Show THE OP OF LUCE LAST I E ETC TC Yeste yesterday iday at 12 jabon R luce suf suffered feted the penalty of the law for or the minder of samuel bunton at the hour ii aimed a laige number of invited poisons specially notified under ill the I 1 law au wei c admitted to the alio coul t house the wih aviti dows of which opened upon the back bald on oil tit the cene cell of execution in the bard ard attended by Sli shaun clift bui britou tont jani lie unhappy b a appy cili ninal A r ig seated in a chair his big feet boing being 51 mam cled C ills his doin demeanor ell throughout As was ag cool calm calill and collected evincing the utmost steadiness of nerve the lit bt lefty addi addressed essed the poisons lit in cleat unmingled tones but is with lilt some little emotion ile iio warned tho pie piment ent to bewail of en evil it associates as to such lie he laid ills his leafful position tit jn ic lefe terence renco to the clinic of 0 winch which lie ho haa been cell convicted luce said that hib heart was I 1 light in tile alie Il matter latter if not ills his head and lie ho had evidently himself AN dutli lilt the idea fidei so contra contrady iyo to all the evidence lit in the case that lie he acted in self defence ho indulged lit in some ollie scioto icv eio remarks concerning those who to be ills his fi lendi but who lie he said 1 had bet betrayed rayea him alim As it would solve no good pui purpose pose wo we from specifying I 1 the party named by luco luce as lili betrayer and AN whom hom lie he said lie ho desil ed to brand bekolo the having concluded his maiks the cap AN vas as drawn ON over or his big eyes and r five Illus musket ket shots wel e beat d at it 10 a given criven signal the execution eis concealed aloni view being stationed lit in the ba basement gement of the court house wacie they hied talou through h the tho windows thenn alie unfortunate man died N without t sit buggle each cadi of tile alio rive shots having probably entered a vital part the militia company of the city was posted around the jail and court bouso to even an attempt at escape and also to keep oft off the laige crowd whose curiosity to AN atness 1 such a scene led them to the spot the law lany of this teri gitary pi oi ides that a person convicted of insider lit in the firt first dofice m ay iy y have ci t choice of deaths whether by hanging banging L shod ting or bedig be headed As luce at tile the time of son sentence tence declined to make any choice it was incumbent on uio judge to determine the means of execution judge smith sentenced liim film to be shot phot it is to bo be hoped that the fill doom of 0 luce will irive li a benefic beneficial ii affect upon tile the community and that tho the blood thirsty will restrain their aim when passion or still more illy ino motives tives may impel to deeds of vl violence olence and ci caime into t i truly the way ot of tho the sor ia 6 haid |