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Show THE 1 - r - to-mor- ' rBfiw'iTaipibowerof . i?!i Chapel win t time far the 31 I i iiv at tha. A great treat. fflpw Mon inirX7'Fhirte. mum 1a uuus Ills ifArmt!nn that r',Jrh..M vmt to read. ' It Ul ASM f;ir'Apo. ' giiuniJ R!ifn SElill pap 55cif-iias- mm V Self-Rlnd- er Self-BInd- er Self-BInd- er .. - I will Bell a - I.n-- A -q lMf IT sia Men's and Boys' Alpaca and Linen ' dtw lm 1. . r -- - - .Qif- - I n mi-goc- Ward New C0-- , - h i !n & their large and complete stock AJCD J S3W&10WXS3, - t'vSAPSVJ Brsszss. - Their assortment Is the largest tu ana 4 uie muowing: Uten, comprises u No. 1. Mower front cat. . No. 2. Mower front cut. No. 2. Independent ; Reaper 'x feet cot. No. 6. Mower rear cut. 6. Combined with Dropper., ! llililililJli '1 No. s. No. 6, Ccmt-ewith ... No. 7. Mower front cut. Ave No. 8. Independent Keeper lees cut.- r( No. 9. six feet cut. cLs cut While building Extensive Warehoutes, To cut seven feet No. 0. c frjjf sis STOCK of .1 ' - LARUE cat. No. 9. ... eight feet SelfHeader Attachments for Binders. "'4 D. M. Osborms A Co.. 101 and 103 Main Street, Bait Lke City . . r row 4. n. osromiE d. to Invite the attention. ef Fanners of -- ..nried tfcat tne remored to will, ba f: - C aider's. . t; ' CncIaWBbinattheTheatre ! Iii I r tttr j- P-r- f A Us Bay at Amona ue msjphclty of attractions which will draw the citizens it Bait Iake ' City cut from tie hot and dusty thoroughfares on Pioneer 'day, none ' f f ,'- ocers ' more attnotkiiie than- - the j With the exceptioa of a few trlfl. beautiful suburban retreat atC&I iii ueiaiis, tne interior of the ctt'i Fana. Ia addlUon to" the ;. Ward. . h.. ussal attr&cUons, which are ao faml Salnte'.Chapel' la Cniaht. nar to the pabhe, Including the fair aujgioae servJces will be held field, flawing aprfngs. of i crystal m erente: bejlnubs waier, me groTea azm&aaay noweis at baM-passix. President-Joeepthe beautiful the cool and Pi Smith will preach the diMvu,.. placid waters cfecenery. Leaatlful lake, the on vae occasion. the various games, etc., there will ' . - .".lit1 mu . k. i 1U way ox tne buildihir 1 be plenty of music and refreshment, and therfouadaUon ' granite, and is and also the third race of the Bait in style, aft a design Lake Bicycle Club for the gold and by the late Obod Taylor; It has elx- - silver mode's, , besides al ten mile KuwuuvBi ana leer height of bicycle race between Messrs.' Max rrom the ground to the getts and Jennings. The races win wwi esmfiilt of the spire la 7G feet. The begtp about 2 p.ra., and conclude in a - uwuuiiu ior aituatloii,1 ren ample time to allow parties to catch the bathing train, or visit the Thea " U -- cuTe po n for tlie tre eye to ret upon from In the evening. The price cf ad the anpartof ... mission to the grounds has been re ciiy. j The body of the interior fa .in n doced to 25 cents. In selecting your fast, and IS feet 6 Inches hgh to the site for recreation on the 24th. don square, with th ceiling rising till It forget the bright water?, the boats -L reaches the middle, whera It f. i and the bicycler:' f 0 a a i Hf .'-wI- EIQnTElT!TTT?---ra- T Caha BnIImh Ulve the ladles one of those rare treats this week which will no douh be highly appreciated, their large stock or Bilk, tjatme, lsroeades, Moire?, Summer Bilks, Grenadines and everything In this line, will be sold at actual New York cost. d ' r LAOIIS TOD CAR '7." . t Be tuibd with Neat and Dress Shoes and Slippers at Goats-.- - Lace1 Also,: Ladies1 Grass Cloth and Idnto Suits. . 