Show - ' - a - — 0 THE SALT LAKg TRIBUNE I Provo - 11 S004 1i Cliik Troth II I 1 Told Is II - sl 11 1 — 7 t k illk I 1 - 1935 Good Mann' ers 1 II '- --- - - 7 '1 D - tirnrtlinix idBuried - 'Girl Keep Well — p- ft tLU SEPTEMBEi Engag9'd - - Gold 'Located' by Mysterious Itod MRS CORNELIUS BEECKMAN --' ens the host serves the male guest PROVO— Mrs D Orlo Allen who home DINNER SERVICE Two tables - -9 afternoon -tMonday Att7left Friday to Join her husband in of of honor then- the man on the left Dear Mn Buckman: Mrs were Julia bridge played Price where they will make their B Hinckley Will you please tell ma In- - what of the hostess and the other men 'at the high score winning home was guest of honor at a manner the plates are passed at a table himself last of course '404' :' prise and Mrs Gladys S Sorenson t' By Di IRVING a currEn '7 ' e social function given by Mr& J the second favor ' Some hosts 'tie true do not fol dinner when the host is serving? Luncheon was 41 ' ii Erval Christensen at her home Tues- served after the card game Baskets Should the first plate go to the low this graciously complimentary 1- '' t 14 i Inventor Sure of Hiding ' '' day evening Dinner was served in of gladioli were employed in decoand hospitable way of serving and ee4 'e1' HOW IS YOUR CONSTITUTION? hostess? t the garden the small bibles being ' ' How when are the to the the " 'k plates passed simply 'pass right plates 44000--Place He Says- - but rating and the tables were arThere are constitutlas and con-- : there is a covered with bright colored cloths ranged with bouquets of garden of honor and where and left making no distinction be 1 1 citizen lives by does the guest sit? My stitution& 4tt Every and centered with an assortinent of flowers and other of honor tween guests There's Problem I t guest - 0 -iro" v ' - - '' 41"1 ' ' ' and with his own personal Physical old daughter has teen Invited by a guests and no distinction between vegetables Lamps and candles addf 4 i' :: ed to the beauty of the event to men his home for dinner and women guests and e guests But Entertain at Bridga congtitution As well as that Of his friend ' 0 Bridge followed Mrs C J Hart it will be apparent at once that (suchi government He must support de- she is afraid of making mistakes '' Mrs G C and Mrs Davis F ' Ai and Mrs Frank Reynolds winning fabulous fortune reputedly buried fend and strengthen both with every 2 When strawberries are served a host misses an important opportu4 p the prizes Mrs Allen was present- - Harold Nelson entertained at by Joaquin Mutietta Californian atom of his being In order to dp whole with sugar and the hulls re- - nity of being a "gallant host" a the ' home at of the former ed with a guest favor Included ih bridge most picturesque bandit has been so he must elect an Intelligent con- moved should they be eaten with a host who gives that one more the guest list were Mrs Ralph Bul- Tuesday afternoon The high score located under the biggest oak tree and takes that one more p 'It faculties of mind and fork or spoon? thought gress—the went Parto C Mrs " lock Mrs Fred Hischier Mrs Al- prize Dorothy In California according to Frank 1 When the host Is eerving a minute to capture a delightful the use of these and body through ' was bert Kirkpatrick Mrs Frank Mul- ker After the cards lunchhon 1 Ramos of Haywardown gupreme course in which the sguests may courtesy erect his faculties RELMO8 lett Mrs Orville Drysdale Mrs served to eleven guests 12 has have spent 2 preferences—for example years perfecto Those When strawberries are served cAtirt—namely judgment ' — " Frank Branagan Mrs Veran ' ing a device whicb he says automat- -witk-poor- ly drift when there is a choice between whole with sugar or sugar -- 4nd! traimtd rfatulties -Booth Mrs Charles J Hart and inThe family and friends of Charles locates classes of bid meat—he various ically cream the correctoilver service for almleasly they never arrive and light meat and dark -' Mrs Marvin Gease den treasure In the case ofnultal Wright honored him at a surprise become dependents quires from the guest before he be- - the hostess to place is the dessert' C v finally and minerals the little Instrument party Monday evening at the Bonne-Wh' '1 about your constitution? gins to ierve each plate Let us say spoon and the dessert fork Then I Mr and Mrs George Fail of Salt vile