Show UTAH TIIE GUNNISON VALLEY NEWS GUNNISON UJffit o JVcws Review of Current Events r- - SANTA x country- we’dsajr “What curi-ou- s ideas foreigners have of law enforcement" ( A footpad with an evil record held A bystander saw the up a victim crime identified the thief The ruffian was held under indict tnent But he could give bond The spec’’detator was tained’’ as a material witness— a gentle way of saying he was locked up ex ctly as though he rf had been the criminal Well he was guilty of being poor Six months later came the trial She defendant having been out all that time on bail looked hale and hearty The prosecution's witness was produced under guard pale and It plokly from cldfce confinement didn't help his health any when the crook’s browbeat him attorney yellbd at him practically accused him of perjury The citizen sued the state for false Imprisonment for loss of wages for separation from his fam Under ily for all he’d suffered the statutes he had no standing They threw his case out Meanwhile the convicted crook had been released by the parole board and was free as a bird Aquatio Novelties discoveries INTERESTING were made In Hawaiian waters by government ichthyologists For fear the similarity of sound may lead to Wrong Impressions let me state that this department has nothing to do With Secretary Ickes although since Ichthyology pertains to fish Mme Secretary Perkins might poshave a sibly contrary view on this Because they do say there point are moments in the cabinet when all is not sweetness and accord However the point is that Uncle Samw piscatorial sharps dredged up a fish that is most delectable for six months of the year but poisonous the other six months least they’ve found a creature emblematic of the California climate Let this be regarded around here as treason I will state that I’m as loyal a native stepson as any that aver came' out of Iowa having been here long enough now to Join in passing resolutions endorsing the scenery and at intervals uttering three loud ringing cheers for the sunsets Also let envious Florida refrain from gloating To typify Florida’s climate that fish would be good only four months of the year and powerfully hard to put up with the rest of the time Sqt Lecturing Adventures IN ALABAMA is a sect which for-bids its converts to laugh or even Bmile Now I know who It was bought out the house when I delivered a humorous lecture down there The other day a chap asked me why I didn’t go back on the lecture I told him I’d appeared platform In practically ever sizable town in America and though it was years go and probably popular Indignation had abated now still I wasn’t taking any chances— I was Waiting for some new towns to be built Once I tried the experiment of lipping around to tha front door to hear what the crowd said coming out That was the night I attempted luiclde by gas but was saved when aomeone passing through tha hotel corridor amelled aomething that mailed even worse than the hotel smelled A lecturer’s lot Is not a happy one But usually it’a the audience that suffers most i i Eating Oysters 'T'lIERE’S a caIe brand-ne- movement movement or unless you’re working on space rates It may be called E O I A M Y P M for short Its sponsor says the prejudice against eating oysters In months having an “r” in them is a fallacy dating back 2000 years When between hiccoughs a Roman acnator said: “Oyster should be eaten only in certain seasons” So It appears we’ve been penallz-ln- g ourselves ever since then for the Indigestion of a Roman senator although so far as eating the California oyster Is congemed-- he runs round forty to tha dozen- -I could refrain for tha whole without any undue longings '‘California oyster looks something like a brass overall button suffering from vertigris Stiff mayba it’a all for the best Because during May June July and August is when the oyster does practically all his courting There’s e enough romance left in the world anyhow who am I to come between an oyster and his He doesn’t seem to have any too much fun the rest of the time IRVIN 8 COBB v ©— WfNU Srvk gar r£jy U V’ L I i sour to Ju Into II Davis chief of the American delegation Brussels Is pictured chatting with British (left) and French foreign minister Yvon V X Waatara Chinese Flee From Capital RANKING capital of China was abandoned as the seat of the government because of the rapid advances westward of the Japanese forces Officials we in being scattered several cities the central point being Hankow on the Yangtse 300 miles west of Nanking One army of the invaders was moving from Shanghai on Nanking and anoth- er was about to attack Tsinan