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Show PAGE fcu: Published by jokes . THE INLAND PRINTING COMPANY u second-clas- s Entered matter February 13,1911, at Kayaville, Utah, under the Act of March A 1879. (Hinault vn Advertising Rates on Application ' - t - - Subscription 2.o0 a year in advance TELEPHONES C. A. Epperson,- - No. 124 Albert W. Epperson, No. . . 109-- W Think It Over - Estate of Martha Robbins, Measles .. . Scarlet fever. Acute anterior polio- de- myelitis Pneumonia C. V, K. Saxton, No. 70 ceased. Creditors will e, po. ju vouchers to The Low Down , From Hickory Grove By F. It. STEVENS 6'? Notice to Creditors present claim the undersigned at his office in Kaysville, Utah, on or before the 3rd day of January, A. I). 1940, Tuberculosis Chicken pox w. . ..... .1... .... 3 3 1 1 1 Major activities: - Elder James Vann Barber, who has labored as an L. D. S. missionary for the past two years in the northern states mission field,' arrived home Monday afternoon. Els der Barber,' who is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barber, has served as district president in his missjoh for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Tree and family of Granger, Utah, spent the. week-en- d visiting at the homes of COMMUNICABLfe DISEASE: i ' J. R. GAILEY, Administrator of the estate of Martha Robbins, deceased. Date of first publication, No- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bodily and Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Waite. Miss Susie Sanford of the Agricultural college at Logan gave a very Educational demonstration on the seleection and caring of materials and clothing at the ward chapel Wednesday afternoon. This work is under the direction of county farm bureau officials. Mrs. A. F. Miller and Mrs. Charles Walker attended a shower given by Mrs. Ivy Burnett at her home in Clinton last Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs.. Elda Bien of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Anderson and family spent Sunday with relatives at Pleasant Grove, Utah. The regular Tuesday evening Mutual meeting will not be held next Tuesday evening, November 28. In its place the stake road shows will be presented, beginning at 7:3a p. m. The one-adramas' that will be staged in the Syracuse ward will be from West. Point, Clearfield and Syracuse., Miss Donnell Galley, who has spent the past three weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Grant G. Carlson and family at Los Angeles, California, is expected to arrive home today '( Wednesday). A baby boy was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Ysedro Reges. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Baird of Ogden entertained at a shower in honor of their daughter. Miss Violet Baird, a bride of the near fu- We are faring the third great o crisis in the history of our counWith the war crowdin even the once again the question divorces and murders out bt the try. and w S before us is shall liberty continue news, it is not so hard to savvy vember 2nd, A. D. 193ft. to be our watchword? In the fight why we dont pay ORLANDO J. BOWMAN, Nurse's home visits 203 2222 which is now oh. our greatest too much atten323 Continental Bank BuildChild health conferweakness is lack of appreciation tion to. Uncle ences held 8! ft ing, of the beauty and strength of our Samuel when he Attendance at child Salt Lake City, Utah, own government. borrows another health conferences 113 14HKJ Attorney for Administrator. 10 or million From every direction The Isms" Dutes of publication, November Immunizations against , inter-decadent -governof foreign and just to pay 193ft. small pox . 2 T 403 on ost other 2, ft, 1, 23, ments are being held tip before our Immunizations against our for which he presmoney people as a panacea 448 diphtheria borrowed before. ent troubles, while as a matter of 103 tests ........ Laboratory mondue Borrowin are our troubles solely fact Inspections: water, ey to pay inter- IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISto violations of American ideal. food and sewers, d est on other A little socialism, a little commilk COURT OF THE STATE TRICT '243 1330 . money, munism, a little fascism, a little Births OF -- UTAH -- IN AND FOR for of month ' brother, that is plain - injustice - has crept into THE COUNTY OF DAVIS. 