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Show THE SPANISH FORK 'HESS. SPANISH FORK, UTAH Harbinger of Spring Seeing Big League ''Vi BILLY EVANS Spomwriwr, Rig Lesgue Umpire and tirneral Miuier of ihe Cleveland liwien id School Advised Not to Ask Eligibility of Students. V. -- 't VhenFcod Sours ll7 Lots of folks who thluk hart "laUigMtlou' Lev only an add condition wMcb rould be eurrmioil la Ova or ten minute. An effredv anil add Ilk Ibllllp Milk of Mugneula soon restore digestion to normal. riillllfi does away with all that ouriri and gas right after meals. It prevent the dlalre so apt to occur two hour after ratine. Wlmt 0 ploao-ao- t preparation to takrl And bow food It la for th ayiteul Unllko a of soda which la but burning do temporary relief at beat Phillips Milk of Mognesl neutralise many time Its volume la add. Next tlm a hearty meal, or too rich diet haa brought on the least dlw comfort, try 1Pfiimps .Afflk Magnesia afT" or onriurMR roa mmi tHUI.I'IU, lO, pimtwr Urn. nd Mrara at huitin or diaaa, Mabol Sinllfc, M. P'.w- -r Kaiili I, Molllatar, In d- -. Cent SluuVibovYv. Ji'a a rotten ball club." was tlo pinion I expressed tu Irenldent llnnl ley of Ilia fie eland club III Iterember of 1X7, Jimt afti-- r he and aeteral oilier ciiplialUt md purdiaed the timrlcun league fraiicbl.n, "Wlmt do you think of tlm bill rtuh now T ll wue president llnidley peaking and tlm time was early June. ItCS. Tlm 1b-- eland Imllunx, the early aeiiNailona of tlm Amerlmn league, were real lug securely In second place willi something Ilk thirty games wofi and fifteen lost. Cleveland bud finished six ti In 1X7. "No on Is more delighted with the way tlm dub la going than me." I r pllet, "ihi far we have fooled everybody. no one more than m self. I him tlm boys keep It up all season but If you want to know wlmt I thins of tlm Indiana, I still Insist Its a rol I en hull club. If tlm pitching ever stupa and Langford ipilta hitting, we i III just naturally fold up." As fandom knows, llm pitching and denljr stopped, when Tide and Slmute eoubl no longer win consistently. Likewise, when Langford started hitting ub-pop files Instead of doubles and triples, with an occasional home run. iha offense quit s badiy as did tlm pitching From second place, the Indians began to slip utid It wasn't long mill the spring pheiioms were In the second division. Ordinarily, one like to have a so iilled expert opinion stilo'latii luted by jsirformance. hat I am frank to conwas one time I was willing fess. ( In-r- e J5SK Cowqhs and colds wear down your strength and vitality. Doschee f-irT- tro Syrup soothes Instantly ends concha quickie. He. Js lief CUAKANTEED. IV V - (JLAIItE 31. e Walter Rabbit" Maranvllle, Boston Braves shortstop, anounces that he hue returned his unsigned contract to President Emil Fuchs. Fir,t Shorthand Modern shorthnnd (In tea from the patent granted on July 20. I.Wi. for fifteen yenrs, to Dr. Timothy .right, resident physician at St. Bartholomew' hospital, London, which licensed him to tenche, Imprynte, and publish, or cause to be taughte, Imprinted, and published. In or by characier not before this time coninionlye knowne and used by other oure In the same year Bright pule Ilslied a description of the system In hla book, "Omracterle. An arte of fihorte, awlfte and secret writing by Staged a Come-Bac- k Brick End Colonial built In 17!K) by an old sea captain for his nome and occupied by his ancestors up to four years ago when It was carefully restored and modernized. Ad In the Boston Herald. man may boast of his wisdom and his talents, but when he boasts of his honesty, watch out. A Neals Mother Has Right Idea Within a few months there will be no more feverish, bilious, headachy, constipated, pale and puny children. That prophecy would surely come true If every mother could see for herself how quickly, easily, and harmlessly the bowels of babies and children are cleansed, regulated, given tone and strength by a product which has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to millions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily Increasing use. As mothers find out from using It how children respond to the gentle Influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger, sturdier and more active dally they simply have to tell other mothers about it. Thats one of the reasons for its overwhelming sales ,of over four million bottles a year. A Western mother, Mrs. Neal M. Todd, 1701 West 27th St., Oklahoma When my son, City, Okla., says: Neal, was three years old he begun I decided to having constipation. give him California Fig Syrup and In a few days he was all right and looked fine again. This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds or little upset spells. It always stops his trouble quick, strengthens him, makes him eat. Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full name and see that the carton bear,s the word Call forala." Then youll get the genuine. e e e Ted (Kid) former champion of the ivorld, la fighting the mlddle-eights In Eunqie. e e e Nick Cullop of Chtlhow le, Va., veteran pitcher, line signed as manager of I he Dayton, Ohio, club of the Central league. see sol Seetl Uhl. rhone Was. tttl for Specialising la electro-therap- y treatment of rheumatism, neuritis, diseases of Hear and atnmarh. Examination made by blood tent and laboratory finding Freernnnuttatlon. Hoars- - tHX to 8HV) MIT MKK f ITT, t T41V. character." Hubby Street Intends to take 47 Cardlnula to the Erudcutown (Flu.) training camp. The Cincinnati Reds will not relinquish the franchise of the Peoria Three-Eyleague club, operated by the Reds as a furm. druggists sub-Jecta- ." Sport Haigs on Joe Sewell, Who in the Best Shortstop League. 1927, Waa Voted In the American Elmer Ripley, who won fame as Georgetown's basketball coach, has given Yale a new system of coaching, termed the stop-ango" attack. t Dick Harlow, football coach at Western Maryland college, taught ornfthol ogy at Colgate university and has a valuable collection of birds' eggs. to have my Judgment aa to the strength of the Cleveland elub be all wrong. I would have much preferred More than 100 sailing vessels will to have the Indians stick In the first compete In the SL Petersburg Havana division and make plenty of money race, starting March 2D, and running rather than drop Into the second and he a big loser, simply to oyer a course of 284 nautical miles. have my opinion of the club stand A feature of the new William Jewell up. However, by August, the Indians had proved my Judgment was correct gymnasium at Liberty. Mo.. Is a gymas to the strength and weakness of nasium for corrective exercises. An indoor dirt track Is proving popular. the club. It was a had ball cluh. When It wus apparent that the club Charles W. Bowser, assistant footwamt going anywhere, that It would probably finish sixth. If we kept our ball coach at the University of Pittsveteran strength In the lineup, we burgh. recently wus named head football coach ut Bovvdoln college for next dwlded to throw caution to the winds year. put all our avulhb'e young material into the lineup, forget about whether we won or lost, figuring finishing sixth Tiny Hearn, 6 fpet 9 Inches tall, didn't mean a hit more In the final former Georgia Tech star In three niialjsls' than If we finished last. It sports. Is the tallest center In the American basketball league. lie play vv.is a cold move, such as few clubs with Rochester have made In The first radical move made was James A. Farley has been elected the shifting of Joe Sewell from short chairman of the New York state athto third. The year previous Sewell letic commission for a period of two had been voted the best shortstop In vears He has held that post for the It the American league. However, past four years. was apparent that Sewell was fast slowing up, that he was falling to gel Honors In the hit by pitcher col halls by a step thnt a few years preof official American league staunin vious he would have handled with ease. In some circles the shifting of tistics went to Wally Schang and Jimmy Dykes. Each was plunked seva good shortstop to third base was re en times by rival nioundsmen. garded as too drastic a move. Joe Sewell was well aware that his legs The victory of Eddie Held. Ameriwere beginning to play him false, that Ills career as a shortstop was fast can golfer, In the 1929 Canadian utna-teu- r marked the golf championship, coming to a close. He welcomed the first time the title has left the Dominshift to third. Our only fear In mak-Inthis move, was the question ns to ion and gone across the border. whether or not Joe would be able to Charles (Punch) Knoll, manager of handle bunts, also slowly hit halls Three Eye and Michigan - Ontario He soon down the third base line. proved he could do It. That one proof league basebull clubs, has signed to manage Fort Wayne (Ind.) team of made all our 1028 experiments worth There was no beter third the Central league next season. while. baseman In the American league In Ambrose Puttman. Jr., young pitch1920 than Joe Sewell. Some other things we did was try er who will receive a trial with the Is a son of Ambrose Puttman Johnny Hodapp at first, used Eddie Giants, on the mound for the Morgan at first and third, and gave who performed all the young players under contract old Highlanders In the American league. a chance