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Show v . V J! r V''.'' FToir .' V" ',.' .". . as rt:x lmivi; t w-O- i ' Woman's in brief- imosr itttercstiug;- she is ..blight, principle, aud for Ji is kind kind gracious ... t m The following ex vivacious, versatile ana - nin.taiquswords for all women. A m 1). V. ami M. I). H T'tWcs. heMitles, tract is from IndiUVria Wf-. ... . . t 21 I which' we take great satislaettm wi&r. ,.: araarge; uwuic.- - aiiornnrr American ojnau buiirage Association.; of. the ,$Zjop;X?sand also Council- of.AVciivn, MITLAKI COUNTY lil.ADl. l She " ':' " tiuus of &xWf if irlght "that women lhaye to tqual was born in Newcnstlsr on Tyne Iuiglan! " but; caine to America 'VvitlCher parents', sufirage is above and beyond iill r,becauses, irs old, and settled iiiMass.v and especially where those "b'eca.uses" 'are when four later, oil they moved lo Michigan; Miss supposed to be. involved in the political Shaw entered Alhion College Miehigaii.iu Tights of the sons of. Hatu. It is her right 1872 and in ,1875 entered the theojogical It is her by virtue of her intelligence. of the Boston University from right by virtue of her superior morality and departtiient which she graduated in 1S78. While Jiithc:-- l high standard of purity; a staiulardUiat m a n has li ot" y erreac4krd" no rlwilbe v er rea ch theological "class she sludiedn week. days. and preached on .SuKdaysf 'During her last in. politics ur.til woman votes oy his side. Who is there that date say, that thousands year she was paster of the Methodist of women vho night, after'night keep sleep- Episcopal Church of Hiugham, Mass. pastorate was in liast Dennis on less vigils and with tearful eye watch' and wait for the return of the moral cowards, of Cape Cod,;where she remained seven years. men that are spending 'their nights at the' During this time a Congregational Churclr without a pastor asked her to supply the x gamingtables, are not as fully entitlexl to place until a minister couldl)e obtained for the franchise as their depraved What male is there, that claims even the the position,J)Ut. the congregation were s semblance of mauhood? that would not ac- well pleased with her services that she con-- ' cord equal political rights to her that, with tinned for. six years to preach twice every infinite sweetness and unwearied solicitude, Sunday, in her own Church in the mornbends over the couch of her sick child, aud ing, and in the Congregational" Church' in hour after hour and day after day nurses it the afternoon. During that time she applied to the New back to life and health? The man that says she is not tis much entitled to suffrage England Methodist Episcopal Church for equally with the father that, mayhap, is ordination, but was refused on account of " snoring in bed, or carousing in some gin sex; tluuigh she passed the lx.st examination mill, is a' man only in ht-s physical appear- of any candidate; the case was apj)ealed to the general con fereire in Cincinnati in i8Sp s ance. A man that asserts she is The lady then entitled, is dead to every noble aspiration, to and the refusal confirmed. ' every progressive impulse and brands, him- applied to the Methodist Protestant Church self a. back number that, by mischance, and received ordination on. the 12th of lives in an era that is several thousand years Octobe'r 1880 the first Avoman ordained in in advance of the age to which he naturally that denomination. Eater Miss Shaw became more deeply belongs."' interested in practical reforms, and took to I the, lecture field on reform topics; she has THE COMINO OF MISS ANTHONY. sometimes been reproached for not devoting herself to preaching the Gospel, but her THE ,N ATIftN AL CONFERENCE. answer:. is "that in adovcating the enfranchisement of women, the tern The. visit of Susan B. Anthony to Salt movement and other reforms she isjerance teach Lake. City-- i be an even t of g rea t im ing applied Christianity anl that she has and her exchanged the pulpit where she preached . personally, wijl hail with Tjoy, and certainly twice a week, for the platform where she those who have" never had the pleasure of preaches every day, and often three times hearing her before, will come eagerly to on Sunday." :hsten to her grandly simple eloquence. The other ladies coming are from Colo a Miss Anthony, is a rare personality, dis and Wyoming aud are fine speakers, and ' in and in also voters in their respective States. tinctively original style, charming r her quaker simplicity of dress and de meanor. She has notonlygrown jold gracefullvbut"intHlectually, she shows in EDITORIAL NOTES; every line ot her face and every curve of her straight and slender figure, that attain Sister Zina D. II . General Presiment of wisdom and strength of mind and dent of the Relief Youngand her CounseSociety character which denotes unusual develop lor Sister JaiieS,- Richards, also