OCR Text |
Show - 1 J ';y, v.4 ' V ' ' ' .. - Vi- - - v' . . v T v - '.. ' i ''''v";.'-' y.m J . 4 rjy-- : - '.I !' ..I.; '' .I - rUfe?.'. i4 , ;'!-,i'- . - 4 ar ;4-.- i i! V. Of jj CHARGE THE TRREK ' DRED. ' Salt Lako City, Utah. ... . . , . JANUAKY 11. 1878 HONEY OF THE HER. ?,f CUftRRXT Silver vra a lgal . tender in'tlie diji when the Patrinirh of Israel bought a family buriul groom and . weighed" out the shining purchase money to the From the earliest recorded vendor. days to the present, silver has been current money of' the merchant, V and it is only in these latter-day- s of experi-msntth-at its. aidq)tiim as stand snl coin ef the realm lias been questioned. Tor centuries it has held its qjrn with gold, and together, .like metallic Siamese they have traveled down the ages. Sometimes, from local causes or from supposed over production of the one or the other,' they have varied in value as compared rith each other, and in these slight fluctuation!, silver has more often been in the ascendancy than its twin tu-in- ng .. . ...-- . - America has been content to adopt in dress the fashions of Taris, and no great Larm eomes of itj but when we, as this - country in the world. . undertake to follow .the modern and ruinous fashion adopted, by a few of tbs' nations of Europe, and join in the hue and cry against silver as a standard, we adopt a most suicidal policy. With our gold production decreasing and our silver product enlarging, it becomes the imperative duty of Congress to abolish ths restrictions on silver circulation and place it oVsii equality with greenbacks st least. " Remove the pressure of a vicious the legislation, adopt silver dollar of the fathers as a legal- - tender for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt; let Government coin silTer on its own count as fast as the capacity of our mints will admit of, and see how quickly silver will appreciate to a par greatest silver-produci- ; ; ng . - . value with gold. As a matter of principle. United States : sie coming. Father Thrta hanJred thousand Abraham, strong- Visions of a bind flowing with milk and ' honey, with , streams of . ; molten silv. r and groat - abundance of . pickings and . steisUpgs, Musical INrsctor. , ..- 1873 . , . ;i ' '' ',' ' ,, ' ' ..-.- J' - j ..1. i .. ? - .'.!, ' ri ' 1iiV-,,,,-. ?t.. i. J . lHJJ r .S'. . . ,.r - nd VEDX16SDAY, s Crflttt t - y-- j Combination m the World, t - ; y. v V' :,a - ; s eeeAlCD.ee caboline. It I CIII NG ENGLISH jS-B- OPERA : FtXXi CHORUS AXD ORCHESTRA? Tha Musical Department under the sola Hsutst, .f theanddiattaguiabed Musical Director, Maestro John T. Hill, -- - - . ' , i A Wv V' ' - AT -- LAW. ' la Offices ! ri; I .,. . ed TVaw- - Jl-t- . .' .. , i.:. , tV-- nil .V. ' - (, s : t S ' WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL DEALERS . Of i A ' y.. t v- fT a v." r 'A Diy ,i l.1. - Goods, Crocerfes, Miners Supplies ,V- t' V' CARPET8, CLOTHING, HAT8 & GEHT8 FURKISHIKSS, A' Notary J!4f Invite the attention of aarefnl bnycre for tha Retail or Fhmtly Trada to tho i Me KNIGHT, - W. ATTORXET-AT-LA- i ' , . Dentist, Seeond JR. CRAWFORD. the Poatoffice.,:v Try Lloyd', boots. I Senth St., jJS4f jl-- tf . ISiSJ AC ENT8 FRANK FOOTE,' Foiv Strauss Genuine , Blanket Lined Coate, 0 Hunting-- Vests and Overalls. OR IENTAL If. E REAL ESTATE AGENCIES. Riveted - Coats,. 