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Show Two T$E "AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN, Thursday, November 21, 1957 THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN Published Every Thursday at American Fork, Utah, by theCLPINE PUBUSHING CO. i 'Entered as Second Class Matter, at the Postoffice at ; American Fork, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879. T t Subscription Rata $150 Per Year '" , Let This Be the Last Time Most humiliating experience in the seven years Utah Symphony orchestra has been in American Fork happened Thursday morning when a few of the young people attending the concert created such a disturbance the. maestro had to eliminate part of the final number. While it is true that high school students go out and new ones come in after seven years, correct conduct at such an event should be ingrained in the very culture of the school T1 L 1 1 . 1 1 aL.i J. 1 J J. - iiign svnooi sxuaenis snouicv Know man u is ruae 10 enter a room in the middle of a musical rendition. If you, are late, you remain In the hall until the selection is completed. The loud laughter in the gallery when a brief silence followed crescendo, was annoying to the orchestra and its leader and humiliating to everyone who realized the ignorance the Iaughttr showed. il:,: , . The noise in the gallery became so pronounced before the last number that Mr. Abravanel played only the Finale and W f I I - X X I IS omitted the Scherzo from the Tchaikovsky Symphony .No. 1 As 'is usual in complaints about teen agers, the entire group is blamed for the actions nof the few. And as usual, it was a very small minority which made the disturbance. The big majority of the students were gentlemen and ladies and listened with rapt attention to thcconcert. It is to be hoped that student pressure against the miscreants will be suffic iently severe that such an occasion will never again occur. There is one way in which this type of Incident could be completely wiped out Education in classical , music. There are so many lovely programs on TV and radjo that young people could change their musical likes and dislikes by studied listening. Dial a classical program and listen to it carefully,, only occasionally if it bores you. Gradually you will become aware of the various instruments and their con tribution to the whole effect' Jazz and modern music have a definite place in our lives but so do the classics. Put each in its place.' Sing and dance asmuch as you please to jazz and modern music, but to the classics listen, not only with your ears but "With your heart and soul and you will find a rich reward. " - y' Back-Log From Citizen News Columns ' THIRTY TEARS AGO At a meeting held last Friday night In the Alpine Stake tabernacle tab-ernacle of the district commissioners commis-sioners of the Boy Scouts of America, Clarence A. Qrant was named and appointed the new District Deputy Commissioner in the American Fork District. Word has been received that Clean Up Crip Litter To Reduce Insects Plow under or dean up crop Utter this fall to do away with insects which otherwise would survive the winter, advises Joel C. Barlow, Utah County Agricultural Agri-cultural Agent "Insect control for 1958 al ready has begun on many progressive pro-gressive farms,' reports Dr. O. Knowlton, Extension Ento mologist at Utah State University, Univer-sity, Logan, The USU specialist, says plow ing, spraying and harvesting at the right time to control pests a good precautionary mea sure. He advises farmers to rotate ro-tate crops where possible so that grass crops do not follow grass crops, otherwise, grass pests may remain in the, soil and, more severely attack the second grass, corn or small grain crop. Miss Mada Shelley, who is nil filling a mission for the IDS Church In the Eastern States has been tramferred from West Virginia to the New England States, last reports ,to the ef fect that It is Massachusetts. Mr. and Mil. Blaine Steele spent two days last week in Salt Lake City, viating mends and relatives. " TWENTY TEARS AGO Miss Bonn Ashby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ashby of this city, president of BYU As soclated Women Students, was named Monday as "queen" of the BYU homecoming festivi ties. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Walton, Miss Mlldren Chlpman, Mrs. Laurence Brims and Mrs. War ren Boley motored to Logan Tuesday and saw the school play '.The Dreamer". Miss Mary Walton, took the leading part in the college production. a TEN TZARS AGO' Contribution! of the Geneva Steel company to the peacetime peace-time economy of Utah, includes a payroll of $11,000,000. This In cludes the plant proper, Iron-ton, Iron-ton, Carbon coal lnes, Colum bla Iron mines and Keigley quarry. . Glen Wagstaff and Sterling Burch left Saturday morning for North Cottonwood Canyon and by 11 ajn. were back In American Fork, each with a fine buck, the result of the post season hunt. 1 ! . Kay Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smith, Alpine, has