ward 'amusement ball on his will nose out buried treasure to a : ' We often look at an individual and that your daughter is to be guest the guest who is accustomed to Lake City recently of Provo an- - eightieth birthday anniversary The distance of 25 miles Ramos declares' v t say to ourselves: "What a 'fine of honor at this dinner Correctly use the double service (spoon and t liounce the marriage of their daugh- hall was decorated with baskets and If 'hunting a lost body however' : what a splendid then she is given the seat at the fork) for desserts of this type will physical specimen ter Fay to Mac D Williams son vases of garden flowers Dancing such as the corpse of a murder vie ' r' g constitution!" Is tire observation right of the host Correctly too have both to use The guest who of Mr and Mrs Don C Williams was the main :feature of entertaintim or a stray horse the effective ' correct? Physicians' have come to the host will ask for her preferences prefers to use the fork can do so of Provo The ceremony was per- ment the mitaim hoolno fitrnishaii by distance is much shorter recognize in all persons an in- as to "cut" She tells him and he the guest who prefers touse the --- --formed Tuesday evening at the Wil- Henry Steineckeit's orchestra L C it her of i and Instrument Guarded herited background a composite passes plate 'prepares toispoon can do so And iveiyatili hams residence Bishop Walter P Morgan had charge of the program Ramos' process is secret although 'tendencies that make for &long or a her saying perhaps "I hope this is happy! The point is that nowadays Whitehead officiating only family furnished during the evening: inis for several persons have seen the In short life as the case may be Hence just as you wish it" or "This so many people have 'adopted the members and close friends being vocation Bishop Andrew Jensen strument with which he works He habit of using two silver pieces Wilson when we say that a man possesses you Miss Nelson" Mabel PROVO—Miss Emil The selections house Hansen was quartet present a strong constitution we refer to If there is no choice about the when eating most desserts that the arranged asserts he has given the device sev41 with baskets of garden flowers The Grover and Dutton Miller and Ed- daughter of Mr and Mrs Guy C certain eral startling teeth which have asql intangible characteristics of fooas that are being served—let us thoughtful and correct hostets pro bride wore a gown of yellow geor- ward Meservy accompanied by La- Wilson of Provo whose engagement mind and body that mark the pow- say for instance that a casserole is vides both—and this service gives Mr and PRICE—Miss Fern Jones daugh- cured him of its effectiveneu tette over satin and her corsage mar Miller vocal solo "Trees" to Oakley S OEvans onof ofAnaconda For example just to prove that er of the individual to combat or being served—then the host still the other guests theirchoicee too ter of Mrs E E Jonei of Price Evans was of roses She was attended by Emil Hansen reading Mrs Rinda Mrs Shirley his invention is workable Ramos ward off disease: in other words to should pass the first plate to the And in indeed m nu& even the hose Ross to announced Dr the Mont Bayis engagement marriage Miss Clora Carting who appeared Carter tribute to Mr Wright Mrs woman guest of honor liva life's normal span saying catlual hotel and restaurant service ack Jr son of Mr and Mrs D IL says he went into the Big Sur area- in blue velvet silver trimmed and Emmallne Snow vocal solo "Silver to take place in September "Won't you keep this Miss Nelson?" nowadays and without any trouble the instru4 Differences Constitutional )'ou will notice that both Bayack of Spanish Fork is anshe also carried roses Max Fail Haired Daddy" Reed Jones accomment located the exact spot where or "This is for you Mary" The silver pieces are with nounced Constitution is not physique nor next usually placed brother of the bride was best man panied by Mrs Carter remarks Mr flowers Bridge was played after to the most desserts This he serve would the Navy dirigible Macon rests beg plate for makes A buffet luncheon was served from Wright Two hundred guests- were which Mrs Mason was presented is it the ability of the individual at on his left and the follow- - ful and --convenient neath the Wane L of such sating a table covered with a lace tloth