1 S WW V XV r, t .V' ..W iii f f4 H a.S (1,2 - err fiSiv . : - . . 1 WW 4,'. ia!t -. Vtv4. T r- J jfl II . HW. VT .Ik itKl OaillEWiWEICOlY -- U--- . V I, .0..!. .: 1,.. Straw Hate.; vv Men's and Boys' Gaiters, inlies. ' FTi S '(. - '.Irji.r-i.- u.t-r. v.:.-::,.1- -; ; nt - t ; v tRv;:.'irv V A X.nd aniJSlegant Stoclc to Close Out at Cost ' Sk lT l W Wli.Lr OFFER WB ENTIRE BTOCK OF iacnesrrom the flonr. E. It. Snow .wm tr j' t ...... " is thrown Into squares by Zlna D. Young, went to ceiung gmSii SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTICES. .,f.n1 the Davis beams, which are neatrr-lrra1n.i- i l?1!"011,01 waa the interiors of . SCSXrACTORS. uie a tnrea ture elegantly panuelled When a board of eminent Dhvsk in a .. Tucmdavt Lin and Z. C. be dellcate,SQbdued. .vaUr ftnlnr tint a narl M. I. Will closed ens:-'-u.; ians and ; chemists - announced the ADD OF THE ABOVE" ARE .11. seel of their Ik. siocK-iaajn- g. ior i xss, i.Ar . .T . . . tint Afguw discovery that by combining some toSfceUM from the euaaen wnjon nas an; aperoprlate bWdinr .Un VV-rthwell known valuable remedies, the BUPTVBS CCSID wins of the e most wonderful medicine- - was pro- mJkmm, bAimU JU ' ""w iuvw n iuo veiling, j j Vi.w.-.'By wearing "Home's Elastic duced, which would cure, isucha u cut mna or ine DUUdlnff the I Trussra a- a " r. is vIt ilsl'f Y'.t : wide ranze of .uli'l diseases moat all that I a Jm m" aiuer-- iviusic more, juam other remedies could be j imu, ja ms rrear tart I dispensed 'OCIL AND" OTHER HITTERS.; ui wnicn ia a receaa formed! by the Street.. dsAw. many were sceptical: hut proof wiw, of its merits by actual trial has die. Ulterior of the tower, at the onenrmr . AVIUTSR THBESHESS. Miller. We or LEtCi , C1 l die. and the aii'rtoubt. petted rrtjn of Bishop R. j, wnicu is ' an eliDtle arch, nlei v hootri John W. iAwell has alreadv cover era of Uiat great medfcine,lIop uia grauaea in Imitation Of ixttl with regret, eu oruers ior is, or these sienna . . 4 ' r; Mill uf ' '. I Bitters, are honored' and bksed by ; ' Miller, Krtn hep manufactured mil as ... ' Threshers, 1 are 1 also the two nlliara v: marble, or ii i y .i ueneiaotora. we h noted illness bare VV. Co. "These whoee ..".si I. Case the T. Ji by (to),VcvBidled 9.15 the mtfihlnoM nrnve tfiAtnaAlvasi tna gallery. ,tl ' at a.m. to day. supporting VATISXAI. lIAHO SOfleOU fetlj4 I rwanau Is large, occupying the I year to be the Bat Threthera on stand lhe wTMaaaaesaagsssss; j.1. T . a - a .1 Issued bv W. F. Budda. De- Juat '.as peiead was born Bcpbl l$l,in wuu or or wno use 1 orna-ana uu Is imuK wiaia rw, naui, pariies Fune-slfroever best the method pub. ' Pennsylvania tST' These Goods are Choice and. 3Vew and are ofTcrcd at .tnU ji4gt Mill aihSndaome breast-- 1 wlKfa eldedly t.brer Creek Ward House, emrV. ; meres 10 sena, ineir isneu. xjt v. (jaiaer. asentw I " . ' US Li COST simply on account of" overstock, and cuslo-mo-rs ' de&wtf. d MdI t ia m Friends are must not blamo us kwlxcii prices are JBtTCflVrAIBA. ' ' sirJJtrf. IXmV annov4 cnre.aH .1 Ft7I.I.ESS Quickly, Satkl complete hol.tered with deep crimson plush. tnarhetl baclc to old figures after If and1 Bladder ing Kidney, Urinary 1' : Dav Gala and. Grand some tho wechjs past." new Races the floor, of the platform approdiseases. i. uodDa riLU.t A Co. pesver and IUo Grande. TUe and Prizes: with Games, Eight Salt Lake City. f priately carpeted; Resides seats of nDTef mil KIo Grande. Railway Montgolfler Balloons; Camera the usual dozen a'' half style, large for benefit 400 JRIfle the BhOotlns Views; (jjspany announce, . a j! 100 PIECES BLACK GRENADINES AT 121-- 2, chairs occupy the apace. 