33 240 September, 1939 .. borrowin. American life until the pattern is Deaths for of month How Unde Samuel manages to changed. Love and respect for it 7 IN TIIE MATTER OF THE September, 1939 is lessening, loyalty to it is less keep out- - of the calaboose, while VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION SEC the. puts other persons in, for strong. The tendency today is to too of high financing, it is kinda mystry to correct our mistakes by using L. TALL GARAGE, A E. this panacea advocated by foreign tifying. But most of us, I reckon, we are powers which only results in our kinda like the young duck when he making more errors when what we really need is to use our owTl graduated there at the Champaign NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That an application for the volAmerican yardstick to weed out the and Urbana University. On the Errors of the past. We are run- day he graduated the Professor untary dissolution pf E. L. TALL said BOUNTIFUL At a meeting of feller, you are GARAGE, a corporation of the ning in every direction, tired, sick, now to him, young finishing here and there ia State of Utah, has been made and the Bountiful city council, held and- hungry. looking - for a way filed with the undersigned clerk Friday, the Davis county health dejust one thing you do not know out. The situation reminds me of the you dont know .yet, that you dont of the above' entitled court, pur- partment was authorized to make know anything. suant to the provisions of Title a survey of the city to obtain sig story told by a hog buyer some I may tic one of the things 104, Chapter 02, Revised Statutes natures of property owners who years ago. Among the many farm- the guess Professor had in mind, it mus-t- a of Utah, 1933, as amended by are favorable to installation of a ers from whom he regularly purbeen politics. chased hogs was one who always Chapter HI, Lws of Utah, 1937, sewer system, and express willingYours with low down, and that said application has been ness to use it when service is avail ture, last Friday evening at their had the fattest, sleekest hogs to home. Those attending. 'from Jo Serr. set for hearing before the above able. be found, so one ' fall this hog included Mr. and Mrs. The Syracuse will be made as soon entitled court on the 27th day of survey buyer went to market to purchase Arvid Waite and Mr.-aMrs. as the to has unknown an his found He government city usual completof pxtont. December, 1939, at the hour his engineer supply. Arnold and daughter, Mi3s ed on estimates This Bodily comes rental charges to latest proposal from 10:00 oclock a. m. All objections farmer friend leaning on the fence Helen Bodily., made of property owners. rail of his hog lot, and inside was the Securities and Exchange Com- to 'said application must be filed beThe Miss Lola Smedley attended a mission. would sewer a governestablish It anticipated in the above entitled court oir or project the skinniest, measliest, W PA music .carnival at Provo, .Utah, last bunch of hogs he had ever seen, ment-sponsored corporation to before 10:()0 oclock a. m. on the will be completed. under program, with labor, or 13 per cent week-enand he said: Jim, what is the buy equity shares in small busi- 27th day of December, 1939. Mrs. Elton J. Bennett has been exK. BRUCE MAJOR, Clerk of the of the cost, being furnished by the matter? I always buy the finest nesses, in order to avoid the ill ' reledcral securat her home for the past week on attendant and the government floating Second Judicial District Court of hogs in my whole list from you pense and now look at these things you ity issues. The simplicity of the the State of Utah, in and for maining 33 per cent, for materials, suffering with tonsilitis. to be furnished by funds derived Samuel Neville arrived home have! Davis County. Jims reply, in a husky froposed mechanism for making . revenue bonds, payable as a Sunday evening from St. Anthony, to small business by will tell I I was: ZADA you, By whisper, WAITE, rental charge by the subscribers to Idaho, where he underwent a maused to come here with good corn enterprises appeals to me, said ' Deputy Clerk. the system. the of chairman the , Commission, jor operation a week before.