Show HOME GRev JW 0 ill a preach cr or of the Campbelll te denomination occupied the stand for some time and spoke by way tray of exhortation urging the congregation to do all tho good in their power and as little evil as possible 11 ble bie he ire called persecution the christians legacy and urged the great grent reasons which christians have to be assured that god will hear and answer prayers ers erg offered up in firm faith elder eorge A 1 smith followed in ant ane anteole an ecclesiastically historical discourse tracing the course of christianity from the days day of the savior through the various stages of apostasy apo stacy and the efforts made by various persons to reform the church he ile pointed out that they all lacked I 1 the proper authority for the work which they under undertook tool and showed that this was the condition of the world when god revealed the gospel and restored the priesthood through the prophet joseph smith mr sir gill expressed in a few sen sentences tenes ills bis fi elings feelings concerning the ue kind manner in be he had been treated since his arrival jn in this city in may last testified to the good bider order and peace that prevail here and dismissed the meeting 1 1 afternoon pres B young spoke of the introduction of the gospel in this age the revelation of the book of mormon and th the e nature P of its contents ile he treated on the nature and object of the gospel showing that the spirit of the gospel Is the spirit of revelation and power tue tur ctr ica lea iea L there thele was a great rush to get tickets for the matinee on the tiie fourth and many were comp compelled ellea eliea to go away disappointed haying being unable to obtain them every ticket hav hay having havin in been beert sold some time previous to tho 0 opening eli eif of the theatre we heard se eral express a wish thai that ano another ther matinee would be given at an early daythan day das that they might give the juveniles a treat the great crowd of pleased and happy children congregated in the tho theatre was an interesting sight almost as attractive as the pieces performed which gave an abundance of enjoyment to all the conscript is a I 1 pantomime very good for such an occasion i and cinderella Is one of those showy and attractive pieces places that would take for the scenery costumes appointments dancing and tableaus even if the plot and langua language gewere vere yere allbut all ail but barren it was wits very tery well put upon the stage alid and played with good effect the prancing of cin debellas de rellas nairy fairy steeds in the tableau at the close of the second act wasa bl big point with the children and took the house again in the tha evening performance the tho little fairies fairles ales ries acquitted themselves handsomely and the whole piece went off with success the tho bill was repeated to a crowded house at night with the addition of the star spangled banner bannen by mr J D T mcallister sung between the pieces received with im mens mense applause the tho entire audience joining in the chorus at his request tho members odthe of the company tho the auxillia rles ries and attaches of the theatre were invited to a supper by pres R young at his ills residence between the performances and enjoyed his hospitality pita lity the comedy of paul pry on oil eve ning was very vary well placed played though at times there was a slight lack of familiarity with the text 1 1 manifested still the characters were cleverly sustained and everybody laughed at the escapades into which rauls pauls prying propensities brought him at hardys extravagant agana despotism With ertons senility auda clever matchmaking match mah mak making 1111 1 being spoiled and grasps scheming villainy heing being 7 defeated the comedy Is and it ought to tb be bell boik a favorite for it touches lightly and ina lna in a pleasant vein some of the follies which are indigenous to no particular soil soll and which manifest themselves amongst humanity e everywhere ery cry where in its presentation the member of the company fully sustained their character the irish broom maker maxer followed in which mr dunbar as dennis murphy with his roil rori ponderous bog latin when the broom was laid aside and mrs AL G cia cla clawson i w son as his cara posa biddy made lots of funard kept the house shaking with laughter whenever apolant a point camei in ball as song t takes taxes des capitally whether introduced in a character or sung between the pieces TIIE tire EASTERN dispatches as regularly as received cirlo are each afternoon placed dimio bews sews NEWS bulletin boards one gue que on the gate next west wept iq of the NEWS office and one at the salt laue lake house for daffo n of transient persons and all 1 who wish to rend read each ah days latest news be bero ivr tvr lor 0 they sleep 41 t I 1 americas AMERICAN ix bonu fook ahe the e fourth was celebrated at american fork with bc coming becoming spirit holst hoist 11 inythe th e stats stars and ana and stripes and an artillery fatute the proceedings at daybreak the martial band baud under tinder major lee paraded the bt streets plea y in appropriate music about 0 9 am the martial bands from alpine alpino and pleasant gr grovo grove 0 vo aral aril archd vad vid at 10 am the bilI ulli citizens zens assembled 14 u