capital of Shantung province in North China China however was far from the was giving up fight It reported in Shanghai that Generalissimo g had resigned as president of the executive council In order to lead his troops in a final effort to stop the Japanese and win the war II II Kung it was said would succeed Chiang in the presiHe is finance minister dency Thousands of civilians and foreigners were fleeing from Nanking But military authorities remained there and declared the city would not be surrendered to the Japanese without a desperate fight If the Japanese penetrate the powerful “Ilindenburg line’’ anchored on Soochow Changshu and Hashing the Chinese were expected to fall back to new positions stretching from Kiangyin on the Yangtse river to Wusih 100 mites east of Nanking Paris heard that Japan was to establish a naval threatening blockade of the Chinese coast if any nations attempted to send supplies to the Chinese armies Britain Woos Hitler UISCOUNT HALIFAX lord presl- dent of the council in the British cabinet was in Germany ostensibly for the purpose of visiting a hunting exhibition but actually to negotiate with Hitter and other Nazi chiefs for the establishment of more friendly relations between Great Britain and Germany Public belief was that he was authorized to hint to Hitler that there was hope Germany might regain some of its lost colonics if Germany would abandon its economic isolation and with other European powers in a revised League of Nations The British want to detach Germany and Italy too if possible from their alliance with Japan Halifax was a fitting messenger to send to Berlin for he is an outstanding friend of Germany among British officials Leaving It Up to Uncle Sam IJNLESS congress changes the neutrality act It ts probable the nations that signed and adhered to the Pacific treaty will take no positive action against Japan for violating that pact The delegates to the Brussels conference with the exception of Italy voted to censure the Japanese for making war on China and then adjourned to get further instructions from their governments Great Britain and France to Join In any effort "short ofagreed war" which the United States may dV clde should be made this meaning economic sanctions against Japan But- the Isolationist policy of this country would have to be abandoned 4 such sanctions were to be of any vail A vorj jonr plckfe Norman the conference In foreign minister Anthony Eden Delbos (right) " PickaU SUMMARIZES 0 long document was submitted o the conference by China asking that the war be ended by the penalties against Japan The ' ' Waiting to Be Sewnrj nl ij 'JMumhi about The Law’s Injustice MONICA CALIF— it happened in another ii V Chianq Will Lead Hi s Armiei Aqainsf the Invaders a Is expected ’to Enact Tax Law Revision Congress CM'' CALLING on the nation for full co operation In the taking of the voluntary census of the unemployed I taken by the Post Qffice I went president Roosevelt in a “fireside chat” by radio said that I permanent cure of the unemploy- ment problem lies in finding jobs in Nevertheindustry and agriculture less he said it is still the policy' of that no one shall the administration starve through lack of government aid He gave assurance that the government will try to stimulate private industry enough to enable it to the Jobless and after the results of the census are tabulated e a will be program This program he said launched will apply to employers as well as to workers and in this was perceived a note of encouragement to business The President said prosperity of the nation depended upon national purchasing power and added : “Our Industrial leaders now recognize that a very substantial share of corporate earnings must be paid out in wages or the soil from which these industries grow will soon become impoverished Our f armersTecognize that their largest customers are the workers for wages and that farm markets cannot be maintained 'ex cept through widespread purchasing power ' Mr Roosevelt emphasized that America will not try to solve the employment problem by a huge armament program as other nations are doing CHINESE QUIT NANKING OWaoW "Fireside i I THE WORLD’S WEEK Nwipptr Thalberg's Millions Vahm memorandum gave statistical tables that showed economic sanctions could halt Japan because of that nation’s dependence on foreign markets and foreign sources of supply Norman II Davis chief American delegate in addressing the conference was rather conciliatory toward Japan but he said ‘‘The question In its final analysis! Is whether international relations shall be determined by arbitrary force or by law