in attendance from Provo Maple- with Jin assortment of handker- any given time to perform a task ing to women in the he Then to other started out find the plates comas cut fruit desserts fruits A large wedding cake formed tbe ton: Lehi American Fork Walla--bur- g chiefs'' from the following guests: requiring great muscular power or some great store ot gold: presumablz i!1 complimentary order say of notes stewed fruits puddings pie The relatively early and Salt Lake City Mrs Edgar Sears Mrs Matson endurance centerpiece and pink tapers were serves the buried many years ago by the ban clistinetion He or age a la mbde and so forth In silver holders Mr and Mrs Wil—aind Wentz Nrs Nell Arnold Mrs Doyle death of certain famous athletes hostess tile last of the women dit Murietts The instrument drew laid to cannot be Mrs liams are leaving soon to make wholly Evans overstroin Mrs Breakfast Affair Sterling Dastrup Then if there is a man guest of vol- him Ramos said to the neighborg asAtlantic Iceland muscle that but be north of heart their home in Los Angeles Cat Calder Mrs Jones may Ray Mrs Grace Pasman and Miss Lawrence hood of the Pinnacles There he honor he is seated at the right of (Copyright 1935 King Features canic island which le an inde- asserts his invention located the Barbara Pitman were hostesses at Wood and Mrs Lavonia Fuller of cribed in some cases at least to the hostelts So first after the hest- Syndicate) flaw some or Dinner jionors Visitor constitutional defect a Sunday morning breakfast at their Provo Mrs Walter Taylor Mrs One pendent state though united with bulk of the treasure under a giant with a good constitution is able Mr and Mrs P R Jones gave home for the office girls of the Utah Leon Fulmer of Payson and Miss oak Denmark pas two to face life and perform its tasks a dinner party at their home Tues- Power and Light company The Nell crosgrove of Salt Lake City More Difficulties Ahead new pictorial in the environment in which he Td!iii day evening honoring Mrs Sarah table was arranged on the back It may take some time to deter' Items for the col- or mental finds himself If physiJones of Tucson Arizona mother lawn and was decorated with garanni100th of the In celebration mine whether the treuur spotting J "loe lector of Mr Jones who is viting here den flowers Places were set for ten versary of the late William Paxman cal strain arises it is usually overdevice told the truth Before' ha - r 'lb They are a 10- 0and in Salt Lake City with her Vocal solos were by Miss Leta Pax-ma- n members of the family gathered at come without undue evidence of can dig for the gold Ramos must A ' aur blue showing SPRINGVILLE — Announcement flounce the marriage of their daugh- a fatigue If an illness supervenes 4 '4' family Covers were laid for 15 'Vet the permission of a land owner accompanied by Kay Jensen Saratoga August 24 Seventy-fiv- e closeup of Dyn- in a takes reasonable of ter is to Flora of made Jeanette place the Oran recovery McKay who also played several piano selec- members from Provo Nephi and marriage i 6 im4 And once the treasure is recovered jandi fall s and a Several socics have been tendered tions Salt Lake City attended Dinner time Surgeons observe inthat cer- Miss Nell Catfall daughter of Mrs Leslie Jensen The marrtage took —if it is where Ramos believes it olive pre- Miss Evelyn Hansen of San Luis tain the best to Al lie D Caftan of this city persons apparently Ray place recently The bride is a gradwas served after which the followisthe lineation ofwhether viewof a --la—there eenting of are health Obispo Cal and David L Cant-wa- y risks S Alleman son of Mr and Mrs uate of the Universtty of 'Utah and poor surgical Mr and Mrs Fred Hinckley of ing program was presolted: Mt Hekla a 5110 Spain will claim title of Los Angeles during their while certain others who seem to Harold Alleman also of Spring- the Weber college Mr Ice City spent Sunday La in Salt Peter led McKay The Murietta treasure origlnally by singing foot volcano stay here with Miss Hansen's par- - Provo and were guests at a family M Community Jensen invocation offered by be physically weaker go through the ville which took place Wednesday father of the bride is a member of was Spanish gold A gal)eon from ents Mr and Mrs H P Hansen 1innet of an ordeal little from Surcharges with 21 D L Nicaragua S in the state commission