Show arrivals from the plains captain R F Nes lens company of E european ur 0 saints arrived in n this city ty on the instant all well and in good condition the company consisted of 56 wagons and about souls mostly from scandinavia they left florence june 26 and have enjoyed good health generally all the way there were six deaths and three births they lost 24 head of cattle from disease and lameness a small number comparatively as the mortality I 1 t y among cattle on the plains during the latter part of 1 the season has been great much credit ia io due to capt hr for the energy and ability which he has displayed in I 1 i i bringing so large a company of people so com corn fort ably across the plains especially considering the many difficulties to be surmounted in conducting gon ion ducting the immigration of saints from so many different nations speaking different lan ian 1 grages and having different peculiarities and national characteristics capt edward Steven sons company cansis tin ting g of 54 wagons and about souls arrived 1 on the the company were generally in good health and spirits capt stevenson left florence the of june the same da day aay y that capt took his departure and the two companies were not far from each other at any time while crossin crossing the plains there were four deaths viz elizabeth alien allen from Genoa who was sick when she entered tb the e company a child of griffith and mrs hopley y and her AtlOn an on the road two births and one marriage during 0 the trip the they thay y lost thirty head of bf cattle oth otherwise berwise thoy they met with no accidents incidents worthy of note the tiie company was composed principally of people from the states tho thol there were a few from south africa scotland and wales wandle wandie mace T B II 11 stenhouse thomas lyon and john neff came throng through ch with this company |