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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH PAGE TWO WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS BARKLEY: "Much Ado . . .' Although he had declared it was "much ado about nothing' the Vice- nation wasn't dismissing President Barkley's seeming ro old mance with a pretty widow so lightly. RECEIVING almost as much publicity as the Rita Hayworth they ara thaaa of Aly Khan love story, Barkley's at (EDITOR'S NOTE: When aplnlona r, eipnuei in theaa columns, to Mrs. Carlton S. Hadley, HMUn Nawapaper union's nawa anaijata nHsru; 01 mis n,wiivni. tentions St Louis, was second only to the "5 per center" probe as a topic DEEPFREEZE: of national speculation. Capitol 'Chilled' The "Veep" as Barkley likes to To paraphrase an old tune, it was be called didn't seem too dis tressed by all the furore. He was "January in June" In Washington as the story of the gifts of the smilingly posing with the widow unfolded and home freezer unit for pictures; he had taken her to the sordid "meet the folks" in his home town expanded. Finally, of Paducah, Ky., and he had angles of the "5 per centers" operations reached to the White squired her to some baseball games House. and social affairs. tern eannriT1.:k, WITNESSES before a group WOULD HE and the widow get VffXU of extent results and married? Most folks seemed to probing the "influence" obtainable by the fyspt' in ltfv, think so. And, if that were current "5 per centers" testified that of opinion, it was touched off by the several deep freeze units given "Veep" himself. Newspaper read "Mi.- un;c one ers would remember that, crown away by the manufacturers, one went to Mrs: Harry Truman, wife ing a beauty queen at Culpepper, of the President of the United Virginia, Barkley had declared reStates. Others who apparently that one day he would crown a ceived a similar gift were Chief "queen" of his own. The fact that Justice Vinson of the U.S. supreme later, at Puducah, he referred to court, James K. Vardaman, Ma, his granddaughter as being the Gen. Harry H. Vaughan, Mr. Tru"queen" to whom he referred, few man's military aide. In fact. Genpeople believed him. eral Vaughan got two, so the witIt will be slim pickings for ness said. MacARTHUR: holdup men who go after Frank In connection with that developProblem for Truman B. Tlppins' store in Miami. ment, there was a question which Twice within one month hold. No matter how the Truman ad it seemed should have been anup men came and got a total ministration plays it, Gen. Douglas swered long ago by the man most of $513. Smartened Dp now, MacArthur is a tremendous public concerned. The man was PresiTippins will no longer be a lure relations problem. was: Truman. The question dent for robbers. THE GENERAL has twice deWhy hasn't the President declared clined the invitation to appear bethat White House influence and WELFARE: fore senate committees, the second prestige are not for sale, cannot refusal being in connection with a be wheedled by favorite hangers-on- , NoTheCabinet Status senate was having none of bid to come home and tell a probe and cannot be swayed by anyPresident proposal for group what he thinks about the thing except the .best Interests of creation ofTruman's Chinese situation. The general rea federal department of States? the United the people of status. welfare A cabinet with plied that he thought he could do ANY citizen will staying in Japan. concede that there is no reason to coalition of Republicans and south- better Of course, President Truman think the acceptance of the gifts ern Democrats dealt the project a could order the general home, but pulverizing blow by a vote of 60 mentioned involved any law violaIf he did so, and MacArthur ac Even though ' the company to 32. tion. WITH a constitutional majority cepted the order, both the White which paid the bills for the home freezers is linked with the ubi- in either house able to veto any House and thea state department constant case of such plan, the senate action meant would be in quitous John Maragon and the inand final defeat of the jitters over what the quiry into the activities of "5 per complete prima donna might say in speeches centers" the mere fact of receiv- plan to transform the federal secu handles the which na agency, throughout the country. rity constinot does ing personal gifts If the President chooses not to tion's education, health, and