'The north Gallery; "Aunt Sally Game: &60 15, 20, WIRE 'PuMOgert, mat on ana after " " CLOTH, of end is of L the oc Mount stand for ; pieces Fireworks; : . , arranged 24 ; will leave trains yJi'IJi July th, 25, 40, 50, 60, 75, S1.00-S1.1- 5, y 1 SL40, the organ and, choir, of I l?,uiu.S.ll0?a by same artist! as on- ALL widths, at H. DINWOODBra iii temporary station in this city. cupation by uare. Daneisoclal CL which . Brother H. Wltn.y'is Ing ; full Band.! Adiix.ou, Qsi.of asi.ou. (enter Second South and Fifth West W X.OT OF A I Hie f conductor. mission to S 10 cts cts. and capable for between all grounds, itreeis daily, points Spanish and Beaded Daces, at The chapel Is lighted by twelve I Devil Flab, 10 cts extra. dZt bit sad Pleatantj" Valley, at 7 a.m., AUEKBACH A JBRO, 150 NEW STYLE PARASOLS At Astonishing! mi tor Bingham and Alta branches large windows. The whoi? of the Send te Che Deeeret BTewa Office " Wainscot- the woodwork, including ' ' will at Trains MO a. arrive ' it 'rt"i- I ' Cor Wen auetee, ialt ' dalae aaS jo. . ESSBBB "iOltDIXAItY. lake from Pleasant Valley at ting, which protects the . lower Dart eed all ttertsagee Deed, Klnlng of the walls, is grained In Imitation kleda of Xetal CSiren Away Your choice tivp.ni', from Bingham and Alta X : rich tint. . The ' of of a oak, of any article or more on deep fcincliatC:t p. m. See advt. On account Overstock Wholesale Hit y era can flnft ; . z. C7. sr. i. our loaded priced conntera, seat, which are set off with orna utt at !i Goods with Desirable We have li ml ou p. ' Xew will be given to every cus :!ill ' erons Offer. A well known mental arms at . the endr, are In . many 2 t t 4 of III r.I .TEA In fop tomer pnrcbasing from one mclitolst of .this city handa ui the plain paint for the present but it la Crop the Intention to have them grained some two weeks . now. and dollapa worth and upwards, at some future time, and : the aisle all our etiMoincrs say It Is according to amount, at ;. 1 N i. iks pleased to see your refer V i ' 1 CAMERON'S running to up the center of Ithe hall, Aomethinjr extra. helping the alastnlgbt :. ' Xew York Store W3I. with mi ttlcg. j f :of the Great Western match i covered JEXMXGS, , 4 traV'v. Sup.. '"m . ft r a i' e V m ,"jr: ;.: fcS- - VClH CLJLIVJ. MO VMIJLVAIUJVJU., Aeeiuea me main ooay oi the In- icttrjta.start again.' The machine BBnrs fob Xiee Bee cure Dr. for of ibope would probably help them by Kupture. terlor there Is a vestibule,! 8x7 ft. IDS Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Fine Hand and Machine Sewed titter rebuilding or repairing their J ' ' of BOOTS interior to the the and Deing square go SHOES, j' We 'tell' Will aiditnerj and ethers in other lines .. UUNFORD a. Our entire Btock of Drees Goods this ' aljht also help; when a enrplas tower. .v , aasBsawwwl t( cub li not available.' I dp not There are a number of convent--1 week at bare cost.' and some ececial .1 GG4 BUT GENTS tain my shop, and would rather encea about the building that would lines at great sacrifice. The assortYour Furnishing Goods at Ultima like the present help my DUNFORD'a. too much space to) ; name. ment is every extensive, and cannot Irt&ren to make a fresh start than take here he enumerated. Come and see comare not I . catiiailly contribute te the support jhe surroundings what we are doing. rOB JDEjT. 