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Show 10 198S 1, 1 April Tooth Decay: It Can National Award Winner Develop At Any Age Fluoride also seems to act directly in several ways to reduce acid production by the bacteria in dental plaque. Tooth decay (dental caries), most commonly regarded as a disease of children, can continue throughout life as long as natural teeth are in the mouth. Experts at the National Institute of Dental Research report that during child- For the best protection against develops into the crowns of teeth. Later, as gums recede - whether as part of aging or as a result of gum problems - the exposed roots of teeth become susceptible to deToday, fluoride is the most effective agent available to prevent Dental Research, Bethesda, Maryland 20205. tooth decay. To assure farmers that they are in compliance with the 1985 acreage reduction requirements and eligible for farm program benefits, the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service and provides other land measurement services. At the request of the producer, the agency will stake and measure any type of acreage or portions thereof. 'To be certain that program requirements are met, farmers are required to plant within the stakes that are placed when the land is said county ASCS official John Sagers, "and report their crop acreages to the office after planting. or very few students can ever hope to attain. In fact, the Academy recognizes less than 10 percent of all American high school students. Miss Gill who attends Tintic High School was nominated for this National Award by Mr. William Rice an English teacher at the school. She will appear in the United States Achievement Academy Official Yearbook, published nationally. Miss Gill is the daughter of Kenneth and Chrystal Gill. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tony Larson of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gill, of Salt Lake City. for an information free booklet called "Fluoride To Protect The Teeth of Adults. The address is Rm. 2C35, National Institute of cay. """" winner in English. This award is a prestigious hon- decay, adults, as well as children, should make sure they drink fluoridated water, brush with a fluoride toothpaste and use a fluoride mouth rinse. If fluoride is not available in drinking water, dietary fluoride supplements can be obtained for children through a dentist or physician. For information on other methods of fluoride application write hood and adolescence, most decay " Academy announced that Gill has been named a 1985 United States National Award Ma-chel- Heres some surprising information about tooth decay and its prevention that adults may find worth biting into. r- - The United States Achievement ASCS Offers Service He said is im- portant in helping farmers plan the amount of land to devote to the acreage conservation reserve (ACR) and planted acreages of Michelle Gill program crops. The ACR is crop- land removed from production and put into conserving uses under the 1985 acreage reduction programs. The programs require farmers to reduce their 1985 feed grain acres by 10 percent; and wheat by 30 percent, according to Mr. Sagers. To be eligible for price support loans, target prices and other program benefits, Mr. Sagers said producers must certify actual planted acreages. Other ASCS producer services include measuring total cropland, field or subdivisions to be planted and land areas for other purposes. Fees vary, based on the type of service rendered. In order to schedule premeasurement service requests on a timely basis, farmers are encouraged to apply early. If you have any questions, please stop by the office at 7 South Main, Room 103, or call 882-301- Prenatal Classes Offered The Tooele Valley Hospital Prenatal Classes are offered on a monthly basis. The May series will meet twice weekly for three weeks on May 7, 9, 14, 16, 21 and 23 from 9 p.m. in the hospital board room. 7-- It is recommended that the classes be taken by the expectant mother and a support person such as a husband or friend a month or two before delivery. The instructor for the May classes will be Miriam Bateman, R.N., prenatal coordinator at the hospital. She will include information that will be very helpful to the expectant mother such as fetal development, nutrition during pregnancy, stages of labor and delivery, options for pain relief, Lamaze breathing techniques, massage and relaxation, exercises to prepare the body for labor and to help in getting back in shape after delivery, breast feeding, bonding, infant care and the use of infant car seats. Several excellent films and slide presentations will be shown along with some guest speakers odn pertinant topics such as the epidual (a popular option for pain relief), family centered births and newborns. Two excellent books on preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding along with many pamphlets are also included. The