been called to the Northern California mission. Sugar ft Creamer Set $5.98 Royal Color Hyt 16-Pc. Starter Set $19.95 Thermo Outing Kit $12.95 Ceramll Lazy Suun $6.50 Round Chippendale Tray $4.98 Oblong Chippendale Tray $4.98 BUDGET ACCOUNTS . REGULAR CHARGE ACCOUNTS LAY-AWAY ACCOUNTS SHOP AT BARRATT'S FOR CURISTL AS NEEDS , mm JV I " . Lett to right, Bill Nielsen, Roy Slater, Foreman Bert Sullivan, foreground, cable splicers, preparing far expansion of local telephone service. . T the east part of town. The row cables and lines will provide for future growth of the telephone system and also make It possible to provide better grades of service for many customers cus-tomers now on party lines. The work began in August and Is to be completed about the end of the year. The Job will reoirtre 2738 hours of work. A fourZman crew consisting of foreman Bert Sullivan Sul-livan and cable splicers are working on the project. In the past five years, the number of telephones heje has Increased from 1795. to 2428. Telephone System To Be Improved In American Fork A major improvement program pro-gram In the American Fork telephone system Is now under way according to Ralph K. Ryan. Mountain States Telephone Tele-phone manager here. The new project, cdsting about $23,000, consists of placing plac-ing poles and cable throughout With Out Boys Airman Nell Clarence Boswell, 319 Princeton Circle,, Is home on 14 days after completion of basic training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego Calif. While at Ban Diego Nell qualified qual-ified for ' Aviation Preparatory School. UDon the expiration of his leave he will report to Nor man, Oklahoma for rive weeas of Indoctrination in basic aviation, avia-tion, nrtor to attending an ad vance service school of his choice and for which he qualifies. qual-ifies. Upon completion of the Mf rvicm school ha will have the opportunity to serve aboard an Aircraft Carrier or at one of the Navy's air bases to ' further his knowledge and training In the Naval Aviation Field. Lynn F. Culmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glade Culmer, has enlisted in the Navy. He left for San Diego, Calif, Nov. 5, for nine weeks basic training which will be interrupted by a ten- day furlough at Christmas time. Mr. Culmer, who expects to make the Navy a career,, left for San Diego with four boys from Idaho, one from Nevada and two from Utah. Stanley B. Smith Accepted in . Dairy Association Announcement has been received re-ceived that" Stanley Brent Smith, American Fork, has been acecpted as a Junior Member of The Holstein-Frieslan Association Asso-ciation of America, Brattleboro, Vermont. He was eligible to become be-come a Junior member of the organization for having done satisfactory dairy club work with registered Holstelns and was recommended by Charles Warnlck, state director. Receint of a Certiflcat Merit and a Holsteln Junior Membership Pin, entitles Stanley Stan-ley to all of the privileges of the Association; except voting. Over 23,000 young people in the 48 states have participated in the Junior Program of the Holsteln Hol-steln Association since it was founded In 1825. Is not that the truest gratitude grati-tude which strives to widen the horizon of human happiness which has gladdened us? 7-Renry Oodman Potter Health Depts. Sponsor Immunization Clinic The County Health Depart ment and American Fork Health Council are sponsoring an immunization im-munization clinic at the Red Cross Room in. American Fork. The following immunizations will be given: Polio series and boosters. Typhoid, boosters only; DPT series and boosters; DT series and boosters; Small Pox vaccination. This clinic is for babies, pre school children and adults. Residents Res-idents of Lehl and Alpine are Invited to attend. I am more and more' convinc ed that our happiness or un- happiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life, than on the nature of those events themselves. Humboldt AUTUMN IS 1 r What better time than now to start making forward progress toward the goal you want to reach? .Make your first deposit in a bank savings account here next payday and pick up more "yardage" every payday! Tour savings account will be your family's best friend. Start one here, now! Peoples State Bank OF AMERICAN FORK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation All deposits insured to $10,000 , It bites, claws, pulls! This tire is TOPS for TEACWN! 3-T Custom Suburbanite j j ( lllll iillij lit ' , I ' . IB-Hi X. m , SCRAPER )) The finest winter nre ever omit l You get up to 55 more surefooted sure-footed traction. More than 55Q0 biting edges and completely "Tractioniztd" tread wiu thousands of tiny traction teeth and wide, deep-digging; traction cleats claw into inow grab better on, ke! Exclusive triple-tempered 3-T ' Cord body. Our trades are high! Our terms art low! Sues for all corf Including imported models! MORI PIOPII RIDE Off GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KINDI GOLinERClAL TIRE SEQUIOE 1461 North Stare Provo Phone FR3-2283 |