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Show ' THE SAUNA SUN, SAUNA, UTAH r1 (served. LaMonte Hunt left Matuiday for Aurota Gill I A joint bii thday paity was given Fait Lake, where he will tpend ton Wins Honors honor of Mr. and Mis. W. L. 'in hays taking instructions at the funn Au'oia, edi- (.cm al la. lowan to 'h0,j,hun ty their family, Monday home, piior leaving book at the toi ol the dirge yei their home. Out of town He in t.vt.njIIK Hawaii. for chuich and the Miekelson mission Charles reChailcs Mr. and Mrs. Mdbuin Fenn loam h Ague ultmal "lb ge, the 1942 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mrs to the was Nielsen attended a by regional accompanied meeting Lake city turned to Salt Monday. They it turned Monday fiom the son and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan were here on Sunday for the opening of the Federal Faint Loan association S. Ross Hunt and daughter, Neercce, Intel collegiate less q hnii-.oMountain and family of Richfield. who will spend the week visiting at Rocky of the three day pheasant hunt, anil held Monday at Provo. :ri Rouhler City, Col- held onvention were served. Refreshments L. Mi. Mrs. of and home the Royal visited with Mr. and Mis. George M iss Hallows was awarded oi a h. I uiid. construcis who i Hennaed Mason Maivin and Delos Andrews Larsen, Mrs. James Reyand Mr. Penn and la tiophy for winning .second place .on attended the Livestock show at Ogden, tion foreman at the Small Arms plant nolds. (lie yeaibook tjrouglmut the Rocky in Salt lake City, visited with Mis. Mrs. Chloe Spencer left Monday Mis. hills Sandem enteitamed at a Mountain tut ,, mvemity of I tah ' uiea, Sun and the Larsen for children. Larsen honRun-the at in child1 cns paity Fiiday, given Lynndall to be with her sister, a student Miss lutli hook i' ciiig fn.-tAlso awarded C. M. lvie, who is ill. Mrs. and Monday. anniverhn day of the at Provo, or seventh Young univeisity thday Miss D Hows was a Moses award tha Kent. The childien at end of hei week Mrs. the Del Peterson and Mrs. W. K. son, sary visiting CAUGHT spuu which is a small shovel, symbolic of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dickert and weie diessed ill Halloween costumes Anderson G. M. Buir home. spent several days in Salt SHORT! v. While at the conthe indust. Aggie hus- daughter, Mickey, and Miss Maxim and outdoor games weie enjoyed. Mr; v. with their City ... visiting d of she visit mv places ntmn, who N'oith, were in Sevier county for tie Fandeis served luncheon to fifteen Mr. and Mis. Heiod Ciane, tin ough1 ut the Rockies brills- who a,e employed there. Shorts like these are made to .boost , auccess-niawere hunt. They child! eii. spent the past two weeks in Califor- - pheasant m Coloiado and Wyoming. sell but not to wear. The kind itturned Wednesday of last week.jfu! in getting the days limit, and re- of shorts We like are They visited with Mi. and Mis. Evan tinned ninth Sunday evening. isitors who weie hen for the open Army Beys from Rasmussen at Santa Ruihaia, Culifoitough, ing of the pheasant season and who Transferred Mi. and Mm. P. G. Paekaid of Salt was leceritl.v Mar nia. Mi. Rasmussen Mis. at the Tlmivald Andie.; materials. Theyre Miekelson, Repeater weie guests Lake City visited Satuiday and Sun- son home Jack W. H a w a d a draftee, and transfeiied to Salt Lake City. weie: Mi. ami Mm. J. VV when comfoi table you put em w ho was stationed at h t. Douglas, was dap with Mr. and Mis I,. A. Hansen. Kerry and Terry Ashman, twin laumgai tnei and childien of Fait . . . and com-fo- i time on the first vaiious musical Mr. and Mis, ('laud Chi istensen, Mr. Paekaid was in this vicinity foi Lake City, and Mi. and Mm. Nul mtempemed with 0f lr. and Mrs. Merlin Ash- the months hunt. table later. Thats pheasant Lunch, Replacemont man Weie hosts at a cleverly arigned to A moied Vndieason of Koosharem. piopuetois of the Duve-Iil aining (enter at Fort Knox, Ren-- ( ranged Halloween party at their home the kind of shorts You like, too weie tiansjeting business at the CapMi. and Mrs. Justin Vome at rived his new addiess. itol City the oaily days of last week Ten guests enjoyed j Friday R. M. Mattsson, Stanley Mattssou lucky, and this is where you can get evening. While in the City, they also visited fiom Salt Lake City Saturday eve- and Mi. and Mrs. P. letei sun, Pciii'son cated at Ft. games and luncheon. were Wesley Cheiiy