social tute legal offense. the general home, then his order a into functions, security departIn any sense of the word, it critics will have fuel for added seems to be an offense against ment of welfare. This proposal stemmed from the clamor that MacArthur is being propriety. It is further evidence of recommendations of the Hoover isolated and persecuted. a downward trend in political mortwo years commission wheh APPARENTLY, no one seems to spent a not too new in als, development seeking ways and means to make know the procedure in the event these changing times. On the evirefused to come home dence at hand thus far, the deep government more efficient and eco MacArthur if ordered. There seems to be a freeze affair is not important it nomical. OHIO'S Republican Senator Taft, prevalent conviction that Mac- is merely symptomatic. Arthur can stay in Japan forever, denying the Republicans were repudiating Hoover in opposing a if he so chooses. ELECTIONS: There are those who say for the plan they believed ran counter to Toft Is Target the Hoover commission recommengeneral to make that decision would be a typical MacArthur dations, declared: The American Federation of La"I believe very strongly that Mr. gesture and that it would fit in bor, looking to the 1950 congresHoover was misled." superbly with his fine sense of the sional elections, set plans for raisThis led Senator Lucas, Illinois, dramatic. ing a million dollar war chest with which to knock off candidates ob- Democratic floor leader, to state . that he was both "shocked and sur- STALIN: noxious to the organization. THE MILLION DOLLAR figure prised that the good Republican Very "Courteous" was the "minimum" officials said, from Ohio would deal with Mr. The delayed report on how U. S. with a voluntary contribution of Hoover in this manner." Ambassador Alan Kirk made out $2 a head to be asked of the federawith Russia's Joe Stalin in a talk tion's members for work in the 'THOUGHT' LAW: in Moscow held nothing more im1950 campaign. Held too Broad portant than Kirk's report that the It was no secret that Ohio's SenThe fallacy of attempting to deal Soviet ruler was very "courteous ator Taft was the main target of with ideologies through laws has and pleasant." However, anyone AFL efforts, with the second tar- been highlighted by a Maryland who might have expected anything get being Senator Donnell (R., Mo.) circuit judge. The judge, Joseph else was indulging in wishful thinkwho was described by AFL's Wil- Sherbow of Baltimore, ruled that liam Green as "more like Taft the state cannot punish a person ing. SOME EXCITEMENT was stimthan anyone in the senate." for what that person thinks. ulated by Kirk's refusal to comThe per capita contribution, The opinion was given in a case ment immediately upon his interdouble that of the organization for involving a state law against peoview with Stalin. He told reporters 1948 will be split ple who join or work with subverthe elections, following the conference that he'd evenly with the state federations sive organizations. It was the first have something to say later. whose share is to be used in work- courts test of the new law that re The ambassador, a retired ading at the precinct level. quired loyalty oaths by public em AFL's election activity will have ployees and candidates for office. miral and former envoy to Belheld the first meeting with an important bearing on the future "The supreme court," Judge gium, of the Republican party in the na- Sherbow said in his opinion, "has Stalin that any American official tion. For instance, if Taft should made it clear that laws may punish has had in nearly a year. He debe knocked off in his race for re- acts and conduct which clearly, scribed his visit- to Stalin as a "courtesy calL" election to the senate, it would seriously and imminently threaten mean that Dewey would remain as substantive evils. In a top figure in the GOP hierarchy. "They (the laws) may not in On the other hand, if Taft should trude into the realm of ideas, rewin and Dewey were defeated in ligious and political beliefs, and a bid for his third term as New opinions. The law deals with overt York's governor, the party would acts, not thoughts. It may punish be all Taft's. for acting, but not for thinking." The law which Judge Sherbow SYRIA: tossed out did not specifically ban the Communist party. Its preamble New Cabinet said communism Is a dangerous, L