Show OF BALE of REAL ESTAT notice I 1 hereby diw la pursuance of au order probate court lu and tor the county ot weber ant an t territory ft made aid euterio on the alth dt ot in the mater of the ehude ot jemc de the ad or ol 01 the estate will sell 0 o the highest bidder for chuh at public auction and subject to by baid probate court til the right title ln nd 0 the 1 atnee butchin at the lime ol 01 hi death and all the right title ud interest that the ald detate ha by operation dolliw other vrUe acquired other than or in eld lUon to that ol 01 the aid jamee hutchine Hutch lne at ahe time ol 01 hin death in and lo 10 all certain lot parcel or cl nl lying and belag lo 10 the aid county ot weber territory ol 01 biah and bounded and as lol lowe to wit part of be aielt of the anar 0 two 8 north range two 2 salt lake stale urvey beginning at the north hegt corner 0 eald halt 0 imald quartets 1 betton running beulh alone the west hi e of ald west half of laid quarter to a point 1 fet noich the corner of laid west halt of gald quarter sect lan thence routh 60 dere and SU cabot feet chenco bouth 10 wet feet to the channel of four mile creek thence follow lii up the aid channel of bald creek la courts to point on he eaga line of eld writ halt of nid quarter biclon iclon loo tet north of the corner of eald act halt of gald quarter thence north to the northeast vorner of fleet halt of quarter thence to place of billuni bie luni g acrea more or acm the eala of the p will be male at 12 noon on alie august at public auction al the front nl the county court laoue in the city of ogan county of wibur territory of atah tenne and conditions of belo chih lanful money of the state of america or euch oilier may lo 10 approve by tho probate court of weber county ulah territory ten arr cent of purchase money to be paid to th ad of the detale of wd deceased dece asod on thi day of gale balance OB confirmation of 1 by kaad probate court otherwise ordered by alj probate court dred at u of dated july jons J of the estate of carnei hu chans dere ayed U attorney tor administrator li hlll |