em. the Signal at the home of Piofessnr and Mm. ning. They weie guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jensen enterguests of Mi, and .Mis. V. M Dougi.es. was assigned to Mr. Mm. Mr. Chert of and y. Wesley Eden Loienten. his tained at a dinner ( t.rps Replacement Center an Fan hanks in Richfield party in honor of Wednesday Voi so was in Sevier county for the adibe-- s will be Foil Monmouth, New Mr. Mrs. Dinner and and caul games weie Ralph Smith and Mr. evening. ed Oc- - and Mrs. Pctemon was ti n Wayne Peterson, linotype opetator opening day of the pheasant hunt and the diveision of the Jcisy. Spencer Smith of Los Anevening. at the Manti Messenger office in was successful in baging the days tube Hist. Covers weie laid for twelve. geles. Manti, accompanied hy Preston and limit. Hostesses at a party Thuisday eveRoland Oidioyd, who lepiesent Paul lctcison were among the pheasMeet Club at ning were the Misses Ruleen Jensen, DeWard Hopkins, who was here from the Sejuibbs Di ug Co., of Ogden, in Llrcgresso ant hunteis in the valley Sunday. Home Thoinell Jesse Shirley Petersen and Eris Jensen, at Salt Lake for the three-dapheasant the distort south of Piovo, visited the home of Ruleen Jensen. The HalMiand Mr. and Jesse Thoinell delightfully Sunday with Mis. 7.oel Wlntheik, who is located season, was a guest at the home of Satuiday loween theme was used in the apMrs. Flank fol Herbeit. left lie of tained for members the at Piiivo, visited Finlay and Satui-da- Mi. and Mm. Othello Madsen, pointments of the evening and cards acand was noon at Ogden club af lei Sunday evening Satuiday with Mr. Whitherk ill Salina. She Mis. Gilbert Anderson, Mis. Roy companied hy Mrs. Oldroyd and their the Thoinell home. Music was the followed the refreshments for six. ai lived from tin noith with Mrs. IceArdeen Breinholt and Melvin Chris- - tained eight guests at luncheon and land Hansen, who tiansacted business Maix and Mm. Aril Hansen of Elsi- son, Kendall, who visited the past feature of the progiam, and musical tensen of Salt Lake joined friends here cards Thursday afternoon. two weeks at the Heibert home. numbers preceding the lesson were: at tha Capitol City, during the week. nore, and Mrs. Royd Miller of Richfor the pheasant hunt. Sunday Mr. aml Mrg Deloyd Christensen Miss solos Katherine Mayers, field, visited Thursday with Mr. and hy Mrs. Smith entertained entertained a Merrill Miss Isabell Martin and solos lie An Relief of tin group of friends at a of Mis, the Second by Society l.ynfoid Anderson, piano Lieutenant and Mm. Jack Guys 01 members of her Bee Hive class at a Halloween dinner and card Nord-felsolo a Orlando trombone hold the will party demon's Food Center. waul hy annual bazaar and San Fianeiseo, visited Saturday at An autstanding lesson on the party at her home Thursday evening. Friday evening at their home. dinner on Ai mistier day, Novemhei the F. A. Mattssou home. Lieutenant Mrs. William Teiry, who spent the 11. T he ladies will serve a lmt chick- history of music was given during the Games and luncheon were enjoyed. The Misses Ella Lee Mickelsen and Guys will sail in the near futuie from 'Ihe Self Culture club met Thurs- Donna Vee Jensen were hostesses at study hour hy Miss Mary McCallum. San Fianeiseo, and will he located at past week visiting with Mr. and Mm en dinner immediately after the day evening with Mrs. Wilford 1 he inimical was ill hik! Mon Robins her with 11 a Halloween arranged at program Legion daughter, the Hawaiian base. party at the Mickelsen piogiam given mussen. Delbert Hanson re- - home Mm, Ray Nielsen at Richfield, re- a. m. in tin high school. A special by Mis. E. C. Wright. A dainty lunevening. Games and Thursday turned to her home at Fairview, Tues- sei vice is being ai ranged for the cheon was served by the hostess to viewed the book, This Above All by st ries weie the pastime, after which school childien at 12 oclock. A grab thii teen members and Mrs. ltulon Eric Knight. Following the lesson wcre Mrved day. hour, a dainty luncheon was served by bag for the childien and ui tides will Fail bourn, a guest. Members of the Social Hour club the hostess. Mm. Veil Anderson and son, Ken- he on sale in the gift, apt on, fiuit and FOR SALE ('heap, The Kina Mr. and Mrs. W. I!. Allred enter- were entertained at a luncheon at the TRUCK, BUS DRIVERS Crane home. Call at home. 031tf neth Val, arrived Friday from Ely, candy