4 iMga losuranee companies. pleted, such as fencing and other ' ' urn tmmi aawiiMiMMiiBjawijiBULisesaiiss One Priced numiai Farmer's Popular I" Bsi: .: 5 r Tiiamaiuatty has too few Indus u.auu win vuuiiiliue auouial r- uh ti'Mtt their q vn eood, and can The brickwork was done by W. Parlob Matches are now made duetlonsale of his entire summer tuiCad ta have any crushed out.1 so that they have many advantages stock for this month. Tuddenham, the foundation by John over vr I therefore rmpathise with them . . ,; the old brimstone match, and ftfin machine work and material. Worthen, the woodwork by Acting are the only matches used among Go to the Globe Bakery for your comes next? Don't all speak Bishop B. Patrick; the plastering. the Eastern consumers. . They give Confectionery and CAKES, where for use imme they sre to be had pure and wholeby James Coult; the painting, by W. a light and are ready t it face. ; . have the offensome. H. ARKOXiS. . . rf ; not do ...'V'.::'- II and "i CHi:-X--HI . diately, C. s the and ' ' Morris, calcimlcing, by sive smell that the common. match-has- , , f i..f ail R. Simpson; All of the work has and la a very short time we Combined Self-Ba- ke tfii3asiaesj aad Pleaiura. This ; . Reaper ;and Mower, KLEcrniciTT. . well and faithfully done, and may look for a change here been ' for ' ' 3Krn!rjjf we received a visit from S. I! 1 I i' I U J i Ii .J sure core a v EXCtriOity uomomea rrom uui jjrppper ana mower, 1 f. Joa, Esq., of Hartford, Conn., the cons! ruction as a whole has been rheumatism, debility, eye and' ear OCK diseases BBDvOA'K'ON,B all chronic tbo has letters of Introduction from under the direct euperlntendency of and complaints. SPRINGS AND WEBER COAL. Iron Frame Front Cut Mower Mrs. Dr. Burr, Third South, one El Sea i tor Eaton and ether proml- - Brother Patrick from lis beginning, The only reliable market for block of Cllft west a half and ' Mr. to whose untiring exertions its tump, assorted and egg coal. Hcuse. wjtenttmen of that State. , ' on nana, Xjarge Btocic Ism t an attorney by profession, existence is more due than to any always - and full weights guaranteed. Pricea r' If" - low, and special attention given to Moup stiP. JLOsra cct. sen- - body else's, j ' wMely knpwn as conFor of have Ward Saints pipes Is the best tobacco for the the The U decounsel for wants of the public Office, the suit the can be produced in the that price m In the celebrated Malley tribu'ed liberally, toward the ereo Ueeeret .Ban- JtsiocK. Terri tory . Ask your dealer for j now and A. GotriJD, Agent. j they d293 , Old Rip. ;i murder case, In which the tloa of the building, J. not '"V In a house surpassed beauty and Blanche Douglas were have . . . " "; fRCis or cqst. ; ?. I ' aiail- of Utah CUIIJ3EaJ or in laried a 1th by any solidity In produc-coneplxacy Dr. Kine's New Discovery for Straw Caps at p- - Dtjnford's. i ILe death of J ennle Cramer by lar she. Besides the general con Coughs and Colds, Consumption, Belief of Sisters the the tributions, wo, the defrndanta being die Asthma. Bronchitis, etc., is given I OR MBH'S away in trial bottles free of cott to tU'geJ a!ter half an hour's consnl- - Society were at the expensel of the X. "Ok Shoes, Cheap and Good, go to . the afflicted, if you have a severe DUNFOKD'". aSalj the fury. The caecreat upholstery adornment of theI stand.cough, cold, difficulty in breathing, When completed, the entire1 peat sensation throughout the noarseness or any anection or the . rCRSIItBE. structure will cost In the neighbor or lungs by ail means give 101117, being ccnaldeied one of the Two hew car loads aV Barkatt throat wonderful this of hood remedy a trial. As $a,500. Mttstrlcate cn trial