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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. ' " The world is full of poeiry; the air is living to tho with its spirit, and- music ot its melodies. J. U rcrcival. ardor surpasa'llibthec. men .in thchiyakous. idea. with which tliey take up the the-wave-da- ; Mrs. Browning, though much beloved as a ' knewn to the poet, is "comparatively ; little and cir- public as a woman, no au thoritative 'cumstantial biography of her having yet been Mr. published. A London paper says that " Robert Browning ha.s nearly completed the first portion of his "Reminiscences," which will include an interesting account of Mrs Browning's early ife. '' peni-tenc- -- nce -- : , . ; A passion for flowers is, I really think,sthe jonly one which long sicknessleaves untouched "with iUchillingntiuence.- - Jirs. Hemansr -- a weak anchor, and glory cannot ' support a man; this is the law of God, that virtue only i3 firm, and cannot be shaken by a z Wealthy, is tempest- - 1 in memory of Dr. Cleraence S.1 ' Lozicr was held Wednesday evening at the Aberdeen Hotel, New York, Hamilton AVilcox in the chair and Jane T Titcomb, secretary. Clara BrinkerhoflT, Kate Palmer Stearns, garet W. Ravenhill, Ruth. S. Beatty Esther, Herrmann, Mrs. Mowry and the chairman spoke on the worth of the. departed. On lion, of Irs. Ravenhill, the chairman was em-- : powered to select delegates to confer with other organizations for a public demonstration and a permanent memorial. Miss Sarah C. Fuller ' of the Universal proniisc(f the ''" Pea ce -- Un ion- .- -- 1- ' . Bancroft- .- ment," but anatural instinct? M., - . . - - ; roar-of-flame- 4 heart-rendin- -- Colton. Piiebe A, McNeil. When you have made a mistake don't look back at it long.. . Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mis takes are lessons of wisdom, lhe past cannot be changed. The, future is yet in your power. Hugh. MISCELLANEOUS. n u4metw. un- who have loved young company, and been conversant continually with them, have been of long life. Lord Bacon. , MEDICINE AND SURGERY. CURE OP TO T!lfc PREVE.NTION-ANpv'RV'OTED disea-- e and the 'Prom uJgation of the Laws "of Health and Lifft. It will contain 24 pa?es of interesting reading matter, upon these important subjects, and It will be our aim. 16 keep fully abreast with the times. D D Editors-- . .Thc-D?vS..SIHPP- S2.00 Ag ent a Year. Waited. Encbumgement from thewe who will sustain us in our undertaking, is earnestly "solicited, and we would be pleased to hear from you. We wilispHrehoellbrtto give, you a first .class journal in every particular. SHIPP, Address ".59 S.. First Est Street, Salt Lake City. . KK.THOMAS EMPOEIM EAGLE SAT.T LAKE CITY. To all it . is not granted to live long, but each man has the power to live well. It is not -days, buX deeds that .measure life; the wicked perish een before they die, the faithful though ' departed live always. After Seneca. . OBITUARY." . We are calbd upon to mfum and record the death of out' beloved sister, Eliza Ann Snydf Haight, who departed this life in Cedar City, May 24th, 1888, at 2 p.m.,-afte- r a lingering illness of over three months Sister Haight was born October 22nd," 1815, in the Town of Sempronius, Cayuga County, State of New York, and was married to Isaac Chancy Haight in the early part of 1837, to whom she bore seven children, four of whom survive, two sorts and two daughters. In 1838 she with her husband received the Gospel as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, and were baptized "at the same time by Elder Peltiah Brown, after which their house became a home for the Elders in Iheir travels to and fro with the message of salvation, and in the beginning of the year 1839 they moved with their little daughter Caroline, who was a little over a year old. to Nauvoo, Illinois, where they met with .the Lord's Prophet, Joseph Smith, with whom they sosn formed an acquaintance, and about whom -- Sister 1 1 aight remained in: NauVoa delighted 4o4atk.