-Mrsand middlings, and call my hogs (SEAL) In a preliminary survey conduct Neville and J. E. Nevjlle of and they would come and fill up, and he added that he has urged the ORLANDO J. fcOWMAN, ed a short time previously, the Layton, who but I lost my voice. After that 1 Senate Banking and Currency accompanied Mr. Nefor Attorney Applicant. health departnunt reported that ville on the trip returned the midcame and rapped on this rail with Committee to make a detailed Date of November publication, f the proposal, with a view ft. HI, 23, only 19 out of 430 persons con- dle of last week. a stick and they learned to come to December 1939. 7, 30; tacted were not favorable to instalMiss Beth J?nsen entertained at pressing legislation at the next at that call and again they would lation of .the system. session of Congress. regular a bunco party at the home of her fill up. but my troubles came when The plan is simple, all right, and a flock of woodpeckers moved into parents last Friday evening. Her 4-- H this neck of the woods and they superficially it will doubtless exert guests were Miss Eva Jean Frew, Hiss Wilma Green, Miss La strong appeal to little businessbegan peeking on every tree and amen Fayq who would like a pocket full the hogs thinking it was feeding 3ennett, Miss Lola Hodgson, Darof free rell Warren, Verlee Cook. Phil government money. But, time began running from tres to Notice is hereby given that the to the thoughtful, it is about as tree. You see the result. Norman Hansen and arbor, Miss Betty Hatch, of the 3rd luane Stoker. The communistic crowd consti- dangerous a law as could well be Board of Education of the Davis club led by Nina Moss Whether or not its County School district, hereinafter year imagined. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Barber, tutes woodpecker No. 1. hackers so intend, No. 2. nothing could sometime called the OWNER, will and Marie Hatch will receive a Hr. and Mrs.. W. II. Wilcox,. Mr. The Nazis are woodpecker And there are S91 smaller wood- do more to achieve socialization of receive bids for furnishing Equip- gold medal in recognition of her and Mrs. Clyde Barber, Mr. and as - well ment delivered to the North Davis outstanding work in her home eco- Hrs. Clifford Barber, Mr. and Mrs. peckers calling us away from the American business, . small Junior' High School located Near nomics Miss Fern .eonard Jensen.' Mr. and Mrs. Wil-arsubstance on which we have grown as large. d If government buys shares in a Clearfield, Utah, each bid to be Shipley, assistant state boys anif' in five generations to lie the greatK. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-ae- e in club accordance it leader. an must with The take business, is medal interest the girls specificaest nation in the world. Barber all attended the Bar-H- r in of that busi- tions and other contract documents the county award presented by During the coming months Ill at- ness,thein management reunion at Centerville family to protect its invest- now on file at the Office of the Montgomery Ward and Company. "ast tempt to analyze these Isms ment order afternoon. Saturday And Presentation of this medal marks government even OWNER, and at tho Office of Pope. Arvid Waite has been named as through American eyes and lay Burton the -17 manot of Exit and a may though the Thomas, completion purchase years Architects, ft the facts as I find them before in' the Y. M. M. I. A. interest is certain to be- Newhouse Building. Salt Lake City, tension Service' at the Utah State Hr.counselor you, hoping to help preserve the jority Waite succeeds Ralph Walker come the senior partner. You Utah, where they may be examined Agricultural college has conducted who has served for the past two Blessings of Liberty" for your can trust the such a and contest,-see to to obtained politicians copies upon deposit children and mine. A free trip to the National Club years. that. Wielding the tremendous of f 1.00. The W. P. A. project that was in Chicago early in Depower that the governments fiCongress Each bid shall be made out on a cember a year ago at the started nancial" interest in business would be awarded to. Miss form to be obtained at the office Leah 'will give them, it wouldnt take long of of Hebcr, who has cemetery is now Holdaway the OWNER or ARCHITECT, been