Show ml in lehl lehi city may nifty 3 STEPHEN F PIERCE aged 74 years boston papers please copy in Cent centerville Center erville vuie vUle may blay 24 21 FLORA EMZA ELIZA daughter of H C and janette pinder rinder aged 8 years and 9 months 4 d in provo city april 3 of inflammation on the brain ISRAEL HOPE son of alexander P F and elizabeth 31 macdonald acdonald aged 2 years 6 months and 8 days in tills tilis city slay ilay 19 of son ron consumption HARRIET wife ot of john squires aged 40 years and 2 months uil ull mil star please copy in east weber june 1 of scarlet fever a xii tape worm CYNTHIA D daughter of david navid BI and mary E perkins ns agad aged agea 10 years 5 months and 10 days in this city alaya may 29 of inward cancer NICHOLAS SUMMERS aged 59 52 years and cancel 20 days ays lili nill MU star please copy in american fork june 6 0 of scarlet fever SYDNEY TANNER tanser second son of james and ellen D clarke mii mil star stan please copy in this city june 12 JOSEPH SYKES infant son of dr joseph and sarah A Morgan aged ged 2 days in this city june 3 JOSEPH JOHN son of thomas and emily empy Ha hawkes irkes aged 3 years and 2 months mii lii mil ill star please copy I 1 in sugar house ward april 30 HENRY H son of henry H 11 and mary harris aged 2 years and 7 months in this city june 24 JOHN BATES nates aged 78 years from england N sill ili lil star please copy |