. M.No.2bors O diets The became a use he off first made of he remembered them told still 0 judge. them, S 39 deg. 44 min. E 631 his power was to appoint some special conplabn'iwfr.g of record in the office ot the Ke again without a mistake. in Detro't at district said and a few of of stables tho examination tho close detectives. mining several At engage cord.' sharp Tho nearest known Millard County, Utah questions of another nature wero asked. They at once began work with such success Wlioley.de and Retail He.derB in cations being ..ard 1 imes and Alto-THE AFFLICTED. was that gang after gang captured. dire, t that thi notico bo published in Thk Some of them wore of a nature not needing Did they have no trial?" Ensibx the uew.papbr published nearest tho said any test, for xvc wero perfectly satisfied of Isaac Hardy & Cos Catarrh Yes. They were brought, before Judge mining ciaim, for the periodD- of ten weeks. the accuracy of all his statements. His Webb, Kegistor. t ilkes 0! Howe and he never acted until he was fivo noticed of when were emedy will cure Pains in the Lynch, 22 memory powers F A ai Attis. for applicant. or six years old, and ho could remember a positive of their guilt, aud his knowledge of its, Dizziness and Ringing, Buzz-nd- s men and tho the was ovonts an of from immense number that and Roaring Noises in tiie APPLICATION FOR PATENT. country great early Notice No. 1776. oersted Sore Eyes, Dry 1 lackadvantage to him. evei Feen in Nep age. 'he finest line of Land Office,) Unite Stales If he found them guilty he would, His full power of memory was attained Bronchitis and all Asthma, Ccighs, ing 1889. j Fob. 20th, Utah, Lake Salt City, to the law, require a good bond, Broncjul Diseases, and even pronounced at the age of about sixteen. Ho knew two tom prices. Notice is hereby given that Charles M. Howyno, Millard hundred hymn3 and could sing one hun- which, of course, in those days a thief could consuHplion. If taken in conjunction ard whoe pot oli.ee address is for made has Utah application comand never form tunes. when that Territory He could remember was Counts, dred and fifty get, iSnic Bitters and Englsih Remedy a United State Patent fertile Alto l.odo mining what ho ato at breakfast, dinner and sup- plied with would start them off. well guarded, itwith rims life Geese FEATHER! aal PILLOWS, eib will niove all Coughing in Consumpclaim, situate in Detroit Mining y to some The 772 linthan He for knew more learned constables of jail. will I years. forty and per consisting tih weeks Territory, in two Cujuty, tive pfsons 000 led what the order of march meant, and as ear feet oi the lode, and surface ground nothing by reading, but hearing. His sigh in one week. If the patient ING BEDS. wide being Lot 'o- 40 and described in tho field was sc defective, especially in early life, soon as they found themselves in a thick changelt te down in bed it will accomcannot notes and plat of the official survey on file in this wood a chose stout not could coarse ho a and with 20 that 10 tree, read, except good very degrees office, with magnet c vaiiation at result. and with groat rope whieh they carried created a temporary plish tli minutes east, as luilows: Commencing at the print, and that very We have just received frop Ihe east I1 OU II CARLOADS of Fur TONIC BITTERS should be taken N 4,1 40 the horse thieves discovery and miming Ihence Noith-Eas- t deg. end inin. difficulty. Ho wa3 always poor and liis scaffold, from which will the of Catarrh line; they Remedy; E 4i)3'ect to tho center niture etc. which we are selling at Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. relatives with whom ho lived. quickly dangled. Hanging was the legal mucous irom all thence N 49 deg 20 mm. W 3u0 loot to isisjt No 1; The question has often been raised why a puni liment for horse stealing in those days, removeiall poisonous We will guarthence S 4., deg- 20 aim E H00 tcet to p.ot No. 2; Southern dealers will do well to send their orders to su. blood S 4o ucg. 4u inin. W 772 feet to post No 3; man with such prodigious memory did not bin the promptness and dispatch with which parts ctl the body and cleanse the theu-will antee them Sail Lake wholesale in the circulation; al and darn-g- e from corruption ther.ce N 40 deg g min. W (4)1) leet to po- No 4:1 prosper in some business. freight Doubtless the Judge Lynch meted out justice at their price?, thereby saving tlieiiceN. 41 dej 40 min E 772 loot to p 'ft No. of thi3 was his deficient very door terrorized tho cause of the remove all Gravel liom the Reinsand principle loundaries exterior All receive will orders survey of on goods from Salt Lake. beginning prompt utttntion. placo and symp applied eyesight. Several attempts were made to country, and between those he hung and Kidney: tending to Ulceiation containing an area oi 1 03 acres, hereby M. 2 Disease. him before tho public, but with very those who fled, in two years there was not a toms olprights lor. No confints. trorapo-tN- E ts)43 teet.UsM. SUPT. lhesaiu bring '2ndeg. 4Jmin. No. 2 bear horse thief in Virginia. Also, iy using the three combined will of the littlo success. At ono time, in 1571, ho ap8 removeihe cause and thereby cure Diamining claim being ot record in theoflico , what of in And became tho O., Columbus, in at Detroit Lynch?" district Judge peared Kocordcr of said mining He continued to live near the ferry, betes. iy bathing over the kidneys witli when members cf the Legislature, teachers MiUaid County, Utah. Ihe nearest known round which a large village grew up under the English Remedy it will take out all men were being Hard limes and Key At and professional present. in THU fairectthatthisn.it.ee be published noarest the that meeting he answered questions similar tho name of Lynchs ferry, and not until fever aid inilamation. Ens on the newspaner published of Un woeka. to those above stated, and gave entire satis- long after his death did it become Pleasd write lor circulars, and send said mining claim, lor the teriud D