and respect for international treaties In fact tlftt seems to be the greatest issue facing the world today’’ plane Crash Tragedy Lewis Back from Europe CENATOR LEWIS of Illinois returned from a tour of Germany In which he sought to arrange for payments to American holders of German municipal bonds The group of which he was a member has submitted a report to Secretary of State Hull In France England and Germany the senator said he found a ® in AmeJican exports but expressed himself at a loss to see how the nations could pay for their purchases because they are all in debt as a result of feverish preparations for or against war Q RAND HESSE DUKE GEORGE OF his wife mother and two little sons and six other persons were killed when a Belgian air liner crashed and burned near They were on their way to attend the wedding of the duke’s brother Ludwig in London Ludwig succeeded to the title and the marriage ceremony was performed privately with him and his bride Mar- garet Campbell Geddes daughter of Sir Auckland Geddes in deep mourning Ludwig was the third grand duke of his line within a week for his father died only a few days before the airplane tragedy Extra A n INVENTORY filed In probate x court at Los Angeles placed a gross value of $4469013 on the estate of Irving G Thalberg motion picture producer The net estate will amount to about $2244000 After several cash bequests to members of the family the remainder will be divided into three trust funds of about $629000 each The income from one of those will go to Norma Shearer his widow for the remainder of her life Their two children are to receive the income from the remaining two funds until they are thirty-fiv- e years old then the principal iniSIZ Session Opens I Row in Coal Bureau QEORGE E ACRET acting the evident intention of what It can to aid s congress began its extraordiIts first business was nary session to listen to a rather long message from Mr Roosevelt in which the Chief Executive committed himself to limited tax law revision for the purpose of removing admitted injustices suffered especially by small business and WITH di- rector of the division of examiners of the bituminous cd&l commission resigned and suggested a congressional investigation of the He says it has almost comagency broken down and for this he pletely blames Senators McAdoo of California and McGuffey of Pennsylvania Acret revealed that there has been a row in the commission for several months over patronage which he alleges has been “hogged" by the senators and that another cause of dissension has been the fact that the commission has been seeking to grant railroads t fuel at the expense of general consumers inves- tors Mr proposed de-modMctions Here'i Wallace's Program quate to encourage productive en-but explained that he CECRETARV wat terprise offerel Pr0ram ’hteh he said would sought primarily to aid at the ex-- 1 pense of individual or partnership SJ°TA°ie Becur‘tyI 0f farmers consumers In his annual re- undertaking the PrfsidenL To finance it The President said exercise of k°rt moderate proc-th- e “ordinary prudence" would protect on cotton nation against prolonged busi- ony CroP con- lro wJen necessary and the ness recession “ever He reiterated his intention to ra?ary” are parts of his bah nfiT ance the next fiscal year Thes 1)16 si3t and demanded that congressbudget of the find and provide new revenue for whcJl Wallace said would any Pr°ran? added expenditures authorized now ' harnLonize welfare: i The President asked congress to tbe JramCshoulcl have a ahare in income to provide the prewar ratio of the Wages and hours legislation farmer a purchasing power average An to that crop control °f th average program The people who live on Reorganization of executive dethe land must have partments security of either as owners of land or tenure 4 National planning for better use on a rentiers of natural resources basis 3 The soil It appeared certain must be used properly that a CDnservea or futur farmer opposition to all or part of this program would arise but £ture cty dweIIers near- !y aecmed” inf a throuh sound vorof tax pifArIlers must come into control maretinS processing pur- 8 and service functions which no? to Kill Stalin? they Can manage efficiently fore:n dPIomats stationed J faSoreHvyfJliZedi arms sbould b came reports that a programs bene-plby German agents to payments and other such aids assassi-- 1 to tnCOme' nate Dictator Stalin of Russia 6' FedcrI and state been uncovered and that“u funds should c epeni to promote Litvinov for! commissar who left the Brus- - IuUltural Search and farm eni sels conference suddenly' nJ cIncy