chosen as state winner in very near completion. This work for our public servants" to the Business and Rhall be accompanied by a cer- Montgomery Ward contest. Five that has been directed through the public masters. tified or cashiers check or bid bond, state winners of would-b- e run other contests are Syracuse town board has added by arbitrary for Rr.p of largely the total amount of the to be given $200 rules prescribed at Washington college scholar- greatly to the beauty of the Whether youre a hunter or not. snd businessmen would become bid. made payable to the order of ships. Ihe contest seeks to encour- grounds. All fences and coppings the Board of Education of the Davis age go gunning for big game this year! figureheads. to a broad un- have been removed and the entire girls gain Go gunning for perhaps ?23.90.,-0- 0 Little business in this country County School District shall be derstanding . of the major phases cemetery beautifully leveled and worth of (tame by preventing is traditionally individualistic and sealed and fill'd with the Board ot of' homemaking and to awn planted. j apheating plant fires before they independent. If it wants to keep Education of the Davis County propriate' records of theirkeep Mrs. Laurence Briggs gave the projects School District at its office in the and activities. happen. that independence and individual .literary lesson at Relief society Davis County Courthouse, FarmAmericans like their comfort. ity, it will avoid a afternoon. The lesson Tuesday partnership As soon as cool weather sets in. with politicians like tne ington. Utah, on or before Novemwas Joan of Arc continued last plague. ber 27. 1939. at 2:00 P. M.'and will heating plants arc started full month. be opened and publicly read aloud bldst in millions of homes and Mrs. James Pace of Wanship, business establishments. Where at or about 2:13 P. M. of that day. tah. visited last week-en- d with systems are not chocked over there The above mentioned check or bond icr sister, Mrs. Julia Bodily, of is a very real possibility of deshall be given as a guarantee that KAYSVILLE Following publi- Syracuse. structive fire. Statistics show a Mrs. Frederick Brind of Salt the bidder will enter into the' con- cation of a notice of dissolution of As when knows, the everyone increase in loss as fire the great Jike tract if L. Tall "awarded subsidized to him and E., a City is spending a few weeks will electric cold season advances; government Garage, corporation, be declared forfeited ifjthe success E- L. Tall, manager of the local visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George HeatipcLxquipnu'.Dt.shouldbcixL-- . .projects take over private utilities, refuses' to enter into T85nceYn' staled' today that" the pro- H rBennettrJr: hpected for defective, rusted," or j Ircniendous sums' in taxi's are lost TUpbiddeF said A well arranged Harvest to contract naafter being requested cedure was merely a means of disand cities, counties, states broken parts. It- should be thorBall, so to do by the OWNER.,, social sums tion the which and floor show is being giv. be must solving made corporation. with the oughly cleaned, along Explanation was forthcoming, en tonite (Wednesday) under the If necessary, call in a up by increasing the levies paid chimney. The OWNER, reserves the right Mr. Tall said, following numerous direction of the Mutual Improveheating export to put the system by the remaining taxpayers. to reject any and all bids or waive the Today communities are learning any inquiries in proper working order. It is a week. ment association. during This is the past in bid. a informality The concern is now known as the first of a series, of ward entertaingood idea also to look for hot that socialisation of private indusNo bidder may withdraw his bid E. L. Tall Motor company. ments that is planned for the com try means severe losses in still for a parts of the heater or pipes that other-wayperiod of thirty (39) days The private utilities may be charring' burnable materi- are als nearby., Unless there is suffi- always among the principal after the date set for the opening hereof. tor- - tnhw .1 b- e- .Cmmuni cicnLxlrarancrufor. safety. the via. ty t Dated this 2nd day of November, flammable material should be pro- -. Chest,' the Red Cross, and