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Show BY TELEGRAPH. J. M. THOMAS, stranger came to her house and asked Public Debt Statement. A Fiend Causes a H. It. Disaster. Destruction by Fircg. AMERICAN. Washington, 2. The public statement shows a to-debt of J.i'J.'ilo.'JG; totnl interest. S 12,'47,0Jr; chsIi hi th. treasury; coin. lO'J; $81,471), currency, $4,177,8 1; Kpecial deposits held tor t lie ledeuiuiion of certificates of deposits us provided by lavr, $30,70,CMX; debt, leas ciibh in the treasury, $2,17U,215,32li; increase the nienih, 8,453 272; bonds issued to I'ucitio railroad com panics, interest payable in lawful money, principal out 1 du-in- g standing, $ti4,H2)J,5H2; interest a:cured and not yet paid, $1J8H,7U5, interest paid by lite L'ni ed Stales, $20,417,1)80; interest repaid nj the transportation ot mails, etc., $4,t'(tiU.()04; balane of interest paid lo the United Slates, $13,741,-931- . for a nifiht's lodin. It was given hini, but on retiring he slipped his shoes outside the door. In the morning the stranger was gone, and also a considerable miui of money. The woman wakened her husband, told her dream and she was laughed at, as uual. She dreamed it thrice the same night. Some weeks after this her husband had been to town and brought out to his home a good sum of money. In the evening a stranger applied for a night's h oging and was put to bed given a good supper m one of the upper rocms. Before the lady retired with t.ie dreaRi in her mind she opened ire door, and outside she found a pair of shoes in the precise position of the shoes in her dream. She then recalled all the vivid particulars of her vision. The man was all over the thief of her dream. She showed her husbaud the shoes, and again reminded himoi what she had told him that night when he laughed at her so. He now thought there might be something like a warning in it all; so he loaded his double barrelled shot-guand watched in the room where the treasures were. About midnight sure euuugh tho stranger came creeping n dowu stairs with a in his hand, and began to make u critical examination of the premises. Oik of the first discoveries he made was the man of the house, sittiug with a gun in his hands, keeping guard over his household goods, lie told the stranger to leave, and the stranger left, lie put ou hishoes outside the door and quietly walked away. The woman crowed all the rest of tha night. The ungrateful brute told her, however, that dreams never couu true, ne more did her's. for tho man did not get the money. n dark-lanter- to-da- r- AND MEXICAN MUSIC STORE, 1U3TAM Main Street, LIBT aJ information ia received confirmatory of the report from Madrid, respecting the indemnity to bo demanded by the Spanish Government in the case of the Virginiim," nor ax it probable that uny euch claim will be presented. Payment would, there is good grounds for stating, bo refused on the principle established by the general tribunal, in (he disallowance ot indirect or conse sciential damage. The preparation of the Virginius" correspondence will be completed tomorrow, and may be sent to t.'o; gre.s on Monday next. It is represented to be voluminous. An appropriation by Congress of nearly two millions of dollars in gold will be required in satisfaction of the claims allowed by the late United States and British Commission. The U. S. steamship Franklin." reported lost, has arrived at Key e,st. Milwaukee, 2. The boiler in Nurremacher's distillery und the engineer w..s 'eiploded Mcaldcd to death. St Louis, 2. OIJSrACLES TO MAKRLUJK. IIAITY KK1.IKK Foil YOUNG MEN FROM The Glenn House, Appeal newspaper tha efiect of Krror hivl AbuMM in early lite. office, several stores and shops in l'ai is, MuiiIuhmI reKchIi IiiiirliniriitH to burned on Wednesday, Loss, moval. Mkw nuithoU ot treatment. Mitrriage Mo., New and limrkitlile irinrilir. Ilwtikt unit Ciimlun heavy. free, in envelope. Aildrpm, HOWARD Kansas Cily, 2. ASSOCIATION, No. 3 S,utli Ninth