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Show Spa I VICTORIO TOMATO JUICER NO PRE COOKING, excellent for apple sauce. Louie DeRose, 502 S. 400 E., Springville, 489-6183 or 785-3330. OlOb CARPET REPAIR SPECIALIZING in serging (edging of rugs and carpeting) Hans Miller, 558 W. 600 N. Provo, 373-5201 N PIANO TUNE AND REPAIR-PHONE REPAIR-PHONE Leo J. Prows, 373-7406 Member LP.T.G., Inc. tf PIANO RESTYLING AND RE FINISHING. 19 years experience. Free estimate. Terms. Harris Piano Shop and Music Center, Orem, 225-4518. tf LOST-CHIHUAHUAS LOST-CHIHUAHUAS Dog, tan with little white on head and chest. Has long legs. Vicinity 156 W. 1400 S. Orem. Reward. Phone 225-5657. SIS C-THRU Awning lets in the light. Triple E Inc. 1698 S. State, 225-3420. TF TV AND RADIO REPAIR-17 REPAIR-17 Years experience B&W 10 years color, 3 excellent technicians. tech-nicians. Triple E Inc. 1698 South State, Phone 225-3520. BUILDING MATERIALS-UTAH MATERIALS-UTAH Valley Builders Supply 485 N. State, Ph. 225-3300. One stop for all your remodeling remodel-ing needs, wide selection of wall and floor tile. Complete financing through Title I home improvement loans. TF PERSONAL-LOSE PERSONAL-LOSE weight safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 98? at Orem Pharmacy. 800 S. State. Sl-06 FOR SALE-CHOICE SALE-CHOICE location Orem, 3 bedroom bed-room brick, 1 12 baths. Wall to wall carpeting, garbage disposal, dis-posal, finished basement - 25x 25 family room plus additional rooms. $15,900. ph. 225-4158. S8P PONTIAC - RED jfaX-.:-:: ..-V. potato: $1. 75 per 100 WITH YOUR OWN CONTAINER DIGGING SAT., SEPT. 24 CALL 225-3710 - - 324 West 1600 North, OREM Specializing in Repair of Automatic Transmissions Now you can take advantage of our topflight experience ex-perience in repair of all types of transmissions. Plus Our Usual Automotive Service O Motor Tune-Up O Electrical Work O Motor Overhaul Orem 600 North State - Orem inteimountain Finance & Thrift Co. 19 West 1st No. NOVO, UTAH Tel J7S-1W5 or 371-9605 (A Utah Corporation) DEBENTURE B0IJDS Earns Interest up to . . . 8 Issued In denominations of $300.00 and $1,000.00. Interest payable semi-annually or compounded and payable at maturity. Telephone, write or visit ouf office for details. NAME ADDRESS CITY (limited for eale MISC. FOR SALE-WELL SALE-WELL kept carpets show the results of regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning. Rent electric sharapooer $1. Nelson Paint and Glass Co. 538 S. State, Orem, 225-4141. MISC. FOR SALE-IF SALE-IF carpets look dull and drear, remove the spots as they appear ap-pear with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Utah Valley Builders Supply andPro Hardware, 485 N. State.Orem 225-3300. IACCORDION LESSONS- MY home, ph. 785-3986Pleas-ant Grove. tf MALE HELP WANTED-RETAIL WANTED-RETAIL ShoeSalesmen...earn money in your spare time. . . Use your experience and know-how know-how to build a profitable full or part-time business selling Knapp Shoes. Knapp is the largest larg-est Direct Seller of shoes with over 250 styles, sizes AAA to EEEE, 2 to 18, and carry over 500,000 pairs in stock. You earn commissions up to $6.00 a pair plus bonus and insurance. insur-ance. All equipment and training train-ing is free. Join the many retailers re-tailers now earning $50.00 to $200.00 a month in their spare time. YOU CAN TOO! Write today R.L. Jenkins, Knapp Bros, Shoes, 6401 E. Flotilla St., E. Los Angeles 22, California. FOR SALE-WURLITZER SALE-WURLITZER Spinet Piano, this area. Take over $15.00 monthly payments. For details write: Credit Manager, Box 6179 -Sugar House Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. S1,8,15B PLEASE... Maybe if we use the polite approach you'll give us your business. We Buy -Sell - Trade, coins, stamps, supplies-ha-nd-made jewelry jewel-ry antique bottles - micell-aneous micell-aneous items CASPER Stamp & Coin Shop 434 W. Center Prove Ph. 374-5078 Front End Alignment Align-ment with our visualiner Auto Ph. 225-3174 , HI to Utafi Residents) BILLS PRESSING? DO YOUR PAYMENTS EXCEED YOUR PAYCHECK? Protect Your Job Avoid GarniiKmtrvt Our staff It trained H glvt yew profitional and Mnfidtntlal Mrvk. Call today for all appointment!. ap-pointment!. INTERMONTAIN CREDIT COUNSELORS, INC. 46 Wet 1st North Provo, Utah Tel. 373-6905 or 373-1965 liconud and tondtd PR0V0 Radio & Television Co. HOME OR SHOP REPAIRS Radios ' Televisions Stereos Recorders Record Players Tubes tested free ... Batteries Bat-teries and needles installed while you wait. Antennas repairsd-installed Our new address . . . 