booths. tained at a dinner party Sunday. home of Mrs. Selda Fayne Friday Nevada, and are visiting with Mr. REQUESTED TO SEND Twe,ve euests were Covers were laid for eight. Special evenin' la your ago a harrier for steady snd Mrs. Orlando Crane, and with rel- Officers Chosen IN QUESTIONNAIRES for M. I. A. ent' guest was Miss Elaine Horn of Salina. to atives at Elsinore. profitable woik? Aie you Activity in Stake Officers and teachers of the M. I. A Halloween party was enjoyed by bo replaced hy a younger man? Stop (Continued from Page One) A. enjoyed a dancing party in the of home a of the at Miss Officers were chosen in the Stake tion in the fir:t World War should girls group Mrs. Robert Johnson and children worrying! If you are ambitious and Wednesday Poulson evening. Thursday evening. opera house still in reasonably good health, than of Manti, visited Sunday and Monday M. Men and Gleanor gills at a party lie enough to demonstrate the neces- Roa refreshments wfere served at Light and refreshments Games, held dancing week of for last advance detailed see Frank Pritchett, Thuisday evening sity planning Richfield, 01 with Mr. and Mrs. Antone Ilorg. 10 oclock. in the Second ward reel eat ional hall. now. the commissioner said. write Rawleighs, Dept. Eng- were the pastime. Mr. Mrs. and anMickelsen Arthur Gif Carlson nti and Mis. Moroni Jen- land's . iic!i ienee with transporta Denver, Colorado. Mrs. A. C. Folster of Epluaim visThey used to say as fine as silk. ited M onlay and Tuesday with Mr. sen, activity leaders in North Sevier tion in this wqr chould stir us into nounce the marriage of their son, WANTED Will buy dead or old as CJue, to Mathel Sorensen, daughter of Pretty soon they will be saying stake for the M Men and Gleaners action. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. horses or cows for cash. See Frank silk. as Mr. Mrs. and Sorensen Truman of',hre were in charge of the election and "Many of our truck and bus own The marriage took Herbert, Salina. J7tf place1 Miss Rlanche Mattssou, who visited social hour. Officers chosen for the era have apparently overlooked the Axtell. November 4. The young couple will The provision calling for a cut in with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mattsson, Has fiscal year are M Men: Van Sorenson, list questionnaire cards they receiv- be honored a in dance at the Auwedding Jesse Aurora, expenditures was voted piesidcnt; Harwanl, returned to her office position at Las ed. urge them now to fill out imAxtell .school house Thursday eve- - out of the tax bill, presumably as vice .Srora, Newton, Riley president; Vegas, Nevada. mediately tin (Dipl irate cards we are ning. alina, secietaiy. irrelevant, immaterial and politically Gleanors: Carol An- sending as soon as they are received, Mr. and Mrs. enter-Poulson John ! unnecessary. president; Nathella and limit them hack to us this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rarrett, pro-p- i derson, Salina, iotors of Hanott's Maiket, leturned Clu istensen, becn.iond, vice president; Ibis is (heir opportunity to make a from a week's vacation Sunday. They I'm is Dyteng, Salina, secretary. The contribution to the national defense visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas hall was gayly decorated in Halloprogiam. Railed Ht Provo, at the Dell Gardner we'en colois for the paity and folhome in Price and with relutives and lowing the business session, games DErENih CnAIRMtN NAMED and dancing was the pastime. Light fi lends in Salt Lake City. IN UTAH COUNTIES icfieshments were served. Seventy Mm. Eailiu Jensen visited Monday weie present. (Icntiiiucd from Page One) HAS AN I mil;!, and Tuesday with Mrs. Roy Shaw, :ti ci alt observation and other mother to Mrs. Jensen, at Riehfiel 1. LaRriel Miekelson Celebrated whose duties mainly concern gioups Bii thday on Halloween downed ui populous areas in sections Mis. Moioni Jensen cleverly enterLal'iiel Miekelson, the eldest daugh- wiiiie mi poits, defense projects and tained at a Hallowe'en paity Friday ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miekelson, .iuiiiiu.ulu.jiig uic pai amount. night Ht the Jensen home. The long celebrated the Jn olhoi aieas, for instance in of her anniveisaiy table, arranged for dinner, held an on Summit the on .'ll. October It was her county, protection ui thday ray of novelties in Halloween colors thil mimei sary and clever