St., l'himlil-phiu- , wood-eA fire several destroyed I'n., an Institution 1i.it juj; a hiidi reputation lor hnnnritblv couiUut nuJ roleiounl .kill, Lots, $12,000. buildings. An unknown villi au removed a rail on the Fort Scott and Gulf railroad, near Le Cygtie, yesterday, and ditched the freight train, killing the fireman and WEED injuring two others. Detroit, 2. The grocery store and dwelling of G. Aldeitoo, in Saginaw City, were com A'oie bilUr evtr made. !etcly demolished ihii afternoon, by .he mpWion of ft can of gunpowder. The little daughter of Aldci ton was instantly 4 I.I. THE LATEST ACTtrAL 1MPROYKkilled. His wife and clerk were seriMENTS, noiseless, Utfil niimini' iiliiiltlu It is supposed the child act'lun. ously injured was putting lighted matches in the can MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. Louisville, Ky., 2. Thif afternoon, Thomas Cook, h young PERSONAL INSTRUCTION GIVEN. Mian, fatally stabbed his wife, then stab, who J. W. HKSS, Agent, bed and killed his H'Hightto protect her daughter, and then AT WOODMANSEK3 STOKE OGDKX. eat his own throat. He and his wife ! m. are still alive but sinking. No official Coa! & Lime Office Wn known In firat America. It merit nrc vrell knnu n throughout the httbltablc worlil. It ha the oldest beat In the Mai kft,hvHy ALL KINDS Poll-Evi- l, u slol-fn- THE SEWING MACHINE! ft Phi!aJe:phi.i,2. SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. One door South of Ogden House. a. M. D. HAMMOND, AGEXT FOR THE Waon chuttler 11I1IS EXTERNAL WOUNDS. M3T Remember, this Liniment did not uprine up inn riayor n yeur. producing tee MOST ABSUBD ASD UN'yATfRAX. CURES AKl Ulr.HHHOOM LlNI- BT mexts. Bnt wo have the experience of over vr.tli the most thirty ye a of trial, uniulktudo of witneesea. If the Liniment is not as recommended, tha CLAIMED ox iiam. supply always Also Denier in A FUIjTj TO, Cure Kaura'.gla, r.benmatlra, Tout, Lams Back, Salt lthoum, J o,solouh r.ites, Fxteroat Bone and Ulnacle Affections, wore NippUs, cad may be j ustly termed the panacea' for all KEW-L'OB- N 8 Light Spring Wagons, .Su ceJs;Kcs, Threshing Jfaeliiius, ISuehe.yc SIowerN and Itcapers, Sulhy Kal&es, Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, Kmcry Grinders, tuhhie Fanning MiII.sy IMous, Shovel IMoavs, Cultivators, AND "ALL KINDS, OF FARM MACHINERY. A Complete Assortment of Money will bo Refunded. Do not be Impose H upon by usinj any other Iiuiment claiming; ihe saino pioix rties or reLo sura sults. They are a cheat and a fr-- ! JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF TIIK BEST MATERIAL throughout and is warranteJ. MATERIAL. WAGON AD IRO. HARDWOOD, ETC. STEEL, n..l-r.- uj. andgetnotkuigbut lil'dz? Msaicin gjf Solo bt all Btoueb at Dcuogish ajtd Coumtbt 25c, 50c. and Xexicx Sxzs STAYNER'S TO GO Liniment. $1 FOR YOUR per Dottle. or Bottle, Stile, io. LYON MFG. CO, AND OTHER mtvmm MUSICAL INSTEUMENTS AND PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER, Save Twenty Cents on the Dollar. PAPER IIANir.I!, Lie, Lojuu, At a Cactlio County. (prrimra of Z. C. M. Tho jmiuting I or work lis refers to hi NEAR SAVAGE'S I., LOGAN. which vrns itono UirtttioH. umlor hii 0 YES!! OYES!! FOUEIGN. London, 2. JJ'iot Vorke, cot s r'atlve. ha bem LOW RESERVOIR JOHN BENCH, to-da- : HOCK S 111110 returned to parliament from Cambridgeshire, without opposition. A special to the daily Tehjraph from St Petersburg, says tne article in the Rook Spring. $ 0.50. treaty between Knssia and Bokhara, 10.C0 lhiivered. abolishing slavery, is directly due in the 7.50. ('.(rtlville, of Secretary Schuyler, and all H.OO. DelivttreJ, tho members of the American legation at Si. Petersburg Ro H".nn by ()cttiis Onrui Clean Con!. A special telegram to 'he morning paYARD AT U.'P. FREIGHT DEPOT. pers from Madrid intimate Unit Castel-l.