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Show r TlE TIMES-NKW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, INDEPENDENT MANY CHILDREN LACK WEIGHT Utah Celery Day FindJ Nearby Half Traveling CUnlo Undernourished Wed. Dec. 7th Eat, think, talk and boost the best celery grown in the world We have a special lot for this day ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. 31 North Main Street In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Utah in and for the County of Juab. Edith Luella Smith Plaintiff, vs. Julius C. Smith, Defendant SUMMONS The State of Utah to the defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of thi3 summons upon (you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise within 30 days after service, and defend the a- - bove entitle action; and In case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which ha been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to recover judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing be tween you and the plaintiff, alimony attorney's-'ee- and costs. W. A. C. BRYAN Plaintiffs Attorney P O. Address Nephi Utah. First pub Dec. 2nd, 1921. Lnst pub. Dec. 30, 1921. 1 A Bargain For Ford Car Owners We will furnish the following material and labor, and make your car as good as new for Of of total of 444 children of echool age examined by experts of the traveling clinic of the Utah Public Health association, up to a recent date 202 or nearly 50 per cent were found to be more than 7 per cent under weight. This means that this number of the schoolchildren examined were under nourished either through lack of food, lack of proper feeding or lack of prop, ei- -. health habits. It Is explained by officials of the health association that these figure do not mean that SO per cent of the school children in Utah are under nourished or under wefght, because as yet, only a small percentage of the school children of Utah have been examined, but It does mean that of the number visiting the clinic and having examinations made, that percentage were found to be under weight, which U an lndiction that there is a large amount of malnutrition among the school children of Utah. The National Tuberculosis association has Just announced that it has figures indicating that there are more than 500,00 malnourished children in the schools of the country. It Is but reasonable to suppose that Utah has its proportion of these, It Is pointed out by officials versed In this subject. The conditions developed by the traveling clinic of the health association, lu the districts It has developed, proved beyond a doubt that malnutrition does exist among the school children and malnutrition Is the primary cause for practically all disease, in that it renders the body of the victim unable to combat Infection and contagion. The national Tuberculosis association, as a means of overcoming this malnutrition among school children Is making every effort to have the modern health crusade an effective aud interesting method of teaching good health habits and proper eating, in the public schools of the country. This same means of combatting malnutrition and disease among the school children of Utah Is being fostered ana furthered by the Utah Public Health association as apart of Its general health program In the state. Last year more than 13,000 school children in the state were enthusiatlc members of the modern health crusade and learned valuable lessons of how to build up their health, how to eat, what to eat, how to sleep how to play and how to do all those things essential to proper development of their bodies. This method of teaching health habits In a way that brings consistent practice of the habits taught, nas proved so effective that at Its recent meeting In San Francisco, the supreme council, Knights of Columbus, adopted a resolution urging all Tls councils throughout the world to work toward the adoption of the modem health Mde In all schools. a reduction of 20 per cent from 4 Piston Pins 2 Rings 3 Main Bearings "2 Timing Gears 8 Valves 3 Cam Shaft Bearings 8 push rods New Oil All new Gaskets 4 Pistons -ZK While you are driving through the storm . is made for a new Crank Shaft which is seldom needed. Tne personal c omfort department of this supply shop is well Richly colored robes In subdued tones. Will keep you warm when you are driving and will keep your radiator warm when you stop. Olo-vpParlay caps. How about a heater for your car? stocked. or those Nephi National Bank A '5 NEPHI EXPERENCE Can you doubt the evidence of this Nephi citizen? You can verify Nephi endorsement. Read this: James Garrett, retired farmer says "When a person gets along in years the kidneys are likely to give trouble most anytime. Sometimes my kidneys have become disordered, and the kidney secretions have passed too freThen my back has ached quently. I have bought Doan's dreadfully. Kidney Pills at Lunt's Pharmacy and a box or so has never failed to cure such an attack. Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Garrett had. Foster Milburn Co Mfrs., Bufffalo, N. Y. -- Watch Our Windows On stoves and ranges we offer 20 per cent large shipment of dishes just arrived. They are priced 25 Two Loaves For One matchless food. Every tasty and rich in loaf toppy, a robe to keep you The wise man of tomorrow Is the thrifty man of today. We offer every modern safeguard and facltity to guard your savings at this bank. A Is warm. account. All Next Week For Bargains IN DISHES and RANGES Our Bread Have you route is toe best. Start saving early the habit grows and ao does your non-mne- Bread makes the best basis for every meal. Enjoy It with your morning cup, your lunch eon salad, your dinner soup. Rebore Cylinders and Rim For New Valves will tell you that the saving bank SW, to make the family dollar bring in more nutrition. ONE of his business career what Is the safest and surest road to wealth. II3 SE, Serve twice as much Bread, and solve the problem of how TO Transmission Lining 1 State Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1, 1921 To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the State under section 6 of the Act of Cong ress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands viz: Serial No 024929 NW14 SW4 SEV. NE SWV4,SE Section 22; NE& NW, NWVi NW. SE4. NW14, SW, NW14, Section 27, SESection 28; NE&, SEtt Township 12 South, Range 1 West Salt Lake Meridian. Copies of naid lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by decriptive sub divisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval and certification, under departmental regul ations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or sub divisions hereinbefore, described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agri cultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C Failure so to protest or contest, with in the time specified, will be considrered sufficient evidence of al character of the tracts and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approv ed to the State. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register First Publication Nov. 11, 1921 Last pub. Dec. 9th. 192J Whitmore Co. UP Ask any man who has made a success United mission wiU be prosecuted, HYRUM CARTER C. Successful Men NOTICE All persons taking wood from the ranch of Hyrum Carter, ' known as the Little Valley, or using the road through this property without perBy Geo. The Advice Of ve cr. 1 $ 0.00 extra Mr. Raymond Ackerman of Salt Lake 13 a visitor in NepM this week in the interest of the Independent Gas and Oil Co, a strictly Utah Corporation, which Is introducing a better grade of gasoline to the motoring public. Mr. Ackerman promises that not only is he prepared to supply us a better grade of gas in Nephi, but will add a with a little nother industry to the community and spend money locally in labor and mat erial for the construction of necessary storage and wholesale distributing equipment. This move should be wel comed by the citizens of Nephi and have their hearty support. It opens a formerly field, sup ports a practical home Industry and may pave the way for Letter condit ions of quality and prices of gasoline in this market. The plan of co- operaton which Mr. Ackerman offers is certainly fair and attractive and will undoubtedly be appreciated by all to whom it is presented. NOTICE last year charge of MAY OPERATE If you have a Ford Car it will pay you to read our big offer which we are making to our patrons, in this issue. A complete overhaul of your car for $44. Make you car like new. Its a bargain and you cannot afford to let it pass. JUDD'S GARAGE $44.00 A OIL nourishment. Ask your X. X. grocer. BAKER! AND CONFECTIONERY discount. per cent lower than our former prices. All this week and next we are giving 0 an additional per cent off. You can now get white Dinner Plates As an advertising special we are going to place our Famous 1 set 6 - Universal Gray Range, now E-na- mel selling - $152.50 in our window and $1.35 Set white tea cups and saucers $1.35 Dinner Plates gold trimmed - reduce the price $5. 00 every day until it is sold. $1.70 Cups and saucers Watch our windows gold trimmed$1.80 We are also giving 5 per cent discount on every other article in our store Electric Light Globes and shotgun shells excepted 1 See us for U. S. Cream Separators h, I Judd Garage ORACJQ , OARAGE Nopal. Utah CO. KENDALL BROS HARDWARE AND PLUMBING |