0 f, SI! A:C E N T 8 For Calc. Powder Company Blast- Balt Lake City, threa ABSaYER. Mainof street. Halt Taka Ilnnse. Special attention paid to sample bottles, and sll kinds of bullion. - Samples sent from a dis tance promptly attended to; and rstnrna made on Jl-t- ESES ; u-- ing and 8portlng Powders. Charges reasonable. S?SS! Always to be Found to Their Sstablishment, and S.opect-- ; tolly Solicit an Inspection and Com . Yison of Qualities and Srlcec I All immii lndabtrd to ma will plraae settle accounts wltb Mr. N. Bonkof-akoffice on Main street, nearly opposite the Clift Honse. whom I have' appointed my agent. and who luilds my power of attorney. EMIL BOUKOFSKY. OTICE. following day, SISS! 0 JMf - ISES B Offlca thlM door Dewrei Bank. - . Blasting Powder, Fuse, Fuse MAR YSVILLEMILL8 Lignters, Myers Mining Candles, Etc. California Blankets, Undershirts, Drawers and Flannels. ef -. 8. L. VAN & CO. al FULL LINE A t 0t FULL STOCK A Of Staple and Fancy Good a. Teas, ' Coffees, Sugars, Tobaoeos, 8pices, Sauces, Pickles, Of Blankets, Shawls, Ladies Coats, Flannels, Unsays . Hams, Bacon, Lard, Currants, Reps, Watsrproofs, Furs, Nubias. Knit Goods, Scarfs, MensRaisins, Extracts, Candles, and Canned Goods and Boys Clothing, - of Every Kind. Etc., Etc. . - . - ;, we Make a specialty of family The Finest Clears . ' .t i , " !S. r is vt. s - ' WALKER BROTHERS, k'i . v 4 Office W, J. t - naiaftertijt.-- j JT. , . r . t'r ETC. MKBCHANDlSE. LIQUOKS, GENERAL ' M Inan -- TTORNEYS-ATLA- . s . TT y. 1 Z .. - .i' ; pJ I,. . . ; . l bolldlng. v I y . rrt The. best in tbe dty. J. Joor MAKER. removed to door north of Connon - " - ' and Collodion agents, A WEDNESDA Y EVEN O, Jan . 1C, ; - --- ;l C f over the baaktns honse of T. B. Jones, Main afrset, Salt Lake Citv. - The Bohemian Glrll - m,'ir - - v ' Me- jl-t- - Balfes Masterpiece, V- . T :Jt, St., over Western Mauaxcs 1L TT0KNEY8-AT-LA- - A --3J Mile DlMuraka. Lucia,' has achieved her DiMunka m thle Opera Urns ' lu Europe, having aa triumph many aaao recalls for her wonderful Mad Scene. '''.-V- 'i(. . ' : BENNETT A HARKNE89, TUESDAY EVEN G, JAN. 15., ' ... u .K.S.B. A. U- Di - J ' r. ' No. 81 Mala Street. Belt Lake CUyUUh. Do a Lew Bnatneae. Olre special at- HONDA Y EVES G, JAN. 14., LSSA ' ' :. X Auaar Hagan. , L Oociiir' la Lammermootv .. GILCHRIST A KAIGHN, Vi-olin- . Wfe. TILPORDA HAGAN, A ff11"'-1'8- irr.iiifaiTiT'Vft-,"'-- ftYiiiflrihSn Jl-- tf tention to Land and Mining Matter,. Offlto. V ... auper-vialu- -i- Ocx, V. y Main Union Telegraph Office. ' ..j JONA8SON. WfKrt Bnlhllns. COMPANY ! . 4 rrV is the 133. TTORNEVg R ARB 111' , if;?-- Offlce opporita walk- Orotbets Bank, Salt Lake CUjr. Utah. Cru. ' . JUV ATTORNEY-AT-LA- . - : Offlre - F, Tmroar DI MUR8KA! .. ILMA TT. Salt Lake City. J. S. P.O.Box, . A -- , W. can, X3 by the terms of the contract, be paid in ulrer oar gold coin, but as a matter of policy ws. incline 4 to the belief that it would be better to let well enough Malone pud principri and interest in gold. The payment of "duties on imports in fiU YSWld in the future, as the present, for such interest dues;nud the ' proridli cqualizarfan of the values of gold and silver by- - ise legishttion would soon Have the pleamra to oflbr to their sweep array the weak fancies and spe- ITALY AXD TUK POPE.' ' choice done jugsmeiits based : ujHjn the fleti. selection of Vieior Emanuel, the Ting of Italy, is tons, value f gold1 resulting from our v . ' ' dead, and his demise may, inaugurate a BnsInciM