all oth- 1939. tected by asbestos and. sheet metal er charitable and civic betterment BOARD ' OF- - EDUCATIONT)F drivtwUtiHtymcnr as' a' rule give separated by DAVIS COUNTY SCHOOL Another point to keep in mind freely of their time and energy to DISTRICT. is never to force a fire. Also re- helping the drives attain their (Signed) member such simple precautions as goals. Government projects, such Thtuuas E. Williams, Clerk. placing hot ashes in metal contain- as the TV A and the Bonneville AdThe name and address . of the ers and keeping any papers left in ministration, dont contribute for newspaper which published this . the cellar at a safe distance from these purposes. They dont advertise in the local press. They as- notice is as follows: ! the furnace. in local prob- THE WEEKLY REFLEX It is not too late to declare sume no leadership - being11 I nstead-'o- f part and Kaysville, Utah season" on -- heating plant lem of the community, in every fires. Heres hoping all fire hunt- parcel Date, of First Publication Nophase of community life, they are vember Kk liKHl. ers get their limit this winter. Date of Last Publication separate and aloof. NoAnd the community loses in oth- vember 23. Jtflft). ... er ways that cannot be measured in dollars arid cents alon?.Jt is the traditional 'American feeling We finance the purcKase of new automobiles that local endeavors should be adThe government already has its vanced by local men. in close touch Notice is hereby given that a and make loans on used cars. arm into big business up to the with local needs and conditions. A public hearing on the of Budget elbow. By making loans, bj; payr government, aguncy.,. .operating aiw Da.vis CiMuvty- for- 3 wi b?- - held "Ing'new 'regulatory legislation and, der a stringent, politically-dominated at the County Courthouse in FarnW in some cases, by actually going policy prescribed in ington. Monday, December 18, 1939. into business and using -' .ipmlly,, be adapted., to Ut tax Mdica and 'special privileges to'uh-derse- local problems and ambitions. payer protesting said budget 'will its private competitors, it IN hen BARNES-BAMUNgovernment goea mJmu. hal heard-at- -4 G has extended state xapiU.Um-o- n ness the cduiniunityToses those in- Davis County Commissioners, a considerable scale. dividual characteristics which are Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Now, if a new plan recently pro- so integral-- a R. BruceTMajor. Clerk. part of posed is adopted, little business that is given life and democracy .. Kaysville Dates of publication, November vitality by will also come under the wing of lockl private enterprise. -- 23 and 30. 1939. Notice - bor-rowe- -- , ct Bountiful City Will ' Conduct Sewer Survey - nd no-acco- i d. . 5 . Advertisement for Bids under the budget pWj ward. the of The Layton fire department made a trip to the farm of William zer on Monday afternoon to extin beguish a fire in the hay stack ing-winte- VIRGINIA 8. BENNETT Correspondent Phone Kaysville 228-- J Health Department Report Bulletin AVI r.lTAKDIANBBiP NOTICES County CVrfe or for Eurtlutr lifonntiM, c PROflATC ( . SYRACUSE Davis County ie Deeklg Heflor Ml. THURSDAY, ffOVEMRrn THE WEL'XLIT REFLEX Robert Bosch , 1940 To Laptaijl nf Davis longing to Mr. Beazer. Quick action on the KAYSVILLERoUrt was named rapuS? Layton al cf part 1940 Davis high sthSV loss those assisting resulted in the team, at an election MlB a few tons of hay. of only school this (Thursday . mJ at G. Ramp Mrs. and Henry Bishop ,nly. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frances Wiggill, for duty next jycar, ,tiave0H Mr. and Mrs. George H. B.nneit, on this years'Tearn': j ' Cer Earl W. Daal at the institution thu J Jr., Mrrar.d Mr3.Golden W. SmedJ and Mr. and Mrs.. Other boys, who .aw W ley attended a Home and Church de of ct,on n Pan, Beautification Project meeting at and will the Barrett hall in Salt Lake City Rex Flint, return' m t vjr fullback, Thursday evening of last week. the duties of that p ,til,nMr. and Mrs. Walter E. Schoen the absence of Dale f Port jsras injured the fun fold and son,- - Stephen, 7 Townsend, - Washington, arrived season; Dean Gib,o, here Monday evening and will KendalUSedgwick, an) Al. make their future home in Syra- vin Stoker, end. cuse, Miss' Myra Hooper