the operation service mother their Mrs August duet vocal Logan Ruth public Albert Paxman Mr and Mrs James Hadvieid gave E S given by which grow more prolific as the Spain had anchored off Monterey a graduate of temple The bride with supplies and a Hinckley honoring Mr and and Margaret Paxman accompa- orAno disturbance amount a dinner Monday evening the guests Mrs Kenneth F Hurst points out that there Snow college Mr Alleman a gradAMERICAN FORK—Mies Verna years increase affect both airmail of gold bare and come huge of Boston nied by Kay Jensen greetings E McKenzie for the Spann airmail and The two of are 'eluding in addition to Miss individuals: postage regular of types general uate of was McKenzie was Mass Mrs American Fork Brigham Young university Werner ish garrison 'at Monterey then the formerly M Paxman president of the family Those who and MrCantway Miss Hansen's Angela exhibit in their several also received his master's degree married Thursday to Glendon 1V7 changes the value of the Hinckley daughter of Mrs reading Miss Beth capital of California ' o 1920 black 40 olive to centavo& of less we functioni than parents and her grandmother Mrs E S Hinckley Covers were also organization In 1934—Lial yetir Tinnothy of Greeley-Colfrom adivity it Ivan The Paxman: solo Herman McEwan body Murietta with severe of hiii'banTi--7 ereatee a centavo Ida K Rasmussen Later in the eve- laid for Mr and Mrs new other on would oththose and the expect he attended Johns Hopkins univer- flounced by Mr and Mrs ?WW1 y huselection Jensen dit Kay waited 'until the piano He sitY at Baltimore Md where he Nielsen parents of the bride Mr variety out of a previously over- tide companions ning' the party was joined by Mr and Mr and Mrs Harold B morous incidents in the life of the er hand who exhibit more was out and then made their and Mrs N William Knudsen and Walton and of of the calls the first group hyposthenic had a junior instructorship in the and Mrs Timothy departed Friday printed type Paxman family Beth and Monroe family way by raft to the galleon removed 1914 cards and luncheon were the diverthe gold loaded it on five mules Paxman Jr solo Miss Iota Pax-ma- n (weak) and the second group hy- physics department of the univer- for Greeley where they will make 'ions Mr and Mrs Tony Stribel The A epecial memorial (strong) The members sity They will leave September 15 their home stamp and fled biography of the late William persthenic family of the late James of Salt Lake City were hosts at to honor the late President Calvin W Paxman Games of the first are quiet and retiring to make their 'home in Baltimore But the dragoons followed a dinner for Miss Hansen and Mr Hardy gathered at Saratoga Sun- Paxman Jame concluded AMERICAN FORK—Mr and Coolidge has beeopropoeed Jo a and caught the bandit bandclosely the day's inclined to be studious and fond of where Mr Alleman will continue his and for One annual reunion their swimming rear day were Cantway Sunday and they and their Mrs Will Conder personal to Fork in school of American reading Doctor's remolution howls offered secure vitality work a the by the Pinnacles In the ensuing bat4 forty-two- family members activities to be low Nevertheless degree guests of Mr and Mrs E M Ram-bea- u hundred announce the of A appears their engagement Plumley tie several of the bandits were Representative Charles at dinner Tuesday evening at from Provo Salt Lake City Magna The young couple have been ac- daughter May Conder to Glen of Vermont After the meeting of Job's Daugh- they are capable of doing a tremenkilled Murietta bard pressed IS Spanish Fork Idaho Falls Idaho their home in Vivian park amount of if work allowed dous to of Austin Lehi will The marriage tive in L D S church and civic Los Angeles and Long Beach Cal ters Saturday evening August 24 Since the Netherianda printing of said to have burled his- - treasure on own in their In way They affairs Numerous entertainments take place late September 1891 the portrait of Queen Wilhel- - beneath a large oak tree and headed were in attendance Dinner was at the Masonic temple a social was carry Clivell Club Entertained held in honor of Mary Lou Homer are usually unable to respond to a in their honor were given the past in Ingst eouthward mina has been Clivell club members were guests served after which games races for demand sudden