Sister E. ment of the soul. Miss Anthony's powers S. General President of the Y. L. Taylor of endurance are something wonderful; if . A. went to Logan the 18th, to attend weary she recuperates quickly, and never the Sisters Conferences at that place, the excuses herself from duty. Of her it may Relief and Y. L. M. I: A. and had Society truly be said, "she is one of the most a pleasant time and interesting meetings! hejoic figures in American history." But Miss Anthony will very soon be here Sisters Mary Ann Hyde President now; on the 1 2th of May she is Relief Society, .Sanpete Stake, accompanied expected to arrive,' and we hope the public will turn out by Sister Mary li. Irvine left this City, enmasse, to see and hear-h- er, and those of April 1 7 to attend the Relief. Society Conher party who will make- the trip with her, ference of Emery Stake held at Castle. Dale and who will be expected to take in and also held other meetings at Huntingthe Conference, to be held in this part on ton and Price, The sisters had a city " pleasant t"e 13th and 14th of May.. journey except that the roads were very The Rev. Anna Shaw who will accom rough for a woman so advanced in years as Miss is pany Anthony, a woman of superior Sister Hyde, yet she came back as happy .uiciinmeius ana marked ability .. She is an and buoyant as a young woman. They re- M .. D., as well as a D. D. ,' her history even turned April 23rd : - tXpoxext. . 1 - - . tHbrSnltt I , . -- n . vicc-iTcsiui- . T ' . .. it ,. -- r Lake City, U.uh. n 'r'T'fttii:l ontrcb'py one ycr, Jt.oo; ..one copy' ix months, -' 50 ck. No redaction m.ta t r clubs "City papers dehvg ered by taii; extra for postage, one year, $S lines 0r.n6r.pa.re1l rate s;' Each disspic one time, $2.50; per monthj J3.00. A liberal co it regvlar.advertisers, ; Crwvkr. Fvi'd'-Inszi? FxjvKtM c'ff.ce', k(.i.n.i from Main Street, opposite Z. C. M, .1. lousiness hows 10 a.m. to 5 pim.e.very. day, except Sunday. " .Address aM business communications to PUBLISHER WOMAN'S- EXPONENT, . zJ2&-Advertisin- iqejasn; ' -- - u v Salt v Efilered at the Post .Office T?Zri J Ctitst Laki? City. Uf ah; in Salt Lake City, JJtA matter' vice-Preside- - ' .. MUrfSS' hojiorjlW - . , . - Salt Lakf City. KOUAL SUFFRAGE May i, 1895. Her-seco- IN THE CON STITUTION. nd -- In the Constitutional '.Convention on the morning of April iSth, the section on equal suffrage which had passed its third, reading by a majority vote was brought up for reconsideration; as had been' previously, de cicfed and the debate was Limited to fifteen mlniHesr so that the question was soon disposed of .without much argument on either side. When the vote was taken it stood sixty-ninto thirty-twand the section as originally formulated by the majority committee on Elections and Suffrage goes into the Constitution of the New State giving women equal political privileges with men. On the same day the amendment for woman suffrage passed in the state of New Jersey, so that it really does seem to have been an cause. .... auspicious day Miss Susan. B. Anthony in a letter received since the .news reached .her says, "Hurrah for Utah No. 3, State that establishes a genuine "Republican form of Government." I got the telegram just in time Thursday, evening to "read it at our city P. E. Club .meeting, and there was a big. clapping of hands over it,- then our New Jersey State senate passed the amend- ment bill the same a Item 0011, so we surely may feel that the mornjngilaAviv-streaks"Xiae 4 c. o, . . y 1.1 por-tauc- e, oneJYhjh-those-whokTo- -- victory gained in Utah and it will certainly be an encouragement to all those who are working for the enfranchisement of womankind and the betterment of all mankind. Certainly we as women are as deeply grateful as it is possibie'to express without ostenta tion. .or display, but we appreciate in the highest degree the efforts of the friends of equal suffrage who so nobly stood'by. the cause , when so - severely attacked by the opposition, Some acknowledgement on behalf of the women of this Territory is eminently proper,, and will assuredly be made in good time, for the present, one feels like toeing silently grateful to the 'Giver of all good and hoping, and praying that the women of the new state may be wise, priule'nt.aud cautious in the exercise of their ' political rights. - The newspapers have been usually on our sidet but here and there oppositioii bums out replying to some of these attacks and commenting upon speeches madein the Convention tfie editor of the MILLARD co.rNTV 15LADK has written some 'vigorous articles, to which .the writer's at tention has been drawn, and we thankiiim very much for his able defense of the -- w r: There will be great rejoicing over the o . - -- " . - : - not-thu- for-the- . sky;" ? -- .', -- life-partners- . ra-d- , - M.-'I- - -- - - " . - ! 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