has returned Time to the home of her parents, Mr. a after Mr3. Hooper and Douglas Showih visit of. the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence I. Criddle. Theatre Mrs. Arnold D. Miller attended Ech ir If - fir -- On Borrowed Set for At Town BOUNTIFUL the North Davis stake relief son0 ciety alumni social which was held Time starring Liop at the home of Mrs. Joseph Doney is to play at the Town tJJJJJ at West Layton last Friday after- Sunday, Monday ancl Tuesday November 2(1, 27 and -- v noon. On Borrowed Time Elder Russell Hansen, who le't the most daring and nnu.alone to week continue of last the first r It o thou: his mission in the northern states, and inspiring story provoking in to labor the has been assigned g of humor and Detroit, Michigan, bfanch. . fection. Very briefly it j, Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Cole, have of an old grandfather returned to their home at Los An- story to die lest the granZ afra)d P geles. California, after a two whom he adores fall into the ftS Mrs. Mr. and weeks visit with of a and . John Stoker also other relatives in aunt. scheming And at last the grandfaftj Ogden and Salt Lake City. Death. traps him in traps Mr. and. Mrs. Willard iranches of an old apple tree Noth! and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ing can die until Gramp speaks Bodily attended the Weber Health word which will release this strait association social last Wedensday personification of Death. a mvv evening at the Utah Power and terious stranger who calls himself Hr. Brink. Light auditorium in Ogden. Lionel Barrymore, as the grand, Mr. and Mrs. Jerro Steed and small daughter, Donna, of dear-fiel- father, gives what will probably and Mr. and Mrs. Howard e hailed as the finest contribution Stringham of Bountiful visited he has ever made to the art of Sunday with Sheriff and Mrs. Jo- motion pictures Mr. IJjmk is by that master craftsmaa seph Holbrook. Reed Pace and Raymond Pace of stage and screen. Sir Cedrie is . have returned to their homes at Hardwicke. The grandson .acted the most talkod-o- f young, Hoytsville and Park City, Utah, ster ofbythe year'. Bob Watson. And ater having spent the past two in the supporting cast are some months with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of the finest actors ever. brought and Bodily family. Mrs. Gerald S. Waite, president together.. Franklin, who Sidney gave yoo of the local Primary association, such as Smilin ' masterpieces announces that next Sunday eve- Through, The Barretts of ning at 7:30 oclock the annual Street and .The Good Earth, ward Primary conference will be produced this picture guaranteeing conducted in the chapel. And in as its in entertainment. quality much as practically every child of Primary age will be participating The wheat fanners share of the a hearty invitation to the adult dollar spent by each consumer for ward members is extended for them mead has varied from tfi to to be present. cents during the past 2u years. -- ( , i , heart-warmin- 2 Bam-brou- T gh d, - Whim-?ol- e - DAVIS COUNTY SHEET METAL WORKS COAL and GAS FURNACES STOKERS and AIR CONDITIONERS GUTTERS : SKYLIGHTS : CHIMNEY TOPS FURNACE CLEANING Local Girl )Vins Achievement Award Chas. A. Trump, Prop. Phone Bountiful 1ft. nr ins 4-- H -- club,-announc- es if irs Chrysler, Plymouth, -- Open Season On Heating Plant G. M. C. Trucks or a Good Used Car You j Want, AND A GOOD DEAL, See Us ' F. R. WILLIAMS Phone 203 MOTOR CO. KaysviDe lie-co- Fires - W-T'"- 4-- H N 5ts Publication Notice The Community Loses Explained by Tall -- V v SO i - "EnjoYTonr - ' HOLIDAY TRIP by Ennm s. . air-spac- .JL. - e. Jtp8 Comfortable You can read, write, or just relax as you rida in" conJorL delightful It'8 Carefree t You'll be free from highway hazards. No worry about the weather. No unexpected expense. It's Convenient 1 AUTOMOBILE FINANCING -- Is Little Business Next in Line? X.017 FARES ... Round trip' In coaches from Kaysville t1 Notice - Wash-toplP- -- 1 1 Los Angeles . Chicago . . . .. Ala vw, Ira NMny farM INYESTIGATET TODAY! Ask local agont about tho conveni, ji schoduJos and low iatOt Ri tax-sub- , lXUlXL-ocloe- mAny L. ll COMPANY J J. L. HIGGINBOTTOM . , bat-tim- e: Telephone No, 8 CfeuDa . , Kaysville, t mm laaiusfflif . j N Vi $12.80 47.00 . |