Webb, Register. his life lyneb law was two cent stamp for advice. Directions faction. Lynchburg. Wilms & liowe During r - A .0 Atty's. for applicant Ho retained his memory to the time of his honored and upheld, but since then it has on each )ottle. death. Ho was in possession cf mo3t all altogether lost its original character ami Sold hr Z. C. M. I. Salt Lake City, NeNOTICE OF FORFEITURE. these vast powers for about sixty years. meaning. Now, as I understand it, it is phi Co-o- l, Tii.tio Mining District, Juab ( m Ltah. Dr. MeCunc & Co. Nephi. . about certain merely the infuriated impulse of a rough Satiquin po-oand Bishop lanner, You are When answering questions J. end Leahy Sullivan T)enni To President Merick asked how ho mob, who, without waiting for tho law at Mona Civ one hunthings, I have Sanliquin, Mr.Kirkum, expended that rotified hereby hand to prove innocence or guilt, decide on upon the did it, or if ho had any particular process Mamiictured and put up by I. Hardy dred dollars in labor and improvement certih-catI just know it. The it according to their own inclination, aDd op. or rule. Ho said: Amoricau Star l.ode ns will api ear by ot 149 the theoffico 1WJ in southTemp'e st. S. L. City. Mayi8iy iPod February seme questions, however, take a life perhaps more unblemished than order to hold said answers, to recorder of said district, in of own. not their was all entire showed it that memory, soction A24 claim undor die provisions the old gentleman, No," concluded States, bemg the for they required some reasoning power, Statutes of the Unitedsame the lor year hold the to so in John Lynch did this State a service in was particularly the This amount required question within ninety cndii.g December th, Dda and if ridding it of a lot of miscreants, whom, but Tail or given by Pro. Perkins. dovs inter thi notice by publication you for him, were out of the reach of the law ; considered invention that the been has such of It BOOlfS and SHOES made to orContributo your proportion rotusc to your interest in said of logarithms by Napier stands among the but were bo living no one would be quicker der, as Refairing tieattly the property of the subscriber works of intellectual power in the than he to resect this barbarous mob fashiclaim "aid become 2324 Your proporU.n o. said greatest 32G section Main Nephi on under man of to suddeD a death when name his to monument a bo putting will and and debars, bemg world, expenditure issit.'--ithe ana wu. in,, law, the would eacm acafdollars But McCartney and fame forever. thirtv three and fold close at hand to mete out justioe F 22 Ma 24 not need theso tables. Ho was himself a acd are ishment. Theso deducput of table logarithms. FUbLICAHON. living FOR NOTICE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, A Model TConian Suffragist. No, Sffoli. tions, that cost Napier long and tedious LaiidOfile at bait Lake City Utah,! H. Robinson, who for a long time of figuring, McCartney could solve at H. Mrs. hours 28(1, at Mirer & Cos Drug Store has been connected with tho woman suf- Office tollovvimi- - once without pencil or paper and without hereby piven that the Hawkiifs Block, Main street, Nephi, movement in is mistake. Massachusetts, frage Daniel McCartney was supported for the brought up as a proof that strong minded" last few years of ki3 lifo at the county women are not necessarily neglectful of that their household duties. Her kitchen is said 9th, US . v,j tah.'on T farm, near Muscatine, U., and died in over 1 a littlo to be a model of all that a kitchen should be, place November 15, 1837, aged JohnO reck let. .n il E. i.Ul fortboLo.s aDd to appeal in its arrangements alike to seventy years. the practical ard setbetie eye. It is built of Tli Average American. sheathed bard pine, with rafters overhead. makes the citizen following An observant A big closet at one end holds earthen and M orris, is it for what is which given calculation, Barbering done in First Class stone vessels, and among them staDd two the al- American ton rn'ersono ho desires to protest against subft.m average cf Out every worth which calls she Lares stone and her idols, Style in all its Branches. side of the Penates. On tho walla of lowan.c of such proof,. r who know s ol any the kitchen the the regulations o men, one will take the wrong reason, under tho law and su. Ladies' il of a car door hair dressing a sfecia iy. I fhoiild walk, two w.U stand in the cooking utensils are hung in artistic dethe Interior Department, why nn h iron a will Hair 16, three toothpick bo Shaving sport will no Cutting 25, Shampooing 26cU. seat, is given allowed, be there reach and of within rot the cook. easy signs, A door ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THF the above moi.li.med tune and place and to offer in tbeir mouths in publK four will expectois said to have her servants Shop, vt tide of Main St , Robinson Mrs. ot climant, ssl amine the witnesses st nth vf Peterson it Chappell's. carry an um- so well trained that sbe is seldom called ibiic puces, tiv 2 v evidence in rebuttal of thatsubmitted by claimum rate in p their arm in the upon to visit this quarter of her house, but D tt obb Kepistcr. !y uide SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY. NEPHI. brella boruoi-tK. W.DarhO car. when she docs she ptree.t. six will orusa tlffir legs in 0 Atty. for Claimant. puts it is apple-pi- e ordpr. J. 23, A. 2G Eureka Juab OoLtah PITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, life-lon- g - - 1 11 s elec-wa- well-forme- horse-stealin- AI2 IIYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as - . u Tesia-ment- u Q O o l'. txj n Lj-nc- e h 0 33o CD 8,0 - IS) o1 ri CD 1 30 J stock-dealer- -- a single-hande- S Nephi ; T X - Nocon-Fromr- '0 FURNTUlIli,UPIIOLSTEl!Y,I.T! Baby Cairiages 1 liaii far-awa- .c r slo-.vl- - -t evil-doe- o C. S. TINGEY, opera-house- 2- Pay-son- J. Blackburn. x don. Stket. 0 J. ADAMS & SONS, LUMBER YARD AND ' jOx. 33. O. Minor, sss : il 11 LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. |