cost of the course is $20 and can be paid the first night of class. For further information and to call the hospital at pre-regist- er 882-169- BROILER GALVANIZED BROOM QmnAHt Made by Big with Ben - Strongly made VALUES TO Shatter to Hhrttrettoe qua- Wrangler lity I Dacron-cotto- T ALUMINUM CUPS NO. 851 BOY'S and MEN'S BOY'S and MEN'S TEAR DROP PACK BASEBALL JACKETS BASEBALL SHIRTS nylon Two-ton- with two-wa- upper! compartment. pad- on main ded ehoulder ilrap!, aduit-abl- outer Nylon flannel with lining, knit collar and cuff!, map Iront. Slight Irn. BOYS Allied'! t S3. Navy only. REG. MENS VALUE JUST ARRIVED 1040 PRO STYLE FIELDER'S GLOVE NO. milrti with leather palm wraps that little araond and linger thumb. Vinyl bock. BN 34. ;,1 6 A regulation mo Batebail, kuII reintant covor and coro. compretied REG. IhMm No 11312 M SOFTBALL CAMPWAYS GCODESIC BACK PACK 6IV1E TENT Shock-corde- poles 4 Ft. 10 In. ly I Ft. 3 In. Chocs from velcro closure or lac up styles, assorted colors In canvas and vinyl. Rent The Rug Doctor. The original "Hum cirpil with (hi Vibrating Brush. Cluns dunir upholstiry tool V. f T011.f9$ VALUES YOUR CHOICE CLOUD NIKI SAFARI NEW SHIPMENT PITH HELMET MENS WESTERN STRAW HATS net- g X-OU- T! GOLF Pilling . I lb. Nollolll 101. Lining . Tricot. Couor .Cotton Cemmo I.H. Ovenlie BALLS $E99 Ry DOZIN mil. with band. and larmert Oreat lor Inherment RIO NOW 39 ONLY $2" 060(33333 mci oeeoee 60000 ( The Space Shuttle has opened an entirely new era in space flight and that includes a new system - of feeding the crew. Shelf life, storage temperature, volume and weight have been primary considerations in developing the food system for the Shuttle. But so have nutrition, variety and palatability. Even in orbit, it shouldnt be hard to take shrimp cocktail, beef steak, rice pilaf, broccoli au gratin and butterscotch pudding. They were on one of the dinner menus during Columbias first flight. A recent Journal of The American Dietetic Association reveals fascinating details of the Shuttle food system and the Shuttle Gallery to be installed when Opera- ply for Columbia that could be manipulated with ease in the null-gravit- y environment. When Shuttle Is fully operational, there could be up to one flight per week. The logistics Involved in processing, testing, packaging and stowing the food aboard the spacecraft make Individualized menus impossible when turnaround time is so short. During all previous manned missions, crew members were required to make final menu selections plaint helmet mo adiuttmenl in Molded e Although individual menus have been designed for each astronaut on all previous U.S. manned space missions, preassembled standard menus providing three meals and supplying 3,000 calories per person per day will be used on all Shuttle flights. fiberglass star-gaiin- 99.99 $19 99 Age-Styl- Connie R. Stadler, Registered Dietitian, of Technology Incorporated, Houston, was team dietitian for the challenging job of providing a safe and nutritious food sup- lor easy assembly. Ultra-fin- e REGULAR $12" Space tions Missions begin. CHILDREN'S SLEEPING BAG SFAULDINO ting used throughout. Two large meshed skylights In the roof for airflow. and Improved 566 VALUE MENS MASTERS' Sneii'-stII SI. SPRING SHOES MtNB"Hawk" style!. All purpose, white only, youth iliei 10 to 4. 19.99 1.49 ipruce. 4 124 ooomi ALL PURPOSE REG r Silt! - ft Ml Millie Otovo Top gram leather with nylon !titchmg. Large, heavy duty bellow! type web with iplral laced top. deep pochet. blended material with loll relearn. Zipper Iront, two uppocket!. per brown Navy, lean, S pocket!, button fly, coppor rivet!, ihrlnk, to 'fit. never goal out at ityie. Want 1I101 to SO. Up to0" longlhi 0$ihAI MStBAU GLOVE FIELDER'S Polycotton YOUR COST UNIT OM 9.99 BIG BEN COVERALLS guyi and gall. Tht original Lovl Straun blue . 1 1 WHS OMIT For tfioo I- EXTRA LARGE put 701' and 501'! RIFLE re- - leate. Site! 14.VV LEVI'S .22 coil with $14" $19" MAIL-I- N $049 $049 24.99 Price Keenr REBATE band. QO anon ot sn ALLIED'S PRICE Auortod Colon color!. e want ONLY n fabric MEN'S VAUII famou! that 4xl. tainertl ext. 18. Catering, MENS SHORT SLEEVE COVERALLS Irom Chooie member! only look, and mountain Itylei. Site! S have They many uses, inpopcluding con- corn Now'! the time to replace that old worn out broom at this great price. MEN'S AND SPRiING JACKETS BUCKETS rWWBKWF ROCKS BOY'S 10 QUART WIDE ANGLE CHAR 7 from three to six months before launch. A froF look 89 P98l frtftt prict. FtEGL NEW SPRING HOURSi 9 o.m. to I p.m. Mm.-h- . 9 O.m. to 4 p.m. lotordey CLOSED SUNDAY t To accommodate individual food preferences during flight when a standardized menu 1$ used, a pantry selected and approved by the crew for each mission is provided to supplement the menu. The pantrya main purpose Is to serve as a contingency food upply In case of emergency but, on a nominal mission, pantry Items may be exchanged for menu Items If a crew member prefers. |