1234 N. State . Riverside Plaza Provo Phone 373-4713 Formerly Ralph's Radio Ralph W. Wiscombe. Mgr. ACE RENTS We Rent Almost Anything Baby Cribs Rolloway Beds Power Tools Sports Equipment 1745 So. St., Orem Phone 225-4616 EXCEPTIONAL LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY Reliable Port)), Mole or Fttnol, for part or full time buiintss. RESTOCK THE LATEST MODEL FREE SELF-SERVICE TUBE TESTERS WITH NATIONALLY AOVERTISED SYLVANIA AND R C A. T.V. AND RADIO TUBES. We secure best locations. Such os retail stores, super markets, discounts stores, service stations, etc. THIS IS A PERMANENT BUSINESS, although it will not interfere with your present employment. NO KNOWLEDGE OF TELEVISION OR ELECTRONICS REQUIRED. TO QUALIFY YOU MUST HAVE: 1. A sincere desire to increase yvut present income in four own business. 2. Automobile. 3. 6 to 10 hours of spare time each week. 4. SI 795.00 to $3590 00 cash ovoilable immediately for inventory and equipment. Your investment is secured. EARNINGS COULD EASILY NET OVER $6000.00 PER YEAR. Do not answer unless fully qualified for time ond investment. Business is fully set-up by company. There is no sellina or soliciting. Income will start immediately. For Personal interview in your city, write and include your phone number to: NU-TONE ELECTRONICS, P.O. BOX 8368 OLIVETTE STATION ST. LOUIS, MO. 63132 INC. Doing One Thing Well: Dry Cleaning A Modern Plant in Pleasant Surroundings Operated by Experienced Personnel ALLEN DRIVE-IN CLEANERS 556 South State. Orem Ph. 225-0501 KADIAT0K8 EZPADUES A to 01ms . IntteUed RpeeUllsed Wert AHLANDEES 480' So. Utdv. Ave., Prove WORLD'S LARGEST MOST TRUSTED MOVERS BAILEY MOVING cd STORAGE Revesontinff ALLIED VAN LINES 18019 South State, Orem Ph. 328-4848 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a school election will be held Tuesday, Tues-day, November 8, 1966, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing elect-ing a member to the board of education of Alpine School District Dis-trict for a four-year term to represent rep-resent Precinct 1 Comprising All Voting Districts West of State Street in Orem. Nominations in writing must be filed with the county clerk by a candidate, or by at least five citizens on behalf of a candidate, not later than October 7, 1966, at 4:30 p.m. A candidate must reside re-side in the respective precinct, and be a qualified and regis roposed Changes in Utah's Constitution Static of Utah OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE salt Jake City August 29, 1966 Dear Fellow Citizens: The Legislature of the State of Utah has en-trustt en-trustt d me with the responsibility for publishing the following Propositions, which relate to changes in the Constitution of the State of Utah. In the beginning of the body of each Proposition we have set forth the Ballot Title, of the Proposition as it -will appear on the General Flection Fallot on Xoeimber 8, 1966. Ft cause of the very serious nature of these Propositions which your State Legislature has caused to be placed before you, I urge that each of you study the text of the Propositions Propo-sitions in full. 1 urge yon to consult with your friends, neighbors neigh-bors and local civic leaders in order that you may gain all information necessary to render a just and wise decision. Sincerely, CLYDE L. MILLER Secretary of State Be is resolved by two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature. PROPOSITION NO. 1 METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT SHALL A NEW ARTICLE BE ADDED TO THE CONSTITUTION CON-STITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH TO PERMIT COUNTIES OF 75,000 OR MORE PERSONS TO ESTABLISH ES-TABLISH A METROPOLITAN METROPOLI-TAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT GOVERN-MENT WITHIN METROPOLITAN METRO-POLITAN REGIONS WHICH COULD REPLACE ANY OTHER EXISTING UNIT OF .LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITHIN THE REGION. Section 1. The residents of a county with a resident population popula-tion of not fewer than 75,000 as determined by the last national na-tional or state census are empowered em-powered to establish a metropolitan metropol-itan region and provide for the government thereof, subject only to the limitations of this article. Sec. 2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the constitution constitu-tion of this state, a metropolitan government created in accordance accord-ance with the procedure outlined out-lined herein may assume or transfer powers and functions of existing governmental units, provide pro-vide for revenue to support a metropolitan government, assume as-sume indebtedness of existing governmental units, transfer of-tieial of-tieial records, funds and other property and assets, and provide for all matters necessary or incidental to the effectuation of the foregoing provisions. Sec. 3. Whenever the residents resi-dents of a metropolitan region desire to create a metropolitan government, a petition to do so may be filed naming the metropolitan metro-politan region and describing the boundaries thereof. Such petition shall be signed by qualified quali-fied electors equal to ten percent or more of the votes cast at the next preceding general election within the proposed metropolitan metropoli-tan region and shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, at least six months prior to the next general -election. Sec. 4. The Secretary of State shall forthwith publish notice of the filing of the petition, naming the metropolitan region and setting set-ting forth the boundaries thereof as described in the petition. The notice shall be published once a week for six consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation and published in the county containing land proposed to be included in the metropolitan metropoli-tan region, and the Secretary of State shall transmit a certified copy of the petition to the county clerk of the county concerned. con-cerned. The matter shall be placed before the registered voters residing in the metropolitan metro-politan region upon a ballot reading substantially, "Should a metropolitan type of government govern-ment be created? Yes ( ) or No ( )," at the next general election held regularly alter the filing of the petition. Sec. 5. At the time the voters residing within the metroiolitan region vote to approve or reject the metroolitan type of local government at a general election, elec-tion, they shall also vote for fifteen fif-teen ersons to be members of a charter commission to prepare a plan of metropolitan government. govern-ment. Candidates shall he qualified quali-fied electors residing within the proposed metropolitan region, who shall In; nominated by petition peti-tion signed, with their respective addresses, by not fewer than fifty registered voters residing within the proposed region. Said petition shall be filed with the Secretary of State at least sixty days prior to the general election. If a majority of the I'lectors voting upon the ques tered elector. Elijah Chip man Clerk-Treasurer Published In the Orem-Geneva Times September 8 and September Septem-ber 29, 1966. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DIS-TRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOR UTAH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of: MABLL RASMUSSEN SYKES, : Deceased, : Probate No. 12,743 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned tion vote in the affirmative, the fifteen candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast at such election shall constitute the charter commission. The ballot for a charter commission shall not contain any party designation. designa-tion. Sec. 6. If a metropolitan type of government is approved, the charter commission shall, within one month after being elected, on a day and time to be set by the Secretary of State, meet and organize in the metropolitan region re-gion and proceed to frame a charter setting forth a plan of government for the metropolitan region. The expenses of the charter commission shall be ad vanced by the state and the state shall be repaid by the metropolitan region within live years. Charter commissioners shall be