unde n pa ia i a cla cia lla large i aget new bowe bowery howery and the in meeting cetin was waa calie caile called ato to orderly order by marshal A miller after which they llad brayer prayer prayer prater by tho the chaplain IV greenwood in musio by the ballos bands reading tilo the declaration hiob oration by b major mojor james nob Rob robbing blus bius speeches bi bidou atop L E Har harrington ringlon col chipman and otie other r I 1 een Zen gentlemen tiemen and songs by vy I 1 abel abbl A lai lap laycock major reters peters and some others in the ifie afternoon there was a dance for the children in which was taken up by the adults in the e ening and ind blips terminated tile the fourth at american fork sen sell john wood john mcneill arl ail an dp damuel amuel were tile the committee of arrangements and john duncan reporter SUGAR HOUSE WARD WAED we WO have bave received a neatly written account of the celebration of the tile F fourth rth in sugar house IV V ard which we are ho however weier compelled to abbreviate the insua usual i ce montea t ale s of artillery firing which was done b CaptaIn by p tain smokers stokers Sto kers company and raising the tiie nA lenal liag flag at sun itse were duly attended to ana irid tile the band of the regiment serenaded ded DI bishop chop IV V C A smoot alderman A C orator at q r f the day and aud the late bishop EI El dredges A meeting was heidin the forenoon in a 13 M for the occasion loll and an ora tion delivered by AI alderman aiderman lerman Jerman at at noon there was vas a public dinner and ana a meeting makane in the afternoon with exercises in the B bowery nowery tho the proceedings s terminated a danca danco ln the evenin evening j I 1 e POLICE robert bell aad cr were brought before aiderman Alderman clinton on saturday afternoon charged with drunkenness charge sustained ded ged and a fine floe of S 10 and ana sa 5 respectively imposed 11 wo direct attention to the card of mrs curtis and to the list of references following it her models area are a great improvement upon those used by her previous to her going to san ian san francisco and have havo leaped into a popularity that has distanced all competitor oram oral till tai fot for lar tho great anniversary sary sany of our nation was observed veA vet throughout this city with a ha hearty carty enthusiasm peace and good order that that did credit to the peo people pie judging by the quantity of powder blown onn off through the night we should think that the younger portion of the community were anxious to make independence day a little longer than the sun makes it by adding some somme hours from the previous one at early morning of wednesday captain M Crox alls airs brass banakas band was discoursing most excellent ainsle from the top of pres B youngs beehive house captain J Eard lys brass band was occupied in a similar delightful manner on the court hause house and major D B HuntIng huntingdon dons martial band was elevated to the top of tiie the new tabernacle and engaged in the same manner after playing thero there for a v time they descended and traversed part of the city serenading sere several of our prominent citizens cap Crox alls band moved round in pres pros youngs large carriage drawn by greys the carriage being decor the national emblems tho artillery announced the opening of the day at sun sunrise by a federal salute of thirteen thirteen gunst guns at the junction of east ehst and ana sou south houth th temple streets bt 1 at high noon a national salute was fired and aud th three ree reo guns at sundown tile the city fathers took the bands and artillery under thai tham their especial care during a part of the da day the tho display of stars and stripes yva ira yas was very great from pres pros B Yo youngs tIngs residence and liberty pole from the vs office the court house city hall public building stores and many private residences the national banner was flying through the d day ay th the 0 streets were thronged thron ged from an early hour with crowds of citizens holiday making and ana anxiously bent on celebrating the fourth in a spirited and beco becoming ming mInT manner the theatre was a great point of attraction in the afternoon and evening crowds crowd of delighted juveniles and interested ladles attending the matinee and a largo large concourse assembling at tho the evening performance the city authorities ties wisely concluded to close the places owned by them where liquor Is sold gold for the conservation af pf the public peace and good order but some other places where liquor Is dispo disposed seI sen of against the feelings of a large majority of the people and in opposition to municipal authority were weare trept k open very inconsistently with the high moral professions of those who claim to be bel regenerators of our social condition there was avas no a accident throughout the day and no quarreling except one attempt to get up a squabble by a couple of inen men who had indulged in liquor rather freely in one of the places placed alluded to the celebration of the recent fourth in G S L city was in harmony with the uniform good order peace e and regularity which characterize our citizens onan on all ail public occasions tirs yire kire following telegram td prec pres pros young hasteen courteously handed