to show their stuff the moment they became available for major University of Texas athletic authorBy these experiments league play. ities will Invite every university and we proved there was no better third sacker In the leusuo than Joe Sewell ; college in the nation, and alo the Unithat Lew Fonseca could do a good versity of Mexico, to send entries to Job at first ; that Eddie Morgan wasn't its sixth annual relay sports at Auscut out for an Infielder; that of the tin, March 28. ne-.outfielders, only Eddie Morgan Bob Fothergil, Detroit's pinch hitter was able to give immediate help; that went to bat as a pinch pitcher Wesley Ferrell looked like extraordinary, In three successive games at hitter we learned f prospect. Also, quite more than ever wlmt the Cleveland Chicago, lust October. He hit safely each time and on the first ball pitched dull need'd was power at the bat. on each occasion. 1920 licit Si Dillelte.) ( mid-seaso- The western conference again la at lla traditional atmngifi of ten lustl Kit Ions, with tlm L'nlvetwliy of Iowa, onstml Inst Slay, restored to athletic good health. The nmferenee faculty committee on athletb-voted to reinstate Iowa, hnt rlenrly Indicated In It resolutions that "good health" did Dot mean "perfect health." It ws Rally atated In tha commit tees resolution reinstating the Hawk eye school that It bad reason to sue-ec- t that out. te fonvs still were at work to Improjierly aid Iowa athletics, but the member expressed confidence that Iowa athletic authorities could and would handle the situation. While happy at reinstatement, Iowa supporters were bitterly disappointed by a supplemental resolution which advised the school not to ask that any of the 27 athlete, dlsipinllfleil Inst December he declared eligible for competition. Eleven of the men still are In school and had hojmd for to eligibility. I'.i.h Chapman, twenty year-olcaptain of the Wolverine five, has been nicknamed "Eagle Eye" j by hla nmtea because of his ability to drop In long ones and to score on fust breakers under the hoop, lie Is one of Michigan' youngest leaders, j and he has seldom met a man ha; a man who ho been of a big rit y for twelve year, finds out how to live, hie word art worth listening to, E. N. Kiby of Abilene, Texas, dm. covered the eimpl way to health about tea yew ago (be Is bow 61.) "I am bow a new man, and a active aa a boy," aaya Mr. Kirby. "1 feel fin all th time end rarely have an ache or a pain, although for twenty-fiv- e year I suffered with rheumatism, and sometime waa un ablo to stand or walk. I would not givt up my simpla health discovery no, not for flva tbouund dollar la gold!" That discovery was Nujoli That's th wonderful thing about Nuiol. Although It la not a medicine and contain absolutely no drugs, its harmbwa internal lubrication seems to msko people feel better and look on th brighter tide of life, whether they are old or young. Of count you ran underatand why this la ao: we ell of tu have natural roiMine In our bodice that make us feel headachy, sick and low in our minds. Kujol, which is as taxtelrwe and colorless aa cure water, helps to absorb thee ana carry them away, easily, regularly aa clock work. Instead of drugging and Irritating your body with p.lU, cathartic, g laxative, and other drugs, give your body tha internal lubrication which it needs, just as WJIEN habit-formin- much a, any other machine. After a few day, you will be eurprjwd at th difference in th way you feel. You ran get Nujul in a sealed pa kaga In any drug store. Kujol may changa your whole outlook on Id. Get a bottle today and give yourself a chance to be well! Naturally Traveling Verse laird ItieMertield vvu commenting Tlgg What Is poet ry of no it hint i on one of the iiiost recent of could not out Jump. out In Kngg -- The kind Hint's always going Two year ago he even hod a hair's I ternutloiml matrimonial matt In, from one editor to another. edge over Stretch" Murphy of Pur-- 1 ' "I think It's an oulnige," declared due. Chapman end Murphy were Lady Aeior. "The woman h.ian't a team mntes In high school at Marlon, j single thing to recommend her mu her The government pay e bounty of 10 lad. Chapman played forward, eud money. cents for each flh caught of any apo-eBob "In thul cae," smiled Chi Herlleld Murphy, renter. which prey uw.n salmon In cerJumping for the Wolverine usually gave them a ; "age 111 add Interest to her charm. tain dltre1. of Alaska. monopoly of the hall last year, when j t he was fifth man la the conference and named a forward. He I a fair dribbler I and a wonderful ball handler, and this yeur he Is expected to be aa good a guard n the conference will pro.. k ... 