allowed no pay for their services, but shall be allowed necessary expenses by the board of examiners. Sec. 7. The charter so framed shall be filed with the Secretary of State by the charter commission commis-sion and then submitted to the qualified electors of the metropolitan metro-politan region at an election to be held at a time to be determined deter-mined by the charter commission, commis-sion, which shall be not less than sixty days subsequent to its completion and not more than one year from such date. Alternative Al-ternative provisions may be voted vot-ed upon separately. Notice as to the manner of obtaining free copies of the proposed charter and its alternatives, certified by the chairman of the charter commission, shall be published in the manner provided for notice of petition in section 4. Such proposed charter and alternative al-ternative provisions approved by a majority of the electors voting at a time to be fixed therein, and shall supersede any existing law of the metropolitan region thereon shall become the organic charters. The government created cre-ated thereby may supersede any existing forms of government included in-cluded in the metropolitan region re-gion if so provided in the charter. char-ter. Adoption of the charter shall not invalidate existing laws and ordinances not in conflict con-flict therewith. The metropolitan metropoli-tan government shall have the power to amend, repeal or replace re-place the ordinances of such superseded governmental units. Within thirty days after approval ap-proval of the charter, duplicate copies thereof, certified by the charter commission chairman, shall he filed in the office of the Secretary of State, who shail deliver de-liver one copy thereof to the officer of the metropolitan region re-gion designated by the charter after said officer qualifier. The charter may subsequently be amended or changed in the manner man-ner provided in Section 5 ol Article XI of the Constitution. Sec. 8. The metropolitan region re-gion government shall be a body politic and corporate and Imvc all rights, powers, juiisdictio'is and authority now e:i,ivi.ed by towns, cities, counties and all special purpose districts. Such metropolitan region government can sue and be sued, Mibiect to limitations, conditions nn.t procedure established by the legislature and the rules of procedure pro-cedure promulgated by ihe supreme su-preme court pertaining to muni cipal corporations. The charter of each metropolitan region shall designate the oliici-r who may be served as pioc -ss agent. This amendment shall take effect on approval by .tlv electors elec-tors of the state. PROPOSITION NO. 2 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION CALL WHEREAS THE THIRTY-SIXTH THIRTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF UTAH DEEMED IT NECESSARY at the office of his attornev. H. V. Wentz, 75 East Center Street. Provo. Utah, on orbefnm the 3rd day of November, A.D.. i0D. naims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of Title 75-9-5, Utah Code Annotated 1953, and with proper verification as required therein. Heber Lamar Sykes Administrator of the Estate of Mable Rasmus sen Sykes, Deceased. H. V. Wentz Attorney for Administrator Published in the Orem Geneva Times August 25, September 1, 8, and 15, 1966. TO CALL A CONVENTION TO REVISE OH AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF h .-"i i m I r. i i r i i 1 1 a j HAS R E CO M M E N D E D THAT THE ELECTORS VOTE AT THIS ELECTION FOR OR AGAINST A CON- VENTION: THEREFORE VOTE EITHER. WHEREAS, thi' people of this sovereign State ot Utah are blessed with the constitu-! tional guarantees of life, liberty, property, and self government .ln,l "' " ' WHEREAS, the guarantee ot ..If ...,v..r. it.Tf ..t..n,U to the right of the people to revise their constitutional charter; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the people should turn their attention periodically to a consideration con-sideration of fundamental concepts con-cepts of government and the machinery of government in the light of everchanging social and (conomic conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature, that it be recommended to the electors elec-tors to vote at the general elec tion