for a long .' Bros. f if1 you value your existence you canGronnd was broken for the builds to not afford this let opportunity Mfns' and boys furnishing goods. it. Jones has come to Utah on ing onthe 12th of June, 1830., The pass. We could not afiord, and were: 1 committed appointed and pleasure combined ,and building would not eive mis remedy away. unless we knew it would accomplish Juit his visit will prove agree- - Robert Patrick, W. B. Barton, Thoa. ISMREWABD. what we ciai m for it. Thousands Patties nesdlnz Machinery this season will Cud It to their Intc&st to ex Latimer (deceased), Feramorz Young all diseases of the Sto of cure They cases have already been " hopeless ' f amine this Popular line of Machinery before purchasing etaewheret r ' (deceued), E. R. Snow Smith, mach, Bowels, Blood, Diver, Nerves completely cured by IL There. ia no . as the experience of the past six years baa fully established urruu. Til Water Metin?.The call Thomas W. Jennlnss. M Twks KJiineva anu urm&r medicine in the world that will cure ; 113 w iua inx vmi uiey ere uie will-bcase u for 1600 they paid one half the cases that Dr. King's Mnusa meetlns of the residents Youn g. not cure dIscowt will cure. ttiMry teach" laad," . to b heJd M03T DU01BLE. STflOUGEST BUILT & LISITOQUCIOG 4 or wneiftKOTwmjuBuu. i iiure esala w ut school ' I Know Pursuit of fr The R, edge house square of the an Machines erer offered for sale In this or any other country, i'Ht Iroverbf in another ool imn. pleased to Vud, last evening, .was ree-- hla naornlns we were DSLHANS CIATSK AHO BIUC 1 who puta to by a large number of uie meet Dr. Mattie Pat Hughes, VzS Attention Is especially called to the Greatly Reduced at ... lltOM "THE TIH.M Thursday from wieteJ narlles. AUEUBAUH X ilKO. J. Nicholson returned home on an article Timer. Editor en Seeing b pur in J caHd to the chair, fend U J. the East, where she i has I ' t ta Arnold . i ABVI. KIKOS I. ',' ' ,r your paper last wtekfroniwith N'ier a i pointed eecretarv. The suing a course of studied for the last Parker. the nt Hnme Made Woolen Which rnM" rrored ItwTf last seeaon to be tbe CJlLTT StTC- I impressed and Goods il'iillity pf presenting a petition four years la two of thej leading earnestness with wnlch he appeals Home Made Trunks for sale, whole-tei' ' 1 v ... . is this Tttr, be only Twice Jindtr that can be IlOZiirT&Y IJI to enlighten the. to continue lastitutioal of th4 Country, to you . . or retail, at John C. Cutler's, . . fruity council on thesuljecto medical i vmrk to the burners as a macMr,- that veUl-Cto msu two 17 CC;.j:.i::7jKi:i uie in worlai regaru a aecomBllahed spent .1. OU Constitution isuiiumcs, a. XI O or mbfiiM eil conditions in p.'Tala. The ComMnail enreu i.tUtg a water buddIt for the This . .lady so properly was A which be miraculously BUV cn rtiacnine uu x one ior 1" XiAJUJ, encMsea pear, ana f the i (.habited nation of veaeivei flat A. TIT) ArDur. WU lame- - LftkeCity. hip-Joiand of rheumatism i tea r.ic2 and cue ror Mowing, without Which no Machine ran eyer be a bleach laud ;ta the north of the graduated In 1850, and too a ner nrss ne&iby using Kec Call's Bpavin Cure. uecess at a Ccrr lined Machine. The Iron Frame Mower Is unlTersally CHIflA PATTKIG, irarda lSlh, SQtb. and 21st- -l decree of M.DJ The article to which he alludes by' !. i ' to be the conceded ,. . ao Xavopme Dr. bureaeed Bates, entered.