effort The week AMERICAN FORK—Mrs E W of the stamp incorporated were featured with Roy who is leaving soon to 'reside In of that coun- - According to the old story the designs of Mrs Sigrid N Crandall Monday and sports t Norman of American Pork an Later a program Washington D C A reading was hypersthenics however are capable Peters in gold never was recovers& try evening at her home Cards were was given charge DRAPER—Mr and Mrs Herbert nounces the marriage on August H Vern Hardy of Salt given by Virginia Lee vocal solo of great mental and physical activi1915 Russia Issued set of In WEIA served to luncheon and -o 30 of her daughter Be Iola played Mrs- - Marie H Homet4- - vocal duet tyv They belong totheZhall fellow Chamberlain announce the engageJones Vitt stamps-IntendeLake had Citypresiding Miss H papeScores-Virile Fullmer Mrs Grace Toy Atitos of the music and Mts Fay Mrs Homer and Mrs Alene C well met" class Much of what they ment of their daughter Zola to man to Ver land D Johnson of money an well as for postage They Beelar Miss Mary Moir Mrs Amy charge of Miss Leota Rob- do may be characterized by super- John G Joosten son of Mr and Pleasant Grove acSimmons: was Salt Lake were on reading thin cardboard City Stolen apHardy for Play Day printed C Giles Mrs Lois N Billings Mrs Refreshments were served ficiality and judgment may not Mrs John Jooiten of Draper The After the program bie to assure a longer life as parently Lillian M Young Mrs Irene D companist was be AMERICAN sound FORK—Mrs Jane always rill be solemnized in the — Otis "Alkyd! change" They bore inscrip- wedding TOPEKA Kan enjoyed during to 12 Roberts Mrs Clara P Bullock Mrs swimming Can Be Wrecked L D S Salt Lake temple on Sep- C Robinson of American Fork an- tions on the black The time an 1890 bathing revue Gregg 13 knows bow big criminal Ethel D Rambeau and Mrs Reanon which announces Wilson C Mrs Mr and Guy marriage blue had a picture of the late dor deal with their victims Recently was presented by Vern Thomas Pneumonia is frequently cited as tember 8 The young couple will of her thesapproaching Robinson W Hansen daughter Orpha and Eugene Hardy and Roy Pas- nounce the engagement of their an indicator of constitutional re- make their home at Draper broWn bore a portrait some one stole H toy automobiles the to Donald L Ream son of Mr and of Nicholas 1 daughter Mabel to Oakley S Evans sistance In the hyposthenic the olive from the Gregg home and the Needlework and music were the aey Luncheon was served son of Mr and Mrs Shirley O Evans course of the disease LEII—Announcement is made of Mrs Thomas Ream of Provo to green Alexander Otis advertised with the Usual run diversions at the meeting of the quietmay of Anaconda Montana The marplace Sunday afternoon at the "No questions asked and the patient recover with lit- the marriage of Miss Melba Fox take Although the famous' penny black provision Gives Garden Party Monday Afternoon Social club at Robinson 13 ly home will The will take couple place September Mr riage and Mrs Alfred Fox of Great Britain has the honor of They were returned the next day tle effort whereas in the hyper- daughter of the home of Mrs William Mildenin home Nev make their a The is bride Mrs was in Lake Salt hostess Smith F Ely City Mary a stormy course character- of this city and Walter Beck of ball Monday Luncheon was served being the first postage stamp ever by some boys andOtis learned the Y U and sthenici issued it is not a rare item today boys merely had taken the toys for izes not only the onset but the du- Draper which took place Friday to Mrs Henry Booke Mrs Ole E at a garden party at her home Sat- former student of the B S Mr O the of of week a in last afternoon member Trgvato Reward for Slot Machine with a catalog rating of only $150 one day to play With ration of the disease The teMperaOlsen Mrs John Veincent Mrs Al- urday Y B U of to is the Mason a Mrs Evans Robert e LEHI—Mr and Mrs Evan graduate ture as a rule will be higher pain bert Halladay Mrs Fred Singleton compliment BOWLING GREEN Ohio (UP)— ufsed This largely is due to its wide Beautiful Silver White 110Nm announce - the marriage of Prosecutor cons- Mrs William Mildenhall Mn Frank who has been vacationing here for a member of Alpha Kappa Psi fra- will be more acute and pneumonia Fjoyd Collier aid Sheriff tine despite the unfavorable Mrs