blood-lettinworld-widThe fighting, the conspiracy that fits were over. Peace of a sort reigned the definition of subversive activity. in Syria after a lightning like army Anything that aims at the overcoup that overthrew and executed throw of this government by force President Hossni Zayim. The army was deemed subversive. committee which took things into Justice Sherbow said the law was its own hands was replaced by a too general. Declaring it violated new coalition cabinet which was the first, fifth and 14th amend organized by CoL Saml Hennaul ments to the constitution, and who headed the revolution, Maryland's declaration of rights, IT APPEARED that civilian rule he added: Seeking to win a bet of ft, 000 would predominate, inasmuch as by Justice Jackson against $25,000, Don Ilaynes, the new cabinet was composed (In a West Virginia case before the Ashland, Ore., Is te spend a supreme court): mostly of civilians. The new gov"If there is any fixed star in ernment represented three politiyear In this deluxe car. lie our constitutional constellation, it made the bet with rancher D. cal parties and various independM. Mauldin, m neighbor. The ent groups that opposed both Zayim Is that no official, high or petty, will be tip next February, can be shall orthowhat year and the constitutional prescribe regime dox In politics, nationalism, religwhich fell last March. Ilaynes holds a girl's picture be found In the road and she ion or other matters of opinion, The premier is Hashlm El Atas-swas to be given a new ear if head of the national bloc and or fore citizens to confess by word she Identifies herself, or act their faith therein." a former president of Syria. STIFF COLLARS, CUFFS TAKE ALL . . . Deep Freeze Gifts 'Chill' Demcs; Senate Kills Velfare Setup Plan; Taft Is Target of AFL Vote Drive Yours Truly, for More Flexible Shirt Tails ar ui . . . By HO STARCH Slim Pickings warn STARCHED my shirts we said to the wife. don't say it "so accusing- HEY again," "WelL ly," she replied. "I didn't do it. It's the laundry." "But the laundry has been told again and again not to put any starch in 'em," we said. "I'm all in, from repeating the word "No starch' to it," said the FAIR-MINDE- for Year life: e "As-state- d y, a TOO MUCH WHEAT? SAILORS: Problem of Farm Price Support Mounting Pockets, Mac! Th navy has relented at last. Harkenlng to a complaint stemming from 1797, th seagoing branch of Uncle Sam's forces has promised sailors they'll have pockets In their pants but not until June, 1952. But, having waited this long, sailors could wait two mor years. And that wasn't all. Promised, too, was elimination of th front on sailors' trousers, to b replaced with a tipper. It might be an unpleasant task, but an inescapable one th demand for wheat was falling off. That was the conclusion of the National Industrial Conference Board. This organization reported that total domestic consumption for the year beginning July was expected to be lower than at any Urn sine 1941. At the same time', wheat stocks In all storage positions on April 1 were greater than in any other April with the exception of 1942 and 1943. In addition, the 1948-4wheat harvest may be the third largest in history. With the U.S. already holding more than a quarter of last year's wheat crop, farm price support was becoming a major national problem. 9 ,- - wife. ' "What does the laundry say?" "It says 'O. K.! No THE 'STARCH' OUT OF PHILLIPS H. I. PHILLIPS starch.' " "And back it comes starched In technicolor, with the collars on summer shirts as bard as lawn-mowblades, and the cuffs so hard yon have to button them with a chisel and hammer. Why don't we change laundries?" we moaned. "Hah!" snorted the missus. er GRACE NOLL CkOWELL M g Thursday, September 1, 1949 "Change get?" 