- the thea rMeoualdered ibut It wsiezDlaln. KI FAMOT, a " PbAIN ,Df.' or Hughe, abl ncsa r merits with the real inn ti thf U. lUHWUUllKZ'B. tsr "BOSS." 300 of Them Were Sold Last "f by the chairman that Mayor Univ. rsltv )t ;( Pennsylvania, that I tried it also for seve remedy the in klod of for this Territory, and this year sates Ud r ta exceea ral blemishes on my norees an j Ey the la connection with the leading institution the A 1T17U . are fully ruueateed f.r.d sold ever I cure most thoss Ust cf year. All machines ntermsuter hal, since lha meatlnz Doited SUtrs. There she , purpueu found it the perfect rirst-claLine of Boy's Hats at , as as Machine cen be sold. low at blem -other and for any tried .5 . spavins obtaining ATOM FOB 1'B. called, taken tteps, toward af-- a course of general studies, --oremoves the as it ishes, completely a thorouzb theoretical under tanaumg temporary relief fur the low hi every instance by SO TO DUSiroSaVS ,1 Jf" of Ue branch profession of use f portion of the thirsty section 012 every several ior lis uj-Hats. continuing Nobby For. your " ...... ' T." ....1. the lameness naa suusiaeu. ie city. j A ditch bad nf her choice, a 'id succeeded , in at after success 1 have always nerfect rhn of tt Bachelor a surveyed and decree Under sell to. the continue still Wk was la taining bad with Kendall's Spavin Cure ltd wear at popular prices I AHD of construction between 22m- - Science. me tnme it on rev own cerson. and . AUERBAtU X jutu. At DOYS beet This While In Philadelphia.' Miss Paul the tl - r-- " 3 T: "ir J a with Creek and the "dry bench" very for all the family Bpkndld Machine la again cC'cred toILitV-At- dS3Lf picaand eaon ef While list to vut the tccond tkons her atuaua in experience results as a family liniment. the connection wou'd be in .J.liiinn r I act that It will thresh more grain and do It :t ; t n sltj t several of the cures made with It TUX (ISXAT ;KSOLIIU SEaH' v and water from the cmk tlRiveraity. attended the Nation f. . rower tfca mort Is cone dunVi .Th9 rsLine,. mlracuicu?, Woodbury Is a purely Teetabla dtccctloo, e nhrwd of Elocution, and havAlenalnLt a L- -i J81 Power ever made, and ovo universal si":-a: flowing1 through In a few .i been more satisfactory than moTesall kindaof pain caueea cy un ciave the It ror are with eaie made Aiachines I cure which Orator?, graduated and attained rjy several or innaoiinaiiuui lever natural neat, -teats as well hv annlvlni! t-- v rv r r" 1 dTrea ef BschelW of Oratory. Jtier .f ttmt-rn-t and aivo sore it over tne acecieu TLst&Utaeat care great aalla af . warta on teats of cows. I consider 1 nexseverance and attention to studj LITJCO OF 'iUn:ti..-...l.v-. . TtlE DEGT rails. a . .i UEXnilATi AGXTT TOR . UTAH, IDMTO ' AI) IZCIITA?;-- , it a tura ctws for sore teats or foot-i13AAU 11AKUX, w m AJwa TTbo!eala and EsUH taWr la I exaanaeroos. the Tnvi-nto. Ts in either cows or .sheep. With P""u, It was also and t'roorietor. . & W4 that the present Mayor and truly remaikable. iatlafaction, this remedy has always Co J?"7a Hotel, South Temple Street, Bros, Spring anil Farm T. cannot re- - Utah I ia Instance vacations plea ia zlven every Summer the d&s rait ln5 vity were, as a body, very vlIOLLIfiCGVORTII AfiD TAY?.Ct rrain KKici; wua my irieuu axaei .Oasr.ffTi-v,- -. r.l ar7r.seiln2 SUe eugseuon, to I to known i rnae continue X. find Avcrj k you J. ... Dally Ablutions with Glenn's j. the t that j L-- ic of her. proftssica d.I rracUce Wh Ian, it,. ,.iuf uiscov rranaeat uie the world i,.xr the banish " will tiail Goaf BuiiPiiUB this, .. tiLio, Tason . Xlsyhcr; .liir-Ter.i.," ,. r " cf tbenineteenui oeniury.. aiaUoald have, and It wai with Clair niver, m uie most obstinate eruption and renr ana in- - cry Yours tru!, . . dedcats some ATM n.t.