to bp held in 19G(i for or against a convention to consider the Constitution of Utah and whether it shall be amended or revised. By this action it is deemed necessary that such proposition be submitted to the said electors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED RESOLV-ED that the Secretary of State is directed to submit this proposition propo-sition to the electors of the State of Utah in the general election to be held in 19(iti. The proposition proposi-tion shall be submitted to the electors in the following form: Whereas the thirty-sixth Legislature Leg-islature of the State of Utah deemed it necessary to call a convention to revise or amend the Constitution of Utah and has recommended that the electors vote at this election for or against a con vention; therefore vote either, for a convention against a convention if a majority of all the electors, voting at this election, shall vote for a convention, the Legislature, at its next session, ses-sion, shall provide by law for calling the same. PROPOSITION NO. :i SUCCESSION OF STATE AUDITOR AND STATE TREASURER SHALL SECTION 3 OF ARTICLE VII OF THE CONSTITUTION CON-STITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH BE AMENDED TO ALLOW THE STATE AUDITOR AND THE STATE TREASURER TO BE ELIGIBLE ELIGI-BLE TO SERVE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO SUCCESSIVE SUCCES-SIVE TERMS RATHER THAN THE ONE TERM NOW ALLOWED. Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VII, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read as follows: Sec. 3. No person shall be eligible to the otfice of governor or secretary of state unless he shall have attained to the age of thirty years at the time of his election, nor to the office of attorney general unless he shall have attained the age of twenty five years at the time of his election, and have been admitted to practice in the supreme su-preme court of the territory or the state of Utah, nor unless he shall be in good standing at the bar at the time of his election. No person shall be eligible to any of the offices provided for in section one ot this article, unless at the time of his election he shall be a qualified elector, and shall have been a resident citizen of the state or territory for live years next preceding his election. The state auditor anil state treasurer shall be in eligible to serve for more than two successive terms. If adopted by the electors of this state, this amendment, shall take effect upon approval. PROPOSITION NO. -I LEGISLATIVE STANDING COMMITTEE SHALL ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH BE AMENDED BY THE ADDITION ADDI-TION OF SECTION 33. AUTHORIZING AU-THORIZING EACH HOUSE OF IHE LEGISLATURE TO APPOINT COMMITTEES TO SERVE BETWEEN LEGISLATIVE LEGIS-LATIVE SESSIONS AS WELL AS DURING SESSIONS, SES-SIONS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE STAFFING AND FINANCING OF SAID COM MITTEES. Section I. It is proposed to amend Article VI of the Constitution Con-stitution of the State of Utah by the addition of Section 33 to read: Section 33 In order to ex pedite Ihe work of the legislature, legis-lature, each house may by resolution provide for the ap- Orem-Geneva Times - NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 10 day of October, 1966, at the Orem City Council room, Orem City Hall, Orem, Utah, at the hour of 8:00 p.m., a hearing will be held relative to the in tention of the Orem City Council to vacate that portion of 800 South Street which lies between the west boundary line of Interstate Y'h-way Y'h-way 15, and the west city " Its of Orem City; which said po tion of 800 South Street is 40 feet in width, running in an east and west direction, the center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at the center line of existing 800 South Street and the East R-O-W line of the D&RGWRR said pt. also beinc pointim-nt ol cmntnitttti to ascertain tacts ami make rec- ommondatmns as to any subject w i ni in 1 it t :u n i regulation or control, and joint committees, consisting of mem- hers ol both houses, may be ereattd by joint resolutions. A resolution creating any such committee may authorize it to act during sessions of the leg- islature. during periods when legislature is in adjournment "r alter final adjournment of a session. Any such committee shall hae the powers and per- f"rm V"' lrvi.l..i by the resolution creating it. including the power ot subpoena and the power to hire and to maintain stall, and in addition it shall have such powers and perform such duties as may he provided by law or by the rules of the legislature or either house thereof. there-of. The legislature may provide for the payment of expenses nic. ssarily incurred by any such committee. This amendment, if adopted by the electors of the state, shall take effect the first day of January, 1967. PROPOSITION NO. 5 ANNUAL SESSIONS OF THE LEGISLATURE SHALL SECTIONS 2 AND 16 OF ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH BE AMENDED TO PROVIDE FOR ANNUAL SESSIONS OF T H E LEGISLATURE CONSISTING OF A GEN ERAL SESSION OF NOT TO EXCEED FORTY-FIVE LEGISLATIVE LEG-ISLATIVE DAYS IN ODD NUMBERED YEARS AND A BUDGET SESSION OF NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY LEGISLATIVE DAYS IN EVEN NUMBERED YEARS. THIS PROPOSAL WOULD REPLACE A SIXTY CALENDAR CALEN-DAR DAY SESSION WHICH NOW MEETS EVERY OTHER YEAR. Section '1. It is proposed to amend Article VI, Sections 2 and 16 of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read: Sec. 2. Regular sessions of the legislature shall be held annually annu-ally at the seat of government. Regular sessions which shall be known as general sessions shall le held in odd-numbered years, and regular sessions which shall be known as budget sessions shall be held in even-numbered years. Regular sessions shall commence at 12 o'clock, P.M. on the second Monday in January. At a budget session the legislature legis-lature shall consider only (1) general appropriation bills lor the succeeding fiscal year, (2) revenue bills necessary therefor, (3) bills necessary to implement appropriations in general appropriation ap-propriation bills for new projects, pro-jects, programs or services, (4) legislative matters submitted to the legislature in writing by the governor during the session, and (5) legislative matters brought before tin1 session by introduction introduc-tion by two-thirds of the members mem-bers of either house. The legislature, however, may provide pro-vide for its expenses. Sec. U. No general session of the legislature shall exceed forty-five legislative days, and no budget session shall exceed twenty legislative days, except in cases of impeachment and except that at the end of any regular session the legislature may adjourn to a date when it shall convene for not to exceed five legislative days for the sole purpose of reconsidering vetoed bills, and hue items in appropriation appropri-ation bills vetoed by the governor. gov-ernor. No special session shall exceed thirty legislative , days, except that at the end of any special session the legislature may adjourn to a date when it shall convene for not to exceed ex-ceed five legislative days for the sole purpose of reconsidering vetoed bills and line items in appropriation bills vetoed by the governor. Legislative days shall be calendar days but shall not include Saturdays, Sundays, legal le-gal holidays or periods when the legislature shall be in adjournment. adjourn-ment. If adopted by the electors of the slate, this amendment shall take effect the first dav of January. Janu-ary. 1967. PROPOSITION NO. 6 CONVENING OF SPECIAL SESSION OF LEGISLATURE BY LEGISLATURE I TSELF SHALL A NEW SECTION BE ADDED TO AR TICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF 'THE STATE OF UTAH TO AUTHORIZE THE LEGISLATURE LEGIS-LATURE 'TO 'ALL ITSELF INTO SPECIAL SESSION UPON THE WRITTEN EE OUEST OF TWO -THIRDS OF THE MEMBERS OF EACH HOUSE. Section I ll is proposed to amend article VI ol the Consti lutum of the Stale of Utah by Ihe addition ol section 31 to read: Thurs., Sept. 15, 1966 . located east 2050 ft. more or less from the W 14 Cor. Sec 21, T6S, R2E, SLB&M, and running East 284 ft. to the West :1. line of Interstate Highway 15. The DroDosed ordinance for the . . varaHnn nf catH ctroof rnirafrtA I with the Plat showing the boundary , line and location of said street is on file in the office of the Orem , -City Recorder, Orem, Utah, for ... examination by the general public. " , Anyperson having