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Show THE SAUNA SUN, SAUNA, UTAH Utah Responds Tojfarm Records Help ! ! LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS Earthquake Victims jfl pgn AdivitieS Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Robins were (Continued from page 1) Pahvant chapter, Daughters of the Beach and Pioneers, will hold the monthly meet- host and hostess to the members of tion thus far in Long alone. club their at the Compton Sunday evening ing at the home of Mrs. Roxanna One Long Beach woman reported home Sunday. Progressive 500 was Crane, Thursday, March 30. played for the pastime of the eve- she had been frying eggs on an elecwron in the game tric flatiron, the only equipment Mrs. Royce Knight and children, ning. Honors were was all right for a day, O. It Mrs. available. Ethel Mrs. F. Bullock, Ken and Don, are visiting wfith Mr. by C. for a week was continuance Nelson A. its and Arthur but Welland, and Mrs. Alma Knight. They were acwere fourteen from Prows. There far guests. pleasant. companied from Cedar City by Mr. The distress of others is well visualKnight Saturday, who visited until , for-local ized the of Albert Albertsen, report of the school teachSunday evening at the Knight home. sendee office, spent se'eral days! er who had gone to a friends resikiist week at the office of Super-- 1 dence and they sleeping Mrs. Earl Mickelson entertained at'0of-- , cross-wissecond The bed. a The in Richfield. in four Mattsson visor the! of a childrens party in honor not was house annual of the floor the were making habitable, check, third birthday of her daughter, work accomplished during 1932 in but the family clung to the home. Mr. of afternoon leen, Wednesday 1 ishlake district, Shafer said, The people needing asweek. As the birthday of Mrs. Mickel- -' sistance now are your friends and double . son came on the same day, a in . Jasper Osborn of Escalante, visited neighbors. They have contributed was! Luncheon held. was celebration week-enof to disasters the relief times Osborn, last past served in the .afternoon and evening! withers. Joyce in other communites. They need as. to forty-fiv- e guests. Raymond Dahlsrud is combining sistance now. They are not begging, with pleasure for two weeks and they never will beg. They should business in D. assisted was E, Evans Mr,;. n California. He left wdth stock for, riot even be put in such a light. celebrating her. birthday anniversary All California cities and every c'oas week.and while away by a group of close friends who spent Mrs. in the Pacific area should wdth will his he visit sisters, community a social afternoon at' the Evans' home, Mrs. to this appeal for Esther Carl and Walker, quickly respond A was Kjar hot supper March thirteenth. funds. served at six .oclock and covers w'ere a.t Ran Francisco. .At the branch' office in San Franlaid for twelve. Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Walker and cisco it was announced today that 77 'Mrs. Ward Rasmussen was hostess daughter, Gloria," arrived Sunday and chapters throughout the area thus far to the members of her bridge club atare Ruests at the A. S. Crane home. have only reported $29,642.64. buai-- , Of the total 34 chapters in Califorthe Rasmussen home Thursday after- - Miv Walker left Monday far a Boulder and nia trarr reported $26,331 12 t Lis Vegas noon. A clever scheme in St. Patricks; nrsis trip here will have raised $1,055; 9 Oregon Mrs. visit and Walker chapters City, day colors was carried out in decora' absence. have announced $1,065; 5 in his during chapters served which was tions and luncheon, of Washington have $317; state the at small tables. Following the lunch10 hostess was Braithwaite Mrs. Idaho Ruth chapters announced $285; 3 eon hour and at the close of the af-t- f Ladies to in members the of Arizona the Young report $392; 2 in Nevada moons game, hgh score honors home. club have Enos Curtis while 2 in Alaska have the at $147.50; Sewing were awarded to Mrs. Morse Burr, Following the( raised $80. Mrs. Milbum Fenn and Mrs. Herbert Wednesday evening. . Other chapters reported committees Creenleaf. Mrs. Rasmussen entertain- needlecraft hour, luncheon was serv-aYe Miss Lucile nine to ed Knight guests. busy soliciting funds. ed for nine members of the club and Wed-- 1 theto same has emphasized the need Schafer was hostess group the guests included Mrs. A. J. Lewis, for speed on the part of all donors Mrs. Andy Peterson and Mrs. Herbert nesday evening of last week. in meeting the emergency in the Greenleaf. Mr. and Mrs. Lavon Christensen Southern California earthquake area. Mr. and Mrs..W. H. Wyatt of Salt' entertained for a group of friends at Lake City, are guests at the home of their home Saturday evening.. Dinner TRIM ARY CONVENTION. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Christensen.. Mr. waa served at small tables and The Frimary convention in North an extensive stock buyer in crs were marked for sixteen guests, Sevier stake will be held Sunday in the western states, is looking after Second ward chapel. A member the business interests in Southern Utah. of the general board from Salt Lake will give the main address and her ' Mrs. Hicks Okerlund entertained at topic will he Teaching Reverence. a quilting bee Thursday of last The convention will convene at 10 a. BACK FROM CONVENTION. week. Members of the First ward prim., with Mrs. Caroline Christensen, E. C. Wright, manager of the mary association completed the work s'take superintendent, in charge. on a quilt during the afternoon. branch office in Salina for the Tellu-rid- e Luncheon was served by Mrs. OkerPower company,, has returned A' Wheel broke loose fhom a car lund. from Salt Lake, 'where he attended a driven by C. H. Wilcox of Baraboo, V convention of salesmen of'the Frigid-air- e Wis., and rolled a half mile, hurdling J. A. Malia, state bank commissioncorporation, a subsidiary of Gen- two fences and a wood pile before er, made a brief stop in Salina Wed- eral Motors. George S. Jones, Jr., it stopped. nesday. Commissioner Malia was on public utilities manager of th.e his way to Richfield, where his attencorporation, addressed severTriplets born to Mr. and Mrs. tion will be directed towards qssist-in- al hundred of the salesmen and repHerron of Cave City, Ky., Frank the officers of the James M. Pe- resentatives of Utah, and in his rebeen named Doris Franklin, have terson bank. Mr. Malia paid a high marks he strongly impressed that the Delano and Dallas Roosevelt, in compliment to the officers of the sellers of the products must be back- honor of Franklin Delano Roosevelt First State Rank of Salina on their ed up with consistent programs of advast business done with the closing of vertising. Mr. Wright stated that the . .. the bank holiday. meeting was most enthusiastic and predicted with the plan suggested by Mr. Jones that Frigidaire sales would . be materially increased for 1933. by-th- e e.-- - have-bee- n e, Col-.fkda- ls lastf . d j j . . j . , 1 U-ta- j cov-Wya- ' ( Fri-gidai- re g De-lor- es Classified Ads FOR SALE Good seed wheat. InM24t2p quire Oscar Nielson. FOR SALE 1931 Ford Truck and trailer. Mrs. A. M. ChrisM28t2 tenson, Eagle Hotel, Manti. . two-whe- el Three-roohouse for sale or rent. Mrs. A. S. Crane. m 18 cents for Butte rf at, at Melgaard M3tf Creamery, Fairvievv, Utah. NOTICE FOR BIDS. The Lost Creek Roobe Hole Grazers association will receive written bids for a rider for the season of 1933, on or before March 28, 1933. The hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. P. H. MADSEN, President. W ILFORD RASMUSSEN, Secy. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. SPECIALS Flowers in stock every Water users of the Salina Creek day. Sprays made to order, $1.00 and Irrigation company are hereby notiup. Crane Shoppe. , M3 fied that no transfers of water from one ditch to another will be allowed after April 15, 1933. By order of the board of directors of Salina Creek Irrigation Co. J. F. MORTENSEN, President. D. E. EVANS, Secretary. Ml7t2 SPECIALS for Saturday LARD, 8 lbs .67c LARD, 4 lbs.. 37c How Much Will sugar cured, whole orhalf, per lb. 15c My Cattle Bring? HAM, BACON, whole or half, 15c per lb A farmer is offered a price for his steers which seems low. He telephones to another buyer and gets a better price. The telephone also saved him a trip to town. BEEF, PORK or VEAL Shoulder Roa&t, per 6c pound Complete Line cf Wash Dresses, from 7s to 48s, guaranteed fast colors. .49c By telephone, the rancher and farmer keeps in touch with his neighbors and customers. He is within quick reach of the fire department, doctor or veterinarian in emergencies. Its a contact with folks who want to reach