-l- 4 the cuticle wcnderoosiy clear ana fnfa the performed t .1 T jAifra A. CAl.TBEI.L. smooth. Itcb, mil Incurs, la but a nnMl tnn nf tK htXl triple operations, ana was Herkimer. N. Y.. ' . lSlh.lBSI. all ecozbutks ailments promptly or uocian , , attaining a solution of the la theoa by "a jaumber The above letter, v:iii sone pub- - to the pur:ijinft acuon or tula us ia Lrt remedy. H 13 rculla:JT tc: UiheJ list irtci. c. ,: .cr:--the sUnierstxw j, altar crui rcai, our eTwits to in sua c :r r ; ; --r cae of to the 'a Dr. ttx on account ci ualaj the understood ataUa J In the Its beauufyiDK action upon the eom the mcyt T&'nabie matter j ao far m the cor our imtrcssi ana risxion from which It removes 3ountryaodtos.il . . sue lice v makers we now tiS cthra cf ccr tc?. every bbcsiia fcrlclnj frera lz?7"J- it- Vy riucs cr the ticca cr frora ihs ho have tco fiia was ZO cf the sun and wind. 1. Ppolut1 a the letter rubLr "!. I tns ut-i- r iAd&s in 10 repreweai.n wutuouitee fc-- .i A as tor " , i.s . V uae. Tom to the eeasido or to any of our u Dr. l IIK IfUjUiJ OR a EUi LHC3' tv;sLL fplaoa th inMt ,nd oablication. ''.f":"i' t vLt-.'- they wttcrlsj places cannot fcsve a iful , 1 toward the attain v may wlrs tjEv.f.f ilia ic" r.St cf fccttfT. rrctcciive tp i.w. freckles thm this wl tf & desired obiecL The ZrlTTX . ..r- - rredlct for hers others. DJ. raxjsciaiixe; ror. calt: cf the tlia, ra It wiU be f --.trad towere nomlnatswl aj;d sui a c:.:i&:;y .to the benaS;j csrthe meetiET, lax I:pj . The Ctf5 Ei J fphRSuye we bid Ii r -l.: Zt ' --.YTllh . acr frX-- l zxt I. mil cf U: Cuts, tlrJ7. LS. 'viz, tnX 'ere r t .;rrf, 'Ii.'u. r, CU.-- cr Ilaen used in a aici roora ii is s .j- nr: vai.uz:. 1 a f rnon H J. Foulser. "V. II. Tiinr. . 'iT'-Jed llaj.ii, ehLibs..-.3- , CcmJ sad trcTilT eilcJent. W.D.Culmer. X : , Th funeral services J1. a BaeUoS manlfeiUi tifcij cv1 C5iE2l 7 1ts (3 xr-trJ nxt .1j tue cf t 71. i:;t armhution not to let the over the rt :a'ns i rasa!, prepaid, Wi recsJnt cf ? heU at e.tiscliua fi y csi cr I wider constdtraUoa rest n. J. Mackintosh will be 1 1.ftfd-!.rcr timt'i i:x. ?re .1 -?5 w p was solution tkfaoiory w a -z 13 t AIt Wa. - UiLL'3 . v.. n. llAirs 9' irT.1rT- i: ' .t ", 4 ; ,.-'- . m ,, w id m -- Lawns; Percales, Linen Lawns. Grass Summer SiiRs, O-at'ti-D- Jtt rv. A. w - . ? I to-d- av io-ua- world-renown- ed " " - ... , GroskGrafn, Satin Dei LyonsJ ouiui niiuuuinur, IVIoiree, Broderie1 Faconne 3sF"S .rrr ri ilFaconne r Florence: Silks, : Surahs, Satins, Etc., UA . , Sit , , . "ire 111 . a. Sae-'jB- buy-mentedw- ith .. - .... f8n m Js-Jl- s " y, - Ob-ecu- ra; i l . , ' j 20 f ?sN5f--- , -.r f- ' . : , f. - -- of : j r " " . COST!. .OTTTiA-Il-i -- , pro-ptfe- to ; STa " S - f - : i, . : j , Jtil. rMjScSr;i..a:' -- ; . , it SB .see " " B w-- ' w, w 'S. " . - &..BR.O. Mill , - - -- F. AUER"R A.CI-- ii , vL iV' ESTABLISHED - ' -- v - i , . 4 . , H : J V 1 f 1 - -- t ! '. - - l e f F9l iem " m j . I - , 310..- .. e-a- s A .... - ...1. .... - y . -- 1 . asjls nt i - - : k . , '''' . ; Scar . -- Att fs-l- . ss - I b . r - liCO s J-- " ' VOODCUnr CIIILOIIEO'S SUITS. C:: t - , mf ...,1 - tt i SJ'JT - w- ot . ' 4.. s sseja." rrrr - ieaaoi 'BUSTS ..... a - 1 cotis, AIT, .cs 13 'r Cicflow Co, -- 1 f:t ylJ - llti " c-t- lA-nr- 1-- S ll-i- CP tc.3 1 irr t t-l- lri tl . ye i no f - e::cs, 11. -r . to czlcctcd ctcc:: cr - r frct -u- . tr---3- T-r- j; ..d ;,..jl ' -. . r'di, - : h Tny lf .... at r , m. a r ;,-r.'.t- " .iif. . -- : -- - -. -- - ! li - 07 tx at |