Mason left this week ternity and a Bricker The couple deaths in this latter a ESTY for HOUSE DECORATIONS will out- their daughter Lexie and Glen Arnold' F Isch are so confident ment that greeted its appearance group lialladay Mrs William Vincent and foryear her home in Brooklyn N Y in will make their home in Butte number those In the former Which Richins of Pleasant Grove which is now ready to deliver anywhere Mrs S P Eggertsen Wood county is closed up tight that company with Mr Mason Lunch- Mrs Guy C Wilson Jr has arrived has the better constitution? Judged took place Saturday in Provo Phone or write HAZEL D MOYLE Oldest of Durban inhabitant have to a reward offered $59 Mrs Hazel R Bee was hostess t9 eon was served at small tables cen- from Los Angeles to attend the from the standpoint of longevity the They will make their home in they anyone finding a slot machine in South Africa is Kramchund aged Box 217 Murray RD 3 Cottonwood the O S C club members at her tered with tiny bouquets of fall wedding weak (hyposthenic) is the Pleasant Grove 108 a native of India Telephone Hol 834-2- : (Adv) operation stronger But why? Every person is physically and LEHI—Announcement is made of fi ft a mentally a fusion of inherited fac- the marriage of Verner Werner tors modified by training A cen- daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin BE LOVELY tury ago physicians knew little Nielson of American Fork and Glen 'about cause and effect and when W Timothy of Greeley Colorado: confronted with disease based a formerly of Lehi the marriage hayprognosis on what they called the ing taken place Thursday In Salt :t ": patient'a constitution "Although Lake City :::::--:L:vJohn is seriously ill he will recover The young couple left Friday for SAY RIGHT TOM! U because he has a good constitution" Greeley to make their home I CAN I TELL OH! OH! FALLINO : was because the the dictum N phyliIOU )HER ABOUT ti"? Oil FOR YOUR AND GIVE 1101J TI IR SECRET SPANISH FORK V elan knew John his father mother ) 4 toy '10 WtO WELL BAD BREATH? NANPSOME PATIENT i and the general family inheritance Nelson announces the engagement IN w OF REAL WHY DOESNt 11:i:::"-'$isSo we see that man has ap con- of her daughter Leah to Henry LUCY? I' A vitTA IlAirtitUL son Mr SEE HER DENTIST? Finch Mrs of one and stitution James that barring acci'' OURS !:::):::imin dents determines his fate because Finch of this city the marriage to --P he was born with it We can of take place in the Logan L D S w It ' g qpie 6111' I t 441N7 course deliberately wreck a "cast temple Thursday A wedding reD r e to' Ath' iron" personal constitution Just as ception will be given Friday ever : 1 r - 613Z citizens of a country can throw ning at the home of the bride Both y: 44 away inherited freedom and politi- young people are grAduates of the -c:l'' '''' cal at ::!1:4::--::i Brigham Young bitrhrights University ''4-'4': ih:5t' Provo The bride was at teacher in :4:zg4-ilc:-----::: 4"'1147s'411''"14: illnilliri :: SEES FEARS GROUNDLESS the Nebo district last year After a '''17 ' E T A writes: In your article on short honeymoon -1 ::::: trip they will make cancer you state that irritation81 their home at Palo :i!::: Alto Cal where :::::!!21!::t::: d chemical and mechanical anywhere Mr Finch will continue his studies in the body may accelerate the at the Leland Stanford I university I I PRON151 TO TAU KrwEIKIATtit: growth of cells and if the irritation continues cancer may result PRICE—Mrs E E Jones anTOMORROW! YOU MEAN NAT MOST IAD BREATH COWS HOME Every one knows the enormoua nounces the engagement of her FROM imPROPERLY CLEANED TEETH ? Jul' I'M GLAD I wAS u ::i:::::!:i0: amount of cooking done in alumito E Dr Ross Fern Jones :: BECAUSE SICKAUCY ':' num ware and any chemist or met- daughter :4:----)i ODOR IIREIOING POOD Bayack son of Mr alld Mrs D R ') ! ': IT GOT ME YOU '1::'::::M'':::':exCOLLECT BE TWEEN will of tell the :I''" allurgist iEXACTLY! you ::142:101:42 of Spanish Fork The mar1 ' :44$':::M:::: UNLESS YOU USE ''':':::MA' trime rate of chemical activity of Bayack 4"': At''' 17-rriage will take place September a 0 CLEANING aluminum milling when the particularly In the Salt Lake City L D S tem0:4157 :yii:?:::::: !:::: I USE COLGATE '04:i:''''ili PERSONALLY N itt chemicals of foods are combined ple The 2 30 their will—spend couple ' DENTA‘ CAsAm 4:agIggit :: 40: :::::: with aluminum in boiling water honeymoon on the Pacific coast itgUSII : Itai 1 011 in 13 --' 11 it doctors and health authori1-Many News of the engagement was made ROAM r-ties testify to the chemical activ- Friday "MADE WITH OLIVE OIL PALMOLIVE SOAP KEEPS PACI AIMS Auguiq 23 at a luncheon I IT of REASON S FOR THAT SOFT AND SMOOTH ity aluminum when further Intro- given by the bride's mother and sisSHOULDERS A : duced into the human system I am ter Miss 11ti41!