io to us nebraska city july 8 9 captain ricks leaves today to day with two hundred and fifty emigrants cap white tomor to mor row with two hundred and thirty emik emig emigrants bauts nants THOMAS tuomas TAYLOR TAYI tayl OK MAIL MAM servi service cr we are pleased to learn that faust F aust has started on his contract from this city to fellmore with good horses and coaches for the present the mall will be carried semi week ly but dut hohas orders we understand from the department to start st art a dally daily to provo from the of august aud and a trl tri weekly from provo to FIll fullmore more through fa ru stage time this looks like business and will be welcome intelligence on tuo the way from here t ad the old capital from PROU MILLAM MiLLA iod lod e kotc W kle kie leam icam arn aun from fillmore that the citizens place are building a jub gub substantial fort to amford afford protection against sudden gudden inroads of hostile savages the me people of deseret city were expected to have theirs finished by the fourth pound round valley Is also having one erected d and so Is corn creek where san kan asu and his band are aiding the settlers in fook looking ilig 1119 after the marauding ma nia indians crops look well through the tile county ya tin THE COLUMBUS GOLDEN AG AGE vol 1 no 1 a neatly got up spicy eix six column weekly newspaper about the same size as the NEWS and printed at colum Golum columbus columbu bu nebraska territory C C strawn editor and proprietor has reached our desk with please PI me X 11 to which we cheerfully res nes respond pond wishing our temporary co success in every endeavor to promote the public good and aid in dotting the hitherto dreary plains with prosperous settlements like unto columbus latest froni JUAB JUAD through the courtesy of elder K R L campbell campbeli we learn lemn by letter to him flom from El Elder elders derEL derhl 8 that the people of juab co in ln general and of nephi in particular are prospering and on the alert to protect themselves and property against any attack from marauding ma savages A careful distribution of men wareing wa being madeam date of writing 2nd and lust just to watch for some indians supposed to be in the mountains contiguous from certain signs that seemed to indicate their Pe presence sence THE tun RAILROAD says sayd the columbus golden age june 21 lias has completed its grading to a point 8 miles west of ir fort ort out kearney has ha rails ralls laid to miles wt west of omaha Oma hais hals Is in excellent running order orden norderto to colum 0 bus busand and Is laying brackat track at the rate ofa ota of a alfe and a half a day the age cornin commends ends the tbt energy energy of dr T C durant superintendent reed gen Cas caseman ernan elnan and D B Clay CI ayton clayton toni esq who are speeding the great work inee ince jpike the stables of walker bros were discovered to 19 be on bro bra on tuesday evenin evening ad dinst about half past nine and in twenty minutes after were a mass of ruins thera there were five valuable horses and a colt five fiva sets acts of ll 11 harness r liess grain sleigh bells robes and a lot of other kinds ot of prop property eity elty in the tho stables all of which were burned up except one of the horses which was got out and saved J R P walker isar was passing down the street tand and when opposite the dwelling house saw the flames and hurried to the stables to try and save the horses but was too late with the assistance of a large nut nui number riber liber of gersoni per persons soni who collected in a few feir minutes a pump and hose were set to work and buckets of water were rapidly passed along by which means a largo large wood pile of ot some forty cords and a hay bay house close by were saved from being burned tho wood took fire tire several times but it was each time tini speedily drowned out every E very person present seemed willing to lend all the aid in their power to save and preserve the property and prevent the spread of the flames the cause of the fire Is nak nah dowil the loss Is about five thousand dollars mattens some modifications of the law establishing the money order system through post oft offices ices lees have been made which are ar of interest to the public and llave nave been courteously furnished to us according to the system in use up tip to july ad no order order could bo be issued i for less than one dollar nor more than thirty dollars nor could more than three orders of thirty dollars dollar each be issued to one person on the same office and payable to the sime same bame payee in tit one daye day now row an order can be issued for any sum not to exceed fifty dollars but not lnore more than one order exceeding twenty dollars will bo be granted to the same remitter and alid in favor of the same person to whom made payable in one day the fee for orders Is for a ans any ay sum not ilot exceeding twenty dollars ten cents for any sum over over twenty and not dollars cents 1 I every money order issued under this tilis regulation is good for one year from the date of its being granted I 1 we have hava learned that letters for places within tha the united states are often mailed without being stamped or having on them internal revenue stamps such letters are sent to the dead letter office dinst instead ead cad |