'em and - what do .you "More starch," wo suggested. "Exactly! The laundries or the laundry workers are in a great national conspiracy in restraint of soft collars and cuffs. They are in a secret society dedicated to the use of starch. Their motto is 'You'll take starch and like itl " We resolved to investigate. We spread our shirts among different laundries. Our routine was the same at each laundry. "Does this laundry do shirts without starching them?" we asked. "Certainly. All you gotta do is specify you don't want no starch, carefree as we opened it. Then we leaped through the second story window. "I know," called the wife, look- ing out "Starch!" "Starch," we admitted, crawling from the shrubbery, cut and bleed- ing. VIDEO AND EDUCATION College courses by television are now being announced. We suppose the grads will win iceboxes instead of diplomas. And get minkskins sheepskins. Instead ot We can see it all now . . . mister." by Howdy Doody. "I so specify. Do you want It in writing?" But a lot of people have felt that "Naw. I'll put a note on it no our educational starch.' Then it goes through and too much as it is. system flickered; comes out with no starch." "I've been putting notes no Personally we feel that edustarch' on my shirts for years," cation hasn't been dramatio we said. enough. A jackpot could have The lanndryman looked surhelped as through ancient his"I can't remember prised. And we are positive that tory. he said. "Are yon sure that," we would have done better they came back starched?" under our professors if they had "Look at my neck. Ton think introduced puppets in the those red circles are from Latin, French and mathematwe demanded. rope?" ics courses. . v The Everlasting Arms me and about me and beneath me, t ROUND Closer than closer I than any breathing, friend. everlasting arms draw near to shield me, ' I jfaj The AW WUUWll LUU IU &CC "Some laundries are careless, you know how it is. With us when a customer says no starch he gets no starch. We got a system." "What is it?" "We have a starch department and a department All the stuff that don't want starch goes to the starch department. Also we got a starch superintendent and a superintendent And on top of that we got starch and classification clerks and inspectors. Here's something else, we don't use much starch anyhow, even if you ask for . LUC VJ U1C CI1U. Earthly arms grow weary in their holding, Earthly arms may fail the weight they bear, But oh, these everlasting arms, enfolding, Have never one brief moment failed me there. starch." I wake each morning in their blessed keeping, I rise to serve, or wait his blessed will. Life passes whether waking, whether sleeping, God's everlasting arms will hold me still. "So these shirts will come back with no starch then?" "You can take my starch beg pardon my word for it." "Positively no starch!" ' "Positively!" The laundry came back in a few days. We felt confident and We just had to get an education, such as it was, by study. We had no outside aerial. But now we are entering an era when ignorance may be easily attributable to the fact that the set was connected up poorly and lacked a "booster." Your education may become a little dependent on fnses and ) ' yon may find that your low scholarship resulted from a small screen. Ira Hirschbaum, former f educa- and now a video official, makes the announcement that Hunter college will make the first tests in video education, with history the first televised subject. Lectures on historic events will with the picture, the cash prize on the commercial. tion The Fiction ON BUSINESS By Richard H. Wilkinson Corner By INEZ GERHARD signed WHEN DOUGtoPRINGLE illustrate stories So the Pringles built a studio for Doug, a rather attractive building business." The Hollands were disappointed at not being able to see the artist at work, but there was nothing: they could do about it They departed shortly after. At dinner time Doug came home. He was in high spirits. S "I've found Just the place I wanted. 'A room right in the heart of Goodwin's business district. Plenty of noise and dust a place where a man can j do a real day's work without being bothered." Aggie smiled fondly. "The Brants are arriving tomor- for Midweek Fiction magazine at that added to the general outlay. a figure that surpassed any amount He moved into it with all his equiphe had earned in the rather uncer- ment and the next week-en- d Agfor Hollywood to make a fuss tain past be felt that he had gie moved in with him. In August the Hollands ar about she was born in Tulsa, Ok-lreached a mile ' rived. The Hollands were bores. stone in his caShe went to high school and Steve Holland belonged to college, one year, in California, 'Minute reer. club. They were he dewhere she lives. She had to go to golf Doug's "Now," Fiction friends of some of the Pringles' New York for Hollywood to disclared to his cover her and take her back for wife, Aggie, friends. bits in Michael Curtis productions. "we can begin to have a few of the HOWEVER, they arrived and things we've been doing without for spied the studio and