him quickly. And telephone service costs but a few cents a day. Many Other Bargains First 25 kiddies making purchase Saturday will be given a School Roy's Cap FREE. jjLMc MAUOHTQNj keeping farm accounts, the farmer may assemble and analyze specific information about the performance of the factors of production on his own farm. Valuable information will be obtained about his land, machinery, equipment, livestock, current expenses, and his own labor and management. Such information is indispensable to the most efficient operation of a farm. In case a large number of farmers keep comparable farm account records, as is being done by some 400 farmers in Utah, each may compare his results with those from a group of similar farms. The weak and strong points in his own organization and management can then be easily determined, which enables him to arrange and conduct his own farm, on ' a profitable basis. . Farm account records become in ereasingly valuable as the number of years for which the record is kept increases, the economists point out. Although the farm accounting project of the U. S. A. C. extension service has been in progress but two years, many valuable results have already been obtained. Most farmers Who have kept records during the past two years are continuing and many more are eager to start. In 1931 and 1932 records show that some farmers have- made a profit in Even spite of adverse conditions. where profits have not been realized, losses have often been greatly curtailed Many farmers are successfully economic meeting the conditions by resolutely facing the facts, which their farm records place at their disposal. Farm accounts will lend valuable aid in the solution of many farm problems. A farm account book may be obtained from the county extension agent or by writing to the extension service of the Utah State Agricul tural college at Logan. By . - ever-changi- Gorman oF Baltimore Pressly was assessed 10 cents and no costs when he pleaded guilty to possessing half a pint of whiskey. C. The recent earthquake disaster in Southern California apparently failed to affect the livestock markets or meat consumption in the Los Angeles area. While many were rendered homeless, relief agencies made large purchases of meats and to this was added donations of meat by all of the packing houses. Trading at the Los Angeles Union Stock Yards was not disturbed and the general price level remains fully as high as during the bank holiday period, or substantially better than at the close of February. Remarkable was the confidence displayed in the public market agencies and facilities by western stockmen, not only during the bank holiday period, when spot cash transactions were impossible, but also during the period of and immediately after the earthquake . disaster. The stability of the open market was found thoroughly sound, even when faced with such un-- ! usual and distressing circumstances. Through this splendid coordination of effort on the part of all hands," an orderly and sufficient flow of meat food products has been available at all times. Trading at the open market is again back on a cash basis and transactions made during the bank holidays are being rapidly cleared up through cash payment or bank credits. Thus the confidence displayed by western stockmen is justified. The normal strict requirements as to bond- - ing and other protection afforded by federal supervision of the market are again in force. There is growing confidence that we have passed through the worst of the long depression. Sad as the plight of the earthquake sufferers may be, it must be admitted that many workers have benefitted as thousands of formerly idle men have been put to work on rebuilding damaged and ruined structures. Payrolls and costs of supplies will run into many millions of dollars. All of this money will go into immediate trade channels and help to relieve unemployment in Southern California. Passage of the. beer bill by Congress has already caused some sharp increases in the price of barley, has given employment and brought orders for all sorts of supplies, including building materials. The federal stampofapproval on banks created a much needed confidence in banking institutions. Upon this stabilized structure, there is every reason to believe that we are now due for a gradual climb back t more normal times. Most heartening of all is the fact that the agricultural situation has cleared up considerably. Higher prices for hogs, cattle, and grain will go a long way towards restoring purchasing power, not only of farmers and stockmen but of industry and business in general. It is reassuring to see prices on the upward trend, with sound reason for hope of further gains. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS in packages and in bulk, call at Individually Owned Telephone & Telegraph Co. 2 1 TUBE MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE PUZZLE . .25c ..25c 25c BOTH FOR oOo 1 of shaving Tube CREAM - PUZZLE WIG-SA- BOTH FOR adians furnished their splendid mu-sic. There was a good crowd and the sophomore class as a whole feels that it was a success. 25c 25c 25c 1 oOo . English Charts. Charts have been placed on the hoard in the English room to keep the students posted on the work they have done each week. Per cen's are taken at the end of the week of the assignments done each day. This arrangement stimulates the pupils to do better work and to keep their average up with the other students. 2 TUBES 1 CREAM TOOTH OF DENTAL BRUSH ALL FOR . 50c 50c 49c oOo BEFORE GET YOURS THEY-AR- ALL GONE THEY ARE GOING FAST! ' LEWIS Debate Planned. As a special feature of a Tarent-TtacHmeeting to be held on April 13, a debate between a team from thft Wasatch academy and one from North Sevier high school will be staged. Under the direction of Mr. Thorpe, ;ix studen's have been working for several weeks to prepare .xcellent debates. With such preparaThebulls and the bears in Wall tions, North Seveir ought to be rep- Street are taking an enforced vacaresented by a worthy team. tion, which ought to enable the short lambs to grow a little wool. Chib Has Party. Saturday night, the high school was It;s a lot easier to bear your finthe scene of much merriment when worries when you know that ancial the Tau Phi Epsilon enjoyed a party. else has gxacily the same everyone Jig-sapuzzle solving was a pastime worries. land of of the evening. Nyals Andreason, Vivian Anderson and Margaret Dom-gaar- d Will there is one thin to be said won the first prize, a box of Herfor the income tax. They cant collect Maurine Neda Nordfelt, candy. bert and Alice Dennison received the it off you if you dont enjoy an in- -, come. consolation prize after the game. er Drug Company The Rexall Store dili-,ent- !y - ' w The Japanese may swallow so much Training stables in Miami, Fla., use radio music to soothe the nerves of China that they will contract acute . of the thoroughbreds. indigestion. Our New Spring Goods Are Here! Ladies and Gentlemen: We have them Pure Silk and Rayon Flat Crepes, russnair, smart weave and piques. Then, cotton fabrics of every color and description for the men folks. We have everything they can ask for to doll up in and prices are lower than ever before. All you have to do is see us. . The Fair Merc. Co. SALINAS BUSY STORE. TS A N N 0 UN C E S . The LANCASTER A Beautiful Waffle Iron at an Unusually Low Price. 6.45 $1.00 Down $2.00 Per Mo. Cash Price $5.95 IT IS TRULY A $12.00 VALUE! Fo- r- B.B.SH0P The Mountain States SPECIAL - Situation!, and all varieties of Flower Seeds The RED & WHITE Stores I Kophomore Assembly and Dance. Friday, March 17, the sophomore In order to wisely select the crops class gave the school assembly. Mar-de- n Lorentzen performed for the stuto be grown and the livestock to be consiscosts dent to and body, after which'' a few memproduced, keep tent with market prices, the farmer bers of the class gave their version needs information about the various of how a faculty appears to the onoperations, according to agricultural looker. Virgie Nielson and Rue Hickeconomists of the Utah State Agri- man sang, and Alice Dennison gave cultural college. This information a comic reading. The same evening, must be accurate, specific and often the sophomore dance was held under! detailed in nature. Herein lies the the name of post prom, it being' value of farm accounts. They are a given this name because it was a folloof the junior prom. The same means of securing this valuable w-up decorations were used and the Ar-- 1 knowledge. Livestock; . NORTH SEVIER SENIOR HIGH NOTES LOUIS JACOBS The Pioneer Store of Salina - You will have to see it to appreciate it! Telluride Power CompanyJ |