any interest ' ., whatsoever relative tn tha inten tion of the Orem City Council to vacate said street, is urged to be ! present and express his objections, or approval of said proposal. , ' JAMES E. MANGUM ; ' Orem City Mayor . Pnhlisheri In the nrom.r.onovo Times September 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1966. Sec. ;U. Special sessions of ;' the legislature (1) may be con- i mil by the governor as pro- .' in mi m -ir n n i unjiinii I, or 1 2i shall he convened by the 1 presiding otlicers of the senate-, and house of representatives, . actios: jointly, upon written re- quest by two-thirds of the mem- '' hers ol each house. At a special session convened by the presid- ing otlicers of the two houses, ; . the legislature shall consider , only legislative matters brought beloiv the session by resolution-' approved bv two-thirds of the'- iin-niU-rs ot either house. The legislature, however, may pro- - vide lor its expenses. If adopted by the electors of the state, this amendment shall take effect the first dav of Janu ary, 1967. PROPOSITION NO. 7 LEGISLATIVE COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES SHALL SECTION 9 OF'i ARTICl K VI ( IK1 THI-1 fllX..' nilll'l lUiN Uf 1 MC, 3 1 A 1 I l-i'A ii i)L ! i.- v ri.'i ti i V PROVIDE THAT MEMBERS'!!- OF THE LEGISLATURE RE-"- v lUVf. A SALAH I t UK.." 'THEIR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE THOUSAND THOUS-AND DOLLARS PER YEAR, UNLESS OTHERWISE PRO-. Mti'n itr t it? v - r -v t- i" i h i v t a rv a i va - .' FOR EXPENSES AND.; MILEAGE AS FIXED BY' LAW WHEN ATTENDING' COMMITTEE MEETINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE HELD BETWEEN SESSIONS Avn wufm nTuirnutii' ENGAGED I N OFFICIAL BUSINESS. section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VI, Section 9 of t i.i I -,nctttiitiM, ,t thu ktit.i .,1 ' l w.,i. i.. i r.oi. vided hv lnw the tnpmhers nt- il,.. i..;i.,4.,... oi.n .;. . iiu ii 3uii u 1 1- riiitiii Hunt luut- IinwmiMH lilt ! imr uirvipnii ill... c i ,mru,w if tveiir lor me legislative legis-lative term navable monthlv'" w iti it .. i il. . I The members shall also receivil expense and mileage allowance. as fixed by law for attending! sessions of the legislature and meetings of single-house and joint committees held between sessions and during periods when the legislature is in ad iournment. and when otherwise engaged in official legislative business. lo increase ot compen- sat ion shall be effective during the period for which members of the then existing house of representatives may have been; elected. le .l....i ..1 l... il !..i ..r.' il uuoim-u oy uie electors oi the state this amendment shall , l.lLe offnrf Iho ftrcf irtv nf .Tnmi ary. 1967. " v PROPOSITION NO. 8 BOARD OF EXAMINERS . AMENDMENT .'11 ATT Ol-'l'nY'vifc a., . 1 i ARTICLE VII OF THE CONSTITUTION CON-STITUTION OF THE STATE OF U TAH BE AMENDED TO ABOLISH THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. WHICH IS COMPRISED OF THE GOV, ERNOR. THE SECRETARY OF STATE AND THE ATTORNEY AT-TORNEY GENERAL. THIS" BOARD NOW HAS THE! DUTY TO EXAMINE ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE STATE OF UTAH AND TO PERFORM SUCH OTHER DUTIES AS ARE PRESCRIBED PRE-SCRIBED BY LAW. Section I. It is proposed to amend article T1. section 13 of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read: ; Sec. 13. Until otherwise pro vided by law. the governor, secretary sec-retary of state and attorney general shall constitute a board of slate prison commissioners which board shall have such supervision ol all matters con' necti'd with the state prison as may be provided by law. This amendment shall lake effect on approval by the electors elec-tors of the slate. I. CLYDE L. MILLER. Sec retarv of State of the State ot Utah. DO HEREBY CER TIFY : that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of thi . constitutional amendments pro posed by the regular session of the Thirty-Sixth Legislature,; 1 91 if. and by the Special Session Ses-sion held in 1960. as appears on' i : ir;.... iccuio 111 m I'lllir. IN WI TNESS WHEREOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of tho Stale of Utah, at Salt Lake Citv, this 29th day of August, 196C. CLYDE L. MILLER Secretary of State ,,'!' Ol T'l) |