wanted to look at it Aggie the past seven years." "And the first thing we'll have" smiled wearily. She was getting Aggie told him, "will be a nice used to this sort of thing. She led little camp on Spur Lake where them down to Doug's workshop and row." you can work amid surroundings Mrs. Holland peeked inside. that you love and where, accord"Swell!" said Doug. "Show then "Why, there's no one there!" she the works and tell them I'm away ingly, things will be easier for both exclaimed. of us." on business." Aggie nodded. "Doug's away. On "The camp," he told her gravely, "will come ImmediLAST WEEK'S ately after Mrs. Prlngle has PUZZLE ANSWER wardrobe." her replenished It turned out that Aggie could have her new clothes and they could purchase the camp and net ROSEMARY PETTIT 17. Variety of P;E;EH?ESEH DOWN ACROSS feel too extravagant They went up An article Fuel cabbage She returned to New York to study, to Spur Lake the following week 18. Conclude Strik of virtu went back again, really ready for and talked to a real estate agent. 21. Desert with Pungent films this time. You will see her They had been there many times the (Asia) vegetable in Warners' "The Lady Takes a before. They knew Just what they 22. At home band Cutting Sailor," and later' in wanted for a camp site and where 23. tool Young hog Wavy "Young Man with a Horn," for they wanted it. That afternoon the Confederate 24. Ashes (Her.) which she's just gone west, after a real estate agent made the easiest 10. A weed 25. Gold (Her.) general season in summer stock at Prince- sale he'd transacted in years. 26. Club 11. Award 6. Portico 12. Forebodings 6. Young ton, N. J. 28. Fuel The Pringles sat down and made 14. City 80. Agreed with sheep up a schedule of guests for weekAaawar ta sault Na. 1 7. Region Paul Henreid, seen currently in ends. They wanted to have comanother (Brazil) 15. River 8. Dreamily SI. A burst of 35. Precious Paramount's "Rope of Sand," will pany. This was the first time they stone shouts from (W.Ohio) thoughtful be long remembered for his ap- had lived in a place big enough to IS. City 11. Lever 36. City (Fr.) the crowd pearance as the family counselor hold guests conveniently. They 13. A fragment 32. Liberates 39. Chinese silk (N.Y.) on "The Second Mrs. Burton" Augwere eager to share their posses10. Biblical 15. Crooked S3. Sweet potato 40. Point ust 31. Vitally interested in doing sion. character what he can to further the conquerAnd so two weeks later the first 20. Some ing of polio, Henreid's own experi- guests arrived. Doug and Aggie 21. Bestow Iv I' I' ences when a member of his family slept in the work room and every23..Rail was struck by the disease gav 26. Removed, thing was fine. All hands had a him touching material for his talk. swell time. The guests departed in as bones high enthusiasm. In fact their en27. Employ Joan Crawford's thusiasm apparently bubbled over, 28. .Talk son, Christopher, believes that for in the middle of the following 29. Ahead his mother Is the bravest womweek some friends dropped in who 30. Free from an la the world. So does had "heard so much about the cut uncertainty Joan. During her vacation In had little camp the Pringles S4. Very 5 the wilds she caught six lizards bought." Aggie and Doug asked beautiful 22 for him, pat them In a box and them to stay over night and they 2 young i 2 Vff, I did. brought them heme. man Th summer hadn't progressed 37, Constellation Helen Hayes returns to radio's very far when Doug decided they 38. Lukewarm 22 2222 "Electric Theatre" Oct 9 in "Th work39 City ought to turn the present Barretts of Wlmpole Street"; shop Into another bedroom. (Mass.) 77" 41. A contest i fm (4 meanwhile she and her daughter "I'll build a studio for myself of speed Mary art doing a new play for six down by the lake. It seems there 42 A horn weeks in summer stock; if good are a lot of people who are just J of bees to see our cute little camp. enough they will do it on Broaddying 43. Vehicle memJamie, last Gosh! way. After all, I'm a working with ber of the family to become an man." I 1 1 runner actor, has appeared in "The Corn It's fun having guests, though." 44. Book of Old Is Green" one in a part all writ- Aggie said. Testament ten In Welsh! PUZZLE NO. 14 "Sure," Doug agreed. ROSEMARY PETTIT like any American girl; had no exotic birthplace PRETTY she's just a. 3 y rv SSWQRD n Curtis' W ' Hi ld , . W zl I: IZIIifl Z . m wr I Wr - ! ( ' |