parcntly seriously Invest? Roosevelt u MOW we ask you isn’t this the layout supreme for Young America Miss Modern and Mother Meticulous? Childish glee sophisticated gusto and maternal satisfaction will be the order of the day when you have run-u- p these swank wardrobe assets Remember It’s the natural thing to 1 u?rnende? "2 For Master or Miss It’s grand to be young in the wintertime there’s so much fun to be had Mother to be sure your edition of Young America has his share of outdoor fun this winter make this smart and com plete ski ensemble (For either boy or girl) It is styled after a real ski champion’s outfit and makes an instant hit with every young husky this (Incidentally ensemble rates mighty high as a remembrance from Santa Claus) Sophomore Sensation Here’s a dress after your own heart Mlladyl- -I betcha calls it Its Sophomore Sensation And aptly for Its allure and poise are typical of the modern miss From Paris comes its concave silhouette from its concise easy to follow sewing instructions Make your version in thin wool or velvet for Ace oc casions this winter Carefully Planned Mothers are sweet in almost any kind” of dress but in the trim new model above right they’re sweet There’s somesuperbly thing genteel about Its styling It was carefully planned to bring you the best in style the most In comfort A glance at the diagram will convince the woman Home Heating Mata Barclay Ilinfc I IIII id N—Ung Your furnace was built to burn and burned in it deposit a thick crust of aoot on the burning aurfaces and this soot "ufb of the heat that go your rooms They also form clinkers which as you iSiMCfUSB0 end of troubl fer your burai"‘ !XAnd T1 °?ly Garbaxe when H Don’t burn rubbish or garbage in furnace They cause heavy soot hBafake0ai 8urfaces and waste also cause clinkers to fonn Keep the ashpit clean nniCmiTber thls: A cfean fur cean automobije fnce’ will give better service and greater comfort WNU srvlc F£°2 BMwWj&S’S ppuranc o! nun Icdm nun diplomats Th Ccrmoo sL5‘rt!5 diately the country £cZ It is believed twoCerman p mfr 0JJIltpul SK£Sy the " nd to th' J’ormrcw for 0hl°-1- age ln of p°mercne gained fanfe Pattern 1965 as o esigned sizes 4 6 8 10 and 2 yean requires 2 yards of material for the ensemble yard knitted fabric for hat ( 6 and trouser bands Montgomery Ave San Franc Calif Patterns 15 cents (inis each New Pattern Book Send 15 cents for the Bari Bell Fall and Winter Pal Book Make yourself attrae practical and becoming dot selecting designs from the bara Bell ea? make patterns e Bell Syndicate— WNU Strvta HOW LONG CAN I R HOLD HER HUSBA1 you have to work at nunW A to maka a aucoesa of It Vi may ba aoUUh tuuympitMi but that'a tha way they'rt and and you might aa well reeliw I Whoa your back ache and 7M nenrea acraun don't taka it onyourhuaband Hecaa'tpoo&itl know how you feel Tor three generation one baa told another how to go “tat ing through” with Lydia E put ham 'a Vegetable Compound 1 belpe Nature tone tip the ayaM thua leasealng tha dlacomfbrta froa tha functional disorder! vMd women muat endure in the th ordeals of life: J Turning ft girlhood to womanhood 1 h paring for motherhood if Preaching “middle aget” Don't ba a fit take LYDIA K PINKHAMl VEOBTABLX COMPOUND Go “Smiling Through” i REAL ESTATE YOU ran aril or trade your torn or a home or apartment la Write or wire Bert IS Wart tag Se "Alvayt C Palmer M Epr Salt !“ S ©UGaiT-- S “5 °ne aise ° 0n floor iQ 0° °r a eTer7“g you needed to purchase! dcsUPsmrtfe that!?5 y°u c°uW buy household f°r bride graduate! gcfl'llow feouBlend?mMWiilk0that WouU avel How much t shopping you would be spared! sJvcrtiscments in this paper caa & for vouVhev 1 be rLbJ ofJour daI7 ldc ipt0rrel in omT TaCe- - Shop from your the advertisrmA!” KtC-brcast °f bargains instead of d ing them Snenff ’ ncwlaIcr t0 Mii money — inthestores1 DC W i and zipper fastener for blouse froi Pattern 1359 is designed sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 40 bust) 14 requires 4 yards of 8 material With three qa sleeves KV' yards are reqi The bows and belt require yards ribbon Pattern 1402 Is designed sizes 34 to 48 Size 36 require material yards of collar in contrast requires yard Send your order to The Sn Circle Pattern Dept 1(9! SScDg ©ft CjyiJUxi? L Kxpri SHOULD like to caution you against burning garbage and rubbish in the heating plant of your home Many are gjven to this practice know-in- g it is a quick and easy way to dispose of garbage but not real- u harm- - I who sews of its simplicity versions will be better that of this charming fashion thing from percale to sheer will do nicely as the materia The Patterns ? |