Properly,, ' ' present an vise discrimination. j Always on hand. of administration important, in It washnt a few jeanrsince that ths change its results to the world on account of the silver dollar gruins was at a relation ' Eleznnt RmidcncM, - sustains - to the Romish premium in gold; how long would it be, Church. Italy Wherever the votaries of that Jl-after the nation had1 its heel from the RFTry, and Jodge for yennelvcs. .Fine Collage, lie to are Church found ore (and they neck of faithful agent who has served it well, before' the silver dollar would found in every civilized nation on he Cheap IIohhcs earth)' there will ascend a prayer for the again assume its imperial position of rehabilitation of the Church in the mat ' equality at least, .with gold? .Then, the ter of and temporal power. Despite threats ORIGINAL... flimsy arguments' of the gold brokers ....AND about paying out . debts at 92 cents on and bulls of excommunication, the late , Loin, Etc., seconded by tbe efforts of one of the dollar would disappear, l and credi- King, the greatest of Italian statesman Cohn At prlooN that daf eompatittou tors, i public and private alike,' wonb X j VAULTS ALE ma- ENGLISH and sustained the Cavour, by great readiaccept silver or gold with equal ness We would; like to see the man jority of his intelligent subjects, sue- -' ceeded in wresting from the Pope his among all the howling dervishes of the exclusive gold sect, .who ever hesitated temporal power, to the great scandal of to pay his debte,'; contracted 'before the the clerical supporters of ths Church. V Although . the Pope was - amply sup suspension of sgecie payments, fngreen- -' Wa have also a few pleoaa of plied with palaces and revenue by sc All kinds of backs at 30 per cent discount. 'i. of the he has persisted in eon But, says the objector, Germany is t inuousnation,' Pure Wines and Llquorsy but unavailing protest ngaing flooding the market with her demoneXu xny quantity under five gallons. ho termed the injustice of the what tized silver, and will in the future REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHEAP Ktat?. When Emanuel was stricken a silver on her pmsunce cheapen by few' with what has proved a change ns a seller instead of a bnyer. fatal days since,the slowly-dyin-g illness, Pope, It is estimated' that .Germany Las yet On tho installment plan. one hundred millions of dollars in with a presentiment of coming cotnpli-- i said to the Cardinals attendant atioas, AND ALB WAGNER'S HARGETTS SEER silver coin to dispose of Suppose we What if the Vatican and the Quirina For faniUy nao. ' increase our silver currency four-fol' The vacant should be at once?' wise, hew quickly woukl we absorb the .combrave soldier-Kin- g is dead, and his great paratively trifling sum which she would door.'- - Will their is at deaths ' antagonist tizatiuu in Gcrmauy , ' disgorge. will be more than neutralized by remone- successors maintain existing relations, Loan and negotiate XtSoney tization in the United States. The sil- or will the Church again assume the imof All kinds r V; ver ocean well nigh covering the civil- perial purple of temporal power? Will On Real Estate at lowest rates. ized world may have its ebb and flow, the successor of Emanuel reiterate the HOT & FANCY D R INKS its high and low tides, but its prsvsiling threatening , language of the late King At the bar. level will be but slightly affected by a with regard