4. duce. HI favorite trick there la to . !' block aliota without fouling hla oppo-- v, -A , 7 h hlgh-polu- - vV . . Keokuk, smallest city In the Mississippi Vulley league, led the other clubs In attendance luat year, It first ns a member. Boschees Syrup MIII.HY MIL. Al Nlnumius, stellar nieuitier of tlm riilludelphla Athletics piuiianl-winninaggregation last season, arrives at Hot Springs Natlonul park, thereby Indicating that spring Is Just amund the corner. Al la one of the advance guard who ary arriving to begin tlm spring training seusoii and aaya that If a stilt training aeason will win another pennant, the I'hlladelplila fans may rest easy for 111.10. see VI Tl W Twelve Years Mayor and Going Strong! X'1l- - BASEBALL V fy CONFERENCE HAS REINSTATED IOWA nent President Sidney Well of Cincinnati haa received the signed contract of pitcher Silas Johnson, who was at the training camp with the team last year and was then scot to Columbus. American association experts are unanl motis In the opinion that the sturdy r la of major league young caliber and will make good for Manager Don Ilnwley this season. Johnson Is the sixth Red pitcher to sign up. - . - v a j fewSV. . ? V - ' right-hande- Until such time as Harvard's locker nnd shower facilities get back to normal all Harvurd athletes nnd presumably their guests will be restricthot showers, with ed to three-minut- e an oITIcIhI timer equipped with a stop watch on hand to see justice done and the water hog fulled. This athletic Innovation has been forced upon the Harvard authorities by the destruction through fire of the old Soldiers Field locker building. Athletes may still spend nil the time they want under the cold showers. Tommy Thevenow, following two operations on his face as a result of the auto accident last spring which almost caused his death, expects to he ready for a great comeback on the diamond "hen he goes South with the Phillies. Thevenow submitted to the operations recently In St Louis, and Is now recuperating at his home In Madison, Ind. Roth operations were said to be successful. Bronko less Fain! The man who wouldn't drive his motorcar half a mile when its out of order, will oftea drive his brain all day with a head that's throbbing. Such punishment isn't very good for ones nerves! Its unwise, and its unnecessary. A tablet or two of Bayer Aspirin will relieve a headache every time. So, remember this accepted antidote for pain, and spare yourself a lot of needless suffering. Bead the proven directions and youll discover many valuable uses for these tablets. For headaches; to check colds. To ease a sore throat and reduce the infection. For relieving neuralgic, neurilic, rheumatic pain. People used to wonder if Bayer Aspirin was harmful. The doctors oemu fq w ' u e arypim. Wm7 answered that question years ago. It is not. Seme folks still wonder if it really doc3 relieve pain. Thats settled! For millions of men and women have found it doct. To cure the cause of any pain you must consult your doctor; but you may always turn to Bayer Aspirin for immediate relief. Nugurskl, University of football star. Is now In the basketball business. The T.ronk is manager, center and chief attraction of a touring basketball team which Morin 1 the trade merit oi Bayer Manufacture of Moaoacotiraddastcr of Is barnstorming Minnesota. Bob TanWhen an old man falls lo love It Is ner and George McKinnon. Nagurskls One who runs an employment bn- football mates, play guards on the likely to be a hard fall. ronu always lm a Job. team, while George Otterness, former One who Is afraid of ghosts will Evil company dot h corrupt good Gopher cage captain, and Rudy Harcreate his own. ris of Oklahoma operate at the manners. Bible. Minnesota H8 AUTO IB MM HIM s.i.-yiH- Makes New Record When are upset Wiib.tr Marks, lilteea, of CMougo who reeuitly clipped seven seconds ofl the world's half-miljunior Ice skat lng record when he skated the dis-e 4 5. tance In lie Is shown her displaying his medals and wlnnlnj smile. ; Baby ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night. A sudden cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea a condition it is always important to check quickly. How would you meet this emergency tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready ? There is nothing that can take the place of this harmless but effective remedy for children; nothing that acts quite the same, or has quite the same comforting effect on them. For (he protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind keep this old, reliable prepara tion always on hand. But dont keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria; the genuine bears Chas. II. Fletchers signature on the wrapper. |