ionic:-- , the lmuiUciiaiKc ol communisnd place cards were niaiked for Mr. "spooky" paity was arranged hy cations, ami the protection ol public ind Mrs. Emil Hendeison, Mr. and Mis. Miekelson, who seived luncheon utilities i. the most impoi tant projMrs. Hugh Ril'd, Mr. and Mrs. Ktan-e- y with the color seheme cauicd out in ect. Jensen. Mr. and Mis. Dale Prows, Halloween colors. is in all counties Twenty girls weie piepuicJness dim Ramona Colby, Joe Frccce, John bidden to the and each council defense paity. amount, pui Lorentzen, Mr. Jensen and the hosbe oi gaumed so each section A hot ihicken dinner was solved t's. unction independently and may 't eight and following the hour, the KNOWING YOUR GROCERIES ,'ioup motmed to Gunnison and How Can You Tell Food Bargains? the Halloween dance. Youd never let a jeweler tell you that any table service was better than Sterling. You know Steiling is the finest quality available. Mm, Meriill Thompson was hostess to members of the I nl'oitunateiy, it s not so easy to deteimine qualityin foods and glib club at the Wednesday evening meeting cleiks can sometimes convince customers that private label brands Mrs. G. Mason, Reporter last week. aie just as good" as nationally known products. If they really were, Following the hour of fancy needlcei aft, the hostess served they'd be just as popular as the nationally accepted foods. We Miss Dorothy Day and Miss Lola a daint; luncheon to twelve. handle food products of known merit, products lhat have won acceptDurfeo spent last week visiting at housewives. ance from They represent top value. Provo. PESONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST nm-sionai- y I -, . i c Niel-Agiicol- a, 1 . . , . Bii;-ha- - full-tailor- Redmond News V - pie-shrun- long-wearin- - i - n i g , , i 1 1 ail-fe- i y cn-t- -. ci y I t. Am-eiiea- Ras-Mr- s. Classified Ads c SHt-tTc- non-defen- se 1 mzrjmnm i i tee-nt- 1 Aurora News Will-O-Wot- k Mi ss Ciirnia Mason Wright Laundry RICHFIELD Another reason why is the choice of nearly two million women. It has the Automatic an exclusive new, feature. The ten every-da- y mixing needs from feather-ligcakes to creamy-fluf- f mashed potatoes are all plainly indicated on the Mix-mast- er Mix-Find- dial MONDVY . . - - pounds Reasonable WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Gucsswoik may he all light at the ciicus, hut theie's "tune in the correct mixing speeds for the recipe at hand. See the new Mix-mast- er. Complete with juice extractor, only ,$24.50. Telluride Power Company . . : no place foi it m filling prcscr ip tion-- . jrex-tifical- ly DISHES FOR ALL OCCASIONS GLASSWARE and CHINA-WAR- nic E Potent chugs must bo asuied with the lust degree of accuiaey. 'I he presci iption must be exact, and we exeicisc scrup- VASES, NOVELTIES FOR GIFTS SEE OUR DISPLAY AT Fair Mercantile Co. , Salmas Busy Store ANDERSON'S FOOD CENTER wwtxu m n : i! i f f f f f f f f A 1 lady weighs about 300 easy-to-se- e, and You right. easy-to-s- et Prompt Service ... Id say the little Hmm PHONE 108 er ht Mix-Find- er Wet Wash. Flat Fine Per Ih. ."c Rough Dry, Flat Fine, Per lb "c i etui lied home Satuiday fiom Cedar City, where she spout the summer. James Aiid of Salt Lake spent the week end at the W. G. Mason home. The Camp Hill Guard D. U. P. held a meeting hursday afteinoon at 2 p. m. in the Relief Society room of the ward chapel, with Captain Deseret Moon conducting. Lessons were given hy Mis. James Cui few and Mrs. Esther Soiciison. Mrs. Edwin Sorenson and Mrs. W. L. Thompson sang two numbers. Mrs. Edith Rasmussen, a county officer of the D. I. P. organization fiom Richfield, was a visitor. Kofi eshments were served. Miss lVulali Cooper and Miss Lr-lain- e Mason acted as hostesses at a Halloween party, Thursday evening. Decorations and favors were in keeping with the occasion. Out of town guests weie Fnv Bosshardt, Millie Domgaaid, and Dalla Jorgenson of Salma. Mis. Oivil Andrews was honored on her huthdiy anniversary Monday, when a group of friends and rclat.ves galhoied to spend the afteinoon at her D.untv home. refreshments were ulous caie in following that rule. SALINA DRUG COMPANY mEERFl L I.ITTf.K EAREVLt "Stick around, friend, Old Sunny Hrook is on the way fot OLD BRAND Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey "CHEERFUL AS ITS NAME " National DiMillera Prod. urt Corporation, N. Y. 93 Proof rfmmjmtittimimmmu i |