to Turkey and .England, and throw the weight of Italian influence depression of the- coast here or an island on the side of Russia and Germany, the thrown up there. of Ewope? Time We want a triplo currency, a trinity great peacbreakers will determine. The European heavens in unity made- - up of gold, silver and ten cents per g!an or fifty are dark with threatening clouds, and IT ENGLISH ALE cent, per quart. greenbacks. .The Litter, ' redeemable in the otorm of continental war may at any Searching of Records PARLOR SALOON AND LIQUOR STORE, coin and interchangeable at the option moment over of the sweep ' ' 99 Kimball Block, Z of the holder with United States bonds civilized world. P. JMm MABOETTS, Proprietor. Made a specialty. at low interest, would be mainly used in V v business transactions, . and' would 'be IIuxbtst, . the new : King of Italy,' in Office, 2d floor Wasatch Building. f worth, their face In coin (as our interest-bearin- g lus'flrat proclamation says that he "will notes or bonds commnnd a pre- prove to the Italian people that institu' .v Vi,.mium,) in any of tho money markets in tions do not die. Lot ns strengthen the WholMale and Refill Dealers la Utah and California the world. concord which has always been the salHAILEY, late chief clerk In Surveyor . x Generali, offices of Montana and Utah, us' such' t vation of Italy." The unification of 'Will Congress . glvo and United States of the public land Straits, for eight ream.- - Surveyor enxTcncy Sr1 will 4hezSacld!ne' politi- Italy with' a rcsponaiklti 'Ministry is cians continue to make a foot-ba- ll of largely due to tho labors and influence CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR NOTAVegeRblefl, RY PUBI.IO AND REAL ESTATE kick it from pil-- of such men as Garibaldi and Mozzini. this vital-' question and BKOKER-LAND AGENT fif- ; .Butter, AND ATTORNEY. lar to post os their partisan instincts The latter being . dead, yet ; speaketh. Attends promptly to lea and Home, They created institutions, not dynasties. may dictate? - stead filings and intaeral applications, no! So loyg as crowned heads recognize these V .v v pares maps, tracing, and deeds of all hind "j ' t 1 pays taxes, aearchea titles, makes collect Iona, : S and Tan Treasury statement for the institutions, as King Humbert appears contest, land eases, rente houses and lands, loans madeand negotiated, answers all letters month of December shows the bonded to do, the dynasty is secure. The King concerning land matters, when ataaap Is or. Poultry, ;! dosed. V:'" debt of the nation increased- by' $4,- -' may die: liberal ideas are immortal. Office-M- ain - ' street, first door South U S. General With Groceries, and Church State was the united, Italy Land Office, (np states). Salt Lake city, Utah. army debt has 3pu,000 but and contemptible; divorced from the .Church, f 4,560,000; the legal-tendFlour, T Oar .Frleafls ' and Ctonml Pakli, fractional note debt tins decreased about she is a power in the world. Let .Utah . Wo wiah to coll yonr attention to ths ; , , ?l,3M,137.. Gf the coin on hand nearly profit by her example. fact that we are sailing all of Mg rholcs and , $4, 000,4)00 is silver. The coin bahmee, ' Xo.CS First South Bt, - . Balt Lake City. Warranted Pan articles of Whiskies, Brandies, Bev. J. C. Eccleston of Trinnity P.O.Box, JlO-t- f last. after dedneting all "coin oTutions, is Church, Dr. rJJ .;.'V, Gins, Roms, Cordials. California