-Ththe left and with the exodus of the during persecution, Saints In 1846, landing at "Winter Quarters, making it their home till 1847, when they crossed the plains with andcompany-and-iocated- in Salt Lake City. In 1853 the family moved to Cedar City, Iron Co., where Sister Haight has since made ber home. She was a firm advocate of the principle of celestial marriage, and lived in it sinco 1849. She waa a true and faithful wife and mother. A few days before her departure she' called her children and grandchildren together, and after kissing and blessing each one, she admonished them all to. President-B- .Old-me- " Of White. ey to be a hero in anything less one is a hero in faith. J. O. Jacohi. monthly Journal Retail The Leading ' G asli z JrloiTS e . s, ( It is impossible A . -- g soul is the fountain oMove. Design to issue (he first number of See Prospectus for.full particulars. Heaven and God are best discerned through tears; scarcely perhaps are discerned without them. The constant association of prayer with the hour of bereavement and the scenes; of death suffices to" show this. James Martineau. " --The A.Jonrs. EARLY IN MAY Tekms ' i K, en, accompanied by the latter. We are having a most lovely- - spring, after thseverest winter ever known in this' place - since the Saints settled here. Our prospects are bright and everything is promising. On the evening of. May 2nd, a most lamentable accident occurred' here. About 8:30 p.m. Sister Amanda Tietjen, daughter "of Elder Ira Hatch, the well known Lamanite missionary,, left her home for about twenty minutes; returning, she discovered , flames bursting from the roof, door and window, and her husband fighting the fire fiend, )m face badly burned in the vain, attempt to Vescue Iheir "oldest child, a lovely little girl three years and- four months old. The alarm was given about the4imeis ter Amanda sw it, and in five minutes almost the entire adult population w ere on the scene, battling with the raging monster. It was all her two brothers could do to keep the poor mother from rushing into the burning:buildbg, where she Vou Id surely have perished. The cries of relatives of the little one, the the agonized shrieks of the distracted scene mother, make up the most I and to trust been lot it has ever witness, my r Fuch another I miy never see. By almost superhuman efforts the body of the little one was recovered in better condition than was at firt expected. ' No blame can be attached to the mother, The to her children. . who is most devoted cause of tlfe fire is unknown. A more faithful, earnest worker in the Relief Society, Y. L. Association and Sunday School would be hard. to find. Jne stricken tamuy nave the syni if pathy of the entire community. As ever, your sister in the Gospel, CaroIink The Salt Lake Sanitarian, praised-by-honest-m- : ' We account the scriptures of God to be the There are two. modes of establishing our reand to putation; to ber be abused by rogues; it is best, however, to secure the former, because it. will be invariably w ' THE D.ES. SHIPP . - " - Unless a variety of opinions are laid before us, we have no opportunity pf selection; the by a purity of gold cannot be ascertained ' single 'specimen. Herodotus. The charities of life arc scattered every4 where, enameling the vales of human beings as "the flowers paint the meadows; they are not the fruit of study, nor the privilege of refine- May 9th, 1888. i - -- LETTERr Edttor Woman's Exponent: g lo-in- Pythaqoras. nrot sublimed philosophy; I find more Bure marks.of authenticity in the bible than in any profane history whatever. Sir L Newton. : Co., N. Ramaii; Valencia ' . . ' - be faithful and true to Cod and His cause, tears of e hand. Sister atfrl j6yyisibleoncvery Haight was hfr and loved by respected' acquaintances and ' greatly, relatives. We dV not mourn as those without hope, buT counsels, her happy face and cheery we will miss her torevermore;she has gone to receive voice: God bless her : a crown-- she has. faithfully,. wai t.edfor.v ..'.j,: ' With feelings of respect, , 0 Your sister in the covenant, righam-Young e.:k.thoea JDAlTVXIZ J.2S3 Sc CO.,-TENNER- CAS.WATER & STEAM FITTERS Q Agent for RU ' EY'S celebrated LH?T and FO from PUMP Pumps Repaired on short notice. .Orders the country "promptly responded to. R-'- MS 305. ttW-Ailr- SilT LASS CIT7. E ,, : Special to the Ladies. S AT TEA'S DEL.' and Will be found the latest styles in pioductions - LACES, RUCHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, -- . H) TIES And an elegant assortmenf, of ' .O-- E"Y" O O JDS: Special department for LadiesVlisses' and Shoes. 112, 114, 116, 118 East Temple Street. In-fint- 's I |