Show AT COT7NT7 INFIRMARY A Day of Enjoyment for the Poor and the Sick Superintendent of the County Infirmary In-firmary Mrs Whlpple was solicitous for the enjoyment of the ninetyfour Inmates of the Institution under her charge Most of them are old some are sick and all arc forlorn but yesterday was made a bright spot in their not very happy lives They were allowed unusual privileges and notwithstanding notwithstand-ing tluit owing to tie prevalence of smallpox In the city those who have on pi evlons Christmas days entertained enter-tained the old people with music and literary exercises were not present the day was made enjoyable In other waY At noon an excellent dinner was served including turkey with oyster dressing cranberry sauce green corn mashed potatoes mince pie fruit and coffee For supper bread and butter tea coffee milk soda water and an assortment menu or fruits composed the Roast Goose at the Pen 0 The convicts in the Slate prison were treated to an excellent Christmas dinner din-ner Roast goose was the staple with apple sauce an assortment of vegetables vege-tables and plenty of plum pudding There were no addresses or musical exorcises visitors i being barred tot fear of smallpox being Introduced among the prisoners S At the County Jail Sheriff liowells was mindful of his guests at the county Jail and varied the bill of fare Roast beef and plum pudding pud-ding In abundance were the chief features fea-tures of tho dinner to which all were admitted but James Lynch and nL King the convicted murderers of God frey Prowse Their dinner was Just as elaborate as that provided for the other prisoners but It was served in their private apartments In deference to the custom of not allowing murderers under un-der sentence of death to mingle with the other Inmates of the Jail |