and Imported New York,- has firmally declined Wlneo of tho finest breads, pot up expressly about - 79,500RK);. Urn - reduction in the episcopate of Wtat Virgiuiar v v ' for family use, at ths- lowest possible figure. ' Host for, the rauuth id 1,390,-03- 1; H,U1 Penally The exliibiUonof the National Poultry Call at tbs "Oeetdental and ear Dot. of . frarihmal currency, $278,912. Association opened at Chicago yesterday. At $1.50 to $2.00 per day in the city is Ued Goods and bs conTlnced. sample tho Tslley Hourn, reaptctfnlly soliciting cus-o- u YifiwEjff3if,enwcney' diiflugthe N. A steam tug , left the river Thornes on having to depend on our Jobbing from new, and. a continuance ef favors trade w can sell cheeper than ths the 9th for Ferrul, Spain, to bring altogether, Rionth was about three millionn of from old acquaintances, I am truly yours, otvlisk to London tfj f:" Joux PBoBumost, Proprietor, n cheapest, quality considered b k 'bonds, issued previous to . fi . . A TTOBNEYi AT. LAW. Oflte over Comtek k Go'S hank. Salt Lake City, O have probVerdi's Grand Opera, across the '1 vision of ably T & O V A S O XL 23 ! these knights of the sheepskin. Dis- X Mile lima DlMnnfts tance has lent enchantment to the view, Leonora, . - Mine Biehinga-IIenur- d and hungry maw with empty pocket Axaeenn, ,, POPULAR ADMISSION PRICES; hafo spurred the devoted dan to desSeason Ticket. Reserved Best, St. Reserved perate endeavor. The Ocddental cry, Seats, $1.60. nnt Circle, Reserved Host, $1. originating. with the lamented white-hatt- Second Circle, sou. Third Circle J3o. ... Nestor of the press, tGa West, young man, go West!" has echoed LIQUORS, ETC. through the empty corridors of soul and carpet bag and the glittering promises of HOVBE WHITE legbl triumphs and well-line-d purses ... t h..' tl hangs like arainbow of promise over the outer wall of the Bocky Hountains 330 X Well, young gentlemen, come on; we can' stand it if you 'can.1. - But one of Aiek ht yonr number can obtain the office in question. Vet, we can give you abetter thing than the District Attorneyship. URQE AND FULL STOCK We can furnish you with1 pick and .. Of the very beat brand shovel, so that instead of prospecting in rf Blackstone and trying ta hustle Coke FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC: off from. Lyttleton, you. can burrow in , oar silver mountains - and conquer a fortune under the inspiring war cry of WINES AND ; LIQUORS Koot liog or die.v floated j11'' . - V JAMES ;N, KIMBALL. - JANUARY 14, 15, 16. ,: . i '.! H. LEWIS, AT-L- A ATTORNEY. vSualBcaa Manager, . iCOXDAT, TUESDAY ed . 8. Raaagen. ; Three Rights Only. Q , - metal. ARDT lldKAY,. ; : tTrabsis, HERBS BEUNABD, . JOHN T. - . . SALT LAKEA THEATER. w. : well-itock- . '.' ' . ' ', wj' . "11 AII1,J . J.h AJ BgSlgWaaBftftTOaa ? ATtORNEYS-AT-LA- 4 -- : Three hundred applications to fill the vacant official shoes of District Attorney Howard so we learn from ; a letter written to a gentleman .in. this city.' erily, Utah must be a paradise in the estimation of hungry office seekers.' And all these public-spirite- d gentleman ore of the legal fraternity, doctors of the law, or rather, law doctoiis. Shades' of Blackstone ! has it come to - this thai our countiy, like a fish pond, is so filled with lawyers '. that they rise by the hnadredsat ' so flimsy a fly as fhV petty office of District Attorney 'i' in l a remote Territory, where