-Jones The couple THE FAVORITE BEAUTY SOAP III Evelyn y NA t therefore firmly convinced that alu- will make their home in Price 1 141e-dp24 EUROPEtips i is minum ) a cause of l' ' AUSTRIA VIENNA OF contributing SPECIAUST 'to 001'16 FAMOUS BEAUTY 1 : "Ir -- -ni:P 4 cancer the danger of which should HUNTSVILLE—Me and Mrs 1 lb 0: —40 A be considered Thomas an of Huntsville carefully but McKay ov--'r deeply penetrating glamorous she is! And tether REPLY ' never irritating! 0 well she knows that to very gentle I am frank to say that I believe the bladder may be -4 required Bac- Most Bad 'Breath Begins with the Teeth' As a matter of fact it is olive oil be trailyalluring you must have "all I777'''::::::: there are no grounds or your state- teria can entrance to the bladk:"fil gain over" beauty face arms shoulItothingelse which gives Palmolive or ments those to which you refer der either from outside the body - 0 risk bad breath? When it is so easy to get at the 0: ders back—ellexquisitely You could eatcoökedt foods out of from r o its soft olivegreen color This NvHY common cause—improperly cleaned or possibly exteeth! the kidneys : ::1'''iiiyo: aluminum dishes for a thousand tend from rt So for bath as well as face these very color assures its purity Use Colgate Dental Cream! Its penetrating foam removes adjacent infected tissues '14: :11 ty19Y:70-::4)- 1) alumiand never years get enough Palmolive with So keep lovely "all over" exotic Viennese use the decaying food deposits that lodge in the hidden num to cause the slightest aympTo the limit of space questions Palmolive Use this wonderful Soap Make their secret yours crevices between your teeth—where ordinary cleaning of poisoning toms A:''''::': to pertaining hygiene and prevenrMADE WITH Soo how this beauty soap soap made with precious olive oil methods fail to reach C) tion of disease will be answered ovor'it:: CYSTITIS beams it is made may with olive for your complexion and bath OLIVE OIL '' ' in this column Personal replies At the same time a soft griaree ingredient gently ':: "')' 11 R S writes What cauS'es cys' TO KEEP YOUR 'DOWNS TOUR ' will be made to inquiries under ems palm oils actually soothes Learn for yourself why Palmolive polishes the enamel—makes teeth sparkle Get safely be titis done can and what MONEY SACK! for it? SKIN return when limitations and beautifies your Man while it is the favorite beauty soap in proper kvek Colgate's today! And be sure that your teeth are always REPLY 11'4: If Dr are not satisfied with to inclosed is you seven and envelope differFrance stamped Italy Germany cleanses See howl utterly that your breath is purer and sweeter! sparkling ittkinvi sults after using a sluts tube Cystitis Is inflammation of the Cutter will not make diagnosis or ent its lather velvety other European countries bladder the result of some type of prescribe for individual of Colgate Dental Cream IF YOU PREFER disease POWDER Colgate Dental Powder gives send the empty tube to Colgate The urine often contains infection the same results sells at the same low monmsating prices Jersey City NJ Well reluud THE WORLD OVER more women use PALMOLIVE than any other beauty soap a considerable quantity of pus Uri- (Copyright 1935 by the Chicago carries the ssme MICE what roo guarantee Y News Syndicate Inc) nary antiseptics and irrigation of Tribune-- e-0 A How SUNDAY MORNIND - ' rit ' ' o t r- -- sv : tc 4 - It 4 I - e - v at 4 1- s v '' 1k4 t I : t " 0 - care-wom- -- News Stamps 4 Weddings in State -- It I é 4A s -- I ' Han--ige- 0 that-scho- ol -- Marion-Hinclrle- s I - - ' 41 - 0 d fou - ek — - A — to - 4ge Gilejfz' :''' EXOTIC VIENNEE 0 : :4::! 4-- itob 01 —Mrs--Lea- - 40 e 00 :!:eii ::::::J": i4 :::::::::::: - 1? 17 7 9 - SO rt '''' ' 11116-- 1 mo ie-:-i::1 fb : : 'è or igi Cs IP e :' ii:8J! ? — : ' -- How : :!4 t oli9 : ' I - 464 ti 1 ovp i - Iv - k ''"'' t- - 4 I I P |