- i Oritwrn left at UonglnM' M(it 3Iaikt-- will he r will attempt a Mp dt r'n' if out- COAL! COALVILLE ire AND FAMOUS FOB BEDiO voted in the Cortes. prompt I slot True. JOHN PINCOCK. CARDON BROS., LOGAN, AND EASIEST TO SELL!!! g&gjpg: ilv Famous for doing moro and BETTER COOKING, Quicker andChenier cojt. FAMOUS FOR CIVl.NQ Satisfaction Everywhere, and Minfn1 Lecturer, j IIih A SHORT TIM K, (i)n.guw, f!n-will ren-ivculU to 11KALT1I, or lit'iiin lalirm.cle. troui tlnmo Hi'pkiug test tlm t;ict tf fir EVERY sold SQUBEEOLB. e-s- r i SPIU1T G03I3IUISION. Hour, from 'J ( '1 to 51 VI a.m., and from .m. J,,B- - j Mnjtitotic Treatment, PrivHte sittinps Onring o(iice Lours for Headitig the History or Character o :unl ilesoribing friends in Spirit Life, lti'li-Tiditn- 1 DEVELOPMENT b, SHtinct-- j ' OF Lifetime. 7 mtii.ii aim Ease of Operation and Management. Self Adjusting Tah Adjustable. Head. C!l t" p. f! Prii;en nt . i i ni.i.i v.. .u. 1., Vp(II. iii.iM 111 mini SAWUEL MILLER, JUN., MEDIA. ? "ur Styles TiWl't' n'.rv... Kxft!,lint, T s Call on it?. Consultation Free. lm llth, 1S73. and e, e-a- 1.03. ADMITTANCE FEE 23 vtn. Ogilcn, Nor. MACJIIIXE litntfe of Work without a Parallel. 7-i''"' 00 I'lVCi II ill '" will bo set anart for l'ttlilic AND IIOi:ST v not subjoel Ut FITS. POiiTS OFSUPERIORlTYi Simplicity and ftion of J lech an i.hi n. Durabilitywill last a ly . TIIK WORLD; PKRFKCTKi) of tlm Sowiuir Jlari.n... j Fo' ?Ieical Kxnminaiion, V j ! TERMS: W(iIllOSln RICPT IX 1-- ! OJkt J?m I by the Inventor HUAS ,,0WKl An liiiUtK i if V lur TtlS Tho women about. Evanavilkt arc EXCELSIOR F.UNUF'C COMPANY, rvxl dreamers. In olden times thov S.x doors west of 3Iei iinz Hall. would liitve been regarded as prophfit, Louis, Mo., WATCHES, etesses, but in these matter-of-faCLOCKS, d.iys they tiro only dreamers. Some AD JEWELRY. time sineo a watch was stolen, and a Manufactnrfil nnt Kojjairoil. woman had a dream which led AlhuntM, I'irtur I'rnmr and .Houhliiiy-Hto the recovery of tho watch Photographs, r Auibrolypea a?curate W' the arrest of the thief. This wrs ly taken. thought to be a remarkable accident. OriIch, rtiili. Pictures Copied. More lately a woman dreamed that a ct HAVE tlm ekin--o Pcnrlllv 10 Wll a n d rnilR TAKKX HOOMS KOI! Than any Stcvooftb OAIf MES. F. A. LOGAN, Masnctie Henler XT. HOWE SEWING JACIJINE. Trance Medium and Clairvoyant, CHEAPEST TO BUY!! v tilhW. o:n. MRS. E. N. BALCOM, BEST TO USE! yV3 Wij, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MAIN STREET, Salt Xatl3o Oity, Suited to all Climates, t Cosmo s27-l- y !)!)-- Counselors representing the various divisions of the Pennsylvania 11. II., met It is here in secret session that it was decided ununinum. ly to Mibinit to the reducliou, provided tie company will restore the eld wages The Pennnylvnuia in three monthd. official stute that the strike has practically ended, and that the men are resuming work under thu new rule. New York, 2. The Spanish frigate ''ArupilLs," al'ier being rtleuee l fn.m the dock to d.iy, grounded whi e beinglowedtotiieea.il hi te of tho yard, where she iniendeii to ship her guns, and is still hard and lust. Dreams Never to a Church Organ, us Choup.or Horses, Mules or Cattle. Main St., Ogdcn, .and Main St., Logan, Cache Co. -' mother-in-law- Jwsharp ! Violin Strings and oilier Fittings. lat-t- to-da- y, ! on hand. Cheaper ihan anywhere else in Utah. IT HAS SO EQUAL. rppommended with unbounded tawiv aQoe in all caea of C'ut,linii8eg,l)unis. Sprains, liheuraatism, Hard SwfllinuB, Bite,, the Joints, i rozen Feet, Ears, Ac, Ac. atnonjf all persona, and for Sprains, Scratches. Wlnd-GallFounders, Ringbone, Hoof-ale- , Spavins, Springhalt, Sadille.Col-la- r and Hamvaa G.1b; also diaoases of the Ere and Kar ia Ogden. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF From a LINIMENT It la . THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME record of and IiintincMt (n the world. From any the million upon millions of bottle old no complaint lias ever reach' cd us, and u u healing und PAIN SUBDUING . AlW, ni doors nest i CitJ. U'9 of Z. C. IL00M8. M. "igent. a lew I., Stilt 28-- Lak l |