neither ; money : nor glory can be legitimately obtained, where editors and unknown persons parade tlie:.3treetsf flourishing shillalobs" and during said attorneys to tread upon their coat tails, where every man's hand j is against them and their hand is supposed to be against every man? A There must be some huge mistake here. .. These, office-seekigentry must have been labored with by members of ' the missionary dab now skihnLshing orer the land. These messengers of the' Church must have tempted three hundred orjnore briefless limbs of the law to set thrirfaces toward Zion,' while with united voices ? ' they" sing, j '' i -- FKIDAY." t' - - AilUSEMENTS. HCN-- V 'J I - I. mm THE DAILY INDEPENDENT J '. i I - f-' ' ' v" :iii - ') i1 . v - " ijlr'-- trade. :t ! - iif-'412- J . sy vakxs, isoxomT astsctdsd to. o&Bsas tf re D. DAY Eftate. oe . G . cf V,-- ; . ' . - - & CO.. - i . - WALKER . ., .! WHO IS YOUR TAILOR.? f tlic Fjacnee of Publicity, e- - Is ly FASHION, BUSINESS MEN SHOULD AD VER TISE 1BEIR WARES Jl-t- ; Try BUCKLE sOF a foo The Dally Independent! J tfc SOX, Main St., Opposite Walker House. - W G UAR 'Advertising TC ! IRZT ANTEE SATISFA CTION. BROTHERS & COMPANY Opposite Post Cfflce, Balt leaks City. WE ljr std Aoaxro - ompany, Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co., HZ af a St. WW tbia Ever shown in region. Our prteee are aa low aa ta consistent, ami nur good cannot be excelled. conllslly invite the reatlcre of THE INDEPENDENT, and all the rest of' mankind, to call and examine our stock. l -- O cfc 9- I two-thir- ds Caps, At our Ptore, oppoaite the Foat Office, we have the finest stock of r . &. WALKER BROTHERS & COMPANY. i . THOMAS a (tall aa4rtiuMit of romi-iine- T 330 33 iQ - , la Dralt-r- neve produced by the nae of any nch Wince and Exiatlng between Turkry and Bum wan Ltquore aa are kept In block at s ; . ay i iv Dc-moc- e . Retail Stock and Low call apccU! attrntbm of the Jobbing and Family Trade to our imnrnH .Price. Call and examine for youreclvt. and rev iumm-jt- . kP Agency for Mmr. DemoreoUh lteliablPattero. 1 d, , buA VT 0 . I MERC HA N DISK. I Our Stock H ; - 000001 Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats Hardware,. Etc., Etc. , - op a 9 E N E RAL V . IS, f Viliulefile ; ' o w'Wo ! : -- D. L. DAVIS. JOIIX B. BARNKE. o SUBSCRIBE FOB THE THE PARKER CUN. - INDEPENDENT! DAILY Pre-em- pt Which la the , ... . - , -- de-crei- VALLE ed . - . . .t ;; ( . f . h - 1 B.--N- ua-tio- ul- 'Tarsi''1 It. Atm k MURPHY. '.Vi'; . r. ' 7''V-- - $i' 1 "I i . - if ':"y - ' "... - V'.-;.--- '. '' . 457 .i b-- Jt !b,V, . '7 - .e t : JVi : KJ -- ' .''$., ' i V- tr. I H". f .. Vi! :v ; 'ILh . - : ' b J't rf V -- y. i. i ; : ; "r VEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfsV WEST MERIDEN.CT. TAKE YOUR JOB WORM I.DPOOMT ' OFFICE. ...i h And get U done In the beat oSilyle rcaeoo able rat (O - . t k a - i'- . e. 81.60 TO 82. PER. DAY. lijr tbcYVrfL. r. bORENSON, .,c Proprietor. ,v. Hi--'- HOUSE, Hate jirriul dOUN V' .4.,- - V. ;. s- - tj 7 : Cle-cpaic- s.'s . r the-Houfi- -- f ot Y UTAH ! OPPOSITE THE TEMPLE, . Salt Iakb City, Utah. It is a quiet, dean, airy, comfortable Honne, where the traveler and tooriat con find rest. One block from Main street and three block from the Railroad Station; " Either atrect car or omnibus will yon to er . NEWSPAPER IN BF.ST . . v r' - ' V' ' v . b i -r - ' 'L r :' f' f ws. , - . a . : j. I . - ' V . |